The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 05, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, September , 1900
The Highest Scientific Development in Electrical
Home Treatment is Found in the
Dr. Sanden Electric Belt
1900 Model
OFFER in my 1900 model new broad cell Electric Belt the
highest development in body battery treatment that science,
mechanical trenius and mv o years' experience can sucgest.
It is on a plane all by itself. The United States Patent Laws pro
tect me in my various inventions. From the time the raw mater
ial is received at my factory until the completed belt is turned out
and tested on a sensitive galvanometer, each stage of development
is under the careful supervision of a man skilled in detecting me
chanical imperfections, so that when finally the blt is ready to
deliver to mv patient, I offer it with a guarantee of perfection in
every point, that the cm rent will last one full year, that the voltage is not too great for the amperage, the intensity
less than the volume, and, in fact, that it is perfect in every detail. The Dr. Sanden Electric Belt, in its various
stages of development, during the past $0 years, has always been ahead of all others, just as it is today. And,
remember, in buying an Electric Belt you will need advice, good common sense, exclusive advice, and possibly
lots of it. Nave you thought of iliatr Therefore, do you not think my 30 years' uninterrupted experience gives
me something of value to offer you.
When a Dr. Sanden Belt is purchased, my advice is included free uniil a cure is effected. The Dr. Sanden
Electric Belt is particularly recommended for weaknesses of men which result from excesses, and it has a special
attachment to meet that condition. However, it is used with other attachments, by women as well as men, for
Rheumatism, Lame Back. Nervousness, etc. The new antiseptic disc covers of my invention imitated of course
can be used on the Sanden Belt only, and absolutely prevents any burning by the current.
Drop in at my office for free consultation, or write for free book, sent sealed by mail.
Dept. 19, Russell Bldg. DR. A. T. SANDEN, Portland, Oregon
John Day Valley the Finest
Country Out of Doors.
If you nrr so fortunate as to Ret .1 sent
on the box with the stage driver, the run
purposes. Mere, however, the foot hills owners know they have a Reed thine and
arc heavily timbered, the valley, from one ' don't want to self. All the land between
to eight miles in width, is practically
prairie laud, and from every Kulch in the
mountains come streams of water with
which to irrigate the pregnant soil.
This is preeminently a stock country,
the cattle being fed in winter. Hay is,
therefore, the principal crop; though, as
the altitude averages only about 2000 feet
above sea level, anything can be grown
here. Considerable grain is grown there,
but not enough wheat to supply the local
Irom Flynn Station down to Prairie City, demand for Hour. There is a flour mill
In John Day valley, a distance of seven
r eight miles, which Is made In the hour
between seven and eight o'clock in the
morning, is so delightful a ride that one's
good humor Is almost restored. The bad
temper of the traveler Is occasioned by the
inexcusably Inconvenient schedule on
which stages run between Sumpter and
Canyon City.
It Is n spiritual pleasure difficult to de
ribe which one experiences who lives in
the high altitudes of the Blue mountains,
where grow no flowers, or fruits, or vege-
near Prairie City run by natural warm
water power that could be operated the
year around, but It cannot secure wheat
enough to keep it running half the time.
Flour and pork products are brought in
from the outside by every train of freight
wagons. Peaches and grapes are the
Prairie City and Canyon City, a distance
of sixteen miles, is owned by live men.
In other portions of the valley are small
ranches of 160 acres. Hut these men
have been in tills out of the world locality
from twenty to thirty and more years, and
have earned all they own.
It was the placer gold tound hereabouts
in the early '60s that brought the crowds
into this country. When the richest of
the diggings were washed out, the Im
patient, migratory miners drifted else
where, and left ground richer than any
they had found for those who followed.
Rut these later comers did not take their
dust direct from the ground. They con
verted the hay into beef and this into
gold a slow, menial process that your
miner man despises. Placer mining is
only fruits which are not raised there, and I still a .profitable, industry all through this
there Is no reason, so far as climate and i section, but the big pay properties are now
soil is concerned, why they are not on the j owned by a few men and gravel washing
Is no more the universal occupation.
list of products.
