Wednesday, August 29, 1900. THE SUMPTER MINER. K , NOTICE OH APPLICATION OF J. MCKEE POR A U. S. PATENT. Mlnlnp Application No. 118. Survey No. )0i. United States Und Office. LaGrande, Ore. I July tB, loco. ( Notlcr l hereby given that In pursuance nl Chap ter e ot Title ij ol ihe Revised Statutes ol the United States J. McKee, claiming isoo linear teet o( the .Mnntrlln placer claim, bearing gold, with surface ground v ar Ing from. 410 to 8o feet in width, Itlng and being situated In nn organltt d mining district, llaker Countv', Oiegon, has made application to the United Slates lor a patent to the salJ Montello placer claim, which Is more fully described as to metes and bounds by the official plat potted on said claim, and bv the field notes ot survey thereof now filed In the office of the Register of the district of lands subject In sale .it UGrande, Oregon, which field notes of survey describe the boundaries and extent of said claim, with magnetic variation at t degrees east, as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at corner No. 1, Identical with southeast location corner, a granite rock lxit4 Inches set 16 Inches In the giound, chiseled "M. II. s sot with a movnd of rocks alongside, the quarter section cor ner on east boundary of section a. township 9 south, range iv' east Wlliametle Meridian, bears south 81 decne Jt minutes, east it feet. Thence north 14 degrees o minutes, east if 00 feet tr corner Nn. a. Thence north 70 degrees f t minutes, west 580.8 feet to corner No. 1. Thence south 11 degrees 49 minutes, west toqj.i ten to corner Nn. 4. Thence snuttlt (7 degrees to minutes, west 4)6 feet to comer No. . Thence south -o degrees 57 minutes, east 580.8 feet to comer No. 1, the place of beginning. Total area, jj.bji acres. Said mining claim being of record In the nlfice of the Cnuntv Clerk of Oram County, Oregon, Vol. I of the Alining Records thereof, at page 61 1. This claim being for ijuo feet In length of said claim, with surface ground varying In width from 4to feet near the south end to $80 feet at each end thereof The said placer claim hereby sought to be patented bring bounded on the east by the Townslte Placer claim, nn the soulh bv the Wacksmoke Quart! claim, on the west bv' the Gold Standard Ouaru claim and the Jump Off" Jne Placer claim. Any and all persons claiming sal J placer claim or any portion thereof, so surveed, described and plat ted, and arrlled for, are hereby notified that unltsi their adverse claims are duly tiled as according to law and the regulations thereunder, within 60 days from the dale hereof, with the Register of the United States Land office at UGrands, Oregon, they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the said statute. li. W. BAifTLETT. Register. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR U. S. PATENT. Mimnci Application No. h Slwvby No. 400 United States Land Office. ( I a (irande, Oregon, June so, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that C I- Preble, whose postnttlce address Is Sumpter, Maker County, Ore gon, has made application tor a patent for 1467 7 linear feet on the Gray Eagle Lode bearing gold, being luuor less leel on each side of said lode, and extending south 55 deg, s mln., west 11 17 teet tmm center nl discovery post, and north 11 deg. (i mln., east 1 1". 7 feel from center of said discovery post, situated In no organised mining district. (Irani Ok, Oregon, and described In the official plat and field notes on file In this office; as follows, to-wlt: Beginning at corner No. 1. whence the 1-4 corner to sections in and if, Ip 9 s, r js e, W. M. beats n 46 Jet;, 7 mln. e 400 feet. Tnence n 01 deg 19 mln. w j feet to corner No. . Thence n 50 deg. jamln. e, 1188,4 feet to corner No. 1. Thence n 19 deg. 11 mln. e. jt.6 feet to corner No. 4. Tlirnce sbi deg, 19 mln. e 565 feel to corner No. j. Thence s 11 deg. ij mln, w 41 J-1 feel to corner Nn. e. Thence s 55 deg. 14 mln. w 1049.1 feet to cor No. 1, he place of beginning, containing 18.44 aires. The location ol this mine Is recorded In Ihe office ot he Countv Clerk of Cirant County, Oregon, on page 507. volume J of Mining Locations. Anioinlng claim ants are Congo lode, I . S. S. 141; and fraction. Nic otine, Atlas, Grav Ogle No. a. War Eagle, Odd I ellow, Hobson and Concord lodes, all unsurveyed. All persons holding adverse claims thereto are re quired to presenlthe same before this nltice within ly das s from the first day of publication hereof, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. H. W. IUhueTC Register. Hrst Issue June 7, 1900. Last Issue Sert. 5, 1900. states by act of August a, 1 Joe . MAIDIA L. RICHARDS of