The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 22, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, August 22, 1900
Building Towards the Prom
ised Land of Eastern Oregon.
1 here Is mi doubt ;is to the intention of
Tlie Dalles Southern railroad to tap
MMithern ;ind southeastern Oregon.
( jr.'ide t;ikr have hren located ;i di
Incited if !o precipitous thnt it is fully distance from the surface to the end
of the tunnel. After the tunnel has been
cut to the distnnce of 100 feet, a crosscut
will be run to tlie opposite side ot the
ledge from where the tunnel is, a distance
of probably 35 feet, the estimated width
of the ore body. The rock between the
two walls, which are well defined, Is nil
highly mineralized, and assays taken
from various places average $7.50 in gold
and silver alone. Ueside.s the two most
valuable metals, copper, zinc and lead
arc found in small quantities. 1 he ledge
has been traced for a distance of 3000
feet, 2000 of which Is in sight. The
t.ince of 80 miles south of 'I he Dalles, services of a smelter will be required tojs
and tlie engineers are making permanent
The Dalles Southern is hut one of half
.1 dozen roads anxious to tap tlie rich
agilcultural pelt comprising Central Ore
gon. 'I he railroad war for territory pre
dicted some time ago Is fairly under way.
The respective companies which have
been trying to work unobserved in per
fecting their plans have in several in
stances been forced Into the open, and are
making -no further secret of their plans
to operate in central Oregon. The Cor
vallis k Eastern, which will enter the
"promited land" over the Cascades from
the west, is said to be also locating grade
stakes mid getting a complete right of
way for Immediate action. 1 he Oregon
Midland, which will enter the state over
the California border line, has already ad
vertised for bids on grading. It purpose
it to build to Klamath. From the eastern
section of the state there is talk of the
Sumpter Valley road extending into the
interior, and a couple of other proposed
roads are talked of, desiring to help bring
central Oregon In touch with the world.
The Columbia Southern, which now
operates from Hlggs to Shanlko, and be
longs to the same company as The Dalles
Southern, will likely be extended to
Prinevllle mid theme easterly to Grant
If the plans of these projected and pro
posed railroads mature, central Oregon
will be entered from the north by the two
roads last mentioned; from the west by
the Corvnllis & Eastern; from the south
by the Oregon Midland and the Cali
fornia, Nevada & Oregon, and Horn the
east by the Sumpter Valley, and one or
two others that are only on paper at the
present time.
In any event central Oregon promises
to be well supplied with railroads, and for
that reason is now a desirable place for
settlers. Already the tide is setting In,
and probably next spring will see a Hood
tide of Immigration trattic to the farmers'
Eldorado. It is easy for people to satisfy
reduce the ores, and the one to be erected
in the near future at Prairie City, will be
used at lirst, but if tile owners hopes are
realized they will soon build one of their
own. Dr. Trowbridge was In Canyon
City last Saturday after a couple of
skilled miners. Canyon City News.
Will One Day be a Great Copper Producing
I:. S. McComas returned on Sunday
morning's train from a trip to the great
coprer belt of eastern Union county,
where hr went to examine several copper
locations In which he is interested. He
says that beginning on Powder river some
three miles east of Telocaset on or about
Jasper Mitchell's place may be found
splendid copper ore, and that from there
to the Iron Dyke mine on Snake river,
on almost any of the summits, may be
found cropplngs of these wonderful deposits.
At Hurkemont, five miles east of Medi
cal Springs, the North American mining !
comsany Is doing very extensive develop-1
meut, and have installed expensive
machinery, such as air compresser Hurley
drills, hoisting works, substantial houses,
and have a large and increasing pay roll.
Here the great upheaval of ore is from
800 to 1000 feet wide, and while at the
surface the ore only assayed from four
to eight per cent copper, they are now
down 100 feet and hive drifted each way
from the main shalt 40 feet and have a
body of ore 80 teet wide that carries f 20
gold and copper values. This great cop
per belt can easily be traced from Hurke
mont to Eagle, and is again on top at the
Iron Dyke, and there it crosses Snake
river and enters the Seven Devils camp.
The people of Grande Ronde valley
have but a faint conception of the value I
of the eastern part of this county, and
Mac says that the citizens of La Grande
and the entire valley who so nobly res-
Good Ore in Abandoned Mine.
Almost every dav brings to light new
finds in tlie Granite district. Prospects
that were either overlooked or thrown
aside as worthless by the miners of early
days art- dally being resurrected and
started on the road of development into
1 mines. Thev were perhaps of little value
in the days of fabulous placer clean-ups.
1 Today they are receiving the attention of
j the intelligent prospector. Less than two
weeks ago J. J. Holbrnok, a veteran
mining man of Great Falls, Montana,
1 tainted two claims adjoining the famous
Monumental, owned by C. S. Miller, of
roriianu, on tlie west. Me picked up
some float that led him In believe there
was a good ledge in the vicinity. After
working two days he uncovered two fine
j ore bodies, one of which he has opened
up by a 25-foot open cut, and the other
by a 1 1 -foot shaft. Assays give him gold
values in excess of 4.50 and four ounces
In silver. The same ground was located
by a man named' Wild Hill twelve years
ago. It remained for Mr. Holbrook,
however, to demonstrate its value, and
today the two claims could not be bought
for 520,000. Special to the Telegram.
