THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, September ;, 1900 The Sumpter Miner Official Paper (if the Town of Sumpter. I'LUIUMtLD IStUY WbllMSUAV IIV C. I). MARSH and J. W. CONNELI.A suiiscmrtioN matis One Year Sl Months .$ no i.ij ALWAYS W AllVAM I. I nteir J lit llir pnttofUce in Sumplrr, Oregon, lnl i Iranctnlsstnn through thr nulls us srconJ clAk i mllrf. I I POPULATION OF SUMPTER 4,500. ' IIIIS nuinhernf I III; AtlNhK d,es Its lirst Great cIi.'iiik Imve taken place In this camp during that short time; change for the tiettrr, III a way; ' growth in population; inctrase in the I miiiil'i-r of hiiildings ami volume of tr-iJe;' an unprecedented amount of development ' work in the mines improvements in every direction that communities strive! for changes. In this evolution from a1 sleepy village to a live mining camp 'I 111: MINKK claims to have played an import ant part. When the lirst issue of this paper appeared, men with a heavy growth nl moss on their hacks stood around on the stteetsand dismissed the rumhllngs of the approaching husiness and industrial1 activity as if they were threatened with a ' plague; no Maker publication acknowl edged the esistruc of such a camp, and , the old hack number paper issued here tlitewcold water on every proposition I tending to attract public attention to the J district. It was this fait more than any, thing else that decided progiessivecitlcns i to olfer Inducements for I III: MlNhK'.S establishment. Prom the start this paper paid no attention to those whose policy retrogression; read the lint net tot Kaker City, which forced recognition, ' and set a pace in giving publicity to our resources that stuplhed the local sheet. 'I he desired effect was produced iutanta neously. Till: MlNHK'.s work is not yet done; it will continue on the same lines which It has lollowed in the past. Till1 I'otllaud papers have recently In dulged in .1 good deal of nonsense about that town having secured next year's Hireling ol "The International League of Press Clubs". All their self congtntula toty talk is pure tot. I here is no Midi body as " I he League of Press Clubs." I line Is a take outlit, that style:; It-.cll " I he National League ol "less Clubs." It is made up wholly of cheap and raw .1111. items, and does not include In Its mcmbriship or attendance one teal newspaper man or woman ot any wide leput.ttiuu. Its meeting rately bring together more than lilty people, and lew o them can get edltotial transportation out ol their own counties, P.astern papers never mention the fact that such an outfit is In session, and its comings or goings are uttetly without Interest to any body except the tew school boys and .school girls who read sappy little essays to their tellow idiots on "how to run newspapers, ' and other such stutf. Let Portland build a big smelter, or some thing ot that kind, and drop "The Inter national League ot Pres Clubs" humbug. Ir Ibcpille the lad with fool newspapers to talk about towns that have been "over boomed." Sumpter is occasionally men tioned as one ot these. As a matter of tact, the town has not been boomed half enough. What little booming was done here last winter attracted thousands of people here who would otherwise never have heard of the camp or of the eastern Oregon gold fields, had not some new people who know they are alive, come In here and told others of the great oppor tunities here for making money in mining. AVtny of these newcomers brought money here and invested It; others brought money with them, couldn't invest It and went away, carrying their money with them. Por a while last winter there was an active demand for desirably located property in Sumpter. Those who owned it, in nine cases out of ten, and refused to sell it at reasonable figures, are the ones who are now complaining about over booming. Incidentally, they ate kicking themselves because lliey didn't sell when they had the chance. Had they done so, they would have benefitted themselves and the entile community, as well. Compare the conditions here In town and throughout the entire district, as they are today, with what they were eighteen months ago, and the vast benefits of the tame little boom can be distinctly seen, Bring on another boom and let it be a full grown, robust one. FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER, to) Capital Stock $20,000 Ol IK IMS. .1.11. RiifcMns I'rrslJrnl J. W. Sc lil'rr Vlrr-l'teslJrnt James ,NrlanJs Cashier DIWIClOKs. J. W. Salter l(. II. Miller J. W. MeaJ Clark SnyJe J. II. Rnhhlns Transacts a General Hanking and