The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 15, 1900, Page 15, Image 15

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    Wednesday, August i?, 1900.
.Mining Appllcitlon No. si8.
Survey No. ai.
United Stttes I ind Office. LaGrande. Ore.
July 8. tows.
. . . . .1
Notice Is herebv given (hit ln pursuance of Chap.
ler 6 ol Title u nt ihe Revised Statutes nf the United
Mites J. McKee, claiming iv linear leet nf the
Honttlln piicer claim, bearing gold, with surface
ground varvlng from aao In sdofiet In width. Ivlng
iinj being situated In no nrganlied mining district.
Ilaker Countv.Oiegon, has tnaje application to the
I'nlted States for a patent to the s ilJ .Mnntello placer
(him, which Is more fullv described as to metes and ,
founds bv the official plat posted on said claim, and
"y the held notes of survey thereof now tiled In tin
itice nf the Reglstir nf the district nf lands subject
"1 sale al UGnnde. Oregon, which field notes of
survev describe Ihe boundaries and extent of said
claim, with magnetic variation at i decrees east, as
vllows, to-wlt:
Beginning at corner No. t, Identic."! with southeast
:atlon corner, a granite rock astasia inches set 16 '
nches In the ground, chiseled "M. PI. ttat" with
mm n I of rocks alongside, the quarter section cor
,tion cor-
. ........ ... . J ..... . .....LI. ........ I
" on rasi niumiaiv in srsiiuii . iuwiiii, w ,umi.
..(UK S east Willamette Meridian, bear, souths,
oeerie 47 minutes, east 4J 4 feel. I
1 nence norm degrees 01 minutes, east 1,00 teei ,
ti corner No. a.
Thence north to degrees 57 minutes, west vtlo.8 feet
to comer No. .
Thence south 11 degrees 40 minutes, west 10(5.1
eel to corner No. 4.
Thence soutlh it degrees 10 minutes, west 4)6 feel
p corner No. s.
Thence south to degrees 5? minutes, east 580.8 feel
ir corner No. t, the place of beginning.
Total area, 1 ?.?! acres.
Said mining claim being ol record In Ihe othce ol
'he County Clerk nf Grant County, Oregon, Vol. I
M ihe Mining Records thereof, at page 61 1.
rhls claim being tor 1500 leet In length ol said
claim, with surface ground varying In width from aw
ret near the south end 10 580 leet at each end thereof
The said placer claim hereby sought to be patented
being bounded on ihe east by Ihe Townslle llacer
(Ulm.on the south by Ihe UUcktmoke Quart! claim,
nn Ihe west by the Gold Standard Quant claim and
the Jump On Joe Placer claim.
Any and all persons claiming said placer claim or
n portion thereof, so survejed, described and plat
er J, and applied lor, arc hereby notified that unless
heir adverse claims are duly tiled as according to
aw and the regulations thereunder, within bo das
tram the date hereof, with the Keglster ol Ihe United
States Land office al Lntirands, Oregon, they will be
ajrred by virtue ol Ihe provisions ol Ihe said statute.
I- W. UArtTLETT, Register.
United States Land Office, I
Grande. Oregon, June x, iguo. I
Notice Is hereby given thai C. L. I'reble. whose
r-ostonke address Is Siimpler, Baker County, Ore
ton, has made application lor a patent tor hot t
Inear leet on Ihe Gray Lagle Lode hearing gold,
ving inoor less teel nn each side of said lode, and
extending south j j deg, ) min., west nit leel Irom
.'enter ol discovery post, and north jt deg. 11 mln.,
tilt i)o.T feel Irom center of said discovery post,
tiftiatrJ In nonn-anied mlninir district. Grant Co..
Oregon, and described In the nlliilal plat and In Id!
rotes on hie in this ofhce; as follows, lo-wlt:
Beginning at corner No. 1, whence the 1-4 comer
'ii sections 10 and ij. tru . ' JS e, W. Ai. bears n 46
nee, t mln. e 400 leel.
