The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 15, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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    Wednesday. August i?, 1900
District Filling up With Large
mining Operators.
The "big Imivs" ;ire beginning tn ar
rive in Similiter, ;i(ter ;i prolonged ab
sence. has kept them away mi
long is an unexplained mvstery. Most
of thrse large operators ate familiar with
the district and thr conditions prevailing
here. Their presence at this time indi
cates hut one thing that alter two or
threr months of comparative inactivity,
so lar as trades and transfers and talk
are concerned, mine owners being busy
with development worl, the inevitable
Joe Reese. Mr. Layere is a mining man
of Baker City, and has figured In some of
the big deals of that district. He is here
on a general tour of Inspection ot the
mines In the Quartburg and Strawberry
range districts and will probably tie up
something good before leaving.
. J. D. ('Joss, nf the Hank of Sampler,
has been in the field for a week ascertain
ing u hat business a bank could do in
! this section, and went away highly elated
and himself or brother twptct to return
FJmer Cleaver, Ar. Morey, and sons,
and Fnglneer Sullivan e.xpect to be in the
1 mountains thirty days, while l.on Cleaver
will return to Baker City and attend to
the business affairs that end of the
Hue, and Clifton Cleaver will return to
Pendleton tn look after the Cleaver
Brothers big general merchandise store. Tutch, an employee of the Cleaver
, Brothers at Pendleton, who yislted Prairie
City last spring, is again here and will
He is now at
fall revival is about tube inaugurated.
D. J. McDonald, mining expert for i make an e.xtended stay
(inventor Mackintosh, Is here and ex- the Oregon Wonder,
prcts to remain several weeks in the At the Oregon Wonder is the finest and
district. I his Is not his first trip here, ' most convenient camp in the mountains,
though lie has not been in thr camp for ' Kverythlng that the maiket affords Is
several months. Ills particular mission
at this time is not given for publication,
but he Is not here for his health. Oliver
nor Mackintosh and a parly of linglKh
capitalists are expected here soon, and it
is not unlikely that transactions of greatrr
magnitude than this section has ever
known will thru be consummated.
Arthur Hill, of Saginaw, Michigan,'
principal owner of the Ibr.x mine, arrived
line Sundav morning and wrnt out to
the property at nine, Mr. Clrtpnian
havlnir come In to meet hint and had a
there, and all the modern conveniences of
a metropolitan hotel, and thr Ferree
brothers know how to treat a visitor,
which the Miner man will swear to after
being the guest of these two gentlemen
one night last week.
In railroad circles nothing of Interest Is
bring made public, but It is rumored that
all thr different companies that intend en
tering tills district have turn in disguise
out establishing grades, etc., and it is
stated on good authority that within the
last month no less than six ot these par-
conveyance in icadlitess when the train ' ties have slipped through this part of
arrivrd. Mr. Hill has just returned from
a live months trip in hurope and is on his
way to San Francisco. His visit here at
this time has in It no special significance,
and probably would not have been made !
had lie not been obliged to go to the
1 oast at least, that is about the way he
wants it put In these columns. I
Colonel W. M. Rldpath, the Spokane l
capitalist, Came up S.iluiday on his way ,
Oregon without revealing their mission.
-Prairie City Miner.
Private Board.
I will furnish private board to a few de
siring such, at my residence on North
street, near Center. Mrs. C. K. Duck
worth. "The Portland", conducted by Gusj
Woodward on Mill street, is fully a
representation of Its name. A visit will i
4M J&k.
d&rA& if3HES .
&wjam lk1
ApHt .-.r'rtitiiiiu.iK. HatBtBtatphEW
cKNtaaaaar r'HaaaaaBMCTssnaaaBViaaBBaaattSa.
KjafBaaaaaaaaawwu1 "Qflr
Thn fR 9my JOZ
For Your jM call at our
Cah Tracto. V Star for
T cMhcoupom.
