Wednesday, September c;, 1900. THE SUMPTER MINER. T NOTICE OF APPLICATION OEJ. McKEE KOR A U. S. PATENT. Mining Application No. atS. Survey No. igi. United Sutes Land Office, LaGrande, Ore." ) July 8, 1000. ( Notice l hercbv given that In pursuance of Chap ter 6 of Tilly of "he Revised Statutes of the United uS'ates J. McKee, claiming 1500 linear feet of the Mnntrlln placer claim, hearing gold, with surface ground van Ing from 4 to 8o leel In width. Ijlng and being situated In no nrganlied mining district. Jirant Cottntv. Otegon, has made application to the Jnlted States for a patent to the said Montello placer .claim, which Is more fully described as to metes and hounds by the official plat posted on said claim, and ,by the field notes of survey thereof now filed In tht office of the Register of the district of lands subject to sale at LaGrande. Oregon, which field not nf survey describe the boundaries and extent of said rlalm, with magnetic variation at st degrees east, as follons. to-wlt: Resinning at corner No. 1, Identical with southeast I'icatlon corner, a granite rock 8x15x34 Inches set 16 Inches In the ground, chiseled "M. W. 1191" with a moindol rocks alongside, the quarter section cor ner on cast boundary of section 4, township 9 j.oulh, range tsji asl Willamette Meridian, south 81 (Irene 4T minutes, east 1451 4 feet. Thence north to degrees o minutes, east 1500 feet to corner No. t. Thence north jo degrees 57 minutes, west 580.8 feet fo corner No. 1. Thence south 11 degrees 49 minutes, west 1005.1 feet to corner No. 4. - Thence soutth jr degrees o minutes, west 4)6 feet In corner No. . Thence south -n degrees 57 minutes, east 580.8 feet corner No. 1, the place of beginning. Tolal area, 17.611 acres. Said mining cl ilin being of record in the otfice of flic County Clerk ol Grant Cminty, Oregon, Vol. I cl the Alining Records thereof, at page 61 1. This claim being for nuo teetlnlenelh nf said claim, with sulfate ground arlng In wldih from 410 leer near tne sown enj to jaoircl at each end thereof The said rljcrr cla'm hereby soucht to be ttatenteJ holng bounjed on the east bv the Townslte Placer clslm, on the south bv the lllacksmoke i.Murii claim, on the west by the Gold Standard Qu.irU claim and the Jump Off .die I'lacer claim. Any and all persons claiming said placer claim or any portion thereof, so survcied, described and plat ted, and anplled (or. are hereby notified that unless their adverse claims are duly tiled as according to law and the regulations thereunder, within to das trom the date hereot, wlih the Register ol the United ..Stiles Land office at UtGrands, Oregon, they will be I barred by virtue of the provisions of fu- said statute. i:. W. IIATLnTT, Register. stales bytj olAugust a.jtkjt,. MAIDIA l7 RICHARDS of Sumpter, County of Baker. State of Oregon, has this day filed in this office her swnrfi tl. 60S. for the purchase of the ni nC:. sett neV and neX 'taK of secfioa No. 18 In township No. jo south. rang No. 1? E W M, and will offer proof to show thai the land sought Is more valuable for Its umver or srone man lor agricultural purposes, and to establish her" claim to said land before the Reels, terand Receiver of this office at La Grande, Ore gon. on Tuesday, the 1 ird dav of October, 1900. " She names as witnesses: James H. Pardee. W. Cl Calder. David H. Wilson, Charles O. Morrell, all of Sumpter, Oregon. ' Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands arc requested to Me their claims In this office on or before said ) day of October, 1900, "" ' E. W. Bartlett, Register. " . I ,, r - NOTICE OP APPLICATION U. S. PATENT. FOR TIMBER 'LAND. ACT JUNE j. t8rS.-NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office, I La Grande, Oregon, July jo, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 1, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of tlmbei lands In the sutes of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all tht public land states by act of August 4, 1891, CHARLES O. MORRELL of Sumpter, County of Baker, Stale of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 69, (or the purchase ol the lot j and 4, tH sw tf of section No. 18, In township No. 10 south, range No. it E W M, and will offer proof to show thai the land sought Is more valuable lur its limber or stone than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of thlsofliceat LaGrande, Oregon, on Tuesday, Hie sjrd day of October, tqou. lie nimes