8 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday. August 29. icco LARGEST RANCHES IN THE WORLD. They are Found in Harney Co., Single and Combination. A correspondent .it Rums writes In terestlugly of the Immense ranches In Harney county. He says: Harney munty contains the largest jind greatest ranches in the worlJ. She has the larg est single and the largest combination of 1. indies in the world. This Is a broad M.iieincnl, hut it is true. The Pacific Livestock Company's combination of ranches is the greatest in the world, and the French-' ilenn ranch Is the largest single ranch In the world. 'I hen there .-ire the SIsvm, Divine, Riley, Shirk, Island and a doen others that are as .is large as some of the largest counties hi eastern states. Miller & l.ux are the owners of the P.uilic Livestock system nl undies. 'I heir White Horse ranch Is the central point lor gathering stock, and sorting them out and shipping, and Is probably the largest of their system. It Is 1 to miles from Hums in the southeast ern corner of Harney county. It contains jo.ooo acres. Twenty-live hundred acres df this is in a rich valley, a natural meadow, irrigated by natural streams. 'I his meadow is fenced to itself and the hay is cut from it annually. About 200 .'i res of it produces alfalfa and trom this ranch alone 40a to 500 Uns of hay is cut annually. This umipany employs a large number of men on its various ranches and it lias a system governing its work as stringent and pcrlect as that of a f II- legulatcd railroad company, there art general managrrs and assistant general manageis, and local managers and as sislauls, and torcmrn of difterent depart ments, and subs and so on, down to the (.(million hay-piuher and dish-washer. All of the Improvements on these randies are the costliest and the best, and every Individual lauch is a little government within itself. The possessions ot lords of olden times with their manors ueie not more carefully managed thin are these i.inches, and tile foremen and workmen re not less obedient to their duty. When the head superintendent comes there Is awe among the underlings for fear that everything will not please, and when the oh ner comes it is like the coming of a King, indeed. On the White Horse ranch the superin tendents and foremen ride and drive white horses, the typicai horses of the ranch. The principal grasses grown on these ranches are wild ledtop and clover, as is g'uwn all over the natural meadows ot the county, but there are other varieties just ns good intermingled ullh them. On these ranches, two of them in par ticular, the White Hoise and French- ilenn, deer that were formerly wild and r.W on the l:rench-( ilenn ranch hive be anir lame and roam at will among the stock, and among the hay-makets In I1.1v mowing season. I hey come up like cattle among the men. As the long listot mow-1 crs drawn by teams nit the hay down hi j rows, these deer and elk caper b.uU and forth and smell tne new-mowed hay and I tollow the men for a caress. Ibis has j been brought about by a rule ol the ranches that prohibits the discharge ot , Meat ins on the grounds and makes It a heavy penalty to kill or maim any of the wild 01 domesticated animals on the lands. ' The French! il-en company's ranch, known as the "I"' ranch, the largest sin gle ranch in the woild, contains morei than 1 20,000 acres under fence. It is 70 miles south from hums at the base of Steins' mountain In I Ranch valley. One string of fence alone Is 80 miles long, baring a gap of six or eight miles. The Dunderand Blitzen river runs through this ranch. There are 25,000 to jo,ooo head of cattle on this ranch, and about 2000 horses and mules. Bight thousand to to,ooo tons of hay are cut annually on this ranch. It is an empire within itself fine buildings, fish streams, broad meadows, groves of timber, fruit trees, natural parks, deer and elk and every thing that is wild and grand. Probably So men are employed on this ranch. The shipping points are Ontario, Huntington and Winuemucca. The Divine ranch, another of the great ranches of the county, was recently cov ered in the Oregouiau by an interview with John S. Divine, the owner. This ranch Is situated at the southeast base) of Steins' mountain, fit a point known as , I Alvord. It was the temporary camp of j soldiers in early days. There are 17 elk ' on this ranch kept to themselves on a 1 so-acre tract of ground enclosed with I smooth-wire fence. Large