Wednesday, August 29, 1900. THE SUMPTER MINER. t,; THE GENTLEMAN FROM COLORADO. Says a Word About Belgian Hares and Promoters. There was nothing very giyand chip per In the looks of the gentleman from Colorado Monday forenoon, as he stood in front of the post office reading a letter, written In a precipe, Spencerlan liand. He saw THE MlNhk man across the street and called him over, remarking: "Step down to McEwen station with me. I want to tell you something I don't care for the whole town to hear, especially the lodging house and restaurant proprietors." Not until a secluded spot In South Sumpterwas reached did he proceed In this wise. "You know I told you some days since that I had cut the lead in my Cracker Creek claim, that it is something ereat and that I was going to borrow a thous and from my brother who tenches school In Indiana for $60 a month, go to Denver and get all kinds of money with which to make .1 mine and erect a mill, I also said something about live cent brer and cheap prices generally, giving the Impression that we would discuss affairs of state and various other problems over many bottles of vellow label on my return. "Well, that program Is temporarily abandoned, for reasons over which I have no control; as the man says when making a fake ecuse for not fulfilling an engage ment. That letter I was reading awhile ago is from my brother down in Indiana. He sends Ills regrets; can't let me have that pittence of a thousand, for the ridic ulous reason that he has invested all of his ready money in registered Belgian hares that score 97 whatever in the hell tint means and expects to make a for tune in the business in about twenty min utes and quit teaching school and run for congress on the free text book isue and then let me have what money I absolutely need to get nut of the country back to Hooppole county and take a job as assis tant foreman on Ills rahbitry. Now say, on the square, don't that jir you? "Do you know what I've got to do now? I am going to put my property in the hands and myself in the power of some promoter who happens to have the prince of a railroad ticket. I feel about like the novelist makes the prodigal sou look w lien he sends him to the usurer which In reality means his uncle w ith the gilded balls as a coat of arms to raise funds with which to meet a pressing debt of honor incurred while getting a taste of high lite on the night shift. "And this reminds me that I have seen during the past few weeks In a doen or so papers one of those fool stories for which you editor men seem to have a preference, defending the men who charge for their services In engineering mining deals. The fool feature lies In the fact that they need no defense. Whoever wrote the article in the first place was some alfalfa journalist who has secured a block of wild cat stock for publishing a puff of a company that has a bond on a claim without even a discovery shaft, and Imagines he Is a mining operator. 'I he mining broker needs defense for turning a few honest dollars In commissions no more than a preacher does for tring to draw his salary. "No, THK MINLK didn't publish the article, but several weeks since it did quote a Portland man, the advance agent of a syndicate that had J741 with w hich they wanted to buv a dividend paer, as saying that there was plenty of money in that town falling over other money in the wild search for mining Investments; but the trouble w hlch prevented these heavy capitalists and the claim owners from get ting together, was the promoters who, much to his displeasure, insist in getting their rake off and then neglected to roast him to a turn. Of course, I know that you were working him for a subscription; still I think when you siw that he wouldn't dig up the coveted two dollars, vou ought to have pointed out the potent fact his proper sphere is behind .1 ten cent counter, not In the lulls among us prospective millionaires. "As soon as I get time, w 111 tome around and see If you can get out a deient pros pectus, and f 1 feel particularly ill tritahle, will let you do the job, to be paid lor in stoJ instead of borrowing the money to pay for the work In Spokane." Laundry Team Runaway. Monday noon the team att'iched to the Hllte steam laundry wagon became frightened at the cars and started to run south toward home. 1 he londitiou of the , road between the railroad track and the laundry was such as to soon upset the driver, who was thrown out onto the tongue, where he held on until the horses turned Into the stump lots near the saw mill, where it did not take long to wreck the wagon almost completely. The driver miraculously escaped witli several bruises and .1 bad shaking up. Saddle and Bridle for Sale. In good condition and ottered cheap. Apply at Till: MlNLK oftice. T.D.Bellinger & Co. ..OF SUMPTER. OREGON Dispensers of only the Choicest Brands Liquors 01 Including Old Overholt, Can adian Club, Ushers and lames Watson Scotch, Imported 1HK1 Brandy, 1 luce Star Hennessey, and all the Leading Brands of Whirs and Cigars. New and Elegant Fixtures. Comfort able quarters for gentlemen. No better service in Oregon. The Magnolia... T, D, Billlnfir I Co , Props. (Formerly Hotel Van Duyn Bid.) WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS PORTLAND, OREGON. REPRESENTED BY F. M. WADE. Manufacturers of all classes of Machinery, in cluding Crushers, Stamp Mills, Hoists, Hollers, Pumps, Air Compressors, Water Wheels, Etc. Riveted Steel Water Pipe a Specially. Cut, Punched and Rolled for Riveting at lfestiu.Hinn, or made up Complete j J J PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED J ....Portland Mining Stock Exchange.... Orcunizcd February 16, IOOO Cost of Membership, JIOOi Dues Per Annum, $50i Charge for Listing Stocks, $50 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Twin WonouAWD. I'rcv I'. S. National Hunk. I'rrtMrnt. I. II Cox. I'm, . Vlrr-PirslJrni I liMSk Wusos. I'rfk Mrr.lijinti flink. lrrnmrr. I I. Willis) l .SMrlvv MMU SMI1II, I WM IS I, Ml K'ISNA, Kill's MMUm,Swi II (.OWIil. W II. filtlMIMAI I S.curlly 3vlfii I Trust Compsny, R.lsU.r ol Stocks and Bonds tut if Sat. Cuifd Pliccd Around In Dili ichtit. ApplU nitons Inr listing sinks .inJ mrint-mhlp must I'f to C. L Pakki-k, Mr., Portland, Ort J I' O. llo 11H No. wii Must Sluu r !- Cawston & J Company. H Engines, Boilers HflflUliv Machinery (flF Supplies.... 4 and 50 FlrM Street, Near Pine PORTLAND, ORE. ENGINES BOILERS SIW MILLS THRESHERS STICKERS RUSSELL & CO. Writ lor Catalogue and Prices. PORTLAND, OREGON. I85Hal; &jfrjmm RUSSELL HiQii Grade Machinery GOOD THINGS TO EAT I AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. Dixon, Borgeson & Co. KV, oy- mill Kturi rt nl I viiy l'ucil tint cil FRONT ST.. COR. WASHINGTON Show Cases JlWIIIfs' (Ml )UIU) r.lsis' W'MI si.s to Imsk Imui'is PORTLAND, OKI'. .-wwwww- George W. Weigand... HIGH GRADE LIQUORS AND CIGARS T a Mining Men's Headquarters HUUKNb, UKIiliUN d Next Door to Wonder Store N l'A''S-'' I B