Thence n 61 deg 19 mln w 517 feet lo corner No. 1,
Thence n 50 deg. jj min. e, 1188,4 leel to corner
Vi. .
Thence n 19 deg. 11 min. e, i.6 feet lo corner
to '"
.. ,
i iii,r
to coiner
. 4.
Thence s6i deg, mln. e 561 feet to corner
I hence deg. aj mm, w 41). 1 leet
Vn. 6.
Thence s M deg. 14 mln. w 1041). ) leet to cor No. 1,
- plice ol beginning, containing 18.44 aires.
The location nt this mine Is reiorded In Ihe ottice nt
"e County Clerk nf Grant County, Oregon, on pige
uii. volume J ol Ailninp Locations. Anioinlnir claim
ants are Congo lode. 1 . s. . 14 ; and fraction, nii
.... . ..... . .. ,-.,.
dnvX,c0iJ;m,s,,,n,r,'yr,J: !
'line. Atlas, iirav
Fellow. Hnbson and
All Persons holding adverse claims thereto are re'
ijtilred In present Ihe tame belore thit othce within
ixty dav s from the first day ot publication hereol, or
)ev will be barred by virtue of Ihe provisions ot the
t itute.
I'. W. llAWUbn, Register.
I Irst Issue June it. ioui.
Last issue Sept. 1, 1010
t United Slates Und Office,
I LaGrande.Oregon.Junea. .
S'otlce it hirebv given tint in compliance with the 1
rruvlstnnsnf the act 01 Longressor June 1.1H78, en
titled "An act lor Ihe tale ol limber lands In the
Mates nt California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," at extended to all Ihe Public I and
Mates b act of Augus' 4. &).
ot Haines, count) nf Baker, State of Oregon, hat
stone than for agricultural purposes, and In establish
his claim 10 said land before Ihe Register and Re
setter of this ofhce al La Grande, Oregon, on Wed
nesday, the ta day ot August 1000.
He names at witnesses: Henry Stewart, C F.
Richardson, I rank Kclchum and Dave George, all ol
Haines, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands ar requested to hi their claims In
I'll office on or belore said und day ol August, tooo.
E. W. UARTirrT, Register.
I United States Und Office,
I La Grande, Oregon, June 5, 1000.
S'otlce Is herebv elven that in compliance with the
provisions ot the act of Congress ol Juim 1. 1878, 1
entitled "An act lor iht tale ol limber lands in the
tales ol California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washing
inn Territory." at extended to alt the Public Land
States b) act ol August 4, i(ot.
ol Baker CUv. county of Baker. State of Oregon, hat
Hs da) hied In thit office hit sworn statement No.
iMl .1.iv 11I..J In this nnice Ills swnrn statement No. 1
tWor the ol thee), se!. tw ttiMe.6,rln'it'xiyli;u'''ll'm-on ' """ mv
rrn'ieNo! ,?V w"m "fn'Jill X'l.hol' ' '! name's Vs'wi.'nVs's James K. Pardee. W. C.
68-), for the punhase of thr ses nt section No.
1? In Township No. 11 south, range No.
ig I: V M.. and will offer proof to show
that the land sought Is more valuable lor Its timber or
stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish
his vlalm to slid land before the Register anJ Re
vels er of this ottice at I s (iranJe, Oregon, on Thurs
day, the 16th Ja ol August, 1400.
He names as witnesses' Charles M. I'oster, O. L.
Munn. s, II. Wart anJ LmanL. Osborn. alt of
naKer i-m . creeon.
Anv aiM pons claiming adversely the above.
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
this oftue on or be lore said i6th Jiv of August, tquo.
E. V. llsHUBTT, Register.
TUHhK LAND. AC1 JUNE t. i8j8.-NOTicr.