as witnesses: James K. Pardee. W. C Calder. David II. Wilson. Maldla L Richards, all ol Sumpter, Oregon. Anv and all persons claimlnc iidvrtlv fh nbm described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or before said sird day ol October, " i v. iiAKiuiTT, Register Oregon, has maJe application to select under the Act of June 4, 1897, (to Stats., 6) the following de scribed tract: Beginning at a post on the west side of Fruit Creek from which the SW corner of Se: to Tp S! R it E. W. M. bears due south 719.1 feet, thence Hill iv.. irei. inrnce wesi 000 reel, tnence south Mo feet, thence west 660 leet, thence north 190 feet, thence eastt tto feet, thence south tito lel, thence east mm feel, thence south iijo feel, thence west sxo feet, thence south 6jo feii. thnf .. imt u... to the beginning and comprising 158,81 acte. T' ;n 'rred will comprise M''( NEl l'A?$ -SEJ ni N' SE1- SD4' and SWJ.' SrJ SEV Sec 15 Tn 8 S R 16 L W. M.'and SW NWiJ andjportlonolWSWXSecioTpgS R ,7 L. Within tht next thirty (to) days ftom due hereof protests or contests against the selection on thai ground that the landd- scrlfed or any ponlorl thereof, Is more valulble tor Its mineral than lor agricultural purposes, will be needed and noted for terort to the Commissioner ol the Ginenl I nnj Office. E. W. Bartutt, Register. ( MlMNO APPLICATION NO. 117 SUMVLY NO. 400 United States Land Office, La urande, uregon, June o, 1900. ,1 ' Notice Is hereby given that C L. Preble, whose TKisloitlce address It bumpier. Maker County, Ore son, has made application for a patent for 1467 7 'linear feel on the Gray Eagle Lode bearing gold, .being too or lest leet on each side of said lode, and (extending south jj deg, j mln., west tin leet trom tenter of discovery post, and north ji deg. 11 mln., ir.ll JfWT ..Ml.. ...I... M. . Hinu'.lj ,'. situatea in noorganuea mining aismci. uram to.. Oregon, and described In tht ofhclal plat and field rnotea on fit In this office; as follows, to-wlt; Beginning at corner No. t. whence the i-t comer 'to lections 10 and 15. tp 9 a. r jj t, W. M. btart n 46 ee, r mln. 1 490 feed. Thence n 61 dec 19 "tin. w 5 feet to corner No. 1. Thence n jo deg. jtmln. e, 1188,4 feet to corner Ho, . Thence n jo deg. 4 mln. e, ji.6 feet to corner No. 4. Thence s 61 deg. 19 mln. 565 feet to corner No. 5. Thence s 11 deg. t) mln, w 41 M feet to corner Nn.t. Thence t 55 deg. it mln. w 1049-1 feel to cor No. 1, I lit plact of beginning, containing 18.44 acres. The location of this mint Is recorded In tht office of ' tit County Clerk of Grant County, Oregon, on page ijot, volumt J of Mining Locations. Anlolnlng claim .nor. CTvnvn lada. L. S. S. ui: and Fraction. NIC- enne. Alias, uray no. . nar s-air, sdii fellow, Hobton and Concord lodes, all unsurveyid. 1 All persons holding aavtrse claims inereto art re t.ilr.4 hsnreunttha stmt before this office within 1 xty days from tht first day of publication hereof, or ilhey will Debarred by virtue of tht provitlons.of tht siatute 1 E.W, Bartibti-. Register. First Issue June S7, 1900. I Last Issut Sept. j, 1900. TIMU13R LAND, ACT JUNIi j, 1878. NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION. I United Stairs Land Oftlce, I La Grande, Oregon, August it, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congrrss ol June 1, 1878, entllleJ"An act for the site of llmter lands In the Slates nf California. Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act ul August 4, iH jr. MAURICB F. MUZZY, of Sumpter. Counlv of Baker. Statf of r)rinn. h. this day filed In this olnce his sworn statement No. 70), tor tne purchase ot thewN iwi-i, ne'i sw 1-4, sw i-4 nw i-4, of Sec No to In IpNn. 10 s. Range No. ,0 U W M, and will oiler proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor lis limber or sione than for agi"llural purposes, and l establish Ills claim to 7..1.J land tufore Hie Register and Receiver ol this office at U Grande, Oregon, on Thursday, the 5lh day nf October, 1900. He names as witnesses: Wllllsm D. Baker, VanRenisetaer R. Mead, Michael Lnch, Charles Morrell, all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tilt their claims In this office on or btfort said 15th day of October, 1900. E. W. tJARTlEIT. Register. FOREST LIEU SELECTION. United Slates UnJ Office. I La Grande, Oregon, Aug. 10, 1000. To Whom It May Cencern: Tale Notice. Notice Is hereby clvrn tint Inseph Barton, whose poitoffirerddicst Is Biker Cliv, Oregon, hns made appllcailon n select 11 tier A tn lune 4, i8jt. (10 Stat.. 16) ihe following dcs.iltedl.ind: 3'xxWHSV'',,n,IM'.,t,-s," It Tp 0 S R 18 fc. W. S. lot 4 and NWt( Sec 6 Ti m S R iR. I nts 1 and a urd K'i NWjJ and Wj Nl.'