8 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, September 5, 1900 DISTRIBUTION OF GOLD New and Unexpected Forma tions Wherein Found. An interesting extract from a letter rend ik fore the society of engineers at New Yerk: "Recent discoveries of new gold districts in limestone, granite, sandstone, and por phyry awaken prospector to the tact th.it iiliuost any roJ may be gold bearing, and that gold ores may be lotind in almost any geological formation. " The professional pruspeitor limiting his observation to a set ol rocks witli Wilch he is familiar m.iv pass over and tail to rrcognie the veiy thing he is alter, on which soni? less intelligent Individual niav blindly stumble. .Many of tile Important districts have been discovered by aciident, and by un skilled, or ine.speiiemed prospector-. joIJ mining In the Ragged lop district of the Ulack Hills was started by linding silicons gold ore in the limestone. "After years of pinspeitiug lor silver lead me, buildeis of silicons gold ore, averaging f 100 per ton hi carload lots, lay mi the sulfate in quantity. AUners by the score had traveled across the ground for 20 years, but It remained for a discouraged prospector 'catching at a straw,' to have it s.imple of these boulders assayed and to Jlscovcr (licit high value. "Accidental discoveries occur hi every mining camp: A lartner sinking a well, a voimiii herryplcklng, a hoy hunting rab bits, a picnic orlishhig patty, the upturned rout of a tree blown over by the wind, and other accidental circumstances and agen do have led In the discovery of mines. In the aggregate, however, the largest pro portions of mines have been discovered by professional intelligent prospectors. "As there are so many unpromising looking rocks that may carry gold, instead ol merely crushing and panning for tree Hold as formerly, now , the prospector car ries his portable assay furnace with him, auJ assays everything he conies across that is at all suggestive of ore possibilities. Such work Is adding much to our knowl edge of Ihedistilbiition of gold. During my examinations in 1897, of the Carboni ferous limestone plateau country, encir 4II11K the central area of the lilack Hills, of South Dakota, I found that only in the northern portion of the plateau had min eral deposits of note been found, mid it had been generally assumed that the min rrallraliou of this portion was con lined to that nre.i. I found, however, .1 general niinrialiatiou extending In .ones or belts throughout the legion, especially where more or less sililicatlon ot the beds had taken place. In these I found gold from ft to 5 per ton. Unaltered sandstones and limestones, as a rule, showed nothing or hut .1 trace. As a result of 'assaying everything' for gold, the chemists of Cam bria Coal company, which operates a coal seam at the base of the Cretaceous, west ot the limestone plateau, linds their coal to yield from f 1 to 1 5 per ton gold. Such co.il might yield a metallurgical fuel for smelting gold or silver. "Gold frequently occurs In substances lormliig ikh ores without showing a vis ible trace of Its presence, as for Instance, in thr sylvanltetellutgyof Cripple Creek. There are occurences however hi which, though probably present, not even the telluride minerals can be seen or separated, tor example, the silicons ores of the R ig ged Top district containing neither precip itated free gold, nor any heavy minerals carrying gold; no one has yet shown the form in which gold exists In oies of this las. "Similar ores have been found in the Gunnison region, Colorado, ranging lit appearence from an amorphous hornstone flint; with concholdal fracture, through varitles of jasper, opal and chalcedony. Sometimes they are hard, at others porous and varying In color from gray to yellow red and purple; at times they are white or pearly, or of waxy luster, and of a wine color. Ore of this character from Ragged Top district often assays Jioo to 2oo per ton, but fails to yield concentrates carry ing more than 5ioper ton in gold, and shows not a trace of free gold. "The presence of tellurium has been assumed in these but not proven, and it appears probable that here Is a class of deposits In which gold exists in some un known conditions, combined with a sil icons gangue, or matrix. We do not know all the possible forms in which the precious metals may exist. "That new districts are not found more frequently is due to the miner restricting Ills research to those formations and to that character ol ore with which he is fa miliar, and may, therefore, for a life time, walk dilly over high gadeore in plain sight, which in appearance so differs from his notions of what constitutes an ore, that he regards it as barren rock." RECENT DFCISIONS. Affecting the Location of Quartz Mining Claim. In constructing a notice of location of .1 nilnln" 1 l.ilm thrri- Is no rnl3 of nrcessitv. 