Wednesday, September 12, 1900. THE SUMPTER MINER. 3 . T- S' cOUNTY RECORDS. Thr lollowinR Is the record of official buslnt ss transacted at the county seat of Baker county for the week ending Tues day, Sept. 1 1 : HIAL FSTATP tSSft. Warranty dee A-Oct a, w. R l Graham et ut to F M Dean, lots ij, 16, i Mk 41. I'acltic aJn, BakerClty 1 Warranty JeeJ-Aug ev. Wm Hun) an (tux In Out J Osborne, 80 aores In sec 14 tp 7 r 8e Warranty JeeJ Sept ,, AJa ani Nettle Can - jJaylu J UanJ J Tt.ana.lay, 'i lnlotu, 10 Mk 17. Hrjtl.tln St MclorJ'r. aJn Baker Cllv Warranty JeeJ-hept s. A L Hron et ui In Jas York, e!l (it nwi-4 src u lp gr 40 e. . . Warranty JeeJ-Oct , qj. A W Hills et ux Ui J II Matwell, lot t Mk r, Atlll aJn, Sumpter Warrant) JeeJ- Sept 4. A 11 Little et u tu Sumpter Detek'pinent Co. the greater part uf l:ast Sumpter anJ other lanj Warrant JeeJ June at, C II Newton et ux tu Mll M anJ bills Heirs, tot , Nk6, AtwooJ's jjn, Uaker Litv soo HIMMI ttAtflMN. 1 Mining JeeJ -Auc 8. J M Crlftin et ux In At Lverltt, ', Int in .M.'Namee elms ' Oult claim Jrr J Au: jj, (S A et u In J I. Sullltanet al, 1-4 Int In LUuraJo anJ three other jt dins .. i Quitclaim JeeJ Sept 1. !' fi Hartell tu J I. Sullivan etal, fa Int In same Quit claim JeeJ July to, J S HumijarJner el us tu K S Smith trustee, .Minneapolis qti elm Quit claim JteJ June n. II J Watsnn In .las HumKarJner, ' In In Minneapolis tt ilm... Quit claim JeeJ Sept 4, (ieo II l.ucke to Jane M Lucke, mining ilalm julnlnt: suuth line of More mine Hill nt vile Sept ?, AnJrew Hansen to I' I) Mealy et al, Jen I'ackwooJ anJ to cither placers . turn it; tri. MurtKage Auc iu, Wm Jackson el u tu Carl Dllshelmer, lut t, n ij leettit J, Mk 1, Place's uJn, baker (.lly . , 875 I Mortgage Jult 1;, II V. L'agan tu At A AJams, Into 5 an J 6, Mk u, Huntington im ' MortgageAutr 1, I) W unj I l: Ke)tn tu Isaac llaer, Ola anJ three other u,! elms . . a Morlgat:e-AuK 11. V I' McDowell el ux to (ieo II Walker, two tracts In Mk , AtooJ's jj aJn, Baker Uiv y Uiatlel-Se pt 4, 1' S HearJ ani W H Atoore In lluttalo I'Hts Co, tine thresher anJ other.... mu HIM-.IUAMOUs. Hill ot sale-Sept 4, W A Slsson anJ J W Clark tu J Mullet Co, chattels In "Clark's I'arlur,' Ataln street, Maker City .... jw Ai Hon -Sept 5. Tho Drltlane vs C (i anJ II S Klnnlson, tor amount Jue on note of $150 JatrJIn 1844 l Attachment-Sept 0, I' Itasche vs A A Houston, tor amt Jue on gooJs sol J Jett ot Attachment- Sept 0, 1' Basche vi Chas John son, tor amt Jue on gooJl soU Jett no Rocky Mountain Scenery By Day Light. Day light stop over at Niagara Falls. Through first-class tourist sleeper from Pacific Coast weekly for Chicago, Boston, New York and other eastern points via Rio Grande Western (Great Salt Lake Route), Denver Rio Grande, C. R. I. - P. and Illinois Central to Chkago, connecting in the Union Depot with Mich igan Central's similar car for points east. For full particulars call on or address, B. H. TRUMBULL, Com'l Agent Ills. Cent. R. R. 142 f hird St., Portland, Oregon. Scenic Line of the World. For an enjoyable trip eat, take the Denver cV Rio Grande railroad, Scenic Line of the world. Three daily trains be tween Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and all eastern points, and all points on the Pacific coast. Most magnificent scen ery on this continent. The leading fea ture in connection with the trip is that the ..through trains pass through the scenic .attractions ot the Rocky mountains iu Colorado by daylight, thus attordiug pas seugers a Cool, pleasant and enjoyable "ride, tree from dust and the annoyances e.xperienced via other lines. Superb din ing car service on all through trains. Service a la carte, pav tor what you order. Through tianJarJ and tourist sleepers. ' Stopovers