The Sumpter Miner! Official Paper of the 'I own nf Sumpter. I'UIII wu II 1 VI UY VM DM MIA iiv (,. II. MARSH ami .1. W. CONNI.II.A SUIISCMII'IKlS IM1IS One War Sit Mould I ii AlWAtS IS AtlVASl I. - I nlrrrj at llu- pmtohlce In Sumpter, Orepon, tul tmntmitOiin through tin- m.iii as n-conj ctav """"' POPULATION OF SUMPTER 4,500. SIGNS nf fall aillvily (or this town are j already manifesting themselves. The ' hills have had their turn fur the past frw months and now the camps will reap the resulting henelits. WHI-N you see an estimate of the presl-,' 1'iw, practiced extortion on his customers, dentlal vote, It Is a safe proposition to bet ''t money ana enemies for himself, that It Is not accurate, and that Is the only ' ,,ll'lic Administrator Roland, of San Fran comparatively sure thing gamble on the ' cli, at once applied for Inters of ad pending polilicil deal. ministration upon tne estate of Hunting- I ton, in that city. Judge liahrs refused WHAT is said to be the largest consign- to giant the order, characterising the ment of gold bullion ever exported from ' application as unduly hasty, this country in a single day, lelt New I - York yesterday on the steamers teutonic and St. Paul, amounting to $H,l6j,ooo. i OKI-GUN Is inusldered safe for thej Republican ticket, so it is devoutly hoped i that it will not be even a skirmish ground for the opposing forces during the coming ' months ot rabid, senseless jawtmne war-' tare. Tlll: horse race Hireling to he held heret the latter part of September Is going to be ' of great material benefit to this camp. ! Resides leaving considerable loose muney , around, It will be a lust class advertising I measure. Hl.l'OKT comes from Republic of the largest consolidation of mining interests ever etfected In the Northwest. The, plan Contemplates the union of the He- i public, (,uilp, I. one Pine-Surprise and I om 'I humb. i llll city council of Portl ind has passed I an ordinance lislng the clrcm license feel at I6000, r.uli perlormanie. 'I his is nl-' leged to have been done (or the purpose of preventing a circus from making a stand there during the street fair take week, ; I hat Portland town makes everybody who are not on the "Inside" weary. It is so jay that it is great. Till5 state ol Colorado has begun suit against the I'ullin in Palaie Car torn- pany lot n,onSi wiih.ii n is iiaimej is due the state as incorporation fee. The company is Incorporated In that state lor only f 100,000, while in Illinois tor f;4, 000,000. The suit is I rought to tone the company t incorporate anew in Colo lado and pay the huoiporatiou ta on its entire 1apit.1l. I'M A I (irauite Law ton scrap has made this entire dislrkt weary. Moth low its ale bring hijuied and the light 1 light to be called oil; though, as a matter ot l.ut, judged trom the newspaper part ot it, (irauite started the trouble, Is getting the worst ol it, and is now whining over this result. I hat Is Ihe position of the town, as represented In the minions the Granite (iein. Ol WUKD comes from Pocatrllo that C. E. Wantland, ot Denver, land agent ot the Union Pacific, is there and will visit other towns in eastern Idaho, his purpose being to organize the chief cities Into an asso ciation to receive the colonisation nt next ve.v, which will lollow Ihe opening of the Fori Hall reservation. Gentlemen, if you have an overflow, just pass them over this way. Eastern Oregon has room lor several more pdople. THE SUMPTER REGARDING the dispatch from Pretoria printed In London August 10, In which It was stated thot President Krnjier Is con - trihuting $3,000,000 to the election nf Uryan, and that Webster Davis had re ceived 5150,000 from the same source, as a contribution for the democratic campaign fund, Charles D. Picrcel consul