The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, September 05, 1900, Page 13, Image 13

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    Wednesday, September t;, 1900
M rtle Creek, Oregon
Vlce-Pres. t Gen. Mgr. H. W.A1ILI.EK
Roxeburg, Oregon
Secretary. W. F. BURLISON
Sumpter, Oregon.
Treasurer, A. P. (lOSS. Hank of Sum pier
Sumpter, Oregon
Secy. & Treat, of Hranch.J. C. AlKr.N
Koeburg, Oregon
SuperlntenJent, J. M. DKL'NON
Siimpter, Oregon
Umpqua Mining
and Milling Co.
Principal Office. Sumpter, Oregon.
Branch Office, Rosetmrg, Oregon
1,000.000 Shares of
Fully Paid and Non-Assessable
THE COMPANY owns four claims, all adjoining, and a mill site,
being 6000 feet in length by 600 feet wide, and the mill site covers
five acres. The claims are known as Chance, American. Gold I lill
- and Grand Prize, and the American mill site. These claims are lo
cated about five miles west from Sumpter, Baker County, Oregon, and are reached by a good wagon road and
are surrounded by developed properties, such as the famous Ibex, Maiden's Dream, Evening Star, and several
other promising mines. There is ample timber and water on the ground for all mining purposes.
DEVELOPMENT. Since March, 1900, the company has done over quo feet of miscellaneous work,
to determine the best method of permanent mining and have reached a depth of over 160 feet, where values
have varied from ten to several hundred dollars per ton, with better than 1:5 AVERAGE VALUES.
IT RB1N(j a foregone conclusion from the development already made that the .Umpqua croup of mines, wllli proper opening,
can be made one of the dividend payers of Oregon, and that rlchore bodies can he opened up with a reasonable e.Npendltuie
of money in a short space of time, and the management being exceedingly anxious to push the development work, by either
drifting or sinking from the end of cross-cut tunnel or by running a cross cut kiwer down on the creek, tu hich will be short) then
drift on vein and deptli will be gained as work proceeds, and ore will be taken out at all times. In order to raise the money re
quired for immediate use, the company has decided to place for sale
to such persons as may be offered an opportunity to purchase. The right to withdraw the stock Irom sale without notice is how
ever reserved by the company.
HOW TO OBTAIN THE STOCK. Applications for stock of the Umpqua Mining & MILLING COM
PANY should be addressed to Secretary W. F. Burlison, or Treasurer A. P. Goss, Bank of Sumpter, Sumpter,
Ore. Any person purchasing stock will at all times have access to the mines by making application to the
general manager, and all books and reports of the company will at all times be subject to examination.
m i
The following is the record of official
business transacted at the county seat of
Baker county for the week ending Tues
day, Sept. 4:
Warranty JeeJ Aug 11, Tho Drltlane et al
to Jas ChattirlJ. lot to 4. blk Partite
AJJn, llaker City 130
Warranty JeeJ-Teb 18. o, A E Dever ct ux In
Lucy A WooJIe, lot 45. blk l. Stewart anj
aJJn, Baker Civ
Warranty JeeJ -Feb 18, q,A I: Dever rl ux to
Lucy A WooJIe. lot 44. Mk ). Stewart'anJ
aJJn. llaker City
Wrrrantv JeeJ June ag. 04, Lucy A WooJIe vt
virtu II PanJ.Mary Miller, lot 44. 5. Mk
11, Stewart aJJn, Baker City 10
Warranty JeeJ-Aug o, W S lioer el ux In
SK Srnor, lot uloai, blk 11. Stewart anj
aJJn, llaker City
Warranty JeeJ -Auk iB. .Mary Wilcox to II At
anj l: At White, lot o anJ 10, Mk 8, Stewart
anj aJJn, llaker City
Warranty JeeJ-Aug 14. Ion Lewi to Sumpter
Development Co, e 1-4 ol ne 1-4 ol ec 5, tp
io,r 37 e
Warranty JeeJ-Det ao, W. Albert Gelter et ux
lo Minnie I: Looney. x ji It of lot 4. 5. Mk a,
Warranty JeeJ-Jan . Geo I' Wright el ux lo
N T Collett el al twi-aol nw 1-4 of ec 4,
tpio, rj7 e....