.' Sec 11 Tp 10 S R 6 E. W. S All prrvons ate hrre'-y mitlfieJ thil will In the next iMrtvdivs trom dte lirtrol they are retulted to file their protest, nrion'rst against the selection on Hie ground that the said Ira t or anv portion thereol Is mo e viJuillo lo- mineral than lor aeil cultural purposes, wll'i He Rrgls'er ol He UnlleJ S'alei lanJ Ortkeat In (irind-. Oregon, Hint the sime inav be noted 'or irnort in ih. f'iiifiiu.inM..r ol the General I an I Ohlce. D1led.1l La GranJe.Orecon, this 10H1 davof Au gust, lyiM. I!, w. IlARllhtl, Register. &f JTIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I United Slates Land Office. - La Grandt, Oregon, July jo, 1000. Notlct It hereby given that In compluustt with tht Jprovlslonsiot the act of Congress of June 1, 1878, ' entllled "An act for tht salt of timber lands In tht SUtes of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all tht Public Land Mates by act 01 August 4, i). JAMES K. PARD18 'of Sumpter, County of Baker, Suie of Oregon, hat this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 697, for the purchase of the ntK andeWstU of sec it. tp to s r No. )6 E W. M, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, ana 10 establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this ofnee at La Grande, Oregon, on Tuesday, the trd dav of October. 1900. He names as witnesses: W. C. Calder. Mrs. N. C. Richards. Charles O. Morrell, David II. Wilson, id of Sumpter, Oregon. ,..., Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In Mil offict on or btfort said sird day of October 1900. E. W. BARTUHT. Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1, 1I78.-NOTICE - FOR PUBLICATION. I United Sutes Land Office, I La Grande, Oregon, August n, 1000. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of tht act of Congress of June 1, 1I78, entitled "An act for the salt of timber lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all tht public, land states by act of Augyst 4, ifkn, WIUIAM D. BAKER. of Sumpter, County of Baker, State of Oregon, has this day filed In this offict hit sworn statement No. 704. for tht purchase of tht st V of tec No. o. In in No. 10 1, rangt No. )& E W M, and will offer proof to snow inai mi una tougnt is mort valuable tor its tim ber orstont than for agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to said land btfort tht Register and Rectlvtr of this offict at La Grandt, Oregon, on Thursday, tht t)th day of October, 1900. Ht names at witnesses: Maurlct I-. Munv, Van Rensselaer Mead, Michael Lynch, Charles Morrell, all of Sumpter. Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands art requested to hit their claims In this offict on or btfort said 15th day of October, 1000. E W. Barhett. Register. TIMIILR LAND. ACT JUNE 1. 18,8. NOTICE I OR PUHI ICXTION. I United Slates L111.I Oilier, I LiGt.inJr, Oiegon, August 7, ii Notice Is hereby given lint In compliance with Hie provisions ol Hie acini Congirssul June 1, ilVB, en HtleJ "An act tor Hie sale ol Umber lanjs In the Stales ol Callliiinla, Oregon, Nevad 1, and Washing ton rerrllory," s extruded tn all Hie Pitlllc InnJ Slatis by act of Augus1 4, iBg, LI Wis 1 1 Mill CK', . of Clifford, Counlv of Baker, Stale of Oregon, has mis uny mm in mis omce 111 sworn statement No. 710, lor the purchase ol the se'( se'f, se. 17, ne' ne'C of section No. o. In township No. 10 s.l range No. i E. W. M and will oiler prool 10 show 1 thai the land sought Is more valuable lor lis limber or I sione man lor agricultural purposes, nnj to rsMMIsh his claim 10 said land belore the Register and Re ceherol thlsntticenl La Grande, Oregon, on Satur day, the it day nl Niwember, ivra. He names as wl'nesses: dank S. Slatrr nl La Grande, Oregon. James I- llalslev of Maker City. Orrgon, Henry Panning and Uaicnce E Whitney, both of Cllllord, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely tht above described lands are requested in il in this olfice on or before said 17th day of November, E. W. Bartlett, Register. Handsome lot of Dlcken's vest chains for men at F. C. BroJie's jewelry store, Opera House block. D.