The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 08, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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    WJMnfe&ftUMiAiftttate " ...
Wonnr;ir ri.7:.rara jsa
caocTCUU rxiaotxcjTJicarHJtxu 4un&vaEranzn3amrAXtC3nRSB
I H3 7UKI? P' Wtl
The Hope of Every Weak Man
HAT some -time? in-some-avrSome-reHef-wlll-ome-to-liisraid, and he will
once again be strong and vigorous, able to do his duty in every sphere ot lite
and-to7enjoythe,-goodtyings ofxistence. Thousands of weik men, thus
buoyed up with hopeexDe"r.iment with drugs, ryin their stomachs, shatter
theirhervesand finally, Ibslng-hope, fir)'d their constitution hopelessly wrecked.
Few ofthem are to be Blamed. N They use drugs under the impression that
druns will cure. YOU have not that excuse, for I tell vou, as a specialist of
thirty years' experience, tlfaTth"eoh1ycUTefonleblilty;rieTvous-exhaustion, paralysis,
epilepsy, varicocele, rheumatism, bladder, kidney and urinary troubles is the appli
cation of electricitv to the affected parts. And more than this. The most effective
means of applying electricity are those which insure a steady flow of the galvanic life-current for several hours at
a time, carrying the rich red blood to the nurishment-needing- organs, of the body. I have known this fact for
years, and since 1872 have prescribed electricity only in such cases'.' Other honest physicians now do the same,
and all agree that in such cases the most certain ,cure js to.use my
.. .. "P
Pat. 1900 Model
Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt
Broad Bell
ARE YOU WEAK? If you are, send for my valuable illustrated book, just published, which fully describes
this wonderful invention. Obtain one of mv Belts and be cured same as this man below has been:
PvuJ Trouble and Indlgolion Curtdf r jj
KN, -' - - -aIikUM 1
A. iYSANOi-N. - - a &,iifhstid 1K00
JJrar Sir: I bea to stabMhatJ urn receiving great benclit from the use of
vnur45l(fk-Rll. ltlmH-fovNHlWi;;ryt-(Hr-Hror-witImo-7xpSt.
Mv Nerves mid Muscle are (illicit stronger, and I am no longer annoyed with
indigestion, as I was before using the Helt. It is surely a great invention. I
would not now hr without It if another one could not he obtained. I heartily
rjftllWtlllil lit n 11 it (fill .ll.ft. . r 1
t,,u s""'v"? ;?:... i i;j!ui.jjjun
o'livEiy limy, jvnn 11. ur.r.i'ci,
(,n Malto Uldg., St. Louis, Mo. ,, J0, f ,( ., ylll'JMUj,
f '
Rialto Mining Go
.- J A
Miy 19, loor
r,r t r pmy y' li" r .
, IJ1...IU 111..! ....,.. I 1
r.lH jii, juuiii ii.'ifii-i..j;.. y rid iieuutsi ...
022 KllltO HllMlrU. St. LllKT M).
-"M'mTltiTt-in1ti.i--W'TlHrW-iUi Wih" -"
Dear Sir: I beg to acknowledge receipt ofvoiir favor, anTlii replv tlierelo
hrg to say that the slip you eiuloseJ is a copy ot a testimonial which I gave to
Dr. Sinden after having used his H.-lt. I wis mu:h surprised at the benefit
, received,' aud J djjiot hesiute-to fully ,i;e.cornjneiid the Belt.
w. ... UisSii)Uy,JOHN H. DEBMS.
tmi: iu:i.r is worn uv iitiii:r mi:n on womi.n. lonsuliaiiun and advicr iri-i-. the genuine sandi-n iii:lt is nhvcr sold in drug stores
izua-iiH.-K u i in j ,1 V)V,i CT DM jrr j-in ( no i. j r . in .1 trrrnv o
Dept. llJ, Kussell building
iii 11 , bit
, 3
MS'ia-', .
t D
f y ,
Rich DtfXMlU Blng Est(ilvly Worked t
of bora.x to Winiiemuccn each trip, and
bring back suppllrjiror tu-tyuy Vy
large. The distanfrtrnhtfte Trfime:
Wlnnemucca Is 12$ miles.
