Wednesday, September 5, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. without regard to where railroads build. In speaking of railroads, two or three are headed in that direction, but as to their routes and distillations, no definite information Is to be hiJ. Everybody Is speculating on the interesting subject. There will be a good town over there somewhere; tile railroads, of course, hav ing much to do with where and how good it shall be. All things being equal, owing to its advantageous location with refer ence to both farming and mining interests, 4 Prairie City will take the lead. If a road ever runs up the valley from Cinvon to , jl. Prairie and crosses the range through the pass on beyond Warm Springs, the town that Is b.ulu'd by the most enterprising men, those who push It tile most persist ently and advertise its advantages most widely, will be the metropolis ot John Day valley. Chased by a Tramp, Two society belles of McEweu were re cently i'h iscd by a trump. Mav and Josephine strolled down tile railroad track the other evening to a neighboring latin house for a pail of milk. A hungry tramp, who was resting in a fence corner near by, concluding that a drink of warm, sweet milk would satlsty his cravings as well as anything, made for the young " ladies on their home trip. Thev, not knowing his desires, lied in consternation, Justly pursued by the determined tramp. Grasping eaJi other's hands and gather ing up their skirts, the attrighted beauties lost no time on the home run. Only the high places on every third tie were touched. The bucket of milk was the only hope tor the tramp's supper and he too strained every nerve in the hot chase. On they went in the twilight. The lost hats of the I. idles were not to be consid ered in a case of lite or death. No loco motive ever made better time -vi the Sumpter Valley railway than did May and Josephine. "Drop the milk," the tramp finally yelled, and no sooner said than the bucket might have been seen going over the embankment. The fellow , stopped to gather up his supper and the ladies soon after fell into the open door f their home, trembling from head to foot. Town Council Proceedings. ( At the meeting of the council Saturday evening a communication was read trom the city engineer, giving an estimate of the cost of grading and graveling Center street from Granite to the rail road track, at f6z;. The town officials handed in their monthly reports, except the recorder, who was given until Monday to present his to the finance committee. An ordi nance defining misdemeanors and pre scribing penalties therefor, was passed. The health ordinance was laid over for one week. The salary of pound master was reduced to 5to a month, and that of attorney to 525 a month. Mayor Gleason was granted a leave of absence for sisty days. Ten Stampsfor Br.i:o. R. I-. McLnln lias imMird the plans and specifications, which were anepted, for a ten stamp 111IM to be erected at the Bra7ns mine, situated ne and a halt miles north of Pleasant Valley station, on the O. H. iV N. roid, a few miles east ot Haker City. I he lumber has all been ordered and will be on the ground this week and the mill rushed to an early com pletion. When you travel the liourne road re member Harnard lias all the latest remedies for dust in the throat. T.D.Bellinger & Co. .OI-" SUMPTER. OREGON Dispensers of only the Choicest Brands Liquors OP Including Old Overholt, Can adian Club, Ushers and James Watson Scotch, Imported 1881 Brandy, Three Star Hennessey, and all the Leading Hrand of Wines and Cigars. New and Elegant Fixtures. Comfort able quarters for gentlemen. No belter service In Oregon. ...The Magnolia... T. 0. Illiipr Ct., r. (Formerly Hotel Van Duyn Bid.) RtUtKMtMlttWWimiU.IMimMtlM THE RIMBOL Conducted by MHS. H. FISHEK A First-Class Restaurant. Only Home Cooking. Private Rooms for Ladies or Families. ... Recently Removed to McCulloch Building, Next Door North of Brewery. SUMPTER, ORE. i i sV sV I K X ar K I ttot''t'MMl't'''tMMMMfc''ro UGcFn : mm -fjsep-satAi ENGINES BOILERS RUSSELL SAW ULL AM JA muii urmiG HILLS 1 ITUESIERS STA6IEIS RUSSELL & CO. WriteforCatafofiMMdPrfcM. . . PORTLAND, OREGON. Machinery m?mmmmmm?wmmmm?mm? I About I I ....Building.... - Why don't you build when everybody else ciuits? Why do yen all want to build at once -g - when lumber is green and covered with ice - - and when prices and labor are high? Now is-g the time to build, like "Brother Perry" when - m- there is no particular rush. S1 We aie ottering special bargains in Hats. - 3 Shoes. Gloves and Clothing, also other General 735 Merchandise, because we bought at a big dis- - count and we give our customers the benefit. - We also sell j LUMBER - cheap but we do not intend to sell at retail for - - less money than we can get on the outside - xnarjcet as some 01 our compouiors ao. - Sumpter Lumber Co. 3 SUMPTER, OREGON 5 uuuutauuuiuaujJuauuuuiUiUiu J. B. STODDARD ijmfrfjmmm TTT Happy School Days Near msmgzm &vi3 SUMI'ThU.OMUiON fi31 THE Public Schools of Sumpter will open Sep tember 17, and every person should have his child prop erly clothed. Our children's department is complete in every detail and to introduce it to the public of Sumpter, we offer the following spec ial bargains this week: Boys' Suits 2 to f. Actually worth 3!i per cent more. Hoy' Underwear, nil v and qualities. Hoy' Shoes, )t.$otn). Hub Clothing Co, J. SOim wi.Suuor GRAlNSTROM'S mvjAi C. AND OYSI'KK HOUSI: Baker City, Ore. NOTHING IN EASTERN OREGON TO SURPASS. IT ... ALL KINDS SHELL. FISH A SPECIALTY NINTH aosi.l) UNDIH AMI I US IIOICI. Dixon, Bo rgeso "n "I x J V J , n & Co. Afonuf.trturiTfc of I triy l)ruillliiii ul FRONT ST.. COR. WASHINGTON Show Cases IHM'111'-' AMlDl'HO lilM!.' WAII CnU & IMSk llXH'HI V POKTI.ANl), OKI:. kS George W. Weigand... HIGH GRADE LIQUORS AND CIGARS Mining Men's Headquarters Next Door to Wonder Store, HOUHNK, OHEGON S' t