Wednesday, August 22, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. a f! A . 1 i BLOW UP THE MINES. Kruger's Intention to Destroy Those in the Rand. Concerning the attempted destruction of the Riind mines, during the occupation of Pretoria by the Boer government, it has leaked out that assistant State Mining Engineer Munnik had orders to that effect from President Kruger, while State Min ing Engineer Klimke was in Europe. The story as told by a correspondent to an English paper is as follews: Their amiable intention was whispered abroad, but ot course indignantly denied, and possibly these rumors would have ob tained little credence but for the accident tint revealed their truth. A man of the name of Dempsey, an English engineer, had successfully managed to kidnap Mr. Munnik, acting state mining? engineer in the absence of Mr. Klimke in Europe, and in the course of the operation had un fortunately shot him in the leg. This at tack on Mr. Munnik by Mr. Dempsey had Its origin in the former's complicity with the alleged attempt to wreck the mines, one of them being that on which Mr. Dempsey was employed. Dempsey was apprehended and arraluged for high treas on, attempt to murder, assault with intent and several other little matters of a simi lar nature, In'the course of the case, Mr. Dempsey's counsel asked Mr. Munnik whether he had received instructions from the government to drill holes in the shafts and make preparations for blowing up the mines. This question Mr. Munnik refused to answer, on the ground that any instruc tions received by him from his government were privileged, and to disclose them would be against the interests of the state. The judge ruled that Mr. Munnik was bound to answer, whereupon the lat ter, with engaging frankness, admitted that he had received orders to destroy twenty-five of the best mines on the Rand, and that he had carried out his in structions so far as to drill holes in the shafts for the necessary charges of dyna mite. Dempsey was acquitted of the charge of high treason, but was found guilty on one of the minor indictments and was sentenced to five years imprison ment with hard labor. When this statement of Munnlk's be came known, General Botha, who hap pened to be In Pretoria, went straight to President Kruger and stated that if there was any such intention on the part of the government he would not only lay down his arms but would withdraw every burgher of his command from the field. The president blustered, tore his hair, laid Ills hand upon his heart, and swore solemnly that there was no such act con templated. At the General's request Munnik was then sent for, and repeated In the presence of the president the evi dence he had given in the witness box. While this was in progress Mr. Klimke, just returned from Europe, and Mr. Munnlk's superior, came on the scene and added his views to those of the general In no measured terms. Faced by these two, and deserted by Munnik, Kruger was obliged to give in and give his undertaking that no such attempt should be made. Klimke then went further and demanded the express permission of the e.ecutive to have all the holes drilled by Munnik tilled up and made safe. This permission was grudg ingly given. Klimke at once gave in structions that the holes should be tilled up with cement and the shafts repaired where damage had been done. The affair has caused a great sensation here, and it is agreed on all hands that General Botha and Mr. Klimke have Dehaved re markably well." Expert Venus Practical Miner. The ancient warfare of opinion between the so-called practical miner and the equally so-called mining expert Is grad ually becoming a dead issue. That there has been a hard and fast line drawn be tween the two classes hasbeen largely the result of ignorance on both sides. Men spending their time from snow to snow among the hills, knocking their experi ence out of the eternal rocks with ham mer and blast, knowing, as the trained woodsman knows the signs of the torest, every surf ice phase of the rocks of the district, met men whose training was purely academical and was often exceed ingly slim at that, men without experi ence or mature judgment, whose knowl edge was undigested for use by practical application. The practical