8 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, August 15. 1900 THE GENTLEMAN FROM COLORADO. Comments on Five Cent Beer and the Mining Game. "If you will promise to take beer, I'll invite you in to h.ive something with me," s.i Id tile gentleman from Colorado Saturday evening. "I noticed in THI: MlNliH several weeks since Hint the price of this popular amher beverage had lieen reduced to live cents and, viewed from n philosophic standpoint, I regretted to note the change. "It Is usually not a good sign to see tlirnp pilcss prevail in a mining camp. '(he stiperlul.il observer will conclude; I.... i... 1 1. 1. .11 11 111.11 r.iMi.ess bu money scarce anu N ,,, R0MK ,0 boow a ,lmlslnd that business men are scrapping for everv from a bro(hw of (n,)e w)() tMclw dollar In sight. Hut such Is not the case s()()1 , ldana ,, x, doars a in this camp. Next fall, when the bad mon , Dcim aiJ r;jiC ()e weather drives the .liners and prospectors ,miMIey w,, whlch ,,, nukc a mlne of from their claims and cabins into town. ,,, f )f() , N , d(m,t hlk ...id they Hue up in front of the twenty ,, d a)V , ,.,, ,,ofroweJ ol!l.inj odd mahoganies in bumpter, the pro- () ,,ora(J ' , , , dc lhose prie ors hereol will wish they were m;tcMnUilU mmhilM,s thwe ,0 ,et me getting n Int. Instead ol live cents, for the , ma(e lcm ., ,,.rrd ()f .t beer that the hoys are going to en I for- ., s h hp ,,.,, ,,. ,, em s just for the novelty ot paying only live , ,M ,,,,. ,. ,., . Hi.Hhv.-M.,,; ,w ... - , ...- ...... when his system wins through a dozen plays. "Hut it seemed as if the deal would never end; that I would never get an opportunity to attempt to call the turn. Finally, when the indications pointed unmistakably to (he fact that we were very near the long looked for ledge, It was Willi feverish anxiety that I hovered around the men at work in the face of the tunnel, with my electric lamp flashing its round ray of light on every pick-made indentation. Ledge matter hadn't been encountered more than twenty minutes when I had made a pan test and a half hour later I had started a man to town for an assay. "I had called the turn, all right enough. "I am not going to tell you what the rock carries, or how much of it there is, but I'm mure than satisfied, alter having I drifted fifty feet in both directions and ( had about a thousand assays, more or less, made by a half doen assayers. cents for a drink. I his little lull in the saloon and hotel business, of which some people around line are complaining, is the regular thing in all tpjart. milling tamps during two or three mouths every summer. "Vcs, I lute In see beer or anything rise, except a newspaper, sold for live tents. I (eel the Mine u.iy about a ncus paper being sold for one or two cents. I hough a lot ol them are not worth any more, a smaller price than a nickel sug" gests to my miiut copper pennies and Boston ami then- is nothing on earth I dislike so much as I do Hostou and cop pers. I always think ol the two together -ns I do of Oregon and mossbacks. I time I'll ever play 'em so uncomfortably close to my b stomach, I mean. This thing of going broke just (or the fun of making another stake his lost Its I fascination for me. So long." Trouble Among Columbia Southern People. ' An action has been commenced in the , circuit court for Sherman county by I). C. O'Reilly against the Columbia Southern railway, a corporation, May Huright, I:, j H. Lytic, V. II. Moore, A. K. Hammond ' and C. I:. I ytle, otlicers of the corpora tion. Plaintiff O'Reilly, hi his complaint, alleges that he is a stockholder in the company, owning 1147 of the jooo shares I Mini J talk .1 week (with cheap beer as a of capital stock In the corporation; that stimulus) on the evil elfects on trade and he has been deprived of any voice in the the .sordid lulluence on the human soul management of the affairs of the com which the general circulation of pennies panv, and refu-ed permission to examine exerts, but as there Is 110 danger ol this its accounts; that exhorbitant prices have extreme calamity befalling Sumpter, 1 1 been paid for the extension of the road 1 will not expatiate on so Inappropriate a , Irom Aoro to Shauiko, that Hjo.ooowas topic. paid to I:. I:. I. ytle for the right ol way "Hut, to get back ti the original prop- tioni Moro to Shaniko, whereas the oslllon, come hi and have a beer with actu.iUost of the right of way was only' me. I think I am worth ,- million, butsoo. He therefore pravs that he have .1111 temporarily n tritle shy on currency, judgment against 11. K. Lytic and V. . and every lilteeu cents saved at present Is worth while. Just have ,1 little patience and you can order yellow label at my expense before manv moonsjust lor n 'Hash,' ol course lor, as a matter of fact, all we thoroughbreds prefer beer to wine. I have heard that talk made 011 numerous occasions, and it comes in 1 1. Moore for Ji)o,8oo and such other Sums as have been wrongfully taken Iroui the company, and that a receiver be appointed to take charge ot the altalrs of the corporation. I:. I:. Lytic claims the Milt is simply a case of blackmail. Mr. O'Reilly was one of the promoters of the company and formerly in the freight de- handy at this wilting; but, to tell the p.irtment of the O. It. & N. Co., where truth, it Is merely a convenient con talk e held .1 very responsible position, for those who haven't the price; 01 cKe have to apply cocaine to their wounded feelings every time they separate them selves from a liver, as it they were having I . M. Jepsou, an experienced mining .1 tooth extracted. man of Victor, Colorado, in the Cripple "It costs money to drive a hole four by 1 Creek district, visited here for the first seven feet into the bowels ol a mountain, time last week, and gave THi: MlNliK Another Colorado Mm Enthutiastlc. and timber It with hewn dimensions. I hat is .viiat I have been doing for three months past, and that is why I am shy of coin. Of course, I have played the game before; have lost often and won representative an interesting talk, and his ideas of what this country might ex pect from the Colorado contingent in the near future. He expressed himself as much pleased with this country, and W- occasionally, anu kiiow someiiung 01 me luriner saici mar 01 an ine many wuo uaci t.isdnatlng allurements of the business, 1 been here from his state, never had he but never befoie have I felt such an all ' heard anything derogatory to the district, absorbing Interest In every stroke of the , and that those working or operating here pick, as during the past ninety days. ; at present, were writing home and ad Being Imbued with the accepted Idea that the presence of water Indicates the prox imity of mineral, I watched anxiously for every damp spot In the tunnel. Then, dually we sot into a perfect .mesh of strikers, mid I experienced the same seottUon that masters the faro liend vising others to come. He predicts that there will be more machinery in here within the next year or eighteen months than within the entire past history of the district, and that the methods of mining will be greatly changed when the Colorado man Is more in evidence. .THE. -'-- Union Smelter Mfg. ,'Co. OF ST. LOUIS, MO. Our Sumpter. Oregon, Plant of From K to 40 Tons Daily Capacity is Now Ready For Operation. A spur of the Sumpter Valley Railway Company and easy wagon roads facilitate the delivery of ores right at the Smelter. Owners or controllers of Sulphide, Carbonate and Oxide ores, who can contract for their delivery in lots of 10 tons at least, are requested to forward to us from too to 150 pound representing the average character and values of the ores. Such samples will be analyzed and assayed by our analytical chemist free of charge, for the purpose of establishing the value of the corresponding ores to us. and for the guidance of their owners. Our treatment charge, com paratively moderate, will be goverened by the special adaptability or de sirableness of the respective ores for our purposes. The product of our Smelter will be handled by the First Bank of Sumpter and payments for ores accepted by us will be mad through the same channel. Special rates of treatment charges will be made to parties in position to contract for a steady and large supply of desirable ores. SAMPLES AND CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED The Union Smelter Mfg. Co. S Loci SUMPTER, OREGON Lock Box P H. MEINHARD, Sec'y. C Bousum & Spalding CRYSTAL ICE Company l:ree delivery of Pure Ice. Leave orders at office of Columbia Brewing and Malting Co., next door to MINER office. stop ! see Joe Schmidt ...5c BEER... H Brewery Saloon Sumpter THE GEM SALOON A. J. STINSON, Prop. (Successor to Snyde & Stinson) Only the Best Brands of Liquors Served Over the Bar J" SUMPTER, - - OREGON 5 Raul E. Poindexter, MIN ES corona McNkai-b Cook. umpter, - - Ore. f. f