Mr. McHaley, one of the largest stock-, Only last week a rich strike was made in
men and farmers in this revinn. s.ivs that an old too-foot drift In Secesh eulfh.
- -, ... .-- . - - - -- . -.,- , --.
tables, to swiftly descend at such early up to the present year he has had to buy Rut as Is the history with all placer
hour Into this fertile valley, where all I hay for his stock during the winter, but camps, this is being followed by quartz
flourish luxuriantly; where every farm that last winter lie had hay left over. ( mining. This evolution has been slower
house Is surrounded by prolific grainfields Most of his neighbors were in the same (here than most any where else on earth;
iind rich meadnwlands; Is embowered in condition. Prices for horses and cattle for three or four reasons not necessary to
liult trees heavily l.iden with red apples, have been so high during the past two or dilate on here, but principally on account
tuirple plums and yellow pears, inter- three years that much of the stock has 1 of Its isolated position on the map of an
mingled with 11 riotous profusion of flow-' been sold; until now there Is not enough (.alleged civilized state. For some years,
m and vegetables. Then, too, on every left to eat the hay raised tills year. The. however, quartz mining has been in prog-j
natural result will follow, that ne.t year ' ress, that primative reduction plant, the '
more wheat and rye will be planted, and arastra, being used to extract tlie gold. In.
less Hour and hog meat will be shipped this way several mines in DKie moim-l
in. tains hive been opened to a more or less '
The only objection which a newcomer limited extent and considerable Rold taken
can find to the country, as lie stands on .out. Here, known as the Quartburg
Mil sUe thous mds of cattle are grazing
all of which means plentiful prosperity.
The John Day valley Is the finest
country out ot doors. It possesses a
combination o' advantages which render
it the neatest approach to perlectlon as a
fanning country that can be found on the one of the high bluffs and casts his cov district, some miles north of Prairie City
continent. It has plenty of wood and etous eye down the beautitul valley, sur-'and directly tributary to tint camp, several
water, convenient to agricultural and veys In vision this land ot every promise rich strikes have been made this season,
glaring l.ind. The usual couditlod is, fulfilled, is that he can't get any of it for
the absence of timber, or else the long,, himself. It Is practically all taken up and
l.iboilous task of dealing land for farm under a high state of cultivation. The
one by United States Marshal Houser in
In his Standard group. As a matter of
fact, there is no longer any doubt but
what this is a great mining district.
To the south from Prairie City, from
eight to twelve miles, according to the
peculiarities of your informant, seven or
eight thousand feet up Strawberry butte, i
that remarkable mineral formation, prop
erly called the Oregon Wonder. Briefly
stated, there is a well defined ledge, at one
point 600 feet In width, which has been
traced a distance of twelve miles. On Its
east end outcropplngs stand up fully 100
feet, which can be seen with glasses from
Prairie City. This is directly east of a
big bare spot on the mountain, known as
Horsethlef Flat, the name being derived
from the fact that there horsethieves In
the early days hid and grazed their stolen
stock while collecting a bunch to be driven
over the range. Just above this outcrop
ing on the Wonder, are two patches of
snow, that from a distance of ten miles
look to be about the size of plates, but In
reality are many acres in extent, and 'are
sources or snow-fed mountain streams that
never run dry.
The Oregon Wonder has been turned
down as a mining proposition by alleged
experts; but, as every one knows, that
cuts 110 figure in the case of a mere pros
pect, with anyone except an eastern fish.
There is not a great producing mine in the
West today but what has been con
demned by some mining expert. Any
way, P. F. Morey, of Portland, a man
possessing ample means, has gone to work
intelligently to find out what is there.
He is driving a ico-foot tunnel just below
the high outcropping, which will give a
depth of more than 250 feet. A test mill
is bring installed and the value of the
rock at every foot advanced will be
known. The whole ledge is free milling
and carries 'from a trace to S19. None of
it is barren. If it averages two or three
dollars a ton the Cleaver Rrothers and
their associates will have the greatest
mine on earth. It will also be the making
of Prairie City, which they also own