The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 12, 1900, Page 16, Image 16

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    i u
Wednesday, September 12, 1900
Will U. KliiK. of linker City, l In town
C. II. M.irsli h, is K')ne toS.'iu Ir.'iiKisco
on a ImisIiios trip.
I. W. L.irlfiu, of tin Cmignr inhir, h.-is
rrturneJ from a trip to Stol;iit
l:r.inl G. Hull, the Lnwlon nettsp.iper
in. in, w.t. In the city 'I nesJay.
V. II. W. Hamilton is on a trip tn the
Hill l.hiilier country to examine a mine.
Mr., and Mis. KaNtnu, ol l..i( iranJe,
arrived in town today and are Ktitils of
Mr.. Cflllitli.
General Warren, J. K. and I. T. Par
dee will leave tomorrow for a trip to the
lii.idem mine.
I'eler loyce, a prominent iniuiiiK man
of Spokane, h.i heeu looking ,,Vrr the
camp diirhiK the week.
Mrs. S. i. Kodkey returned today
from I'oitl.iud and New lira, where she
li.t; teeii for some weeks past.
J. T. Pardee, secretary and treasurer of
the Diadem Minion company, returned
today from PhllllpsbiirK, Montana.
Another good strike Is reported from
tlie Concord, rock having recently been
taken out that assays I too and better.
Attorney N. C. Richards returned Sun
diy from Portland. Mrs. Kichards vvent
1 1 Walla Walla to place her sou at school.
Keiorder M inning has returned from
Pvtlaud, hut has not vet tecovered en
t'.'ely I10111 thr ellects of Midway scenes.
Dr. and Miss lesslca Itrock drove to
h ikrr City in thr Ituggy one dav last
week, malting thr trip in he hours and a
The town has heeu full of drunken men
during the past tew davs, which taU Is
submitted b some as a sure sign of pros
perity. Captain C II. Thompson has been in,
and around Sumpler lor several davs ml
Irving oie samples lor the Spokane ex
position. On log to the absence trom town of the
rr.iyor, recorder and several aldermen, no
meeting ol theiouiKll was held Saturday
Mrs. Slmioe Chapman will leave in a
day or two lor her home in St. Paul.
She has spent the summer here with her
h isbiud and sou.
Mrs. ". C. KobrrtMiii, who lives at the
(ijIchoiIi mine, returned Monday trom a
Ifp to the Atlantic seaboard. She lett
hrr son Percy at school in Rochester, ,
New York. ,
Messrs Kuhhius, of l.awtou, father and
brother ol President Uobbius, ol the l-'irst .
Hjnk ol Sumpler, with their families,
p.iseed through town yesterdav, en route
I"' Spokane.
A. W. Kills came in from his mine, the
Mount Meadow, yesterdav. lie says
they have encountered some stringers of i
verv rich ore recently and he hopes soon
to strike the ledge.
W. C. Calder is expected home most
any day, now that ( ieneral Warren has
returned. fhen Messrs. Mosby and
Huckman, other members of the Townsite
company's stuff, .ire liable to drop in from
the mountains at any time.
Mesdames Herlocker, mother and wife
of Otto Herlocker, le'lt yesterday for the
former's home In Wisconsin.' She has
been spending the summer with her son.
Mrs. Herlocker, jr., will remain east sev
eral mouths.
An elderlv man named Harmon was
brought tn Or. Tape tV Pearce's hospital
Saturday, u it li a fractured hip bone. He
was a laborer on the Sumpler Valley road
and In some way fell from a scraper, sus
taining this severe injury.
Mr. Wallace, the ass.iyer, returned yes
terdav (torn a trip to Prairie City and the
Qiiarthurg district. I.Ike everyone else
who goes over there, he is favorably Im
pressed with the country. He thinks
there are some very promising mines in
the UnartVurg district, which will be
worked all whiter.
.1. M. Herrv, of the Herry Shoe com
pany, Maker City, and also the represen
tative of the IVOeuch-H.iys Shoe com
panv, the largest manufacturers in the
United StJtes, made a several davs stay
In Sumpler 1 1st week, exhibiting the finest
line ol sample goods ever brought to
Siimptcr in footwear.
& Co.
Dispensers of only the
" Liquors
Including Old Overboil, Can
adi.iu Club, Ushers and lames
Watson Scotch Imported 1HX1
Hraudv, Three Star Hennessey,
and all the Leading Brands of
Wlnis and Cigars. New and
Elegant Ekturcs. Comfort
able nuarters for gentlemen.
No better service in Oregon.
...The Magnolia...
T. 0. i-iim-if 1 Ci., tttn.
(Pormerly Hotel Van Dtiyn Hid.)
"Old age brings experience, and some kinds of
experience brings old age.
Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture
for their new homes. We are ready to serve
them. We have already supplied satisfactory
turniture for hundreds of iirv homes; we can do
as well tor hundreds more. Our stock allows
easy selection at all times. There is alwavs
plenty here for every room hi the house. All
our goods are priced on a cash basis and it will
pay you to give us a call.
Bed Room Suits, $15.00
Hed Room Suits, better ones, Eastern Hardwood, 17.00
Wall Paper, per double roll, (nmM n), 15c to 1.00
Queen City Furniture Co. p.,t.erson&hPinCer
Phone Red )6 1.
Crockery, Glassware, Tobac
co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy
and Nuts. Everything carried
in a first-class grocery store
At The
UQeTYou do not have to buy
Your Shoes from out of town
parties. Leave your money with
people who help you. NEILL
furnish you anything you want,
and can get any shoe for you
that is made, cheaper than out
side parties. . "i
V II, CVDI'. IVoUent
T 0 HARRISON. VIcP-r. jnj Trr.
"THOS. MclAVt.N. (it-ncMl MaiMgcr
Sumpter Transportation Co.
most Complete i.ivkky Equipment
in eastern Oregon, teams al
Daily Stages to Canyon
City, Prairie City, Bourne,
Granite, Red Boy, Bonan
za and Golconda Mines.
Hauling Heavv Machinery
a Specialty. Freight For
warded to all Points in
the Interior.
We Carry the Finest such as
Johnston & Murphy's, Hanan
& Son's
We also carry the largest stock of
Sporting and Mining Shoes in Eastern
Oregon. Mail orders carefully filled.
Berry Shoe Company
"Up-to-Date" Footwear
Baker City, Oregon
v '