The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 29, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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Wednesday, August 29, 1900
The Highest Scientific Development in Electrical
Home Treatment is Found in the
Dr. Sandcn Electric Belt
vi?2Cj "Say--'
A ml w - sY'
1 900 Model
OFFER in my 1900 model 'new broad cell Electric Belt the
highest development in body battery treatment that science,
mprh:inif ;tl renins and mv to years' exDerience can suggest.
It is on a plane all by itself. The United States Patent Laws pro
tect me in my various inventions. From the time the raw mater
ial is received at my factory until the completed belt is turned out
and tested on a sensitive galvanometer, each stage of development
is under the careful supervision of a man skilled in detecting me
chanical imperfections, so that when finally the belt is ready to
deliver to my patient, 1 oner it witn a guarantee 01 perrection in
every point, that the cut rent will last one full year, that the voltage is not too great for the amperage, the intensity
less than the volume, and, in fact, that it is perfect in every detail. The Dr. Sanden Electric Belt, in its various
stages of development, during the past jo years, has always been ahead of all others, just as it is today. And,
remember, in buying an Electric Belt you will need advice, good common sense, exclusive advice, and possibly
lots of it. Have you thought of that? Therefore, do you not think my 30 years' uninterrupted experience gives
me something of value to offer you.
When a Dr. Sanden Belt is purchased, my advice is included free uniil a cure is effected. The Dr. Sanden
Electric Belt is particularly recommended for weaknesses of men which result from excesses, and it has a special
attachment to meet that condition. However, it is used with other attachments, by women as well as men, for
Rheumatism, Lame Back. Nervousness, etc. The new antiseptic disc covers of my invention imitated of course
can be used on the Sanden Belt only, and absolutely prevents any burning by the current.
Drop in at my office for free consultation, or write for free book, sent sealed by mail.
Dept. 19, Russell Bldg. DR. A. T. SANDEN, Portland, Oregon
Advanced to a Third Class Olflcr by Ihe
Postofflce Department.
Reference to the receipts of the post
ftlicc is considrml llir most tellable
manner of ascertaining n city's standing.
During the Iim.'iI ending June )o,
there were 47 cities that nude sufficient
gains in the revenues of the local pott
offices to entitle them to he advanced trom
fourth class to third class. Of all till
number Sumpter made the greatest K;in,
which is certainly cause tor cougratula
lion. Postollices w here the receipts fall
below f 1000 a year are rated as fourth
.lass, and Iroin 5iuoo to frlooo per year
.is third class. If the percentage ot he
rease reached last year is maintained
until July 1001, Suinpter will he entitled
to the rating of stumd class. Owing to
the large number of ottues for which this
i a separating and distributing point, an
rxtra clerk is allowed. As at piesent
managed the Sumpter other is a model
one. 1 here Is an ample supply of boxes
and the mail is handled accurately and
speedily, lor which Postmaster Jewett
and his able assistants are entitled to the
tnaulvs of the community.
Operations at the Copperopolis.
The Copperopolis, situated on the east
side of Cougar ridge, half a mile north
rust of the Shriboudy, trom present indi
cations is going to be one of the big mines
ol the Quartburg section. A. W. Dunn,
tin: owner, has run a 75-toot tunnel be
"ides running an open cut lor 100 feet
across the ledge on wlijcli one wall lias
already been struck. Ai. Dunn is mak
ing extensive and substantial improve
ments on this property. Ills boarding
house, buul house, blacksmith shop and
other buildings are nil first-class. He
has already put In shape a mile and a
ilf of first-class road leading from the
road on the east fork of Dixie creek to
the mini-. A force of men aie now at
work breaking ground for a uoo-foot
tunnel, and inside of a mouth the largest
crew will be at work on the Copperopolis
of any other mine in this section. The
Copperopolis lias been listed with the
Portland Stock exchange. The oie from
tills mine is low grade, running from five
to fifteen per cent copper, besides gold
and silver, but there Is no limit to the
quantity. Prairie City Miner.