I t'nlled States Land OflKe,
I La Grande. Oregon, June 7, 10""
Notlce Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions nf the act of Congress nf June 1, 8?8,
entitled "An act for the sate nf limber lands In the
States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States b) act of August 4, 1I91,
of Mcfwen. County of Baker. Slate of Ore eon. has
ihi. ..!. ;... hi. ......... ......... sj
' . nicu in iiii wiinc ma ,mm iHiruiri,i .u
.p. fnr the nuirhasp of Ih In! HW If Nl If Wlu
g ?J VgS No! 6ln TownsWp NoT ., .Rang,
si.." ... E w. M.. nd will offer rVool to show that
n, Ub4 0Ught Is mora valuable lor Its timber or
stone man tor agricultural purposes, ana in estao
Ilsh his claim lo said land before the Register and
Receiver ol this othce at La Grande, Oregon on
Saturday, Ihe 1st day ol September, 1000.
He names as witnesses' (tram Starbuck, William
Lockhart, William, uraham. Peter llogtsnn all of
McLwen Oregon.
Any and all persons claiming adversely Ihe above
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
this office on or belore said 1st day ol September
L. W. BsHTiMT. Register.
tImber LAND, ACT JUN Bi7 87
United States Land Ofhce.-
j Grande, Oregon, July o, iuoo. (
Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions of the act ol Congress nt June 1, 1878,
entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lands In the
States ol Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada and Washing
Ion Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
Slates by act ot August 4. 1841.
JWl" K. I'AkDlll
cf Sumpter, Counts ol Baker, State ol Oregon, has
this day hied In this office, hit sworn statement No.
6ot. lor the purchase of thee H neK ande'.se1,. ol
tec it, tp 10 a r No. 0 L'. W, M, and will oiler prool
In show that the land sought Is mote valuable lor Its
I m.u. ... ....... . I. ... fn. ..!.. . !... I .......... .. ... I ...
establish his claim to said land belore the Keglster
I and Receiver ot this ofhie at La Grande, Oregon, on
lues jay, tne tM Jav 01 Ui toper, .
He names as witnesses: W. (1 Calder. Mrs. N. C
Richards, Charles O. Morrell, David II. Wilson, ail .
ol Sumpter, Oregon. I
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above-1
described lands are requested In file their claims In
this office nn or before said atrd day of October low.
U. W. IUMUL1T, Register. I
United States Land Olllce, I
La firande, Oiegon, July t, mm. I
Notice is hereby elven that In cnmnllincewlili the 1
provisions ot the act of Congress of lune 1, 1878,
' enmie.1 "An act tor me sate nt timper lands in the
I siaies 111 iiiiiiirnia. Lfregon. stvnaj, ana vvasning
I ton Terrltltory," as extended to all the public lind
Slates by ail of August 4. i8g,
nf Sumnter. County uf Baker. Stjit nf Ori.nn. tm
,hk Ja. ,r j n ,hv office her sworn statement No.
008. lor Ihe purchase of then', ne' ,, se' ne1, and
!i H ' tectlon No. 18 In township No.
oloul ne, N(1- ; w Ai. and will tiller prool
lo show that the land sought Is more valuable lor Its
timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and
to establish her claim lo said land bilore the Regis
ter and Keielver of this office at La Grande. Ore
gon, nn Tuesday, the rd day ol Oclot-er. iipu.
S?.vifW Calming adverse.)' the above '
A'le names at witnesses' James 11. t'ardee. W. I..
described lands are requested to hie their claims In
this office on or before said i day of October, iv.
L. W. IIVMtllTT. Register.
United States land Office.
U Grande, Oregon, Jul) pi, iuuo.1
Notice Is hereby given thai in compliant with Ihe
provisions ot the act of Congress of June , 1878,1
entitled "An ait for the sale ot Umbel lands In Ihe
states of California. Oreiron. Nevada. jnJ Waslilm.- '
ton ferritory.' as emended to all the public land I
j stales by act ol August 4, 1841
ot Sumpter, County of Baker, State of Oregon,
has this day tiled In this olln Ills sworn statement
No. ouo, for the purchase of the lots I and 4, ejj w
of section No. 18, In township No. 10 south, range
No. it L W M, and will offer proof to show that the
land suught Is more valuable lor Its timber or stone ,
than lor agricultural purposes, and to establish his
claim lo said land belore the Register and Receiver
Sumpter. Oregon,
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested In file their claims In
this oltuc on or before said aird day ot October,
iqoo. E. W. llAkum, Register.
timbkr Land, act juni- 3. 1878.
notice for publication.
