The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 05, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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    Wednesday, September ;, 1900
Zinc and Lead Shavings Mix
ed Mechanically.
A South African Chemist a few days
ago tiled application for a patent in the
United States on certain new and useful
improvements in methods of extracting
gold from solutions containing the precious
metals, of which the following Is a speci
fication, given in the Inventor's own
This invention relates to methods of ex
tracting gold from cyanide solutions con
tainlng the precious metals; and the ob
ject I have in view Is to Improve and
cheapen the methods at present known.
I pass the gold hearing solution of pot
taslum cyanide of any strength through
launders or boxes containing a mechanical
mixture of zinc shavings and lead shav
ings and allow (lie gold to deposit? tin the
mixture of metals. The gold is then ob
tained in the UMial way.
I am aware that alloys of metals have
been used, but what I claim Is the me
chanical mixture of these particular metals
herein before described.
The advantages of a mechanical mix
ture of lead shavings and zinc shavings
over old forms of lead-zinc couples above
described is as follews:
In precipitating the gold from the gold
bearing cyanide solution obtained in the
treatment of auriferous battery-slimes these
solutions frequently carry finely divided
solid matter in suspension. This sus
pended solid matter becomes deposited all
over the surfaceof the precipitating agent,
forming a slimy coating, and thereby pro
jecting it to a great extent from actual
contact with the solution, thus gradually
lessening its efficiency. In the case of
lead-zinc alloys or of a lead-zinc couple
formed by lead deposited on zinc fresh so
lution is not allowed to pass between the
;iuc and lead particles after the formation
.of this coating and to thereby become sub
jected to the action of the galvanic current
which causes the precipitation of the gold.
In the case, however, of a mechanical
mixture of lead and zinc shavings actual
experience on a large scale has shown
that although the zinc shavings and lead
shavings become coated In the manner
described, yet there being an appreciable
interval between the shavings through
-which a stream of solution is constantly
passing the galvanic current still
acts, and passing trom the zinc to the
lead, causes the precipitation of the gold.
In other words, the mechanical mixture of
zinc shavings and lead shavings retains
Its efficiency lor the reasons above des
cribed longer than other lead-zinc couples
in precipitating the gold from the turbid
yanide solutions met with in certain op
erations of gold extraction, particularly in
the treatment of slimes.
Preferably the mixture of lead and zinc
shavings is formed as follews: Alternate
layers of zinc, lead and paper are made up
on a mandrel, forming a compact cylinder,
.and from this lead and zinc shavings are
produced simultaneously as one shaving,
the paper giving a division line between
the alternate layers of lead and zinc. The
lead and zinc thus form an electric couple.
Neither lead nor zinc by Itself will decom
pose water nor precipitate gold from a so
lution In which there Is ito cyanide, but a
mixture of lead and zinc shavings will,
.and I consider such use jf the mixture of
shavings within mv invention.
Having described my invention, what I
claim as new, and desire to secure by Let
ters Patent, is
Means for extracting gold from cyanide
solutions in depositing cells, consisting in
in a mechanical mixture ol zinc shavings
and lead shavings.
Simple of Turkkh Justice.
Justice Is meted out rapidly in Turkey.
On one occasion a Kurd picked up a to
bacco box In the street, which was
promptly claimed by an Armenian, just as
they were coming to blows a policeman
interfered. Roth Armenian and Kurd
claimed the box, when the former Mieges
ed that the Kurd should say what was in
It. "Tobacco and cigarette paper,"
promptly answered the Kurd. "Nothing of
the sort," cried the Armenian, "It con
tains only a five-piaster piece." The box
was gravely opened by the policeman,
who then said. The Armenian Is right
and the Kurd is a liar." Here he smote
the Kurd's head. "For trouble In decid
ing this complicated case I keep the live
piaster. When Europeans are the victims of
Turkish injustice in moderately small
matters it Is, perhaps, a total waste of
time to appeal to the counsellor or diplo
matic officials. Even If by this means the
injustice is put right, so much trouble is
Involved and so much time wasted that It
is better, on the whole, to "cut the loss."
The neat manner In which the sultan
"cabled" Secretary Hay in the late breech
between Turkey and the United States
may be taken as a criterion of the fencing
ability of the sultan, who as a liar and
diplomat is second only to Li Hung
From the Big Limber District Notth of
Cable Cove.
The district on Big Limber Is the new
est in the Sumpter section in point of dis
covery but it is coming to the front with
strides and hounds. Eugene Harthoff
was the first to discover the ledge, al
though it was known to many that a
ledge was there. The wash Is very heavy
and prospecting correspondingly ditftcult.
Finally some low grade ore was struck in
the creek bottom and In a few feet the
values increased until at a depth of six
feet they had Szo ore, the values being
principally In gold, with silver and lead
increasing with depth. From tills first
discovery many locations have been made.
G. S.Rurkheadhas a bond on the Evening
Star group some 1300 feet from theGlpsey,
he brought In a sample of ore to THE
MlNUR office that is a beautiful specimen,
being apparently nearly all metal, iron,
zinc and lead predominating. The ledge
Is six feet wide with four feet of good pay
ore averaging over $20 in value. The
Gipsey was purchased last week by E. A.
Kingman, of Boston and the deal for the
Evening Star will be closed before this
paper reaches the readers.
Tte ore is a shipping proposition from
the grass roots and will be desirable for
the smelter.
Many other districts In this immediate
vicinity have been slighted and neglected
that v. ill someday develop some more
surprises. Intelligent prospecting has
only just commenced in the camp.
' "
The Spokane Exposition.
Manager W. E. Hawley, of the Spo
kane Industrial exposition, has announced
the list of district commissioners who will
assist in securing and arranging the dis
plays from the various mining camps.
They are:
W. H. Coplen, commissioner for the
M. J. Greevy, commissioner for Camp
McKinney and Rock creek districts, B. C.
O. Clark, commissioner for White river
district in the Cascade mountains.
George D. Potter and H.R. Allen, com
missioners for the Coeur d'Alene.
J. F. Reedy, commissioner for Pend
d'Oreille district.
Captian C. H. Thompson, commis
sioner for Baker City district and Sump
ter. B. N. Carrier, commissioner for Prairie
City, Oregon, district.
W. L. Blossom, commissioner for Mur
ray, Idaho, district.
Prof. L. K. Armstrong, of Spokane, is
again In charge of the mineral department.
Lodging House
Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms. Neat,
Clean and Reasonable In Price, j j j
Oppoiltt luetii
nirowiti compiny
Mines & Real Estate
If you have a mine to sell
If you have real estate to sell
If you have a prospect to sell
If you have a house to rent
If you want your rents collected
If you want to engage help of any kind
If you want to boirow money 011 real estate
Healy Hldg
Granite St.
W. H. W. Hamilton
A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladies and Men's Furnishings, Boots,
, Shoes, Hats and Clothing.
Delmonico Hotel
M. SI'ANCI.rW. Prnpilrlor
A First-Class New House, Well Furnished and Superior Table
Service. Transient Rates Reasonable. Special Rates to Local Pat
rons by the Week. Located One Block East of Depot, Corner Co
lumbia and Auburn Streets.
Eureka Feed & Livery Company
J. L. SULLIVAN, Manager.
Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First
class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec
ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight
and passengers to any and all points.
Whitk Labor
: Popukar Prices
Prompt Delivery
: guaranteed....
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