Sumpter, Countv of Baker, State of Oregon, has this day filed In this office her sworn statement No. 698, for the purchase of then! j ne'i, stX 'H and neV setf of section No. iS In township No. to soulh, range No. 17 E W M, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposca. and to establish her claim to said land before the Regis ter and Receiver of this office at La Grande. Ore gon, on Tuesday, the trd day of October, 1900. She names as witnesses: James H. Pardee, W. C Calder, David H. Wilson, Charles O. Morrcll. all of Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands art requested to hie their, claims In this office on or before saU tj day of October, 1900. E. W. Barubtt. Register. TIMBER LAND. ACT JUNE 1, tMNOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Land Office. I La Grande, Oregon, July jo, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress ot June 1. 187B, entitled "An act for Ihe sale of tlmbet lands In the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended to all the public land stales by act of Augusta, 189a, CHARIBS O. MORRCLL of Sumpter, County ol Baker, State of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement Nn. 099, for the purchase of the lots ) and 4, e!i sw.f of section No. 18, In township Nn. 10 south, range No. 17 E W M, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land before the Register and Receiver of this office at La (irande, Oregon, on Tuesday, the a rd day of October, 1900. He nsmes as witnesses: James IC. I'arJer. W. C Calder, David II. Wilson, Maldla L. Richards, all ol Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to hie their claims In this office on or before said sird day of October, 1900. E. W. IIAKTLIITT, Register. Oregon, has made application to select under the Act of June 4, 1847. (10 Stats., 16) the lollowlng de scribed tract: Beginning at a post on the west side of I rult Creek from which the SW corner of Sec to Tp 8S R 17 E. W. M. bears due south 7o.a feel, thence south 79. t feet, thence west too feet, thence south too feet, thence west too feet, thence north i960 feet, thence east 1 tn feet, thence south iteel, thence east 1 io feel, thence soulh iito feet, thence west 710 feet, thence south 600 feet, thence 570 feet west to the beginning and comprising 118.81 acres. This tract when surveyed wlllcnmprlse SI:"" Ntf.'i' and NYSE's" and N)i Sli,' SK'i and SW'.SE't SCUT Sec tj Tp 8 S R 6 I:. W. M., and SWIt NW'J and portion of N WJ SWtf Sec o Tp 8 S R 17 li. TIMUfcR LAND, ACT JUNK 3. 1878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. I Unite J Stales Und Office, U (irande, Oregon, August ti, 1000. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress tit June 1, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale ot timber lands In the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash ington Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act ot August 4, 189s, MAUHIOH P. MUZIV, of Sumpter, County of Baker, Stale of Oregon, has this day filed In this office his sworn statement No. 7u, for the purchase ot the wjj iwi-i, neif sw 14, sw 1-4 nw i-4, of Sec No. 10 in Ip No. 10 s. Range No. )6 li W M, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable fur Its timber or stone than for agi"llural purposes, and to establish his claim in M,d land More Ihe Register and Receiver of this office at La (irande, Oregon, on Thursday, Ihe tjth day of October, 19m. Me names as witnesses: Wll'lam I), Baker, VanRenssetaer R. Mead. Michael L ncti. Charles Morrrll. all ot Sumpler, Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to fill their claims In this office on or belore said itth dayot October, tono. li. W. llAKTLLTl, Register. Within the next thirty (to)davs from date hereof i protest or contests against the selection nn the f 'round tnai tne land describes or anv portion tnertoi. s more valuable for Its mineral than tor agricultural purposes, will be received and noted tor report to the Commissioner of the General Land Office. li. W. Bartlktt, Register. FOREST LIEU SELECTION. United States Und Office, La (irande, Oregon, Aug. 10, tgc.( To Whom It May Cencern: Take Notice. Notice la hereby given that Joseph Barton, whose postflffice address Is Baker Cltv. Oreet-n. has made application in select under Act ol June 4, 1897, ()' Stat., 16) the lollowlng described land. TheWKSLanJSEVSI:X Sec ,1 Tp S K. 18 E. W. M. Lot 4 and Slit' NW( Sec A Tp m S I R 18. Lois i and 1 and lib NW'2 and W'J NLL' I I Sec 11 Tp 10 S R t I:. W. M. ' 1 All persons are hereby notified that within Ihe , I next thirty days from date hereof they are required ' ' Im At lhl. nr rnntHl ail(i.l lh- .alAltnn on the ground that Ihe said tract or anv portion , therrof Is more valuable tor mineral than for agri cultural purposes, with the Register ot Ihe United , Males Land umce at La uranae. uregnn, mat tne same may be noted for report to the Commissioner of the General Land Office. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this inth day of Au gust, ignk li. W. llAUIll IT, Register, PETITION FOR LIQUOR LICENSE To the Honorable County Court ot Biker County, State of Oregen: We, the undersigned, sour petitioners, respectfully represent that we are each and nil residents and legal voters ol llnurne precinct, In said county and stale, and we ask thai a license be granted In C II. Barnard In sell mall, splrllous and slnous Mounts In less quantities than one gallon, at mouth ol Wink Creek TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, I878. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United Stales Und Office, U Grande, Oregon, July w, iuoo. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol Ihe act of Congress of June 1, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale ot timber lands in the Slates of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washing inn Territory," as extended to all the Public Und Slates by act of August 4, 1891, J SHIS K. I'AHIilP. of Sumpter, Countv of llaker. State of Oregon, has this dav Med In this office his sworn statement Nn. 97, lor the purchase of the e neW andeU se'," ol rc t. Ip 10 s r Nn. ift li. W. M, and will offer proof to show thai the land sought Is mote valuable for its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and lo establish his claim to said land belore the Register and Receiver of this office at U Grande, Oregon, on Tuesdav. the aird dav ol Ottober. loin. He names as witnesses: W. C Calder, Mrs. N. C. Richards, Chailes O. .Morrell, David II. Wilson, all . ot Sumpter, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming advrrselv the above described lands are requested to file their claims In ' this office on or before said ird day of October torn. , li. W. llAUILLTT, Register. -- 1 TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1878. NOTICO FOR PUBLICATION. United Stales Und office, I U Grande, Oiegon, July o, 1900. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ol the act of Congress of June 1, 1818, entitled "An act for the salt ot timber lands In the states of California. Oregon, Nevada, and washing ton Terrltitory," as extended to all tht public land TIMBER UND. ACT JUNE 1. 187B.-NO riCE TOR PUBLICATION. I United Stairs Und Office. 1 U Grande, Oregon, August it, 1900. Mn,i I. h.ruKi. nlu.n Ih.t In mnnti.nfm uillh lit nrovlittin of the act of Conerest of June 1. 1R78. entitled "An act lor the sate ol limber lands In the stales of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing ton Territory," as extended In all the public land stales by act ol August 4. &, WILLI I). HsKllf. al Sumpler, Countv of llaker, State of Oregon, has this Jay filed In this office his sworn statement No. 704, tor the purchase ol the se X of sec No. 9, In Ip No. 10 s, range No. 16 K W M, and will offer proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable tor Its tim ber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to es tablish his claim to s.vlj land belore the Register and Receiver of tills office at La Grande, Oregon, on Thursday, the ijth day of October, 1900. lie names as witnesses: Maurice K Munv, Van Rensselaer Mead. Michael Ljnch, Charles Morrell, all of Sumpter, Ore. Any and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to tile their claims In this office on or before said sth day of October, iquu. li W. IIAKTH'.TT, Register. TIMBER LANI). ACT JUNE i. i8r8.-NOTICE I OR PUBLICATION. I United Stales Und Office, ) La Grande, Oregon, Aug. n, im. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions ot the act ol Congress of June , 1878, cnillled "An act for the sale ol timber lands In the States of Calllornla, Orrgon, Nevada, and Washing Ion Territory," as extended to all the Public Land Stales by act of August 4, i8g, mVI IHTIVVOOI), of Mcl'wen, Countv of Baker, Stale of Oregon, has this day tiled In this office his sworn statement Nn. 670, lor Ihe purchase of thes'n ne 1-4, sec ij, nw t-4 of section No 11 In township No 10 s, range No ir E W M, and will otter proof to show that the land sought Is more valuable for lis limber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and In estab lish his claim to said land before the Register and Re ceiver of this office at U Grande, Oregon, on ThursdJ), the actli dav nl October, I9. He names as witnesses: Anseil Cook, Waller Cook. V. R. Mead, David McCoy, all of Mcl.'wen, Oregon. Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above described lands are requested to file their claims In this office on or belore said xtth dav ol October, 1900. E. W. Hahtlltt. Register. , FOREST LIEU SELECTION. United States Land Office, U Grande, Oregon, August 11, 1900. 1 Notice Is hereby given that Frank S. Ralllit, whose post office addrtss is Sumpter, Baker County, D.&R.G.R.R. Scenic Line of the World The Favorite 1' Routt) Between the Northwest and all Points East. Choice of Two Routes Through the Famous ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY And Four Routes East of Pueblo and Denver. All passengers granted a day stop over In the Mormon Capitol or anywhere be tween Of-den and Denver. Personally conducted Tourist Excursions to Omaha. Kansas city, st. Louis, CHICAGO AND Till: EAST. For tickets and nv information regard ing routes, etc., or for descriptive adver tising matter, call on agents of Oregon Railway and Navigation Co., Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific companies. S. K. HOOPER, R. C. NICHOL, G. P. & T. A. General Agent Denver, Col. Portland, Ore. In llnurne precinct, llaker county. Said license to uaie irom aepieinrrr 1, ivoii. GTShaw, W II Spencer. Jack Mattock, I) M Uwls, I'rank W Brown, M A SlewarJ. G W Kerns, Ed Oliver, I) J lluckner, Dan Tarry, AnJy Urchin JA Mlkel,AM llamllion.V Uourum.H POakes.J II Clark, JAUygert.J S Mllchell. C II llavnes, J CmntielJ, Hanv BalrJ, I: A Wren. Geo (i Hall, I: O Nelson, C A llurkharl, II J Watson, N Ashmore, II Moig, L II Ward, II C Looney, Geo K Grant, Ed A Murray, W II Jackson, J II Schmidt, W II l.mes, EP Warner. W II Nebergall, R C Lawrence. I red Anletnrlih.J I) Pinkie. C II Burns, C Y Burr. W Kenhey.GeoWarren, IILMcUln. J II Ralston, J C Brown, John N Gels'er, M I) Harding, Erwln I) Galewood, Thus Moore, N .1 Mcliueil. f O Oanle. I. DurKie. .1 T English, R J Ukman, II O Sllrknev, Pal Murry, J Connor, J W I ry.NIck Allen, C I- Sherman, C S Scott, GN Tavlnr, J G While, B Kriise, Paltlck llarklns, Jonn McGIII, II II Cosier, li II Macpherson, E A Van Slyke.D E Buller, I. J HaielwooJ. I. Rusk, Plint Haines, Phil Nebergall. V Jameson, I: f Mlkel, II W Teague. A O Brlnkman, Herman Pener, C l: Kear, G W Play, T l Dink. Joe Tlchner, M L Tlchner Jr. Bert Squire, W C Calhoun. NOTICE: Notice Is hereby given that Ihe said C. II Barnard will apply to the said County Court ol Baker county, for Ihe granting ut said license on September 1st, I9, or as soon thereafter as his petition can be heard. C II. llAMNAKIi. 0. R. & N. CO. -ka-t -Lf RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY IN CONHQflON HUH Till DENVER NIO GRANDE or COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROADS onaaa cmoici or THREE DISTINCT ROUTES MOST MAGNIFICENT SCENERY IN AMERICA. If l tMf ONLY THAMtOONFlNeNIAL tint PAOMtQ pminrisV rnouuH yuAtni aho tftOiuHffcQoi SALT LAKE CITY. LEADVILLC, COLORADO SPRINGS ant) DENVER. itftstra tlltsmal. THE RIO ORANOC WSSTERN RAILWAY OPIRATI8 TMHSE PAST TRAINS 10 TMI EAST DAILY, CAHKYINQ PhHrim PalaM whI PuHimwi OrrilRtHy SImmta TO OMAHA AND CHICAGO wifMour CH.NOI. Frety Redlining Chair Can. Ptrltol Dlnlni'Car IM'PswT Chicago Portland Special m-4i p m Atlantic Express i:iipm a. 4 a in 8pm Dally Di. Sunday 8pm Saturday nip m I fi a in Ex. Sunday T a in Tues. Ihur. and Sal dam Tues. Ihur. and Sal. I eave Rlparla i:ija in Dailv TIME SCHEDULES I mm llakrr Cllv Sail Uke, Denver., 1 1. W011I1.' Omaha Kan sas Cllv, SI. louls Chicago and East. Salt lake, Denver, It Worth. Omaha. K'an' sas Cllv, St. louls, Chicago and I asl. Walla Walla, lewlslnn Spokane. .Minneapolis St. Paul, Duliilh, Mil-: waukee, Chicago andi l.avl. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All Sailing dates sublecl In change, lor San I rancisco -Sail every 5 days. . COLUMBIA RIVI.R STEAMERS To Aslnrla and Was Undlngs. WIIAMETTI! RIVER Oreifon Cllv. Newberi .. .. . " rsaleni. Indeprnjrnce and Way-landings. WILLAMETTE YAM HILL KIVI.KS Oregon Cllv, Dav ton and waylandtngs. WILIAMETTE RIVI.R Portland to C'orvallls and Way landings SNAKE RIVI.R Rlpatla In l.cwlsl'in AvwiVli :4 am j:. pm 10:41 P 4 pm 4 pm !!. Sun day 4: in P m I a. Sunday i: 10 P m Mon. Wed. and I'll. 4.u p m Mon. Wed. and III. Leave I ewlston Dally 9 a 111 C. HOWTHS, AReiit, Halfcr City, Oregon rra wmiA!) on e.sieMitf tmnm m J. D. Mansfield 8'7.:!r.,.. MO. st. NtMTI, Otel PaaVr Laaw OMr Sumpter Dt Bottling Works Gaifen cSc Sloan, Proprietors. j j jt jt j Manufacturers of all kinds of car bonated drinks and ciders. Or, ders filled and shipped on short notice. jt jt jt jt jt SUMPTER, - . OREGON