New Building Completed. ,
The Sumpter Transportation company
have about completed their new barn op-,
posite the stage othce, and have one of
the best appointed places of the kind in '
Oregon. Large and roomy single and I
double stalls to accommodate loo head of
stock, each ol which Is lighted by glass
windows at their head, which, when '
opened, gives good ventilation, Conven
ient harness rooms and olflce in (lie front
and center of the building, feed and grain
rooms, arrangement for buggy washers,
with water hydrants, electric lights, etc., '
makes a place of habitation lor men and
horse employed by the company, a palace
of comfort compared to what they have
had to deal with In the past. With
Superintendent George Gil son In charge I
of this department if the company, the
public is assured of a splendid and prompt
service, as no better man with a knowl
edge of his duties could be found.
Another Strike
AW. Ge.vge Lout?, who has been de
veloping a prospect some four miles from
Sumpter, opposite the Umpqua group,
has uncovered what promises to be an
important lead. 'I he ground had been
run over and pronounced valueless, but
AU. I.outz, although possessing little
knowledge of mining, had no trouble
finding a ledge carrying good values and
being in place.
That It What the Oregon Wonder Is or
P. P. Morey has been sick for several
days and is rusticating at the springs and
when met there the first of the week by a
Miner man and asked the latest regarding
the Oregon Wonder, said:
"We have let a contract for a 3oo-foot
tunnel to a gentleman from Colorado by
the name of Porrister, tor six dollars per
toot. The contract work will be done on
the west end of the claims, near Indian
creek. I am going to Portland sion
and bring back with me a one-stamp mill,
and instead of assaying make mill tests
of the ore.
"I don't want people to think that this
is any boom affair, for it Is not. It Is
simply a straight business proposition,
and should the Oregon Wonder turn out
all right it will be the biggest mine on
earth and should it not, we are only a few
thousand dollars looser. '
At present the Oregon Wonder crew
are camped a half a mile west of the
springs instead of at the other end of the
claims on Indian creek.
Mr. Porrister Is a Colorado mining man,
and like all other mining men from that
state, knows his business. As soon as
the buildings can be put up and the neces
sary equipments secured, work will be
commenced. Prairie City Miner.
More Machinery.
Machinery for the Red Roy mine con
tinues to arrive in carload lots faster than
it can be hauled to the mine. Another
boiler, several condensers, stand pipe for
the shaft, rods, etc., make up the list.
The hoist will be among the last of the
order to arrive. The machinery and
equipment represents an expenditure! of
over $100,000, and will be sufficient to
p'ace the Red Boy well in the lead for
The transportation of the immense
boilers, weighing 20,800 pounds, to the
1 mine is proving the hardest task the local
I teamsters have had to deal with. The
first boiler is out some three miles from
' the city awaiting the arrival of a wagon
I strong enough to carry It over the rough
(mountain road. The first wagon tried
I was too light and had to be abandoned.
i Those New Bricks.
I The rubbish is being cleared from the
1 lots on northeast corner of Granite and
' Center streets preparatory to the work of
'erecting the two large brick business
1 buildings. Most of the brick, sand and
( other material is on the ground, and
1 active building will be commenced in a
few days. One of the business houses
1 will be occupied by the Hobson Mercan
tile company, the other is not rented
! definitely, but there will be no trouble to
find a tenant for such a desirable location.
LOST. Between Granite and Sumpter
Sunday, five samples of ore tied in one
sack, and sampler's pick. Parties finding
same will bestow a favor by sending to
MlNliR office.
Go or send to the City Green house,
Baker City, for choice carnations; thirty
five cents per dozen. Roses fifty cents
per dozen.
Only the best of Wines, Liquors, Ice
Cold Beer and temperance drinks at
Barnard's Halfway House.
Handsome lot of Dicken's vest chains
for men at P. C. Rrodie's jewelry store,
Opera House block.
The City Green house, at Baker City,
furnishes choice cut flowers.
Five quart bottles of Olympla beer for
ii.00 at Henry Fingers'.