man found his self-appointed superior lacking in all the knowledge that he esteemed most valu able and his scorn was but natural. On the other hand, men of scientific training, men versed In the geological structure of the earth's crust, trained observers, students, went out to meet men prejudiced against the men of book learning, often full of strange theories collected in their rambles, and fixed in their few scanty, Incomplete and self-made principles. They, too, were scornful. But in recent years conditions have changed. The f'ike experts no longer fleece the public uucaught. The investing public is com ing more and more to realize the value of a specialist's examination of its ore de posits, and it .vants the best that can be got. The real expert must be as practical as he is theoretical. The two elements must balance each other in the successful mining man. Then he is valued. Spokesman-Review'. Private Board. I will furnish private board to a few de siring such, at my residence on North street, near Center. Mrs. C. E. Duck worth. "The Portland", conducted by (Jus Woodward on Mill street, is fully a representation of its name. A visit will convince you of this. Don't neglect your eyes. Glasses and spectacles properly fitted to defective sight. I-'. C. Brodie, Opera House Jew elry Store, Sumpter. "The Portland", conducted by Gus Woodward on Mill street, is fully a representation of its name. A visit will convince you of this. Wm ili fciiul I 1 !&Swur-ldBd Fraser and Chalmers Chicago MILLING MACHINERY-Rolls, Stamps, Crushers. Perforated Metals, Jigs, Pine Vnnners, Etc. MINING MACHINERY-Boilers, including Sederhohn Boiler, Air Compressors, Reidler Pumps, :ur- naces, Etc. Write to our Chkngo olliCf lor Catalogue. Represented by MENNO UNZICKER, Hotel Warshauer, BAKER CITY, OREGON Pelton Water Motor Is so superior to all others as regards strenth, durability and economy of water, in lact all that constitutes a Hit iH CI ASS WATER MO I'OR. as to admit of no comparison, ail.ipted to every variety nl service and made ot sizes varying troni the fraction of i up to 100 II. P. Recent scientific tests made at the Michigan University in connection with se eral other motors claimed to he the best on the market showed 45 per cent higher efficiency In favor ol favor of the PELTON, while the rela tive cost per H. P. to buy was only one-third to one-halt that of others. Water companies desiring to make the best of their water supply should discriminate in favor of the PELTON. Deliveries made from New York or San I'rancisco, as may allord the best freight rates. Circulars free. One of these motors can be seen any time operating Till: MINI K presses. THE PELTON WATER WHEEL CO. 143 Liberty Street, New York. 125-iJD Main St. San l-rauclsco, Calif. THl: BKST APPOINT til) & S Pharmacy IN 1:AST!:KN OKI-CON. No prescription too difficult to fill. (Service day or night. A complete line of druggists sundries, stationery and toilet articles. tjje The Sumpter Drug o. L. C. EDWARDS, MANAC.hR. SUMPTER, OREGON. wyiiurvS. RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY IN GONICf0 WltM TH DENVER RIO ORANDE or COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROADS nrit coct or THREE DISTINCT ROUTE! AHO fHC MOST MAGNIFICENT SCENERY IN AMIDlCA. IT I THC OVkV TffANftCONttMNUI. Ul PAMtWl QtMlCHV 1MtXM QUAINT U HiCTuMI tifl 8ALT LAKE CITY, LCADVILLE, COLORADO SPRINGS and DENVER. THE RIOORANOK WtSTtHN H-ILWAY OPIHATC8 1HRIE CAST TRAIN IO THE Air DAILY, CARRYING Pullman Patau and Pullman Ordinary SImim TO OMAHA AND CHICAGO WlfMOUT CM HOC Wf Rctln!no Chair Cats. Prfel DlnlnCar Urvo. tOt IN'tMAT'ON f1 f T tMVtMf (if J. D. Mansfield c,v.,,.. MO. W. MIINTI, Om'I Pau'r A4..N Uk OMy ''''-.f'1 A. P. GOSS, President A. J. GOSS, Cashier S Bank of Sumpter TrtnucU Brntrtl linking ImIimu Interest Allowed on Time Deposits Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections. Satety Deposit lor rent. SUMPTER, OREGON t'''.'.'V'' - CAPITAL Barber Shop Baths A (1. Daviiisiin, Mutineer (.null Dm w, ( )i-t.ii..r Operated in Connection with Capital Hotel. First -Class Work. Yrce lain Bath Tubs Sumpter, Oregon THE Sumpter Forwarding Co. if? General Storage, Commission and Forwarding. Warehouse and office, S. V. Track. SUMPTER, OREGON.