Ex change Husiness. Nn Interest I'tilJ on Deposits. To the Faithful KNOW All MI.N llntiminv I'rlncrsntlhe Oilrnt ate mm sojourning In Hit1 Oh nl Sumplrr anj air mrrtlng, lor tin- puipne ot In Mulcting novices anj Jllluslng KUJoni.tit 8 p. in WrJnesJay rvrnlngs M Uvi Atrn's hall.anJ 4 1 such nlhrr places as the dun J I'uJisha ni.iy mJrr. All I'llncrs hIiii haw nut inajr Ihrmsrltrs known ait cur Jlall) Int I Ir J tu prrsrnl thrm.rlc es, -.tall nt lllr In h.inJ, at the trinple Juoi, inhere they Mill be corJIallv wetc'omrJ. V ORDER Grand Secretary Grand Padaiha I. O. R. M. EUAN TIJIIIi: No. i. ImprmrJ OrJw ReJ Mrn, inert in miuikII .it l.llis Ha i .it the Kill , union the irj strep ot rverv srern tun, nt rach 1 moon All ReJ Mrn visiting nor liutillnc; gtuunJs I air welcome. (ilokilH II CM u, . W W. I IIIV. U. nl R. Sachem. O. M. ROSENDAI E . MINING ENGINEER I METALLURGIST 1 I Ollicrs Rooms iv$itOii' lluljlng, I'mt l.inj, Oiegnn. I..imlnes .inj irpoiH upon mines. I mining piopeitv .Mvlse at to best uotklng mrltinj 1 .111J liritini'iitnl mr. (.inn p n Ir k r u.i nlf J Cipl . . .1 ...... 1. 1. . i ..... ...... 1 ... 1... i... . , ...... 1 ....I -1 irfi luiiii.iira I'Miira t.i.iiii.irno.ii. CHAS. II. CHANCE ATTORNI V AT LAW Rooms 2 and 3, Pirst Hank of Sumpter Huilding, SUMPTER, OKI-CON i E. A. CLEM cV CO. .MINING INVI:STMI:NTS Piiititill litinlMe ! RiM'Ui , Mantir Ore Mlait Stick lictat 146 THIRD ST. PORTLAND, OHK. I C A. L. STARR, I Attoruey-at-Law Center, (ot. High St. Sumplrr, Oregon B AKER ft BAKER ATTUUSES AT I AW Practice In all the Count ot Ihr Slat. U. S. UnJOtticr an 4 Mining lltlratlon Sprclaltlti, Room 1 inj 6 t)unptir-Bi)an llulljlng U CHANDL'. OHL John Temple Grayson Mining Expert and... Engineer Thr Hlphrit Prfrrrnrrn J (iivrn Wlirn RrUirvJ i hakhk cfn-, our.. I CaUr AJJrrsv TrmplrKfa, Hiker, Ore L T. BROCK, S. D., Physician and Surgeon. Sumplrr, Orrjion. Atlrnllon (ilvrn to Surcrrv .inj to 0I. rasrv ol Women. Oilier, NVIII lilock; KrilJvncr, (imnltr Strrrt nrar Mill pliNNI-R it WORTHINGTON Civil and Alining Engineers. U. S. Drpulv Surror-. lor Orruon, Vati- ItiKton, Ualio.inJ Ln(lnrert. lor llie Sumplrr Tonllr (.nmpanv, LlmltrJ. Undcriround ind Ptttnt Sutti. Blui Printing nd Dtivhtln. H. T- HKNDRYX cV CO., Amines Bought, Sold and Developed. Iljli;nins In .Sumplrr DUtllct yn.itl Cl.ilmv. SU.MPTliK, . OKI.GON A A. SAALY.b, AHCIIITKCr, imkih t:it, : owif.os Urllat'lr plant, kprcltKtilloiik iinJettlnutrs lurnltlirJ HK. WIIIXLCK, l. O. llo i. I'tinne Main ic. Olixr: i South Crntrr Slrrrt Notary Public. Alining and Civil Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mlnrtal Survecur Mapping anj Blue llntlng. Mlnr rxamlnatlunt anj reports majr. Special at tention given to oanlJe piocevt. ARTHUR PHILBRICK Civil and Mining Engineer. I. S. Deputy Surcrynr tor Oirgnn anj Ualio. Kainlnatlon anj reports nn mining pioprr tlc. Oltire lih Little (ilant Mining Lu. Milt Stl'LIT. Scwfuc, UfiiiON. NMJIMMa. KHAL LstATtl EL. MANNING, Cll) KnorJer nn.l Nntaiv Public, (.nllrctiuns Abstracts Agrnt lor I) ilclJe I ire 1'xtlngulslif r. Sumpter. STOTT.VSHKI.TON, I'-jSJ, Attorneys at Law. Sl'.MI'Tl.k. oki:kon CHAS. E. ROBLIN, ATTOHNCY-AT-LAW Notary I'uMIc Room j, I list Hank ol Sumpter SUMVTER, OR W. H. W. HAMILTON. Mlnine anj Con.ulilnc Enjlnrrr. Mining Properties l:jmlnrJ anj RepnrteJ On. Morelne anj Neal CoJe. Box tit. SUMPTtR. ORLC.ON QRS. TAPE & PEARCE, Physicians and Surgeons C. M. PkAUCK, m. u. a. M.TAPt, m. u. Telephone Main ij. SUMPtEU, Oregon Basche Hardware Co. . . Sumpter . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER GOOD THINGS TO I AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. LINES OP Till: Sumpter Transportation Cq. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. Sl!MI'TI.R-CANYON ROUTE. 11: o p. m. ilv tuo p. m. Ar V" P. m. Lv V. o p m. I Ar . Sumpter... Ar CllflorJ .l.v .l.llftorJ Ar Austin Lv 10: )o a. m. 8 00 .1. m. 7!)o a. m. (no a. m. Connectlni; at Austin lth stages tor Canon City anj Interior points. I 40 p. ro. I Lv CIIHorJ . .Ar I ?'.o a. m. t'ui p. m. I Ar .llonanta, l.v 6 10 a. m. Connectlne at Honania with stages lor l'x. Rorlnsnncille, Worlry, Virginia, Don Juan anj Velchtr mines. Sb'MI'TKRCiRANITfi ROUTE. i:n r. m. Lv 4' to p. m I Ar Sumrttr.. (iranltf. . Ar I 10 00 a. m, Lv I 7:00 a. m. Ller jKiianltr to North Fork, ReJ Hoy, Dan ielle anj aJacent mints. SUMi'TER-BOURNE ROUTE. :o p. m. Lv. I cu p. m. Ar l'l p. m. Ar... Sumpter. . Ar I jo a. n Houmt. -Lvl 800 a. n. Columbia. .Lv 7:0 a. m IncluJinK Nonh Pole, E. E., Climax, OhioanJ 1. Ciccnt mines. EAT '.4