I United States Und Office.
U Grande. Oregon, August ir, I'fu.
Notice is hereby given that In compliance with the
provisions ot the acl ol Congress of June I, 1878,
entitled "An act lor the sale of timber lands in Ihe
States ol California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wash
ington Territory," as est ended to all the Public Land
Slates by acl of August 4, &
of Suaipter, County of Baker, State ol Oregon, hat
this day hied In this office his sworn statement No.
to), lor the purchase of the wU sw 1-4. ne! tw 1-4,
tw 1-4 nw 1-4,01 Sec N0.10 In lp No. 10 s, Range No.
liEW M.and will offer proof to show that Ihe land
sought It more valuable for Its timber or ttone
than for agli"ltural purposes, and to establish hit
Claim tu sa.a land Vvlore the Register and Receiver of
this office at U Grande, Oregon, on Thursday,, Ihe
5th Jav ol October, io.
Me names as witnesses' William I). Hiker,
VanRensselaer R. Mead, Michael Lvnch. Charles
Mnrrell, all of Sumptcr, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming ndverselv theabose
descrlbeJ lands are tequested to tilt their claims in
this othce on or belore slid Mh Jiyof Oi tuber, imi
L. W. IURTILTT, Register.
I United States Land Othce. 1
I la Grande. Oregon, August it, ion. 1
Notice Is hereby elven that in compliance with the
prnvlsions of the art ol Congress nt June t, 1878,
entitled "An act for the sale of limber lands In the
states of Calllornla, Oregon, Nevada, and Washing
ton Territory," as extended to all Ihe public land
stales by ait ol August 4, i8q,
Wilt I AM I). IIVM'M,
al Sumpter, County nf Baker, Stitenl Oregon, has
litis dav tiled In this ofhce his sworn statement No.
T04, tor Ihe punhase ot the se ' nlsec No. u.ln lp
No. 10 s, range No. 6E W M.and will niter proof to
show that the land sought Is more valuable tor Its tim
ber or stone than tor agricultural purposes, and In es
tablish his claim to said land belore the Register and
Receiver ill this ofhce al l- Grande, Oregon, nn
Thursday, the tjth day ol October, moo
He names as witnesses: Maurice K Muuv, Van
Rensselaer Mead, Michael Lvnch, Chatles Mnrrell,
all ot Sumpter, Ore.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the above
described lands are requested In hie their claims In
this ofhce on or before said ijth day of October,
iono. E W. ItAHTlITT, Register.
, United Slates Land Olllce
La Grande. Oregon. Aueust 11.
ice. (
I, 10.10. I
nk S. Ill
Notice Is hereby elven thai I rank S. Ilallli.
whose post affile addiess is Sumpter, Baker County,
Oregon, has made application In select under the Act
ot June 4, 180T. () Stats., t) the luliowing de
scribed tract: Beginning at a post nn the west side ol
I rult Creek from which Ihe Sw corner ot Sec 10 Tp
8S R 17 L. W. M. bears due south 7rt tett, thence
snuth to t feet, thence west too led, Ihenc south
Mo leel, theme west 060 leel, thence nonh tototeet,
thence east 1 ieu leel, thence south im leet, theme
eastuxi leel, thence south io leet, thence west
750 leel, thence south 6uu feet, thence 5711 leet west
to the beginning and comprising 158 Mi acres.
This trail when survejed wllliomprlse Sl.'t Nil's
and NU, M.i( and N) SL', SI ', and SW'.SI '2
SL, Sec n Tp 8 S R (6 l W. M., and SW',' NW'J
and portion ol NW.ij" SWJ( Sec p 1 p 8 S R 7 L.
