THE SUMPTER MINER. 1? 1 NOTICE OP APPLICATION OH MCKEE FOR A U. S. PATENT. described lands are requested to tile their claims In this ottice on or before saldtirddav of October, 1000. li. W. HahtUTT, Register. same mas be noted for report to Ihe Commissioner nf ihe General Land Ottice. Dated at La (iranje, Oregon, this 10th Jay nf Au gust, tyuo. I:. W. HsWtlITT, Register. Wednesday, September 12, 1900 s Mining Application No. ,l8 Survey No. int. United States Land Office. I aGranJe, Or. J July 8, 101x1 ( N'otlce l herebv given that In pursuance oi Chap Irr c of Title ti of 'he RevlseJ Statutes til the United S-ates J. McKee, claiming uou linear tcet ol the Montrllu rlacer claim, bearing gold, with surface ground van Ing from tta to Oki teet In width. .Ivlng nd being situated In no organlied mining district. Oram County. Oiegon, has majc application to the United Slates for a ratent to the said Mnntelto rlacer s-lalm. which Is more fully described as to metes and I nunji bv the nthclal rial potted on said claim, and bv the field notes ill survey thereof now filed In Iht iimce ol the Register ol the district of lands subject to sale at UGrnnde. Oregon, which field notes of survey describe the boundaries and extent of said .ialm.wlth magnetic variation at si degrees east, as follows, tn-wlt: Beginning nl corner No. i. Identical with southeast location lorner, a granite rock 8xis xia Inches jet 16 Inches In the ground, chiseled "M. PI. itoi with .1 mm nd of rocks alongside, the quarter section or ncr en east boundary nt section 4, township j viuth, range s',i east Willamette Mrrldlan, bears south 81 dfgrie j minutes, east s.4 feel. Thence noith to degrees 01 minutes, east noofeet to corner No. a. ... Thence north 70 degrees 17 minutes, west 580.8 feel to corner No. 1. Thence south 11 degrees 41 minutes, west 11x15.1 teet to corner No. 4. Thence soulth 17 Jegrees to minutes, west 4)6 feet 10 corner No. 5. Thence south -o degrees s- minutes, east 580.S feet to corner No. 1. the rutce of be ginning. Total area, 1 I acres. Mid mining claim being nl record n the office ol the Oiuniv Clerk nl (irant Countv, Oregon, ol. I ot the Mining Records thereof. at page 6n. This ilalm belnij for iy feel in length of said Claim, with surface ground van Ing In wldih trom 410 teet near the south end to 580 feet at each end thereof The said placer ila'm hereby sought to be patented bring bounaed on the east bv the Townslle I'lacer Claim, on the south bv ihe lllacksmoke Quart claim, on the west b the Gold Standard Ouarli claim and tne Jump Oil Joe I'lacer claim. ,nv and all persons claiming salJ rlacer claim or am portion thereol, so surveved, described and rial ted, and applied tor, are hereby noilhed that unless their adverse claims are dulv hied as according to law and the regulations thereunder, within to Jays (torn Ihe dale liereol, wllli Ihe Register of the Un led Mates Land office at LiGrands, Oregon, thev will be barreJ by virtue ol the provisions ol the said statute. 5 I.. W. IIArfl II: TT. Register. TIMBKR LAM), ACT JUNE J, 1878. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. United Stales Land Office. I I a (irande. Oregon, July i, n. ( Notice Is hereb given that In compliance with the provisions ot the' act of Congiess ot June t. 1B78, intllled "An ait tor ihe sale ol limber lands In Ihe, Males of Calilornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washing- , Ion Terrltorv," as extended to all the Public Land Mates by act of August 4, 180J, JSMKS k. I'AROlt 1 il Sumpter, Countv of Maker, State ot Oregon, has this Jay tiled In this office his swum statement No. ,, lor the purchase nf the e Js ne! andeSse', of tC , tp 10 s r No. 6 I- W. M, and will offer proof 1 to snow tnat toe iana sougni is muic vjuuiic ur n timber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register a nj Receiver ot this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, the ird day nl October, igura. He names as witnesses: W. C. Calder, Mrs. N. C. Richards. Charles O. Morrell, David II. Wilson, ail 01 Sumpter, Oregon. I Any and all rersnns claiming adversrly Ihe above described UnJs are reuueslej to file their claims In ' Ms office on or belore said air J jay ot uctober 1000. i:. W, Hawilut, Register. TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE , 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, I I a Grande, Olegon, July o, 1000. Notice Is hereby given thai In compliance with ihe provlslonsollheacl ol Congress of June 1, 