THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, September 5. 1900 12 ON A LARGE SCALE. Cornucopia Mines Making Improvements. The Cornucopia Mines nf Ore enn com pany Is carrying it pi. ins lor the opera lion of its mines in a inosl practical man uer and nn t iale never before attempted i In Oregon. I lie waters of I'inr creek are tn be Irir- ncssril am) cleitrldty einpluved tn run all ' the machinery connected with the mines. Mr. I. J. t.likel, manager of all the western mining Interests nf Sugar King Se.ules, the ihirf Halite in the Cornucopia mines of Oregon company, was in the tity yesterday 'in his return from Cnriiu topi.i, and took his departure for the Klui mines in Colorado. ceeds of which they will build a new church building. Figures secured by the Boise Statesman claim that the population of the state of Idaho, as shown by the recent census, Is close tn 150,000. In 1890 it was 84,38$. The largest city Is Boise, with 8000. Po catelln comes next with 4000. Moscow has 3300 and Lewlston 3100. Nez Perce and Latah counties have each a little over 1 13,000, and Ada 12,000. Fremont county 1 shows the greatest growth and has 12,000 I people. Formal announcement has been made hy the officials of the Spokane land ottice that lands formerly in the north half of the Colvllle reservation will le open for entry at noon October 10. Accompanying this announcement is ,1 warning to the public nut to attempt to make settlement on any of the lauds before that date and hour. Smllir annnunci merit has been made by the YVaterville land ollicc officials. Seven hundred medals being pres-nted hy the state to thesnldiers participating in Mr. Cirkel gave out the Information tlie M'.inlsii war ami nupino insurrection that the tirst shipment ot nnchinery for remain uncalled for at the office of Adju plant was expected to arrive taut-General Ganteubeln. One thousand in Baker City early In the tirst of the I have been delivered, and the adjutant ....,,1 ii. 1 ii. h.i-.M.- umii.l tir. ' general Is anxious to have the others live (luring the month. I he iii.'uliiiieiy purchisrd consists of general eletttic generators and motors; a l.edgerwood Mauul.n.turing company's electric hoist, the tirst ever introduced hi Oregon; Prltnn water wheels;.! Sergeant Ingersoll 1 1 drill air compressor. I he gen eral elrttilc machinery consists of two J50-hnrse power generators; one zoo-horse power motor; one 1 co-horse power motor. I he whole aggregating 200,000 pounds In weight. All work preparatory to placing the (r t0 ustr.,te Arkansas character of machinery in place is about completed and tle H,Uirbon mossback type. According It Is expeiled that the plant will be In op- (0 t,e narrative, the senator, in the days ration )o days alter the arrival ol the followlttK the civil war, when tie practiced machinery. I,IW, had occasion to drive across one of ' From Baker City the machinery will be I t,e cmut 0f Arkansas tn keep a legal I hauled by teams to the mines at Curmico- engagement. He thinks it was in the pia, a (eat of no small proportions In It- northeast part of the state, just below the self, but easy ot accomplishment by those , Missouri line. I he iournev went very well until the Senator came across a group 1 ! of natives on the road. Across the road-. way a tree had fa.lcn squarely. 1 here claimed by their rlghttul owners. The medals for the Oregon linglneer Corps have been completed and are now ready for delivery at the same ottice. Address Adjutant-General Ganteubeln, Portland, , Oregon. THOUGHT HIM A YANKEE It Was Because He Knew How to Get a Tree Out of Road. Senator Vest has a story he sometimes having the contract. Baker City Demo crat. SHORT STORIES. A ledge lontainlng 02 per cent of mag nesia has been discovered three, miles Irom Albio'i, Idaho. Walla Walla's fruit fair will be held from October 1 tn 7, Inclusive. I lie man-' "trung their teams out and had tried two .igrment is making extensive preparations, or three pulls without any result beyond I he ( :. A. II. de.iJed to hold ll.elr next I b,Mki"K a C0",c f XtsM C,!a,n!" T,leV I Denver. I.eo Rnssieur, 1 ol St. I ouis was chosen Comander-lu-Chin. I he fusion convention of Washington, held in Seattle nominated Governor John It. Uogeis. Rogers and I uruer controll ing exetythlng. Uncle Sun's boys found on reach ing the "leinple of Heaven" that the occupants had v.uatedit as the hottest pl.keiu l-hlni. St. Louis Globe-Democrat, .las. J. Cot belt defeated Kid McCoy in five tounds, bclotr the Twentieth Cen tury club In New York 011 the joth. Cor-' belt received .iI'imiI jih,ooo and .McCoy, $0,000. Boston has a population of sw,8o2, ac-1 was no way to get around and lay out a 4 new road after the usual plan of dealing , I with such an obstruction in that country. J ' The tree had to be moved. Neighbors had come from nil around in response to the I summons of the road overseer. They had I. ..I . ........l ... .I.llk...... At. .1... .... t .