W. Al.
Within the next thlrlv ti)davs Irom dile hereol
protests or contests ugalnsl the selection on the
fliuund that ihe land described or an) portion Iherenl,
s more valuable tor Us mineral than lor agricultural
Curposes, will be received and nuted Inr rrrott lo the
ommlssloner ol the General l.nnd Ottice.
1 W. BskTlITT, Register.
t'nlli'd States l.anj f )iiice, I
Iji (iriude, Ori gon, Aug m, hj.r.
To Whom It Ally Concern lake Notice.
Notice Is herein given Dial Joseph Barton, whose
postolflce address is Biker Clly, Otegon, has nude
application In select under Act ol June 4, iBqr, (
St it , 16) the following drscrlbed land:
TheW'iSI'iandSI 'SI 'i Sec n lp o S R
18 E. W Al. I nt 4 and SI 1; NWi( Sec ( Ti. m S
R H. I nts land a and I.1! NW( and W'i Nl.'t
Sec it l 10 S K if. I.. W. Al.
All persons are hereby notified thai within the
next thlrlv das Irom dale hereol the) are required
to file their protests or conlest against tin telo-ilnn
on ihe ground that the sild tract nr anv pnitlnn '
thereof Is rnoru valuil le lor mineral than lor agrl-1
cultural puiposes, with the Register of the United I
Males I.111J mice al la (irinde, Oregon, that the
simeinav be noted lor tepoil lo the Commissioner
of the fieneral Lind Olticv.
Dated al La firande, Oregon, this 10th day ol Au
gust, . I.. W. llAK 1 1 ITT. Keglster.
I To the Honorable County Court nf Baker County
I We, the undersigned, petition )niir honorable body I
to grant a license to (i. W Wlegand to sell spirit
oils, malt and vinous liquors In less uuanililes than I
one gallon at Bourne, Ilikir tiiuni), Oregon. ,
vr 11 ripenier. J v. I iisi, 1 1 kusk. .1 1. nurns. t .
II Ihlisty, C D I ynch, W I Rnberison, R I) Warn '
nck.ChasCH.ill, Jas Cisivlord, S I' Slraub, Dan
1.... 1. in 1 ...i 1 11 1,...,. 1 . 1 1.... 1
I till)..' TW S.IIMS,.ll'liri. I. IS .SILK, III S.IIIIIIIH.
I rank Alunav.W Al Cnckrell. (1 P llalrd, (i W
k'erns.C I- K'ear. Wm Blair Geo G Hall. J C White. I
Jack.vlathKke, G N lavlor.C II Hums, S Husk, I
M W lleckwllh, Owen llirils. Tom Calverl, O
burg. J II I udke. I'd Smith. A J latksun, S Hen-1
drlcks, I. P Oakes, Win Wlegand, V (. lohnson. A
M llamillon. C IHIunllnglon. I. Hoinmell, I I) IAe '
Donald, WAI I rands. J I I Invllli', Cliilstopher Rl
Howe. I. II lav, C II Oik, .luhn Klnstr, A D Van-
"aiKer, i.n.inrs i.ngie.
Notice Is herebv given lint the said G W. Wle-
gand will apply In Ihe said County Ourl nf Baker
I count), Oregon, tor the granting of salt license on
September, din, iso. or as toon thereatter as hit pe
tition can be heard.
li. W. WliriAMi.
To the Honorable County Court ol Baker County,
State ol Oregen:
We. the undersigned, vour petitioners, respectfully
represent thai we are each and all residents and legal 1
voters 01 iinurne precinci. in sau county ana stale,
and we ask that a license be granted lo C. II. Barnard
In sell mall, splrltnus and vinous liquors in less
quantities than one gallon, al mouth ot Wink Creek
In Bourne predncl, llaker count). Said liiense to
date Irom September 1, iuoo.