Bend on the Black Elephant.
Mining men from Portland and Baker
City last Saturday secured an option tn
bond the Black Elephant claim, situated
on Indian creek, for the sum of $25,000.
litis claim is owned principally by G. C.
Glllisple, who discovered it last winter.
It consists of a Well defined and extensive
lead of chrome Iron, from which chrome
sicci uscu extensively in me mauuiac
ture of armor plate Is made. Chromic
acid is also obtained in large quantities
from the ore. 1 his is used by dyers and
calico-printers for dyeing orange or red
colors. The property is situated near the
I Gillispie & Martin sawmill, and in th:
, event of a railroad into this country.
' would be of Immense value to its owners
I SutTici-nt development work has been
done to show that the values are there.
and that plenty of the ore exists. Tlw
parties, who have secured the option,
consider that they have struck a good
thing. Grant County News.
Work on the Oregon Wonder.
Clifton Cleaver has returned Iroin .1
10 days trip to Grant county, specifically
1 to Prairie City and the Oregon Wonder
'camp. He is enthusiastic w lien it comes
i to talking about mining property, as lis
thinks the Oregon Wonder is indeed 1
wonder. He says they intend to corn-
, mence work very soon on a 3oo-foot
tunnel on the above mentioned prouertv .
1 Upon the Oregon Wonder Is the re
markable vein of gold bearing quart;
which has attracted so much attention li
the newspapers on account of Its magni
tude, and from the fact that so much ot
it is exposed by the cutting through it or
a creek. Tills ledge can be seen Iron
Prairie City. Mr. Cleaver says the
country is remarkable, not only tot
mines, but on account of the excellent
hunting and fishing it affords, in which
sports he engaged with remarkable suc
cess, and enjoyed the outing thoroughly.
Bast Oregoulan.
Distolution Notice.
The partnership heretofore existing
between Crandall & Irvine Is hereby
dissolved by mutual consent. W. M.
Crandall will continue the business, col
lect and pay all debts.
Signed: W. M. CRANDALL,
August 16, 1000.
ManiiUcturrri of ml MnJ of CurtoflalrJ Drink anj CIJrr.
OprinttJ In connection with thr
Kentucky Liquor Houi
themselves that the laud Is rich in prom-1 ponded to expansion in raising the
ise, and it will be In great favor next 1 subsidy to secure the establishment of
year. Land selling for f 20 an acre will the sugar industry here, should at once
easily be worth from t joo to 500 with take hold enmnsse :tndp secure the right
railroad facilities for getting the produce of way and a subsidy to build a road to
to market. I he central portion ot the Medical Springs, and once there the in
state now is more remote from market ' tetests ot the milling Industry would,
than Chicago Is from Portland. It tikes take care of Its further progress, and in!
more time to reach the Interior tow us, this way Grande Ronde valley would,
w. s.
Real Estate, Loins and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained
Years of experience- In Baker County Records.
No. 2104 Court Street, Baker City; Oregon.
than It would to go to Chkago. I'or
that ir.ison large ttacts of agricultural
land inp.ible ot raNIng anything, have
been given over entirely to thr grazing ol
With the building ol these railroads
conditions will i.ipidlv ilungr. Vllllgrs
will spting up In the place ol 'Vitlle
spiiiigs," iiiltUatrd t.unis will take thr
place ot dead ranges, and throughout thr
rutirr sretion cnnimeMil uiiulitlous will
br trausloniird, trom whMi will tlou an
linniriisr volume ol business. I rlegraui.
secure not only tlie entire trade of Union
count v, but would forever settle the ques
tion of county division. La Grande
Through the Yellowstone.
I hr new route via the Oregon Short
Line Railroad and Mouida, Mont., enables
von to makr a delightful trip through the
Yrllovv stone National Park, entrilng via '
Mouida and coming out via Cinnabar,
making it uunrirssary to cover any por
tion ot the route twice. For brautilul
drscriptlve booklet, write or call at Ore
gon Short Line I'kkrt Ottice, 142 1 lilrd j
streel, Portland, Orrgon. .
the Celebrated
On draught or
by bottle.
"The Olympus
H. FINGr'R, Proprietor.
High Grade Wines.
Liquors and Cigars.
Sumpter, Or.
Big Body ol Ok in the Mammoth.
The .Mammoth, owned by Dr. 1 row
bridge and W. M. Wilson, is located on
what is known as Srcesh gulch, about
three miles from Prairie City, In tills ! Shack For Sal.
county. The iivv nets have run a tunnel t is conveniently located, well built and
In alongside the ledge a distance of thirty COinlort:iblv furnMieJ. Terms reasonable.
live feet, and the mountain on which it is qUre at (his office.
"lust around the Comer"
Fine Winest Liquors and Cigars.
Next to First Bank .Sumpter SUMPTER, OREGON