THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, August 15. 1900 I CAN MAKE XQU STRONG I Can Cure That Pain Pains in the Back show weakness of the muscles Pains in the Limbs show uric poison in the blood How can you expect to keep up your work when you have a weak, aching back? I low can you be free Ironi rheumatism when the impurities which cause it are lurking in your system? Get the relaxed muscle strengthened and the kidneys in sound condition and you will be free from suffering. Electricity is the grandest restorer for these compiaints. I offer you the best, the surest means of applying this wonderful power, in my ....Dr. Sanden s Electric Belt.... By this I Imilil up your weakenrd nerves and muscles. I litre Is not :i man or woman who Is a victim of backache, rheumatism, weakness or derangement of the nervous functions hut whom niv application of Electricity will cure, lor il is a powerful and unfailing remedy. It heals while you rest at night. There's no In terfereme with your wor!. It rrllevrs in a few hours cures in a few d.ivs. I he electro-magnetism transfuses every atom of the affected parts, and aids the whole working machinery of the body. Use one nl my belts as I direct and you'll save a life of suffering. It .vill thrill you with Its warm current and fortify you to do the hatdest kind ol work and to feel buoyant and strong. Wliv, then, sutler when here's a remedy which will drive out your ailment? Don't neglect my treatment. Dept. J 9, Russell Building PORTLAND, ORE. Write today for free book, "Thki-k Ci.ASShS 01- iMliN," which explains all, or call at my office and test the current. Consultation and advice free. Dr. A T. Sanden MAKES MUCH MONEY. ilhirlnthrwrsl. I he company's business COW AND PINE CREEK PLACERS. has assumed such proportions ot late that i Transportation Company Pays 6 Per Cent. Dividend. I he Sunipter I ranspotlation company has under construction on the corner ot the stock ol the same has become par ticulaiiy valuable. At a meeting of the dlrectois ot the company Monday, a dividend ol si per ient was deilaied. I lie company, as at present constituted, was oigauied March u ot the present year. Wlut Bait Did They Uw? Charles (ioss and wile and (ieorge II. t Itnlfli'k. U'ilr .'lint sun. Iv'irl rflftnifil Center and Similiter streets a large -horse, ,, i; , ,., (() h;J ,.Ke , , 1 week, bringing with them the linest box seen tills season, not one ol hotel, whli h, when completed, will have .1 capacity for housing one hundred ( 0j ( (( of stock. I'lie struilurr will be 55x100 lret,audtwo stories high, with cortu gated lion tool. I A large lour of men is pushicg the unik .is rapidly , is possible, as the large number ol horses used by the company haven't much ot a home until tlieis new une is completed. ...r n.uurss ,, ...c,. , ,. ,irM , ,,1Vc discovered it; at any rate Mood on this vomer was torn down a; ithrv h.uUhr lish tn show lor It. tlie stock nun ed into one ol the coiup.iuy s . siore tooms in ll.r tow. ' T) fc hf YUowto,. New atiangrmeuts in connection witli the mtue management ol the Sumptei I he new route via the Oregon Short r.ins;ioit.Hlou company will take eltecl I Inr Railroad and Monida, Mont., enables in a lew d iys, when James New lands, at vou to make a dellghtlul trip through the piesent theeilklent cashier of tlie lirst Yellowstone National Park, entering v i.i Hmliof Sumptet, will take charge nf the .Monida and coming out via Cinnabar, company's liu.uuiil and clerical aliairs, making It unnecessary to cover any por having become a large stockholder, and tion ot ''e route twice, lor beautilul at a teceiit meeting was elected sectelatv descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore and tieasuier ot the compauv. Mr. K Short I Ine Ticket Other, 142 Third New I uids w ill till Ills new other w ith tlie ( '. i''ll and, Oregon, same ciedit that hr has in the bank, and which less than twelve inches long. It is well known that Bald lake lias within its depths some ot tlie largest ttout ol any stream or bodv ol water in eastern Oregon, but lor some reason it is nest to impossible to tunl an alluring bait that will tool this game lih, and the , above named fishermen are apparentlV' will be welcomed to his new position by tlie many patrons ot the stage company. I'lie roster now stands as Ul lows; W. II. Cade, piesldent; I', (i. Harrison, vice-president i .lames New lands, secretary and treasurer, and the old veteran "stager," loin Mel: urn, general manager, which insures a service Miners Wanted. I will employ sis thorough miners and pav 5). 50 per day to practical men. Ap ply In me at tlie stamp mill, Quarisburg district, Comer postoilice, Oregon. Sam h. hays. Five quart bottles ot Olympia beer for second to none furnished by any stage Ji.oo at Henry Finger's. Bn Worked Since '62, but are Still Bigi Producers. I I he Cow creek and Fine creek placer i diggings, located about 30 miles from ! Sumpter, have been washed since 1K62, and are still good producers. The past season is considered tlie best in their his-' tory. Anything like an accurate idea of ! the amount of gold taken nut cannot be ' obtained. As one miner expressed It, "I ' never ask any questions regarding the output ol a claim, as it only induces a man to prevaricate " Occasionally large nuggets are found, and the news is not long in spreading up and down the creek, acting as a stimulus to tlie others to re newed elfoits. Ihesupplvof water is limited to the snow waters in tlie spring, and a few mountain streams ot verv limited How. Tlie claims ate all opened up separately, and an ovrrtlow of tailings is not per mitted Iroin one claim to a lower one, which Is a shortsighted pulley, and works a hardship on all. I his is especially true of pine creek. On Cow creek more amicable arrangements prevail, and all work in harmony. On Fine creek, are now consid ered tlie best claims, were located two years ago. It has always been consld-1 ered that tlie diggings only extended to! a certain gravel flow, which crossed the gulch some three miles from the mouth, as repeated eflorts to find pav dirt above that point had been made without success, '' and it was not until the seventh pan 01 urn nun! iiccuot'i 11, iu uccu wasneci that the fortune tinders were rewarded by getting three large nuggets, aggregating about $18 in value. The news caused a stampede, and tlie upper end of tlie stream was located in a day, mostly by new comers. Since then work lias been prosecuted from one end of the creek to the other. Some 80 men are employed through tlie season, which averages about four mouths. The gold is all coarse, and many large nuggets are found weighing as high as $100. The largest nugget, weighing 5817, was found last season by Patrick O'Brien, who is fortunate enough to own most of tlie water available." M. E. Baine in Oregnnian. T.D.Bellinger & Co. .OF SUMPTER. OREGON Dispensers of only the Choicest Brands Liquors or- Including Old Overholt, Can adian Club, Ushers and James Watson Scotch, Imported 1881 Brandy, Three Star Hennessey, and all the Leading Brands of Wines and Cigars. New and Elegant Fixtures. Comfor able quarters for gentlemen. No better service in Oregon. ...The Magnolia... T. 0. Iilllnitr I Co., Prep. (Formerly Hotel Van Duyn Bid.) S -(