The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 22, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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Wednesday, August 22. 1900
David Wilson Will Cover Lots
Where Fire Occurred.
There li;is been some changes in build
Ink plans liere during tue prist week, in
which O.ivid Wilson ligurrs, of course.
luste.'id o( the Hnhsou Mercantile com
p.iny erecting :i building 25x100 (eet, that
company has turned over to David Wilson
the bond on the lot on utile h it was its
intention to build. I hat gentleman has
securrrd Irom J. W. Cox V Co. the ad
joining lot, on the corner of ( iranite and
Center streets, and will put up a brick
block -.oxiooleet. It is also reported that
he ! negotiating tor twenty-live feet
'rootage adjoining tills properly on the
ast, wheif llie frame building occu
,iied by MiDevItt ,V Wlilte now stands,
and II he inn get this lot, it w ill also be
covered ulth a brick building.
Brick are now being delivered on the
ground, the debris trom the lire Is bring
removed and the work will be rushed to
an early completion. The Hobsou Mer
cantile company will occupy one of (lie
storerooms and is in a liurrv to move In.
It will be ready for occupancy before snow
Hies, unless the alleged beautiful make
an unusually early appearnine.
Operations are to be carried through on
a large scale, and the working force now
engaged is making great progress in the
development work. Subscriptions for
treasury stock are fast coming In, from
local investors and others at a distance,
and the management of the company feel
assured that the financial backing thus
received will add the Grizzly to the list of
Oregon's great dividend paying mines.
Council Notifiti the Company to Improve
the Service.
At a meeting of the council Saturday
evening, tlie recorder was instructed to
notify the Waler company that the city
will not pay for water in future, unless
there is an adequate supply.
An ordinance was introduced reducing
the price paid from eight to six dollars a
hydrant per mouth.
In reply to the ropiest of slot machine
owners, the monthly license fee on
machines paying In merchandise was re
diked to $2.50; those paying hi money
remaining at live dollars.
On request of I.. R. Stratton, he was
given a leave of absence (or a month.
To You iBlSrU Great
Cmh Trod. 9F Stora for
b cash coupons.
Fleaud With Fnlrie City District.
A. I.. McKwen. H. Meinhard and As-
sayer lownsend, returned several days'
since from a trip to I'rairie City and
vicinity, fttr. Mcliwen went out es-
i peciallv to examine United States Marshal
1 1 louser's Standard group. He says this
' property slums up well so far as develop-
tativr paid a visit to
Coles hot springs, one mile north of
Haines, and touud that resort a scene of
enlerpiise on the pait of the lessees,
Mrssrs. i ir.-ilL'tni .V A. Urrin.iii. u lio li.'iii
under way and in contemplation building J "m ,'l',m,
Improuementt at Hiawatha Springs.
ft.. Hl.. .lit I! I 1. !..... IMH....H.
W" ''""U" ''"'' '"""" ":,'"C"- .. I. I I.I I... ...,.,
the Hiawatha or mem m ...-n.-, ....-.... ...; ....
district is a promising one. 1 nere ueuig
no developed mine there, it Is Impossible
to do more than judge by indications.
improvements that when completed will
make this the popular health resort of all
Oregon. An eight-room bath house,
supplied ullli porcelain tubs and all
modern loi.vilences, is about completed
and will be open to the public in about
ten days. A building for hotel purposes
has been planned and will soon be under
construction. 'Hie plans of the lessees
are on an elaborate scale. It is proposed
to have a plunge pool, a large d.iuce pa
vllliou, sutrouudrd by a bicycle path,
and oilier attractions lor guests. In all,
Hiawatha springs are to be piadethe ideal
place as .1 result. I he natural surround
ings of the spilngs are picturesque.
There is 110 end ot shade and parties large
or small can hud ease and pleasure under
the shade ot one of the prettiest groves to
be found anywhere. I he grounds are
spacious and camping parties can find
here a choice spot to pitch their tents.
Clear and cold water is In abundance
and hi every way Natute's handiwork is
to be seen in evidence. Democrat .
Oregon Grain Wins Flnt Prlic In Paris.
A press dispat Ji from Portland, dated
the 18th, says: 'I he exhibit of cereals
made by the Oregon Hallway and .Navi
gation company at the Paris exposition,
which was awarded a gold medal, was
collected In Oregon, Idaho and Washing
ton. Colonel N. C. .ludson, who pre
pared the exhibit, today said: "The
grain was sent In s;icUs a foot long and
six iu.hes wide. Inside each small sack
a card containing the name ot the
variety ol the grain, by whom grow n and
the grower's postolbce.iddiess was placed.
These sacks were to be given to dealers
In wheat from Scotland, (in many,
Frame, England and all foreign countries.
The idea was to show the people what
could be raised on the I'acllic coast."
Improvements at the Grlt'ly.
The Grizzly mine presents a busy
scene, substantial buildings being In pro
cess of erection to accommodate the force
of miner's that will pe steadily employed
during the fall and winter months.
Meinhard and Towusend went
ifter ore for the smelter
I'hey say that the Quartzburg
contains some hue smelting prop-
Only the best of Wines, Liquors, Ice
Cold lleer and temperance drinks at
(laniard's Halfway House.
Handsome lot of Dicken's vest chains
for men at l:. C. Hrodle's jewelry store,
Opera House block. '
l:or Sale Saddle and briddle, in good
condition. Apply at Till- MlNI-K office. 1
l;ive .piart bottles of Olympia beer fur
1.00 at Henry Rogers'.
These beautiful Works of Art enlarged from your own
photographs do not cost you a cent Wo give cash coupons with
every purchase, when you havo$25.00 In these bring' us any photo
graph nud wo will furnish you FREE a life-else DEM4R, positively
the most up-to-date Portrait on tho market They are made for
us and guaranteed by Tbt Amsrlcaa Copying Co., which is a auffl
cicut assurance of their quality and artistic worth. Bring; your
photographs, call at our store and examine our samples, we can
convince you that it is tho grcatcat Portrait offer CYCff mode. 00
not fail to oak for our "Motto Series of coupons,
Please give your photos to our canvasser.
& Co.
Dispensers of only the
Including Old Overboil, Can
adian Club, Ushers and James
Watson Scotch, Imported 1KS1
Brandy, Three Star Hennessey,
and all the Leading Brands of
Win. sand Cigars. New and
Elegant fixtures. Comfort
able quarters tor gentlemen.
No better service in Oregon.
...The Magnolia...
T, 0. Iilllnitr I C. Puss.
Formerly Hotel Van Duyn Hid.)
Agents for Matting
ly and Moore Whis
key a 2o-year-old
whiskey as good as
Elixir of Life. All
whiskies arc out of
bond and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and
Mori-: Room More Goods
Since the removal of the Post
Office, giving us the entire use
of the store room, I have mater
ially added to the stock a New
and Fresh line of J J J j
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,
Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Etc.
A better opportunity is afforded
us to handle the trade, and our
CASH PRICES have proven a
drawing crrd since the CASH
SYSTEM was Inaugurated J
SuC(rkor to
Khlrr& Hlr.