The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 29, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    Wednesday, August 29. 1900
Baby McKee Deal and Prop
erty Transferred by Deed.
During the recent visit tothls camp of
Captain Charles Negnier, of Cincinnati,
the working bond on tile Bahv McKee
group in tlir Cable Cove district, which
I being developed by Colonel John I
(irayson, was taken up, and Instead of
the usual Installment payments, the
entire amount of money in one sum wa
paid over and the deed given for the
Colonel (iraysmi came in Monday
and says they have passed that point of
doubt as to whether or not they have a
mine, and thinks it will make the largest
one in that particular ditrkt, which at
this time is attracting more capital than
perhaps any other of the various ones
Colonel irayson Is almost extravagant
in his enthusiasm for the near future of
the Cove and says the mines of that
camp alone will-more than supp'rrt'Surn
ter or a city four times Its slc after one
or two years more of development.
'I he Baby McKee people are engaged
In extensive work now, which will con
tinue uninterruptedly. Good huiidiiiKs
for the men, blacksmith shop, powder
house, etc., will soon be completed and
ready for use.
The deal on this property Is another
"evidence of what the prospect owner can
accomplish by lettiiiK a working bond to
someone with money, who Is willing to
expend it in development in order to prove
that they will net something lor their in
vestment, Instead ol asking a fancy price
with a cash payment in advance on their
mere word that they have a property of
Bend On Gipuy Quttn Tkn Up.
I:. A. Kingman, the Boston mining
operator, left Saturday on his return trip
home, having taken up the bond on the
(iipsey (Jueeu and other claims of that
group in Cable Cove, recently Ponded by
W. II. W. Hamilton for him. The first
payment was made and a company Mill
be formed in Boston Immediately following
.Mr. Kingmaus return thrte. I hen the
work ot developing will begin at this end
of the line. Mr. Hamilton, .vho retains
an interest in the ptnperty, will probably
dileit tile work at the Cove. j
Council Proceedings.
Very little business was transacted at i
the meeting ol the iiiuiuil Saturday even-1
iug. An oidlnance Using the water rate I
was passed, making the pike si dollars
(Mill lor thiiteen hydiauts per month.
Ileietoloie the late has been eight dollais
a mouth. I wo ordinances were intro
duced, both revisions ot old ordinances, I
one peitaiuing to sanitary regulations
and the othei fixing penalties for misde-1
meanors. Die Ele-.Uk Light company l
was Instiuited to huiM a sidewalk in front ;
of its power house,
Baktr Willi Bam Bill Crumplonihlp. ,
I he third of the series of ball games '
between Baker City and Sumpter was
played Sunday to a large crowd. The
game was rotten from start to finish.
The work looked like a lot of farmer boys
playing town ball. Baker won again,
' making twenty-one runs, Sumpter piling
up ten errors and seven runs. The home
team couldn't have hit Goodwin if he had
been throwing street cars, Instead of base
Pilar Mining on Chicken Crk.
V. A. Weatherby, owner of the well
known Weathethy. placer, mines out
Chicken creek, returned to the mines'
yesterday after a brief visit to Baker.
Mr. Weatherby says he has had a good
season of mining and will not close down
until cold weather compels him to. On
Burnt river, the Pomeroy Dredge com
- pany have been operating very success
fully for the past four months and will
continue operations for some time to come
or until a heavy freee up takes place.
In the vicinity of Weatherby there are a
numberof quartz mining companies carry
ing on work, and the prospects are good
for several good mines to be developed.
Immense Ledge in the Carbonate.
I:rauk Dupnnt and George Uorvan, of
I Pendleton, who have been working the
I Carnonate Mining company's, properties
in the Greenhorn all season, came to
' town Sunday with a lot of rich ore which
I had been uncovered only a few days
previous. A couple of hundred pounds
were shipped to the Tacoma smelter for
analysis It Is not yet known what it
! carries. The men say an Immense ledge
has been cut.
1 Mining Machinery Man Here.
I J. K. firth, mechanical engineer and
.representative, of the Joshua Hendy
Machine works of San Francisco, ac
companied by l.etson Balllet, mining
engineer and promoter, spent a few days
of the past week in (lie district, visiting
iscveial of the largest working mines,
where the matter of machinery was most
1 likely to be In evidence. Mr. Firth
represents one of the largest manufactur
ers of mining machinery in California,
' but states that his company lias never
! given this section the attention that he
1 discovers It warrants, though in the
' future himself or another representative
, will make regular visits here, and that,
I the company contemplates locating a (
i branch of the San Francisco house some-,
I where in the north at an early date. I
Sumpter Transportation Co.
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.Mil IS A M't-UAUY
Sumpter . Oregon
ifmlBr ':'$WVm; aaK. wfa
Th. RV'!ilMH9P oup
intni 3.'LKy a s.
Cash Trod. L Store fop
Lp cah coupon.
These beautlfal Works of Art enlarged from your own
photographs do not cost you a cent We give cash coupons with
every purchase, when you havo$23.C0 in thceo bring: us my photo
graph nud wo will iurnieh you FREE a life-size DEM4R positively
the most up-to-date Portrait on the market They are made for
us and guaruntccd by Ths American Copying Co., which is a suffi
cient assurance of their quality and artistic worth. Brinjr your
photographs, call at our atoro and czamino our samples. We can
convince you that it is the greatest Portrait offer 6YCT BWdc VQ
Dot fail to uek for our "Ilotto Scries" of coupons, -
Pleuso give your photos to our convueeex.
Agentsfor Matting- bond and guaran- J
ly and Moore Wills- teed the genuine ar- J
key a 20-year-old tide. Popular re- J
whiskey as good as . sort for Commer-
Elixir of Life. All clal Travelers and 5
whiskies are out of Miners. d
k -
More Room More Goods
Since the removal of the Post
Office, giving us the entire use
ot the store room, I have mater
ially added to the stock a New
and Fresh line of jt ji j j
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,
Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Etc.
A better opportunity is afforded
us to handle the trade, and our
CASH PRICES have proven a
drawing crrd since the CASH
SYSTEM was Inaugurated J
Sufri-or to
KahtrrA Ha !)'.
y - ''