4 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, August K, 1900 5 CENTS Per GLASS t FULL CAR LOAD HAS JUST BEEN RECEIVED 5 BOTTLES FOR $1.00 HENRY FINGER 4 THE & ! W CELEBRATED 1 OLYMPIA BEER On Draught or in Bottles HENRY FINGER CENTER STREET Opposite Postoffice SlJMPTKK, ORKUON 5 BOTTLES FOR $1.00 es3 FIVE CENTS PER GLASS OR FIVE BOTTLES FOR ONE DOLLAR 5 CENTS Per GLASS FOREST FIRH LAW. Test of Ibc Statute Prett-rlbing Perullin for Setting Wood Afire. t i.inte iinil 1'oiestry Warden Ouimhy U sendinc out Copies nl thelorest lire law, ,is follows; "Any person maliciously MiuIIMik a lire on Ills own lit oilier land, whi.n sli.ill injuie the persoml properly or wooded Umber land 11I .11 iv ullirr person, shall he punished by a line not less ih.in iio nor nioie tli.in 5ioo, or by imprisonment not less Hun three months nor nioie III in twelve months. "KinJIliiK .1 lire without malice on any lind without iiinsent ol the owner, vvhldi -h.ill spread .iml il miane .mv property or wood 01 Umbel I. mil not his own, not less th, in 510 nor more th.ri Skxj and uisis. "I'.nteiinK upon I nuls ol .mother person loi the purpose ol huntliit; 01 lishliit:, and without the iiinsent ol the owner, kindl Iiik my hie theieou, not less III. in 10 nor more th hi fioo. "If kindled maliciously, not less tlnn fio not mule Ih.in i5, "i hv Imprison ment not less tli.in thiee montlis, not more thin twelve months. "WlllullV setliiiR Tire lit .mv wooded iinintry or loiest, not mote tli.in Siooo or imprisonment not excredint: one ye.ir or both. "Section 21. Ihes.ilJ name and lor estry warden, or .mv sheritl, ilepmv sheriff or constable, m.iv without warrant arrest any person violating any ol the statutes now or liereallei enacted and in force at the time, lor the protection ot K.ime, name birds, mimk birds ami loieM, or any of them, and take siith person Mole any court hiving jurlsdidlon, who shall proceed without delay in hear, Irv and determine the matter, nJ nive and enter judgment according to (lie allena tlons and proofs." . -t Nome Paper on the Situation There. 1 here is no doubt that the situation is serious enough, and it promises to grow worse, of course, with the passing of time. I he tucstion naturally arises, what shall be done w Ith the great number of men who aie unable to obtain employment and who beliiK "bro!e," are unable to leave the lomitrv? It is a serious question. Indeed, and one that demands immediate alien lion. I he News Ins referred In it before, believing it to be ol ttnl impoitaiue to this (.(immunity. I his (ommiuiity cannot take i.ne ot the gteat number of indigent, neither (.in it purdi.ise transportation to the outside lor tliem at (.uireiit rates. It is, therefore, up to tile transportation com panies .iikI the government. I he former might gixe a low rate and the latter could gu irantee the payment. In this way the situation would be lelleved, as in. my men who .iic only too iiinIous to leturn to their loriner homes would be able to do so. It is 110 use to moralize over conditions, I he oulv wa Is to i.ue them as promptlv as possible when the arise. Weaie up agiiusta vciy uuple.is.uit and meu.uing situation. It must be met. I hese peo ple must be gotten out of the country be hue navigation does. I he (. hamber of Commrue has outlined the jcilou It will t iKe. I he government will be asked to atloid transportation, and tills seems to be the only pi.uticable solution of a bad case. And the solution is repugnant to anv man ol independent spiilt. Hut "spirit" does uotdiun; in (.ises lIKe these. It is the duly of the government to see that these unlortuiiates, who are unable to leave the (.ouutry by reason ol lack of means, be given tree transportation out of the couutrv. t-.Ultorlal in Nome Dally News, July jS. Lost Ladies silver chain purse, con taing small change. Return to Sunipter I imnsite company's ottice for reward. Oulv the best ol Wines, Liquors, Ice , Cold Brer and temperance drink at Harnard's Halfway Mouse. Pelton Water Motor Is so superior to all others as regards strenth, durability and economy of water, in fact all that constitutes a HIGH CLASS WATER MOTOR, as to admit of no comparison, adapted to every variety of service and made of sizes varying Irom the fraction of i up to too H. P. Recent scientific tests made at the Michigan University in connection with sev eral other motors claimed tn be the best on the market showed 45 per cent hlRher efficiency in favor of tavor of the PELTON, while the rela tive cost per H. P. to buy was only one-third to one-half that of others. Water companies desiring to make the best of their water supply should discriminate In favor of the PELTON. Deliveries made from New York or San Francisco, as may alford the best freight rates. Circulars free. One of these motors can be seen any time operating THK MINKH presses. THE PELTON WATER WHEEL CO. 143 Liberty Street, New Yoik. 125-129 Main St. San Francisco, Calif. Eureka Feed & Livery Company J. L. SULLIVAN, Manager. Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight and passengers to any and all points. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALEHK THE Sumpter Forwarding Co. General Stortie, Commission and Forwarding. Warehouse and office, S. V. Track. SUMPTER, OREGON.