Warranty JeeJ-July 10, Sumpter T (Jo LJ. lo
A H Weaver et al. wtf of lol 1 anJ a. Mk
i, STS'ntl aJJn, Sumpter....
Warranty feeJ-Aug 4. D C Brlchoux et ux to
Will Jackson, lot 1. anj n is ft of lot a, Mk 1,
Placet aJJn, Baker City
Warranty JeeJ-Atay 15. Thos Bathaw to H II
Healty, 160 rcre In ec 10 anj (o, t 9, r ts
e.anj water right
Warranty JeeJ-Aug , Wm Davit et ux to H
B Mllei. 100 by to It lying ty 11 eatl of
Baker City Pumping Station
Warranty dee J -May 7. Geo Wright et ux
to Nina Bell, ne 1-4 ot e 1-4 of ec x. tp 10,
r jt v
Warranty JeeJ-Aug jo. Nina 'Bell et vlr to
Sumpter Development Co, tame
Warranty DeeJ -I "eh 10, Price Davit rl uxlo J
Atelket, w nofeel ol lot , blk 0 Sumpter
Helghti aJn
Warranty JeeJ Sept 1. Laurence S Winn el ux
1 to Zena T llrown, lot 1 anj a, blk 1, AtwooJ'
I nj uJn Baker City
Warranty JeeJ Sepl r. Laurence S Winn el
ux to I J llrown, lot , 4, x.6 anj I:, lot 7, blk
, 1, AtwooJ' anj aJn llaker City
, Warranty JeeJ April a, I: I' Bergman el al In
Charlct A Myett, e aj leet ot lot 1 anj a,
I blk 11, S r Co' 11 aJn Sumpter . .. .
Warranty JeeJ Sep 1, Chaile A After lo I
Itaac. same
Warranty JeeJ May 14, 08, Sarah At llalnrx
to At A Dawon, lots 7 anJ V, blk 4, Maine. .
Warranty JeeJ Alayar. Geo I1 Wright rt ux to
Wm II Caey, blk b anj 7 Sumpter ....
Warranty JeeJ- July 18, Hiram Colt el nl to
1 llioma Drlhlane, 160 acre kilning In rt
30, al, ?8, ay, Ip la r 7
.Mining JeeJ- Aug o, T W DaviJvon to HalJ
I Alt G At Co, the Detroit anJ iu other ijuaitz
I claim
Atlnlng JeeJ-Aug to, Cha I: Kane to I: II
Hall, the Alleghany Group ol qii cl
er to Kuxtarr At WhlteheaJ, 4 Imrx'k anj 1
Chnllel Sept 4. A II Phillip to I' lUkChe, w
"" 1 mill anJ machinery on ne 1-4 11I nw 1-4 tec it
I lpVrj8e
ItMO f
Mining JeeJ Aug o, l)aIJll Turner lo Se
curity Mng & Inv Co, the InJIana anJ Whit
' leyqKcl i.r
Leave July 18, Virginia Con Mng Co 10 FreJ
llrae, of Noanelle mine for one) ear. Imm
Sept 18, lyuo, lor J percent of value
Mortgage Aug eu, Jat ChaltieU et ux lo John AM OUs.
Attachment Aug au, Olio llrrlofkrr Tim
Campbell anJ John Artnt ruler. t Sumplrr,
lor ami Jue on note ol $;un, to I lrt Hank ol
Suit- Aug a j, W C HinJman vCha I. Yanli,
tor retitutlnn ot it bv 108 II ol HinJman
lllink, Maker Clly, nnJ lor Jamage by Je
IrnJanl wrongfully l.nljlng same agalnvt
8.1 Attltlrx nf lncoi oration Ag 16, At .Si s"
I'orwarJing Co, by Wm anj I'J Atuiphy
anj J W Stuchrlt, Inturporatoi. Oli!ce:
llaker Cllv; 1oik, iH.aoo; 4111 sli.ncv at ii
lease Irb 7, .I0I111 Atmliustrr to J II
SfhmlJt, lull cm Mill St ol Ciiluinbla llrt-w
riv, in Sumplrr, tt o month lioinlrbi,
itHi, ,it pr ituiiith,
Hill ul alr Aug iv. I' U leetoO.M lr, ur
tain chaltrU In Spokane lojglng lloua
In Sumplrr
Action Sepl 4, Jamc HraJnr v C II 'I hump
on, tor airount ol rrnt ot mng dm anj ami
Jue on note ... ....