general, and P. I.auler Wessels, special commis sioner for the South African republic in New York, took the apparently unneces sary trouble to in. ike a formal denial to both statements, adding: "The Hoers I have other and better use for their funds." I , .. ..,..., ., ( A I'KhSb dispatch, dated at Utica, New York, says that Cnllls P. HtiiiliiiKton, 1 president of the Southern I'acilic company, died at Pine Knot camp In Mine mountains, j at an early hour yesterday morning. The cause of his death Is supposed to be heart ! failure, lie was In his usual health when he retired the night before. Huntington .'Mas one of the most daugeious men of I the age. Me corrupted legislatures and courts, set an example of contempt for the B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT I MIXTION Ol- OllARTZ MIIIS A M'ldAl.TV SUMPTKK J OKKCON CAPITAL IIOTII. i. O. R. M. EltAN rHIIII Nn. , Imprincl Orj.ikrJ .Men. j meet In regular loiiiull nt I III II ri at Hie 8ih . run nn Itir tr.l tlrep nt every rm un ot each moon AH Rei Men visiting our hunllng grminJt "V'w'.Ti'm. O oi tt. ' l.omi'. I. S. AIIIHrTT. Sicliem. ,CAS II. CIIANfJK ATTORNIY AT LAW Rooms 2 and 3, First Rank Rtiildiug, ot Sumpter I SUMPIT-R. OREGON E CLEM A CO. AMNING I.NVFST.MI-NTS Praatrtltl timlm tad Itaarltl an. Mambar Or. tn Minla Slack Cichmit 146 THIRD ST, PORTLAND, OKI-. p A. I. SI ARM. ""'. '' t. Sumpter, Oregon B AkTK & llsKIR MtOUSIts IT I ! I'm, tier In all trie Count ot the Star. II. S. LtnJOnicr anJ Mining Llllgatloq SprUlh Rom anJ r l)unplie-llran HullJIng I A t'.HANDI'. ORE. I L T. RROCK, M. I)., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon . Special Attention lilveti to Surgerv anJ 10 Oil. . tun ol Woman. OIKe. N'.-ill lllork! UetLUnf. I liranlte Street near Mill MINER. t 1 Z John Temple Grayson Mining Expert and... Engineer Tlie HlgheM Refrrrnrri ' (ilvrn When Kt-quiravl I HAkTR CITY, oki:. I Ot Ic AJJrcj Templegray, It.iUrr. Ore - ---- pENNER & WORTHING! ON Civil and Mining Engineers. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surtrvort for Oregon, Well ington, Ualwi an J Montana. Lnglnmt lor the Sumpter TountIK Company, LlmlteJ. Unditfond and fittnt Sarttti. Ihia rVlritiaf ant 0raaktla. H. T. HENDRYX & CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. Ilargalni In Sumpter Dlttrltt Quart! Clalmi. SUMPThR, . GRKGGN W. A. SAMrY.i, ARCHITECT, nkrn citv, : ouioon Kellal'le plant, speilfLallontanJetllmate lurnltlied H. k. wiii.i:i.i:h. i. o. io m. I'honr Main ao. Uliicr: tn South Center Street Notary Public. Mining and Civil Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surve or Mapping anJ lllue Printing. .Mine etimlnationi an J reportt maJe. Speiinl at trillion ghen to cyanlje procett. ARTHUR FHILbKICK Civil and Mining Engineer. U. S. 0rput Mlneril Surveyor lor Oregon anJ Uaho. Lxamlnttiuna anJ report on mining proper net. Olliu- mIHi Little (iianl Mining Co. Miil sifter. SUKTIR. Odl-aiis- p C. MTirCN. Justice of the Peace, bumpier District- (Sencral Conveyancing 1 ssfllisa. mjii LsrArv Etl.. MANNING, I Cll) MeiurJer anJ Not.irv Putllc. CnllrCtlon . Afkluclv j Ak-ent tor I tUIJt-1 Ire L.tingukher. Sumpter. S'lO'lT a bllLL'ION, Al h. MOIT I J. 1. MIlllOS , Atiorueys at Law. 'SUMITIR. OHEUON CHAS. E. ROHLIN, ATIOKNLV-AT-LAW Not.w) Public W.Him 1. 1 lrt Hank ol Sumpter St'MITLR, OR V, H. W. HAMILTON. Mining anJ Conultlng Engineer. Mining I'ropenle Enamlnid anJ ReHirtel Otk. Li 11 a. SUMPTCR, ORfOON DRS. TAPE & PEARCE, Physicians and Surgeons C. M. PCARCe, M. D. ti. t. TACl, . D. Telephone Main j. SoArrtR, Ohhicm Wednesday, August 15. 1900 Basche Hardware Co. . Sumpter GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery fr Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C. C. Basche MANAGER