GTShaw, W II Spencer. Jack Matlock, I) M
Uwls, I rank W Brown, M A Steward, ( W Kerns,
Fd Oliver, l J Buckner.Pan I arry, Andy Urchln.JA
sJII..I A asl LI. lli..t Xf II.. .. fL U a t...... I II t.L,
minn m m mi hum, iviiiuin,r t vsamrf 11 viin
J A Dvgert. J S Mitchell. C II Havnes, I CnrntielJ, I
Ifariv llalrd, 1. A wren, tieo i nan, 1. 11 nelson,
C A Burkharl. B J Watson, N Ashmore, II Alorg,
L H Ward, II C Lnoney, Geo K Grant, I d A Murra) ,
W II Jackson, J II Schmidt, W II Lmes, 1. 1 Warner,
W II Nebergall, R C I awrinre, I red Anlernellh J D
Pinkie. C II Burns. C Y Burr, W Kenlie) .GruWarren,
BLMclaln. J II Ralston, .1 C Brown. John N
Gels'er, M l Htrdlne, Ttwln 0 Gttewoot, Thus
Moore. N I McDtieit. I O Oinle. I. Iiurkle. .1 1'
I ngllsli. R .1 Ijikman. II O Stlrknev. Pat Murrv.
I Connur, I W Irv.Nkk Allen, C I Shermm. C S
Scott. GN lav lor, I (i White, II Kriise. Patrick
IHrklns, lonn Mclilll, II II I nstrr, li II Macpherson,
PAVanSlvke.OI. Iluiler, I J HarelwooJ, I. Rusk,
Pllnt llavnes, Phil Nebergall, I Jameson, I. T
Mlkel. II W Teague. A O llilnkinan. Hermin
IVper.C I W Plav.T R Olnk. Joe Tlchner.
M L Tlchner Jr. Iletl Squire. W C Calhoun.
Nullie is hen by given that the said C II Birnard
wlllapplv to the said County Ctiutlnt Baker countv,
tor Ihe granting nt sild Ikense on September 1st.
tooo, nr as soon thereafter as his petllhm can be
heard. C. II. Baknard.
I Jvm5Vg5B
Scenic Line of the
The Favorite Routt
Hetween the Northwest and all PolnLt
East. Choice of Two Routes Through
the Famous
A 11 J Four Routes East of Pueblo and
All passengers granted a day stop over
In the Mormon Capitol or anywhere be
tween Ogden and Denver. Personally
conducted Tourist E.curhiuns to
For tickets and anv information regarding-
routes, etc., or for descriptive adver
tNing matter, call on agents of Oregon
Rrilhv.iv and Navigation Co., Oregon
Short Line or Southern Pacific companies.
U. P. it T. A. General Agent
Denver, Col. Portland, Ore.
0. R. & N. CO.
riMi: sciiLDUirs
I rout Baker ( lly
10 45 p in
Salt Uke. Denver, It.
Worth. Omaha. Kan
sis Cllv. St. louls,
(.nicagiiand last.
I spress
Suit lake. Deliver, 1 1
Worth, Omaha, Kan
sas Cllv, St. hiuis,
Chicago and Usl.
j'ij pm
s 4f a 111
Wills Walla, lewlslnn
in 4 pm
Spokine. Minneapolis
St. Paul, Dututli. Mil
waukee, Chicago and
1 asl
8 p in
All Sailing Jiti-s sublect
10 change.
Inr San Iraniltco -
Sill every j dis.
Ft. Sundvv
8 p m
111 p m
In Astoria and Wa)
l.s. Sunday
ri a in
I s. Sunday
Oregon City. Newberg.
4 10 p rn
I a. Sunday
Salem, independence
and Way landings.
7 a in
Tues. Thur.
and Sal
I' su P m
Mon. Wed.
and III.
till I. HIVKHS
Oregon Cllv, Da) Ion,
ana svay-i anaings.
6a m
Tues. I bur.
and Sat.
4. top m
Mon. Wed.
and Iri.
Porlland to Corvalllt
and Wa)-landings
Rlparia lo lewltlon
H. C. ROWF.RS, Agent,
Raker City, Oregoa