The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 05, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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Wednesday. September ?, 1900
FOR I $1.00'
FOR $1.00
On Draught or in Bottles
Opposite Postoflice Sumpthr, Orbgon
Great Business Activity
Cable Cove District.
New life has been Infused into the pros
pects on the Giant county side of the line
.it tile Cove. 1 he recent Mile of the
I Hatty AicKec mine to Colonel Grayson
111 , and his associates has stimulated court-
(deuce in the manv prospects on the head-
, waters id the North l:orl of the John
1 Day river. New roads are being built
and the Hatty McKee company aie com-
rollowliiK is an interesting letter hv O. mencini: permanent hnprovenients. Five
t.. Miller, secretatv of the Maker Oilv l,l,,IM', " " l''ce of construction,
chamber of uinnnerce, published In the mid a development tunnel will brrtui this
Demeuat: winter Hint will develop not oulythe Haby
Hiislnes's mav be u,ulet In H.iker and McKee property, but demonstrate the
Sumpter just now, but it is- lively In the 'le "I le whole group ol claims just
mines. I'heic have been so manv changes above It.
in the way ol building, shall houses, ' li" "" is certainly lull of promise
hoisting works and better roads between for the business Interests of Maker county,
Similiter and Cable Cove that one and while we mav feel the slacl after a
..,.i.-,lu i-.-.ionl.. Hie old land marUs. little ovei -booming there is no reason why
last September I drove Horn Sumpter to
the Uagle mines in the Cove and it was a
very quiet but tonsil road, not a sign ol
life or an Indication of inluliiK could be
we should not feel more than satisfied
Willi the lesulls ol the pteseut season's
development In the mines.
I ell the truth about the resources iu the
.. t 1 .i.t. ... 1 Miklirii fiatiiivii irikl.l IimLI. uut ."iMlt I ti-ll I
seen I made the inp again mis ween ..-... w.h.. h.., ....-...,
and the iliange Is wonderful. TheColum- come In plenty to develop all industries,
bla mine lias many new building and ' I"?"' I- '"oie than double the developing
looks like a new camp. At.the Gokonda "' ' on now thin one year ago
manv new channel, have been made and and it out o! it all we gain one guoJ pro-
their bits mill h as chanced fiom a mere Jcl"K "'ine out of every ten prospects,
curiosity to an actual producer. l'iopecl- which are now beinn developed, it vs ill be
iug Is going steadily on at the Amaon a wondeitulcamp.
mine and Irom the Immense dump they
are a Ion way under ground. Hie
Mountain Helle and Free Coinage each
have a tine shall and hoisting machinery,
also other buildings tor the accommoda
tion of (he 'miners and other help.
Sat Uf led. With the Judgment.
In one of the back counties
of Virginia there lives a worthy
couple, whom we, will call Peter and
Mandy Jones. Peter owned a small farm
At the Cove the Uagle mine Is being a few miles Irom the village, which was
worked and the ore sent to the smelter, the capital of the county, and where Peter
Seven men are employed and the Imperial spent the greater part ot his time, to the
seems to be the principal producer ot the neglect of his duties, and to the ureal dl
grmiit, I, umber is on the ground lor the tress of his worthy spouse, he Kenerally
erection of a hoisting plant and shaft returned in a state of intoxication. On
house oil the Black Dwarf mine, which one occasion w hile he was absent in town
ndjolns the Kagle group. Many improve- on a drunken spree, his cows were
incuts have been made at the, California ' attacked by disease and all of them died,
mine am) development work is (n progress, i Upon his return home, his wife informed
him of the death of the cows, and hoping
to impress upon him a great moral lesson,
"Now, Pete, those cows dying that way
was a jedgment of the Lord agin' you for
: your wicked drunken doings."
I Pete mediated for a moment, and then
"Well, Mandy, ef the Lord has a jedg-
meut agin' me and Is wlllln' to take it out
In cows he is welcome to 'em." And he
, arose and went to town to get drunk
again. Harpers Magalne.
Attempted Wholesale Poisoning.
Frank Yates, erstwhile druggist for
I Jr. Howard, at Carson, has gone to
parts unknown. During a business
visit ot the Doctor to Union, Yates be
came dissatisfied with his position and
, "departing lett behind (not a) footprint
on the sands of time." Refore his de-
I parture, .vhich was not at all hurried, he
pained about an ounce of croton oil into
live bottles of tinctures. This was dis-
I covered before any of the drugs had been
sold, or serious results might have fol-
1 lowed, as one drop of the oil is a dose and
! is then only given in severe cases. Dr.
) Ruhr, of Pine, made the analysis. Dr.
Howard stales that he is also shy about
J 16 In money and several articles of value.
1 No reasonable cause can be given for
I Yates' actions, as he was always con
sidered relianle and trustworthy. It is
slid that h had been drinking heavily of
bitters, and his friends allege that he was
not responsible for his actions.' Dr.
Howard says he will bring him to Justice
if it takes a lifetime and U taking ineas
uies to that effect. G.irsou Tocsin.
The Literary
UturJ Weekly
a I'JKe IllunrateJ
"All Hit Ptflttflcilt in 0m"
Tmw LltlMAkv DkiksT tut taken the highest
rank n .1 weekly review of current thought at
home anj abroaj, in the realm nt literature, art.
clenrr. rellflivn, politic, ocloloity, travel, JU
covin l'Ulne, etc. l)icuslon .inJ Intorma
tlon hi nil IJe nt Important question are given.
The content each week cover a helj so JivemhVl
at to, nuke Till 111 I WW DldlST InJispenvtM
to the busy man who Je.lre to keep up with the
thought of the time, put who laiktihe leisure lor
such a task.
I. P. Powtll, D. 0., In Unit)-. Chicage: "TllK
LITLRAWV llHilsT Is .ill absolute mcessllv to
those who uoulj keep In line with the progress
ol thought .inJ achievement. I Jo not tee how
any thinking man can get alone without It."
Edwin Mirkhim, Author o( "The Man With
the Hoc " I in: Luhmky Muiit Is one ol the
two or three mii.l ahuNe journals that come to
my table.
Ei-Simtor John J. Infilli: Tiil Linwvk
PK5I T enlarges the hmnJarlev ol IntelllKenie."
SimUr Willlim P. Fry: "It will aiiorj Im
mente altjnce to the cholar ot the country."
Con. John P, Allfild, ot IlllmJv; "Till!
auyDuum U one ol ihe vrrvhcsi puHlcitlons
n America. To a tluJcnt ol current llleralure It
l Invaluable.
10 Cinti pir Cea. tl.00 pr Ylir
Sand (or Diieriptivt Circular.
Private Board.
I will furnish private board to a few de
siring such, at my residence on. North
street, near Center. Mrs. C- E. Duck
General brass and Iron Founders
and Machinists.
Baker City
Iron Works
GEO. P. MCLYNN, Proprietor ::::::
Special attention given to '
repairing and rebuilding all
kjnds of machinery.
Baker Cit.V. Telephone Red 161