-.Ml. II.IU Ml'TU ll utllfci.nt uii mr lit m i. J I he senator looked at the tree and at the , helpless crowd of Arkansas natives, and J then said: "Why don't you cut the tree in two in I the middle and haul the ends out of the ' way?" There was a moment of silence broken suddenly by oneof the uowd whorc.khed tor his gun, and ecl. limed: "Yankee, by gum!" A PROMISING PROPERTY. Development Work on the Oregon Chief Group Highly Satisfactory. John Thornton, who is interested with, his brother, Com, and J. I:. Donnelly in the Oregon Chief group of claims in the cording to the new census. In 1K00 she Chc Cove aiMrlct. is in thecity after had milv 448.447. or 25.07 per cent less. mv , e t W 0s ( Je. Aremirkable gain lor such an old city, veoplng the property, almost a boom. T)e Oregon Chief group consists of 'I lie census trtutns show that there Is a CVernl claims and Is considered to be one couple of Indians living on was the 1 0f the best properties In the Cable Cove Ne Perce reservation who are each over .district. About 1400 feet of development 100 years of age. I hey ire man and wife,, WOrk, all tunnelling, has been done on were bom in Jinuary, 1800, and weie on the property and the results are highly married 76 years ago. satisfactory to the owners. Four of the Here Is a story Irom Spekane: The claims are on the same vein. The entire Central Christian church owns a gold group Is located on w hat is said to be the mine. 'I heir pastor h is gone to work in 1 main lead In the district, and on the e the mine, and w ill take out. some samples tension of the Grey b'agle group of mines, and go east and sell shares, from the pro- '--Democrat. I BP? T " -"- 1 n t.diki'iiaM1aws"CwplllllU Fraser and Chalmers Chicago MILLING MACHINERY-Rolls, Stamps, Crushers. Perforated Metals, Jigs, Frue Vanners, rite. MINING MACHINERY Boilers, Including Sederholm Boiler, Air Compressors, Reidler Pumps. I-'ur- naces, Etc. Write to our Chicago ottice for Catalogue. Represented by MENNO UNZICKER, Hotel Warshauer, BAKER CITY, OREGON Pelton Water Motor Is so superior to all others as regards strenth, durability and economy of water, in fact all that constitutes a HIGH CLASS WATER MOTOR, as to admit of no comparison, adapted to every variety of service and made ot sies varying Irom the fraction of 1 up to 100 H. P. Recent scientific tests made at the Michigan University in connection with sev eral other motors claimed to be the best on.the market showed 45 per cent higher elficlency in favor of favor of the PELTON, while the rela tive cost per H. P. to buy was only one-third to one-half that of others. Water companies desiring to make the best of their water supply should discriminate in favor of the PELTON. Deliveries made from New York or San Francisco, as may afford the best freight rates. Circulars free. One of these motors can be seen any time operating Tllli MlNhK presses. THE PELTON WATER" WHEEL CO. 143 Liberty Street. New Yolk. 125-129 Main St. San Francisco, Calif. SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS AUnulacluirrk nf alt klnjs ot CarNwittrJ Drlnkt anj CMm. OfrutrJ In connection tilth the Kentucky Liquor House WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAGEN & SLOAN, PROPS., SUMPTER, ORE. W. S. BOWERS ABSTRACTS Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained Years of experience in Baker County Records. No. 2104 Court Street, Haker City; Oregon. 00000000000000 l:cluslve Agent tor the Celebrated OLYMPIA BEER On draught or by bottle. 000000000OOOO( "The Olympus tt H. FINGFR, Proprietor. High Grade Wines. Lii)uors and Cigars. Sumpter, Or. "Just around the Corner" NEBERGALL cv MOORE PROPRIETORS. THE MAZE Fine Wines, Liquors and Ggars. Next to First Bank Sumpter SUMPTER, OREGON y A e