The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 15, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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Wednesday, August i, 1900
Railroad Company Files Def
inite Location.
The United States Land Office at Burns
is kept hustling these days. The tiling
nf homestead entries and claims under the
desert act is always large here, but during
the past month there has been a rush,
tlir number of filings more than doubling
those for any previous July. As is the
case all over eastern Oregon, the small
rancher Is looking for a home here.
Whenever there is a level tract of land
and water convenient there is a race to
see who will be the first to get it. livery
year finds more fences and less vacant
stretches of country. The resources of
Harney county are great, but on account
of its isolation, the outside world has been
slow in tinding It out. Hut people are
coming now, and they find a welcome
A large surveying party for the Cor
vallis A Eastern company has just com
pleted its work in the county, and tiled
in the land office here its map of definite
sea at times of full tide. None of the
cannerymen cared to stay with the dig
gings themselves, but when we arrived
in Seattle, the dally papers came out with
scare-head articles on the fabulously rich
diggings to be found at the mouth of Red
River, 011 Kodlak Island. The news was
given the world on the strength of what
the captain of the Valencia had said about
the place, and the information was vouch
safed that a great stampede was being
made for Kodiak, where hundreds of
miners were digging out gold to beat all
Yet there isn't a human soul within 80
miles of the mouth of Red River, but all
the same, look out for that point as being
the place to which the unwary are to be
lured next."
Tramway Six Mllei Long.
To reduce expenses of the Halslsy
Elkhorn mine, the owners nf that famous
property have commenced some very
extensive and radical Improvements.
The first step was to put in a telephone
I Hue from Haines to the mine, and the
poles and wire are now on the ground
and In n few days the work of setting
the poles and putting up the wire will be
completed. In addition to this- they are
preparing to build a stamp mill in the
canyon on Pine creek where abundant
water power can be secured. The ore for
riliitlmt it'll I trim i I itmidi tii tti mill
location, along with a ptolile ot the right..,.. .11
, ' ..... 1. 1 Then this tramway will br extended a
of way or route to be taken. It began , , , . , , ,...,.
, . . .. ., ' distance of live or si miles to Powder
surveying about, 4 ".lies southwest from a ,le concentrates
Ontairo, on the Malheur river, and added , f ,-, w be , j , ,,,,, ,,
about 100 m es to that a ready surveyed. .1 . u 1 11 .
.... . 1 . 1 1 1 .1 1 1 ., 1 'and then hauled to Haines for shipment.
I he new proli e tiled in the laud o lice here. ... , ... ., .. i . ,' ...
. .in.. 1 .1 ,1 hesr improved methods will reduce the
shows he line to be along the valley of , ,
he Maheur river. I follm-s tut river, thr mim, 0V(.r,n up , Kr;lJp, :inJ do
for adslaiue of 122s m es, the entrei ,., ... , , , , . ,. . .
distance the line is now surveyed. I he , Snce e ,,,, C0IMmrnm, , sinU
surveying pty broke camp on the .8 I, a naf on their property, thev decided ,
of July, and filed its profile or de.inlte Cir! ,lp e , projliclioll.,e.
location claim. In the laud iiffue on the ; -.- -...
2Stli. I he I. hid 0 Hue lis h.ive. been time ewiinlnlng lite , At Soon Have Gold in Mine as Bank,
records, so as to repoit to the general' Oiif of thr most unique mines in this Washington e.uli -jo-.icre stM,mf the countiv is ol II. W.
trait ol government laud through which r,iu-,.v, Roblnsonvllle, known as thr
the new railroad survey passes. I he m.ick ll..wk. Mr. Tracev's mine con
line, will, the 1 reek, mveis a is,s ,)f ;l uy chuW , uJrr ,,.M :, fm),
Urge section of country. J , its w jrsl vnic, ,s .,Vrrage w idth Is
Ihe present survey ends near Cianr,' frnlll tuo , ,,rrr llfMes. lis working
In this county, .jo miles southeast ot torcr consists 01 liimsrlf. As tlir ore Is
Hums. It is 140 miles troui Ont.tirn. vrrv rcli, however, averaging perhaps
Ihere was a ptrlimluaty su.vev made 510,000 a Ion, Mr. I'r.-uev says he 1.111 get
along this route ago. A n tw ,ouev lie wants working single
lew miles this sldr of the terminus ol the ' ,.,jr.j. v considers thr ground safer
present survey there ate two preliminary n,,,,, ,-, h.iiilt and draws upon it only ac
surveys. Our leads out south via Albert rrj,,K t,i ,s needs, i lie property Is
lake and l.akevlew, in Lake county, and only opened up by a jo-toot sh.itt and a
theme south tluough California to : short drift. Mr. Tracey is now at work
point on the Southern P.kIih toad. Ihe n another shall on .-. parallel vein that
other comes via Hums, theme bv Prine-' averages Iron, one-fourth to three inches
vile and on to Albany. wMu . ott. i(, ,,s vein is equally
I he held is a good one from beginning ,, ,j, ;(s t,.lt M t,r (ltst he worked. An
to end. I he thousands ot head of horses .ujjng claim, known as thr Mollir
and cattle and sheep, and millions of Gibson, is also owned bv Mr. I racey.
pounds ot wool from this great stock from Granite to Che telegram,
tenter, demand In-tter transportation.