&R.G.R.R. Scenic Line of the World The Favorite Transcontinental RouU Retween the Northwest and all Point. bas.t. Choice of Two Routes Through the Famous ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY And Four Routes East of Pueblo anil Denver. All passengers cranted a day stop over In the Mormon Capitol or anywhere be tween Ocden and Denver. Personally conducted Tourist Excursions to OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. I.OUIS, Chicago and the East. For tickets and anv Information regard iiir routes, etc., or for descriptive adver tlsini! Ill, liter, call on :iiiils nt nr.,,,.,, Railway and NavlRatlon Co., OreRon Short Line or Southern Pacific companies. S. K. IIOOPKK, R. C. NICHOL, O.P. I. A. General ARent Denver, Col. Portland, Ore. 0. R. & N. CO. Dl'I'ART Chicago Portland Sprilal o'4j p m Atlantic Impress it:npm t:4j am TIME SCIII.DULI.S I mm Baker City Sail Luke, Denver, ft. worth. Omaha, Kan sas Ulv, SI. IjiuIs Chicago and East. Sail I ake. Denver. It, Woilh, Omaha, Kan sas Cllv, SI. Louis, Chicago and Last. The City Green house, at Baker City, urnlsh es choice cut flowers. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1. 1878.-NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 1 United Sutes Land Offict, f ui TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Unlttd States Land Offict, J La Grande, Otegon, July so, 1900. J Notlct It hereby given that In com pi lance with tht rovltlons of tht act of Congress of Junt I. iltl, itllltd "An act for tht salt of timber Unds In the srtatet of Calllomla. Oregon, Nevada, and Washing tot) Ttrrltliory," tauidtd to all tht putllc Uad Grandt, Oregon, Aug. it, 1900. Notlct It hereby glvtn that In compliance with tht provisions of tht act of Concrtts of June 1. 18,8. entllled "An act for tht salt of timber lands In tht Sutes of California, Oregon, Ntvada, and Washing ton Territory," at extended to all tht Public Land states py act 01 August 4, i. RWIN OATEWOOD, of McEwen, County, of .Baker, Suu of Oregon, hat this day filed In this offict hit sworn statement No. 670, (or tht purchase of the s1 nt 1-4, tec 11 s!ti nw 1-4 of section No 11 in township No 10 s, rangt No it E W M, and will offer proof to show that tht land sought Is mort valuable for Its limber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to estab lish his claim to said land before tht Register and Re ceiver of this office al La Grande, Oregon, on Thursday, the tsth day of October, 190a. He names as witnesses: Ansell Cook, Waller Cook, V. R. Mead, David McCoy, all of McEwen, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands art requested tn file their claims In this offict on or before said 15th day of October, 1900- E. W. Bartiett, Register. .affafsrW vlitViNtV FOREST LIEU SELECTION. United Stattt Und Office, I La Grandt, Oregon, Aagutt it, 1900. Nattca It htftbv rivta that Fraak S. Ralllla. traost aaat oalct addrttt la SusttUr, Baktr Ctuary, RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY IN 60MCtK WUH Ti DtNVKft MO QRANOK r COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROADS THRCC DISTINCT ROUTES AMI txt MOST MASNIFICENT SCENERY in AMiatoa. ir it txt imiv 7tttooiiNiNiM. iw, Nttma ooioriy rmouoM quaint ano nciuatsout SALT LAKE CITY. LIADVILLC, COLORADO SPRINCt anal DKNVCR. 8 pm Dally Ex. Sunday 8pm Saturday 10 pm Walla Walla. Uwlslon. npoKane, Minneapolis St. Paul, Duluth, Mil waukee, Chicago and .asi Arrivu t'4l a tn MS ! i4jpn OCfAN STEAMSHIS All Sailing Jatet sublecl tocnange. for San l-ranelicn Sail every 5 days. THE RIOnNANOI WltriHN RAILWAY OPERATE! THREE PAIT TRAINS TO THE EAUT OAlkV, OARKYINO lfMflltlll rWrtt flflfj fuHmim OnNnary StotjfMrt TO OMUHA AND CHICACO WITHOUT CMNOf rrao Raellnlng Chair Car. Partaol Olnlne-Oar tarvtoa. ret iwenasuriOM 01 esweM., t inoomi oe J. D. Mansfield ca.w.HEMTi,aM-ipaM',ai..Mu4,kn, 6am Ex. Sunday COLUMBIA RIVER STEAMERS To Astoria and Landings. Way tin Tues- Thur. and Sal 6a m Tues. Thur. and Sat. Leavt Rlparla j: a m Daily WILAMETTC RIVER Oregon City. Newt-erg. jsaiem, injepenjence anj rray-ianiiing!. WILLAMETTE A YAM. HILL, KIVLHS Oregon City, Dayton, ana way Landings. WILLAMETTE RIVER Portland to Corvalllt and WayLandingt SNAKE RIVER Rlpaila to Lewlston iu.4!, ,4:?.p" Viopxt rtonVW. and Frl. MoaV Vr-eX and Fit. Leavt Lewistnei 0iiy , aast H. C. FsOWERS, Afent, Baker City, Oregon Sumpter Bottling Works Gagen & Sloan, Proprietors. j Jt jt j jt Manufacturers of all kinds of car , bonutca drinks and ciders. Or ders filled and shipped on short notice. jt jt j jt jt .UHPTER, - . ORKOTf