herds of deer also roam this ranch unmolested. The Kilty ranch, 30 miles southwest from Hums, contains 12,000 to 15,000' acres, and stock and Improvements in proportion. The Shirk ranch in Catlow valley con tains 5000 to 6000 acres and is noted for being one of the prettiest ranches in the county. It Is 100 miles from Hums. The Sissoii ranch lies along the south ern boundary line of the county and state , and contains about 12,000 acres of deeded ! lauds. It Is in Trout Creek valley. There are 4000 to 5000 head of high-grade t cattle on this ranch. ; I here are hundreds of other ranches on a smaller scale in this county that would I be regarded as wonderful outside of liar-1 ney county and eastern Oregon, but when they get below the thousands of acres here they are regarded as lacking in interest. Van Anda Sold Under Execution. Attorney P. J. Haunon, formerly of Portland, now has practical control of the Van Anda pioperty, on Olive creek. At the execution sale, held in Canyon City Saturday, he bid In the property ror 7oo, in the interest of the judgment creditors. As only four of the six claims constitut ing the Van Anda group were levied upon, however, the deficit judgment, amounting to some 400 more, will have to be met by the sale of the remaining two claims. William Turner, one of the original owners of the Van Anda, has hopes of raising the money necessary to redeem the property before the time of redemption expires. It Is understood that he will also take up the building improve ments, which were some time ago sold as personal property on execution issued out of Justice Brown's court. The Van Anda was at one time ranked ns a valu able property, and this It may be yet. j Mismanagement is the cause of Its pres-, eut unenviable predicament. About , 51200 wortli of development work has been done on the property, and about , J 1 000 has been spent on buildings. It is i located on Quebec mountain, on Olive j creek, and is surrounded bv a number of I promising properties. Press dispatch trom (irauite. I W" Statistics on Silver. The total value of silver exported dur ing the calendar year was 5j4.i52.d56, of which 5jH,oii),7i.S was the value of do mestic, and 55,877,036 the value of for eign material. The value of domestic silver bars manufactured In the United States government Institutions was $21 1, 000, otwh'ch 5176,711 went to Mexico 5i8,joo to England, and 516,071) to On tario and (Juebec. Other silver pars of domestic oligin, amounting to f47.)6., 804, were exported, ot which 542,419." 1 50 went to Great Britain, 5i,go$,ioo to Hong Kong, 51,208,122 to Prance, 5gj2, 66 to Mexico, 5419,400 to British India, and 5300,758 to China. Director of the Mint's report of October 24, '99. .THE. sr-f Union Smelter Mfg. !Co. OF ST. LOUIS, MO. Our Sumpter. Oregon, Plant of From K to 40 Tons Daily Capacity is Now Ready For Operation. A spur of the Sumpter Valley Railway Company and easy wagon roads facilitate the delivery of ores right at the Smelter. Owners or controllers of Sulphide, Carbonate and Oxide ores, who can contract for their delivery in lots of 10 tons at least, are requested to forward to us from 100 to 150 pound? representing the average character and values of the ores. Such samples will be analyzed and assayed by our analytical chemist free of charge, for the purpose of establishing the value of the corresponding ores to us, and for the guidance of their owners. Our treatment charge, com paratively moderate, will be goverened by the special adaptability or de sirableness of the respective ores for our purposes. The product of our Smelter will be handled by the First Hank of Sumpter and payments for ores accepted by us will be mad through the same channel. Special rates of treatment charges will be made to parties in position to contract for a steady and large supply of desirable ores. SAMPLES AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED The Union Smelter Mfg. Co. S Loci SUMPTER, OREGON Lock Box P H. MEINHARD, Sec'y. S Bousum & Spalding CRYSTAL "Th Company Free delivery of Pure Ice. Leave orders at office of Columbia Brewing and Malting Co., next door to MINER office. stop! see Joe Schmidt r ...5c BEER... Brewery Saloon Sumpter THE GEM SALOON A. J. STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stlnson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar SUMPTER, - - - OREGON Paul E. Polndexter, MIN ES corona McNcal'b Code. iumptor, - - Ore. -