1818, entitled "An act lor the sale nf timber lands In the stairs ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Terrllllory," as extended to all the public land stales by aitol August 4. iu, WAIDIA I. RICHARDS l Sumpter, Countv nf llaker, Slate nf Oregon, has this Jay tiled In this office her sworn slatemenl No. rii. for Ihe purchase of the n' ne!i, seK nelV and nr'f se' nf section No. IB In township No. 10 south, range No. 17 E W M, and will offer proof tn show that the land sought Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and tn establish her claim to said land before the Regis ter and Receiver of this office at La (irande. Ore Von. on Tuesday, the )rd day nl October, igoo. She names as witnesses: James II. Pardee, W. C. Calder. David II. Wilson, Charles O. Morrell, all of Jiumpler, Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above -described lands are requested to tile their claims In this ottice on or belore said day of October, 1000. E. W. llAWHETT. Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE i. 1878.-NOTICE TOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, I (iranJe, Oregon, July 10, 1000. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ot the act of Congress of June ). 1878, -ntltleJ "An act for the sale of Umbel lanJs In the states of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washing ton Territory ," as extended to all the public land stales by act of August 4, 184s, CMARIES O. MORREIL -nl Sumpter, County ol Baker, Slate of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. Nm, for the purchase ol Ihe lots 1 and 4, X sw1, ol section No. 18, In township No. 10 south, range No. 7 li W M, and will offer proof to show Ihat the land sought Is more valuable lor Its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his Jlalm tn said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, the 1 trd day ol October, iouo. . ., He mmes at witnesses: James K. Pardee, W. C Calder, David H. Wilson, Maldla L. Richards, all of S-uaipler, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- TIMiiBK LAND, ACT JUNK 1, 1878. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. j United States Land Ottice. I La (JranJe, Oregon, August tt, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with Ihe provisions ot the act of Congress of June 1, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands In the State of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash IngtonVTerritory," as et ended) all the Public Land. States by act of August 4, tfk). MMJHICB F. WUIZY, nliuinnlM. (!nunlv nf Raker. State of Oreeon. has this day Med In this office his sworn statement Nu. 701, tor Ihe purchase of the ! t 1-4. neV w I sw 1-4 nwt4,of Sec N0.10 In IpNo. 10s, Range No. 6 I: w M.anJ win oner proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for Its timber or stone than for agtl. "Itural purposes, and to establish his claim to M.J land before the Register and Receiver ol this office at La tirande. Oregon, on Thursday, the in day 01 October, 1000. I tie names as witnesses: William I), (taker, VanHensselaer R. Mtad. Michael Lynch. Charles I Morrell. all of Sumpter, Oregon. Anv and all persons ctalmlne adversely the above- described lands are requested to his their claims In I this office on or before said 15th dav of October, 1000. , li. W. tUHTlETT, Register. 1 I TIMBER UND, ACT JUNE t, 1878.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I I United States Land Ottice, I La (irande, Oregon, August 11, looo. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance wlih the, , provisions ot the act of Congress ol June I. 1818, 1 entitled "An act lor the sale ol Umber lands in the stales nf California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all Ihe public land slates by-act of August 4, i8, . Willi SM ti. 11 ski w, , at Sumpter, Countv of llaker, SjfnU'ol Oregon, has this Jay tiled In this office his psroin statement No. 704, for the purchase ol the se ( nlsec No. 0, In tp No. 10 , range No. )6: W M.and will otter rroot 10 show that the land sought Is more valuable lor its llm-' ' hr or slone than for agricultural purposes, nnj in es- 1 labllsh his tlalm to said land belore the Register and 1 Receiver of this office at la (iranJe, Oregon, on Thursday, the ijth day nl October, moo. lie names as witnesses: Maurice 1 Munv, Van Rensselaer Mead, Michael l.vmh, Charles Murrell, all of Sumpter, Ore. ' ! Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above , described lands are requested to hie their claims In , . this office on or belore said islli day of October, , iouo. I: W. IIAIIIUTT, Register. 1 TIMBLR LAND. ACT JUNE t. 1878. -NOTICE IOR PUBLICATION. I United Stales Land Office. 1 La (irande, Oregon, Aug. 1 1, 1000. Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress nf June , 1818, emitted "An act for the tale of limber lands In the Slates nf California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended tn all the Public Land Slates by act of August 4, 1841, HRWIN C1ATEWOOI1, of McEwen, County of llaker. Slate ol Oregon, has this day hied In this office his sworn statement No. 670, for the purchase ol tliesij ne t-4, sec is sj nw i-4 of section No it In township No 10 s, range No 7 E W M, and will offer pronl In show that the land sought Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and In estab lish his claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver nl this office at La Grande, Oregon, on Thursday, Ihe sth daynl October, iu. He names as witnesses: Ansell Cook, Waller Cook, V. R. MeaJ, David McCoy, all ol McLwen, uregon. . Any and all persons claiming adversely the above- i described lands are requested to file Ihelr claims In I this office on or belore said sfth day of Ociobrr, I ioou. t. w. 11 SRtirTT, Register. FOREST LIEU SELECTION. United Stales Land Office, ( I j Grande, Oregon, August 1 1 , tono. I Notice Is herebv given that Frank S. Balllie, whose post office address is Sumpler, Baker County, Oregon, has made application to select unjer the Act ol June 4, i8u7, (iu Stats., 16) the following de scribed tract: Beginning at a post on the west side nf I rult Creek trom which Ihe SW corner of Sec m Tp 8 S R 17 E. W. M. bears due south 7o. leet, thence f oulh 70.S teet, thence west boo teet, whence south 660 feet, thence west 660 feet, thenct north i960 feet, thence east 1 o feel, thence south io teet, thence east uio feel, thence south nso feel, thence west 7 jo feet, thence south 600 feel, thence 570 feet west to the beginning and comprising 158.U1 acres. I This tract when turveyeJ will comprise SVM St':' I and NE', SE't and NK SE,' Sr.Sj and SW', SI. '2 SEVJ Sec , Tp 8 S R 16 E. W. M.. and SWtj1 NWvJ 1 and portion of NWJ SW!,' Sec o Tp 8 S R u E. , W. M. Within Ihe next thirty uo) days from dale hereof protests or contests against Ihe selection on Ihe f;rounJ that the land described or any portion thereof, t more valuable lor Us mineral than lor agricultural purposes, will be received and noted lor report 10 Ihe Commissioner ol the General Land Office. E. W. IIARTIETT. Register. FOREST LIEU SELECTION. United States Land Office, I La Grande, Oregon, Aug. 10, nu. ( To Whom It May Cencern: Take Notice. Notice is hereby given that Joseph Barton, whose postoffice adJress is Baker City, Oregon, has made application to select under Act ot June 4, iBur, (1 Slat., 16) the following dtscrlbed land: The WKSr.andSE'j' SEi; Sec i Tpo S R 18 E. W. M. Lot 4 and SEtf NW Sec 6 Tp 10 S R ,8. Lots and a and Ei, NWjJ and WK NEK Sec 11 Tp 10 S R i E W. M. All persons are hereby notified that within Iht next thirty days from dale hereof they are required 10 file their protests or contest agalntt the (election on the ground that tht said tract or any portion thereof It more valuable for mineral than for agri cultural purposes, with Iht Register of tht United States Land OOct at La Grandt, Oregon, that tht TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNK t, 1878. -NOTICE IOR PUBLICATION. I United States Land Office, I La (irande, Oregon, August 77, in Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress nf June 1,1818, en titled "Art act torltk saks.of limber tandsjn.lh Stales ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, t8ot, ll-WIS MMHBCK, of Clifford, County of Raker, State of Oregon, has this dav tiled In this office his sworn statement No. 710, tor the purchase of the se( se', sec. 17, ne ne4' of section No. jo, In township No. in s., range No. 6 E. W. M-. and will offer proof to show that the land sought It more valuable lor Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and tn establish his claim to said land belore the Register and Re ceh er of this office at La tirande, Oregon, on Satur day, Ihe 17 day of November, 1000. He names as witnesses: Frank S. Slater nf La (irande, Oregon. James L. Ilalslev nf llaker City. Oregon, Henry Panning and Clarence R Whitney, both of Clifford, Oregon. Any and all persons clalmlnc adversely Ihe above- described