These beautiful Works of Art enlarged from your owu
photographs do not cost you a cent We give cash coupons witU
every purchase, when you havefgkOO in thceo bring1 us any phot o
arapnnud vre will furnish you FREB a life-size DBM4R positively
tho most up-to-date Portrait on tho market They are mado for
us and guaranteed by Ths Amsrlcsa Copytnc Co., which is a suffi
cient orouronce of their quality and artistic worth. Bring: your
photographs, call ot our store and examine our wampW. wo con
convince you that it is tho grcatcot Portrait offer CVW mode. Da
bot fail to ask for our "I lotto Series" of coupons. ,
Ploaoo give your photos to our canvasser.
to visit a mining property near ( iranlte,
In which lie is interested. The Colonel ,1,..i,- .,,. f .i,u
rxpresses himself as well pleased with l
the country hereabouts, and prrdlctsal For Sale. A m light arc dynamo, ia
great future for it, when more jnouied j first lass condition. Very cheap. Apply
men have found out its merits and come (to Seymour H. Bell at office Sumpter
here, as they arc now doing. Light and Power Co.
Go or send to the City Green house,!
Baker City, (or choice carnations; thirty
five cents per dozen. Roses fifty cents
per doen.
Many CapltalUH and Mining Men Going
to That Section.
Judging from the number of strangers Don't neglect your eyes. Glasses and
that are coming and going, lively limes spectacles properly fitted to detective
are liable to turn loose most any time, I sight. F. C. Brodie, Opera Hou-e Jew
ami when bettrr times do arrive they will elry Store, Sumpter.
be a permanent fixture. Prairie City and
Agentsfor Matting
ly and Moore Whis
key a 20-year-old
whiskey as good ns
Elixir of Life. All
whiskies are out of
bond and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
sort for Commer
cial Travelers and
the John Day vallry are not like other
places that havr boomed and then in a
tew mouths be suauhed off the map.
I he mines are here waiting capital to de
velop them, the farms air here waiting
to be tilled, and all the other natural re
sources are line that are needed to make
up a commonwealth and an everlasting
pinsprtous country and city.
Iliursday of last week Flitter Cleaver
biought in from Baker City P. F. Morey,
president of the General hlectric com
pany ot Poillaiid, and I'. W. Sullivan,
hydraulic engineer for the same company.
The next day they went to the Oregon
Wonder camp and immediately proceeded
to enjoy themselves prospecting and Itsh
lug and hunting.
Last Monday l.on Cleaver, Cliftpn
Cleaver, W. M. Davis, deputy attorney
for Portland, and Attorney f. Williams
and family arrived. Mr. Davis went to
Canyon City to visit and have a hunting
uip with some old time friends, but will
be through Prairie again in a couple of
Tuesday there arrived from Baker City
A. L. Lvrt-and wife, xaprnedtiyT.
Five quart bottles ot Olympia brrr for 1 1
fi.ooat Henrv Finger's.
O. S. L Ry.
mi' mm t vnin to ,
Montana, Utah
Colorado and all
Eastern Points...
tiUrtCliofce ot twit lnr(i rmitrk, U the Usiox
I'M UK Um Stall I tor. i thr Hli timsiii' S.cnli
I Inrt.
No Change of Cars
On lli IVilUnJ Oildto ,Silal,'" Hi I inrt in t
the Wrt, I'qulprrJulih
Flegmit Standard Sleepers
r Fine New Ordinary (Tourist) Sleepers I
K.m.k I IKrr...Il..fl.l ..r.
plendid Diners (mealsa la carte)
Free Reclining Cltair Cars
Comfortable Coaches and Smokeis
Entire Train Completely Vestibuled
I'm turthfi llitmmailnn rr' to I
Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agent
. Mi-wt.-iTfrn7irT:.s-i . - r
14J -1 iiiiuoi., rticuauuf xjc.
More Room More Goods
Since the removal of the Post
Office, giving us the entire use
of the store room, I have mater
ially added to the stock a New
and Fresli line of j j j j
( Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,
I Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Etc.
A belter opportunity is afforded
us to handle the trade, and our
CASH PRICES have proven a
drawing crrd since the CASH
SYSTEM was Inaugurated Jt
SucctMOt to
KahltrA Havlty.