Action W 1 Butcher vt M Jit I: & .1. Ilegg.
a llegg llroi, for posiettlonol horteanj
buggy, II not poiblr, lor their value ol$-
anj Jamage ot ,
Schniiu, lot 1 lo 4.
llaker Clly.
blk i, 1'acihc aJJn,
Mortgage Aug aj, W W Looney et ux lo
Sumpter Light & I'owrr Co, t si ft of lot 4
anj s, Mk a, Sumpter
Chattel- Aug o. Hell ilekent et lr lo A Koeh
Irr, the Smuggler placer claim
Chattel -Aug t, Arthur Phllbrlck el ux lo W
, 4 I'ernalJ, one piano...
'Mortgage Aug at. Henry B Hall el ux lo W
I'ernal J, tao, acre in tect 18, r, to, tp , r
4je anj water right ,.
Chaltcl-Sepl ). W T Buchanan anJ l: At Bal-
P .1 llenmex. C S McCnrJ, Michael Ballmer, John
Arthur, I. K Stratum, W II Wetta!l. Al 1 Kline, Wm
Wlle. AnJrew Drwar, I: K HeeJ, Geo Gllvnn, Ihr
WilllamMin, S W I rotl, T A llrown. I'J Hilling,
loiil I kktiorn, II S Dutgan, DA Walton, I l Grren.
Notlte Ix herebv given that the talj Joe I'atlno Ik
Co. will apply lo the xalj County Court ol llaker
tountv. lor the granting ot taij lliente on O. tuber 1,
ioii, or a kiHin Iherealter a hi petition can hi
henrJ. .lot. I'APINO ,' t.D.
Through the Ycllowttonc.
1 Tlie new route via the OreKon Short
Line Railroad and Monlda, Mont., rnahles
1 you to iiiahe a delightful trip HiioiikIi the
Yellowstone National I'arh, enterhiK via
Monlda and coiniiiK out via Ciiiuahar,
I inahiuK it unnecessary to cover any por
! tlon of the route twice. l:or IxMiitilul
! descriptive hooklet, write or call at Ore-
Kon Short Line Ticket Olfice, 14 Third:
' strrel, Portland, OrrKmi.
ii vlviv'
To the Honorable County Court of Baker County,
Stale ot Oregen:
Wt the unJcralgneJ, a majority of the legal voler
of the North Sumpier Precinct, County ol Baker anj
State ot Oregon. repectfullv prevent thlt, our peti
tion, anj pray lhat a llctntt he granieJ by il.l.
Honorable Court, to Jot Parlno II Co., permitting
them to tell at retail. In quanilllei leu than one gal
lon, tpirlluoua, malt anj vlnout liquor at their MnaJ
noue. tuuaiej.nn section ai, ip. o t, r ao I. w ,M,
near the roaJ IraJlng irom the town of Sumpter to I
ine town or iiranne. anj a tnort Jlunce eat ul the
line between llaker anj Gram Ceuntlet:
I: U Hauter, B L McLaln, O A HammonJ. J l:
CupU, John T Jonat, Sam Cornwell, Chat I. t-'erry,
ti BTeJrowe, K LNelll. J T Shelion, Frank William.
H B GrlMn, John HearJsley, Henry Mory. Archie M
DonalJ.J JHinion. W M Dean, Hany Nkholvon,
Jotin L Sullivan, J T Yeagtr. J E Heei. M W Sul
livan, W W McUlley. John Slolberg, II G WouJ,
THtOHur m mm
IiuiioiulB rn"s.
rMirio ? !! at
taiaat aacMTa,