Besides this and the vast amount of Much Timber Used in Mining,
trelght shipped into this louutry, the there is an increased dem ind for tim-I
rapidity with wlikh it Is settling up Is her, and there is strong talk of an electric
enough to convince the shrewd railroad rau frmn t,e Cracker urrk mines to the
magnates that this Is not a country to be timber below Sumpter. This w ill tend to
nrglected. It N no longer a question of stimulate and support another great in
the people ol e.islem and southern Ore- dustrv. I:ew realie tlie enormous con-
gon begging tor a railroad, but it Is a
lace for the sw litest to get here first.
Special from Hums.
Kodiak for Next Fake Boom.
sumption required for even a doen big
mines when sinking operations begin.
The ComstOik alone exhausted 400,000,
000 feet of timber, and wortli
of fuel in about ten years. Butte City
"Look out for KoJiak Maud as the has nearly equaled tills and hauls it from
text pi ice Interested p.u ties will try to Missoula. There is timber enough in
boom," said W. H. Helms, just returned Hi eece, l-'rver, Carbonate and Iron mills
1 10.11 Nome, to an Oregoni.iu reporter. m l.eadville to easily build the city of
"N.ime has had its day, and York, 120 Denver. A mill close to available good
miles to the north, was a tirle, but as thntvr could, with a short road, supply
we came down we stopped at Kodltk, to timber to the mines cheaper than it could
take otf the crew of a cannery which had be cut at the mines. J. I:. I... In Portland
just been shut down. There were 40 Mining Review, under Sumpter date,
men in the crew, bound for San Francisco,
and some ot them exhibited vials of Don't neglect your eves. Glasses' and
sand in whkh colors of gold could be dis- spectacles properly fitted to defective
uwered. 1 he sand was found on a high sight. I-". C. Hrodie, Opera House Jew
stretch of beach which is washed by the I dry Store, Sumpter.
Plenty of It Around but Government Agent
is Auo There.
The mine manager whose woodpile is
getting low and who, to continue the de
velopment of his ground and the stoplng
nf his ores must have timber, is in a
dilemma. Having been notified by Percy
Sowers, special agent of the Land office,
that the Government will hold the min
ing company responsible for any "stolen
timber" that is found in Its property, and
further that there is practically no Utah
timber which has not been cut in violation
of law, the manager would like Mr.
Sowers to direct him just where to go for
There is plenty of It around, but as
there Is nothing to distinguish one class
from the other, the companies have de
cided to defer all purchases until they
have had the assurance of the special
agent that it is safe to purchase. In the
face of the recent admonition that they
would be compelled to pay the Govern
ment as well as the original vendor for
any and all stolen timber in their posses
sion, they were induced to believe that
Agent Sowers would seize the branding
Iron and define the difference. The agent
has failed to do this, however, and the
result Is that not .1 little hardship is
A manager of one of the most active
properties said recently that his superin
tendent had been signaling for timber for
davs, and that he, In turn, had been
vainly hunting for the special agent that
he might ascertain just what timber can
be safelv purchased. Until he gets this
information he declines to replenish the
woodpile at the mine and serious em
barrassment may result. The special
agent should keep himself in evidence, or
brand every stick of timber that Is offered
for sale. Salt Lake Tribune.
Leave Coal Mine foe Harvt Field.
Work at the Birch creek coal claims
has been temporarily stopped on account
of the shortage of harvest hands, the men
who were at work there having gone Into
the fields for the present time. Senator
T. C. Taylor, who Is one of the principal
ones interested in the claims, stated today
that It was not the intention to cease the
work of prospecting, but that it would
again be resumed before long. The
showings already made have been suffi
ciently encouraging to warrant going
deeper Into the mountain. There is good
prospect for some fine coal deposits being
unearthed in the near future. Its im
portance, with reference to the develop
ment of the Pacific Northwest, is so great
that the utmost endeavor will be made to
find out If there is coal of quality warrant
ing mining it. Hast Oregoni.iu.
Name of Locating Engineer.
A. Kinney, civil engineer, recently
employed on the Mohawk branch of the
Southern Pacific, has been appointed lo
cating engineer on the Columbia South
ern. He started Thursday for Shaniko,
to begin setting stakes southward toward
Lakeview. When a sufficient distance
has been cross-sectioned, proposals will
be submitted to contractors for bids. It
is expected the work will begin within 60
days. Oregonian. That paper has been
imposed upon by someone. The facts
are that R. C. Kuney, (not A. Kinney)
joined the Anderson party, who are en
gaged in making a preliminary survey
for The Dalles Southern Railway Co.
Tills company and the Columbia South
ern are two separate companies. Shaniko
.Mjnutacturrrt ol nil klnji ot CnihnnilrJ Drinks anj CUm.
OpvrateJ In connection with the
Kentucky Liquor House
w. s.
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained
Years of e.xperience in Baker County Records.
No. 2104 Court Street, Baker City; Oregon.
the Celebrated
On draught or
bv bottle.
"The Olympus"
H. FINGFR, Proprietor.
High Grade Wines,
Liquors and Cigars.
Sumpter, Or.
"Just around the Corner"
Fine Wines, Liquors and Ggars.
Next to First Bank Sumpter SUMPTER, OREGON