1 .........n. ....... ...... .... ... .-.-f sikIi as exists in the construction of deeds which requites that the terms "easterly" and "westerly" used without qualifying language, shall denote due east and west. A notice of location ot a mining claim, which gives the course of the location as running. i certain distance hi a westerly and easterly direction from the point of discovery until theboiinderies are definite ly located by monument, reserves from entry by subsequent locators the surface area which might be Included In any loca tion so made that If a line be drawn lengthwise through the center of the claim from the west center end thereof through tne point of discovery to the east center end theieof said line will He east, 45 deg. north, and east, 45 deg. south from the point of discovery. If a locator of a mining claim, when posting his notice of location, in addition to giving the general course of his vein, places his monumeiits.it the center of each end thereof, thus giving definite notice to subsequent locators as to the meaning of his notice, he Is bound thereby, and can not thereafter, during the time prescribed py law for perfecting his location, change the course of his location to the prejudice of intervening rights. Scenic Line of the World. For an enjoyable trip east, take the Denver & Rio Grande railroad, Scenic Line of the world. Three dally trains be tween Denver. Colorado Springs, Pueblo and all eastern points, and all points on I the Pacific coast. Most magnificent scen ery on this continent. The leading fea ture in connection with the trip is that the through trains pass through the scenic attractions of (lie Rocky mountains In Colorado by daylight, thus affording pas sengers a cool, pleasant and enjoyable ride, tree from dust and the annoyances experienced via other lines. Superb din ing car service on all through trains. Service a la carte, pay for what you order. Through standard and tourist sleepers. Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets any where between Ogden and Denver. Call on your nearest ticket agent for tivkcts, rates and all information, or ad dress, B. C. NICHOL, General Agent, Portland, Ore. ' Dr. J. I.. Reavls, dentist of La Grande, Is In town after a four weeks outing in the mines. He will do some work for some of his La Grande patients before re turning. Five quart bottles of Olympla beer for t. 00 at Henry Fingers'. VA 1 n c Nv-Y Union Smelter Mfg. Co. OF ST. LOUIS, MO. Our Sumpter. Oregon, Plant of From K to 40 Tons Daily Capacity is Now Ready For Operation. A spur of the Sumpter Valley Railway Company and easy wagon roads facilitate the delivery of ores right at the Smelter. Owners or controllers of Sulphide, Carbonate and Oxide ores, who can contract for their delivery in lots of 10 tons at least, are requested to forward to us from too to 150 pound representing the average character and values of the ores. Such samples will be analyzed and assayed by our analytical chemist free of charge, for the purpose of establishing the value of the coi responding ores to us, and for the guidance of their owners. Our treatment charge, com paratively moderate, will be govcrencd by the special adaptability or de sirableness of the respective ores for our purposes. The product of our Smelter will be handled by the First Bank of Sumpter and payments for ores accepted by us will be inadi through the same channel. Special rates of treatment charges will be made to parties in position to contract for a steady and large supply of desirable ores. SAMPLES AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED The Union Smelter Mfg. Co. SUMPTER, OREGON Lock Box P H. MlilNHARD, Sec'y. S Bousum & Spalding CRYSTAL T(E ComPany Free delivery of Pure Ice. Leave orders at office of Columbia Brewing and Malting Co., next door to MINER office. stop! see Joe Schmidt ...OO CDfc-fc-K... o Brewery Saloon Sumpter THE GEM SALOON A. J. STINSON, Prop. (.Successor to Snyde St Stinson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, OREGON 5 Raul E. Polndexter, MIN ES corona McNcal-s Code. umpter, - - Ore. X