i6 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, August 29. 1900 TALK OF THE TOWN. I'. Hnvche, of B:i'er City lias spent the -it week .it his Sumpter store. I). J. H.iines, (if Baker City, Is spend ing tlir week with Sumpter friends. Ch.irlle Johns, the Baker City at urney, c.iine up .Mon J. ly on leual busi iir. Bmh l.lverinnre Im none to Baker City lo do Mime K()d work on the Epl t;run. V. I:. IliirJ returned todiy from a two celt's trip to I'ottl.iud and the Sound titles. Miss l.utlr I irnswortli, of lleppner, rrtiirmd to her home Suud ty after a ten il.ivs vUlt here with Mrs. K.ihler. M. I'. 1 ir.iut .nid I. I:. l.ilm.iKe, mill WK men trom S ilt I ake, .ire here looking over the Held with a view to investing. I . I. Alex M.ivcr, state :itriit ot tile I'ife A-Mici7itlon of I'liil.idelplii.i, at Cortland, was here I ist I liursd.iy euroiite to Prairie and (..ins on Cilv. A fone of ten miners were taken nut to the B.iilner mine, .it Sns.invillc, this week. Several new outlits ate K"i'K into th'it M'diou. Charles I. l-lynii, the B iker City cij;ir m. imil. k Hirer, went west tod. iv In visit the Joint D.iv valley towns where he en jov.n a good luislness. , j Mrs. l-isher, ol the Uimbol restaurant, will lemotie tier pl.-ue ol business several clouts simtll to the McClllloih huildliiK, 1 pposite the ( loldeu l:.inle- hotel on the fust nf Septrtnber. I he w ife and son of I:. I:. McC.innnmi, accountant lor the Water company, ar med Sunday limu their lormer liouie in St. Joseph, .Missouri, .iinl have estab lished their residence in the Coriell ci'tt.ine tor the winter. ( Jeorjte Mi I ynii, uf the Baker City Iron Works, i,uue up Saturday evening .ind JUinmp.liilecl I. K. I irtll, Letsnn Halllet and a MINI l repieseutatlve tnrough (lie Ci.iiker Cteek district Sun 1! ty, leliituinK home that evening. I.d. Hull, publisher of the lawtou ' mil ml, is ,1 Sumpter visitor today. Mi. Hull Is ipute enthusiastic over the .utivity in mines aiouud his city. I'ros l ewtors .ue developing their cl.iims ,uid the mines ,ue being equipped with m.ichiueiy. I he Adams brothers am! other owneis Ithe.leisey gtoupof claims near the B iby MiKee In Cable (Jove tool, out a load nl supplies Wednesday to commence unlit ol developing the Diopeily, Build ings will be erected and preparations made lr the winteis work. Miss (.anie Spalding will be missed .timing her large circle ot fiieuds In Sump ter after next Mond ly, on wlikh d ly she leaves here to attend college at Bushuell, Illinois. A laietvell patty is to be given in her honor at the kills Opera House by tr friends next lild ly evening. J. 1.. Beutley, assistant general mana ger of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy railroad, is registered from Dead wood, S. D., at one of the Sumpter hotels. He is accompanied by W. B. Mumford, also connected with the same road, regis tering from Beatrice, Nebraska. It. T. Cox, of Pendleton, is in the city arranging to start work on the Buffalo, located near the Magnolia, and formerly owned by Beagle Bros. This property has some 1600 feet of tunnel work, but for the past six years has been neglected. The present owners, mostly of Portland, 1 will prosecute work all fall and winter. Several complaints have been made about broken windows and narrow es-, capes from the bullets of the guns and beau shooters in the hands of thoughtlesM boys who consider everything game when they are armed. The bullets used are small but dangerous and parents may save trouoie ly looxing alter tneir uoys a little. 1 'I he best obtainable information regard ind the r.ites from Baker City to the Port laud I air is to the effect that on Sep tember t, 2, 3,4, the rate (or the round tilpvvill be 513, tickets good for three days in Portland on Septembers, a special I train vvl.l leave Baker City at 7 a.m. 1 witli fare 57 for round trip, good for days. 1 I Law Firm Formed. A. A. Hammond .ind P. A. I:. Starr have tormed a o partnership in the practice nl I iw at thecorner of Center and North streets. Private Board. I will furnish private boird to a few de siring such, at my residence on North stieet, ne.tr Center. Mrs. C. 1:. Duck worth. "'I he Portland", conducted by (ins Woodward on .Mill street, is lulls, a representation ol its name. A visit will; convince you of this. 1 "llie Portland", conducted by (Itisj Woodward on Mill street, is fully a ' representation of its name. A visit will 1 convince you ol this, ( io or send to the City ( ireen house, , Baker City, lor choke carnations; thirty-, live cents per dozen. Koses lilty cents! per dozen. w urn you wavci nir nouinc io.iu ic member Barnard has all the latest remedies for dust In the throat. Oulv the best of Wines, Liquors, Ice Cold Beer and temperance drinks at Barnard's Halfway House. Handsome lot of IJIcken's vest chains for men at P. C. Brodie's jewelry store, Opera House block. 1 he City Creen house, at Baker City, luruishes choice cut llowers. J1QNTKICK "Old age brings experience, and some kinds of experience brings old age. JUST MARRIED FOLKS Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture lor their new homes. We are ready to serve them. We have already supplied satisfactory turnitme for hundreds ot new homes; we can do as w ell for hundreds more. Our stock allows easy selection at all times. There is always plenty here for every room in the house. All our goods are priced on a cash basis and it w ill pav cm to give us a call. Bed Room Suits, f 15.00 Bed Boom Suits, better ones, Eastern Hardwood, 17.00 Wall Paper, per double roll, (4mpifktr), 15c to 1.00 Queen City Furniture Co. patterM... Hunger Plione Bed 361. RAKER CITY, OREGON' " GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, Tobac co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store At The SUMPTER GROCERY COMPANY ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. WAIT FOR OUR NEW ARRIVAL OF THE CELEBRAT hD MAKE OF KUH, NATHEN & FISH ER'S CLOTHING. IT WILL PAY YOU. NEII.I. MERCANTILE COMPANY Agents Wanted No Capital Necessary to Sell Our Teas, Coffees and Sp'ces. IN rV'l RY cltv.inJ tnun In itir Miles nl Oreijnn .inj Wellington miKlJf nl PonhnJ, l.iJk, or lungmrn hIiii have ionr Hirer hours rrr Jic in p.ire ullt linj n'lliiic our Ten, CorTtei anj Spices lraint unrk anJ tluv ran make Mi; mnnrc lur tln-mu'lce. Write for lull particular anJ catalogue mix Great Eastern Tea Co. iXj Washington St., I'nrtlanJ, Ore. large! Plstrlrutr nl lea, Coffees anJ Spice on the Coast. i stores In successful nperatlon. W. II. CADi:. PreslJmt T. (1. IIARRISON.VIcc-l'res.anJTreaj. TIIOS. MCCWEN, General .Manager Sumpter Transportation Co MOST CO.MPLI-TB LlVfcRY EQUIPMENT IN EASTERN ORhGON. TEAMS AL WAYS READY TO GO ANYWHERE Daily Stages to Canyon City, Prairie City, Bourne, Granite, Red Boy, Bonan za and Golconda Mines. Hauling Heavy Machinery a Specialty. Freight For warded to all Points in the Interior. GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL RE-OPENED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Tp Be Conducted on the Jll First-Class Restaurant European Plan J in Connection T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUMPTER, OREGON -i -