lands are requested to tile their claims in this nlfice on or belore said 17th day of November, 1000. E. W, Hartlutt, Register. PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE To the Honorable County Court ol Hiker County, State ot Oregen: We the undersigned, a mijnrltv ol Ihe li-gal voters ol the North Sumpter Precinct, Countv nl Maker and Stale of Oregon, lespecltullv- present this, our peti tion, and prav that a IKense be granted bv this Honorable Court, to Joe I'.ulno ,t l.n., primllllng them to sell at retail. In les less than one gal lon, splilluous, mall and vinous liquors at their Road House, sllualed.nn Section 31, tp. 11 , iitl WM, near the rnaJ leading trom ll c limn 01 Sunipirr to the town nl Granite, and n shml JlsMncv east ol the line between Baker an I (irant Counties E Cllauser, II I. Mcl.alii, O A llammonl, J I' Cupid, John T Jones. Sim (.nrnm-ll, Chas I Irrrv, (i IITeJrnwe. R I.Nelll. J T Slietlon, I rank Wlltlnos, II II (irlttin, John lleardslev . Henry Mnr.v , Archie M DonalJ, .1 .1 Hlnton, W M Dean, Hanv NlihoUon, John L Sullivan, J I Yeager. J I: Reed. At W Sul livan, W W McCalle). John Slolhrrg. II (1 Wood. PJ lleames, C S McCnrd. Michael Ballmer. John Arthur, I. R Slraltnn, W II WestMII. M T Kane, Wm Wvlle. Andrew Dewar, V. K Reed, Gen (illson, Ike Williamson, S W I rosl, T A Brown, I: J Billings. Louis l.kstrnm, II S Durgan, DA Walton, I- R Green. NOTICE; Notice Is hereby given that the said Joe Pailnn ,xj Co. will apply to the said County Court ol llaker county, lor the giannng ot said lliense on Oitnber 1. iui, or as soon therealler as his petition tan be heard. Jot. I'.VRIMJ Si Cti. POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THE FAST TIME AND SUPERB SERVICE NOW OFFIiRhl) BV Tllli 0' PlMtJ We Have Dally F to the 1st Trains If you cannot take the morning train, travel by the evening train, Huth are fully equipped. OUR SPECIALTIES FAST TIME THROUGH SERVICE ! Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Dining Car and Huffett Library Cars. First-Class Free Reclining Chair Cars. Hours in time saved to Omaha. Chica go, Kansas City, New York, Boston and other Eastern Points. Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It Is to your interest to use THKOVI-MLAND ROUTIi. Tickets and sleeping car berths can be secured from H. C. Bowers, Agent O. R. & N. Co. Baker City, Ore. Or, J. H. LATHROP, Gen'l Apt. No. u$ Third St., Portlan d.Ore. EAST I BOaTMflffsswl D.&R.G.R.R. Scenic Line of the World The Favorite Transcontinental Rout) Between the Northwest and all Points Hast. Choice of Two Routes Through the Famous ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY And Four Routes EaM of Pueblo ami Denver. All passengers ".ranted a day stop over In the Mormon Capitol or anywhere be tween 0".den and Ijenvrr. Personally conducted Tourist E.cur.slus to Omaha, Kansas city, St. Louis, CHICACiO AND Till: EAST. I For tickets and anv information regard j inn routes, etc., or lor descriptive advrr I tislii", matter, call on agents of Oregon I Railway and Navigation Co., Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific companies. S. K. IIOOI'ISR, R. C. NICMOL, ' (J. P. & T. A. (icneral Agent iJenver, Col. Portland, Ore. 0. R. & N. CO. DtiMwr TIME SUII.DI'IES I mm llaker t.llv Arhivi' Chliago Portland io-4s p in Salt jiVt, Deliver, It. a 41 a 1 Wnith. Omaha. Nan sas Cllv, SI. louls, i.iiicagiiaiij l:ai. Atlantic Express u: pin Sail lake, Denver. It. Worth, Omaha, Kan Y'i P sas Cllv, M lout Chicago and Eit. j, j a m Walla Walla, lewlston. Spokane, Minneapolis 10:4) p m M. ram, iiiii.iui, Mil waukee, Chicago and Last. 8 p in OCIAN STIAMSHIPS All Sailing dales sublet!, to vhange. lor San I lannsci, -Sail every s davs. COLUMBIA RIVLR STEAMI.IO In Asloila and Way lanjlngs. 4 pm Dally Ex. Sunday 8pm Salurdiy 10 p m 4 pm Ex. Sunday nam Ex, Sunja) WILAMETIE RIVER Oregon Cllv . Newberg. 4: to p m La. Sunday alem. Independence and wv Landings. WILLAMETTE YAW l'r p m Mod, Wed. and III. llll I. RIVIiRS Oregon City, Dav ton and waianjings.; 4.o p m Mon. Wed. and I rl. Poilland In Corvallls and Way landings SNAk'E RIVI.W Rlpaila to l.ewlslon Leave I ewlsion Dally vain II. C. BOWI-RS, Agent, Baker City, Oregon Sumpter Bottling Works Gagen cV Sloan, Proprietors. jt j jt jt j Manufacturers of all kinds of car bonated drinks and ciders. Or ders tilled and shipped on short notice. jt jt jt j Jt SUMPTER, . . OREGON ! ram I Tues. Ihur. and Sat 1 I tia m I Tues. 'Ihur. and Sal. leave Rlparla j:m a m Dally