allowed on all clashes of tickets ' anywhere between Ogden and Denver. Call on your nearest ticket agent for tickets, rates and all information, or ad dress, B. C. NICHOI., General Agent, Portland, Ore. Through the Yellowstone. The new route via the Oregon Short Line Railroad and Mnnida, Mont., enables you to make a delightful trip through the Yellowstone National Park, entering via Mouida and coming out via Cinnabar, making it unnecessary to cover any por tion of the route twice. Kor beautiful descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore gon Short Line Ticket Office, 142 Third street, Portland, Oragon. Water Notice. The lawn sprinkling hours are from 6 to 9 o'clock p. in. Consumers are res tricted to their own grounds, and will not be permitted to sprinkle the public streets. Running water through an open hose at any other hour than those mentioned, cannot be allowed.. The water will be "shut olf " whenever these rules are vio lated. SUMPTI-H WATI-H CO. For Sale. Front bar, back bar and large mirror ' foi sale. For further information call at MlNI-R office. . Saddle and Bridle for Sale. I In good condition and offered cheap. ' Apply at THIi MlNliR office. I "The Portland", conducted by Gus I Woodward on Mill street, is fully a representation of its name. A visit will convince you of this. Go or send to the City ireen house, I Baker City, tor choice carnations; thirty- live cents per doen. Roses titty cents per dozen. "The Portland", conducted by Gus ' Woodward 011 Mill street, is fully a I representation ot its name. A visit will ' convince you of this. I The City Green house, at Baker City, furnishes choke cut flowers. B. L. NcLAIN MILL WRIGHT i:ri:ction oi- quaktz mills a specialty Sumptkr j Oregon CAPITAL HOTEL FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER ii.coM.H.l Capital Stock f 20,000 OIHCIMS. J. II. RnSMnt I'retlJenl J. V. Srrlber Vlre-l'reIJenl James NettlanJt ,, Cashier lllkl.CTOU.H. J. W. Scrlfer R. H. Miller J. W. AteaJ Clark SnyJe J. II. Robbins Transacts a General Banking and Ex change Business. No Interest I'alJ on Depotlls. O. S. L. Ry. int iimi.T Hum' to Montana, Utah Colorado and all Eastern Points... CJI ex choice ol two favorite route,, tla the UNION I'Ai.ll It last Mali Line, or the Rio (ik,M)t S.enlc Lines. No Change of Cars On the I'ortlanJ-Chlcaiiu SpecUI,"'The finest In the Wett, E)ulppeJ with Elegant Standard Sleepers Fine New Ordinary (Tourist) Sleepers Superb Library-Buffet Cars Splendid Diners I meals a la carte) Free Reclinin Chair Cars Comfortable Coaches and Smokers Entire Train Completely Vestlbuled lor lurlher Ihtfitmatlon applt to J. R. NAGEL W. E. COMAN Trav. Pass. At. ( n 1 int 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY (N O0m0t'ON WlIM f Itl DINVER RIO CM ANDI r COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROADS nirraa imoi or THREE INSTINCT ROUTES AMI 1HI MOST MAQNIPICENT SCENERY IN AMIRIOA. IT It tHfl 0lV TAANkdONIlMtaUI. LINt PAMlMI biNICILV VNHfttMiM QUAINT AND IhCl UNQU SALT LAKE CITY, LKAOVILLI, COLORADO ftPRINCS and DENVER. Ii,n ailMM. tmc mo rmHo vraauRN railway opi rati TMRfC Fil TRAIN TOTMI (AST OAILT, OARRYINO rUMIMMI rffUMO MM PMIffMNI vfVRMjf vIMMjMrS TO OMAHA AND CHICAGO viiHout iHsy, rr Raollnlni Chair Car. Part! Dlnlng-Car Sarvlea. re i,.,MMr0 ni eMeMr,4 iMntue, or J. D. Mansfield "!.&., CfO..HIIHTI,CM'IPM'rtl.,atkOHV SPOKANE Drug 1 Co. Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best prices on miners' and assayers' supplies. Freight no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. Kw umrjj YOUR BUSINESS IS JUDGED BY THE NEAT NESS OF YOUR PRINTED OFFICE STATIONERY THE PRINTING DONE AT THIS OFFICE IS THE KIND YOU WANT CALL AND SEE OUR WORK AND GET PRICES THE SUMPTER MINER I