Wednesday, September 12. 1900 IO THE SUMPTER MINER. silts or chemicals through the workings prior to Hooding the mine. 'I he feeders or mains leading down to the cathodes will necessarily have to be most carefully insulated, and all structures that would short-circuit the current re moved. All operating expenses after In I stallation reduce down to electric genera- lion, the pumping out of the mine at long 1 intervals and the mining of known bodies of high grade ore with the approaches Tom Mchwen vesterd.iy succeeded in i ,.re,0 established." starting one of the huge boilers for the SOME HEAVY HAULING Forty Horses Pull 26,860 lbs. Over the Summit. Red Hoy on its way to the mine. This boiler is one of four, each of which i weighs 20,800 pounds. 'I hey are a part of the deep sinking machinery now being j installed there. About two weeks since i one of these boilers was loaded on to a I wagon and hauled three miles out of town, ' where the wagon broke down, and it is Eighty More Stamps for the District. Contracts have been let for new mills to be installed this fall, with a total of Ko stamps. The mines whose owners make this convincing show of their confidence In their properties are the King Solomon, to stamps; the Columbia, 20 stamps; the North I'ole, 10 stamps; (the last named is still on the roadside. huildinu a tramwav and enlarging the 'Hie transportation company then cap iclty of the cyanide plant), and three bought a wagon especially lor this con-1 others whose names cannot now be made tract. It is a massive affair, weighing public, but which have contracted for one 6,060 pounds. Its wheels are sawed from) 20 and two lo-stamp mills. There Is 1 a log, weighing 500 pounds each, the rear j strong probability that a 20 and two more ones bring about tour lert in diameter and 0S will go in belore January 1, but the the front ones something less. 'I hey are ' papers are not yet signed. This will In bound with slx-iucli tires and at the center crease the capacity of the mills Immediate-1 are about eighteen inches thick. I'l I y about Stimptrr one half. The Golcon-1 tongue averages about Km 2 Indies and , j,, uilne.-is soon as Its orders can be tilled, ' the breaks are ponderous blocks of wood j w n put in a hoist of about equal capacity that would stop a laud slide fioin going ' wm, that being installed at the Red Roy. 1 down lilh. 1 The thought of the Improvement now go- This heavy load left town with only ten K :,j contemplation here.of which horses attached to the wagon, but to pull ' 0nlv small part has yet been noted, is1 it over the summit, forlv will be required. 1 particularly gratifying to Sumpterites, as I he best part ol two days will be consumed , t ,,ts forward for their town's prosperity In reaching the mine. ;, rash proof which cannot be gainsaid. I he work ot transferring It from the Muuev never talks so loud, nor are Its Hat car to the wagon was like moving a Cenllr but linn accents evermore welcome brick blink. than when substantial investments in mining properties tell that the days of , speculation and boom are over tnd that ! llir i.iinn has become a safe held for capi-1 '' l-rom the Halter City Republican,' An !uhl. h stole it from some other naner with-' will , I Public Schooli Open Monday. 'I he Public Schools ol Sumpter open Monday at n a. m. All pupil requested to bring their report cards. extra room will be rented' lor the use ol . , ,.vlmi credit the school. An advanced course to be 1 known as the Ninth grade will be 01 gan-1 Rky Mountain Scenery By Day Light. 1 ied. 'I hose who completed the Eighth 1 Day light stop over at Niagara l-'alls. I grade last year are Invited to join this' Ihrough first-class tourist sleeper from I 1 r.kinc uo.isi wreiuy tor uucago, nosiou, A nnouncement AFTER five months of business under all kinds of disadvantages, in our suburban lo cation since our burn out last may, we aie high ly elated over our future prospects, and take pleasure in announcing to our many friends and patrons that not later than OCTOBER J st we will be permanently located at our old stand on Granite Street, in a new brick building, fitted up after the best approved plans for modern merchandis ing, and in addition to the large and carefully selected stock formerly carried, we have purchased the la'gest assortment of Dry Goods, Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Garments, Furnishiags, Capes and Jackets, Notions, Etc. ever put off in the Blue Mountain district. dmkmj(m 1 class. .. SCIKNTIPIC PIPE DREAM. Plan to Convert a Low Grade Mine Into a Huge Electrolytic Cell. Story It. I. add, ol Washington, I). C, j chemist and electrician, has devised a scheme whereby he believes he can lender ' prolitable many mines whkli can not be I worked under existing circumstances. These mines aie opened with shafts and drills, as well as stoped areas, but have bodies ol uiiworked ground, either unex plored or of too low grade to stupe or mill or smelt. Mr proposes to convert each of such mines Into an immense electrolytic, cell. Me says; "llsiklin mine be converted Into .1 huge electrolytic cell, with anode and! cathode districts and lines nl electric How I created Ihtougli the workings and the ore ! bodies, there will take place a movement ol the metal values tram the deposits in and about Miih points, and 111 this wav it 1n.1v be possible tow oik certain old mines, ' pailkul.uly wheie w iter power Is avail able lot eledili generation. ' I lues ot eledllc llovv mav bectetledhv placing the .modes in the upper dulls or slopes and the cathodes at the bottom ot , the shalt and In the lower dill Is or the 1 Hues ol eledtlc action mav extend liori- outallv along the vein bv using one or more sh ids tor anode chaiubeis and plac-1 lug the cathodes in other sh ills or work-1 lugs, As the lines ol llow between two terminals assume an ovoid lotm in a homogeneous medium, the electrolytic ac tion will be felt throughout the iuterven-, lug tetritotv, through the seams and lis- f sines and the watefs.ituraled ground,! and not alone through the open workings. 'I he mine water may be slightlycldulat ed and made a good electrolyte when necessaty by distributing tons of acid New 1 ork and other eastern pi Rio (iiande Western (Great Salt Lake Route), Denver Rio Grande, C. R. I. - P. and Illinois Central to Chicago, connecting in the Union Depot with Mich igan Central's similar car lor points east. l:or lull particulars call 011 or address, H. II. TKUMIIUI.L, Com'l Agent Ills. Cent. R. R. 142 I hlrd St., i'orll 111J. Oregon. SPOKANE Drug Co- Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best pi ices on miners' and assayers' supplies. Freight no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. OPERA HOUSE SALOON SUMPTER BEER ON DRAUGHT BILLIARD AND POOL TABLES Agents for Matting ly and Moore Whis key a 2o-year-old whiskey .is good as Elixir of Life. All whiskies are out of bond and guaran teed the genuine ar ticle. Popular re sort for Commer cial Travelers and Miners. SUMPTER, OREGON Spokane Drug Co. Spokane. Wash. More Room Mouk Goons Since the removal of the Post Ollice, giving us the entire use of the store room, I have mater ially added to the stock a New and Presh line of J j Dry Goods, Fancy Goods, Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Etc. A better opportunity is attorded us to handle the trade, and our CASH PRICES have proven a drawing crrd since the CASH SYSTEM was inaugurated j Sucocior la Khlrr& Hixlry. W. R. HAWLEY. r V 'P