rHutiHi Hiiniii, :i HiiuiPti.ikFi. qui nmh
plmoniro Hotpl
up the mines as a home. The warm
idiitry I ''l' tifiCibtr'aMcil(lof,mvL, he
ai '.. !VcUd the spot (lhh Wolulit. Not
10 00t
It is not generally known
Harney county that the bor.ix
f lir lw fttif if viii li itiiiiiirlniir
one point In a' hundred In the st.ile do lowiuBtli. vlu OLlukjw'dAioslie
they know that there Is any such thing 1 wns induccJ ,0 l,:,rt wi,h l,K Po"lns
-.. 1 ...1..-. 1.. r.. 1 ,. for f7ooo. 1ihI.iv Ills successors are
11 iiiuirs 111 virgin. rtiMiui w Tl. "V, nT"f...?r 3Tif
inilrs south I. on, Hums. here Troiiitli ,mM"K for,,,ne wlytoi KlJtl(birp-Jf
. ,..1, ...11... ,,.,! vuii.iii,.,vm..-ii.. .,..r... ty. It only costs 1 or 4 cenliTAatrPPUid r
into each other, not far from the Nevada t' mine Ihe borav, and with tfie finhieiiM?
line. Is the plant of the .VaUy -PWJ". .''''. S or 0 cents a pmiiiJ on tlie Sgg
Hurax company. The mli'ri werV- HiWi'utMf.aNVoAloAM
.oveied about seven WWWislm&mhWmM ' flj'll'F i
setlliin ot ine country lliirr or lour nines " lint spiiugs.UAiBlCji JTAUl j J JfJ JJIt? irV,J,ilfijWVti,l,rff"j
llirrarlh. As the str.iinliii! wateis tun l,;,M "' ,r,c !,,",'. 's worked anil owned,
llitmiKli tlir v.illry .iloiiulwlrViUlnfiMWU'i'l't Ptd'iCj'Wisl MtflhHirls'!rnS04
.outses they Ir.ivr as drpoMt .along tlie , " .'"" 'I P"J .' M:"f "
way a whitish substaiur. -'Irt'tiilf; HnVM,,M,wwrW",'lfc hhuuhk aunty
viilwriiir .ii-f. tin. ..ntirf m linn nl sot lies; is 1 uir iukiwii, a 11. 1 iron 11
::;,,,;:" rd
peit passing tluouitll the WrKIfyM.yrC,,iertte ff'M'r 'W
yr.its ago saw at a gl.uur that tins white TesSuur. Wte tut W.rfji WirV .W
shbstaiuv .is not alkali, as generally over llatney county. A white substance
MimmsrJ. and at once h twrslsd men of known as 'alkali" lies upon the giound
very prnht.ihlr ptopetty.
A plant costing thousands of dollars
stands on the site, and evety morth tons
ol bor.iK, wlilih sells readily at h and u
'U- Vl:lrst-ClasWlw"lffiu;Vll I'limlshi
shed and Superior Table
Service. 1 ranscient Kates Keasonanie. special Kates to Local fat-
rons by the Week. Located One Block East of Depot, Corner Co
uraiis pirrl.-nttrttnllv- e.vrrnr-mttTv;. a , rvrrywUeir., ILInso over nWUf,w.(
.lanlwn'svl.nilWJalvJr a r,h "'W WUHt 0"WtiM W j.
inty, tins wuiie supsiauce nas pren
ind to be pute''l4.As'1fl'stReT,
elops, who knnVv bTif ViWySiale1 1
county, this white substance lias been
the richest boia. drpoiits ol tlie world.
ents a :pftuikl;tls JhWdimloJitly3eUlftil , UJki,i?J'Ji3v, I. kit J JOJqiJUia t):i
sold. Men air employed in scraping the ' "
Muff In lis crnVl.iW'l(WJll e.tMh, aiKW i V Wrmf Zlf.rV.'VWtUi U M
this is put through a heating process and Tlie new route via the Oregon Short
irducrd to as Hue a grade ol bara as the Line Hailroad and Moulda, Mont., enables
world lias ever produced. It Is then 1 you to make a delightful trip through the
shipped to Vlnneimartyyiid,i- jyul YellowstpjieNonal Jfji. filtering vl
shipped nnd turned hjtusj, Tljcjcj Mpulda and t'HJllt pjlUin)abar
iwnv owns two large wagon trains, con- inaklneNt unnecessary 10 iov'eT.'inA'Por-
4sting of three wagons each, coupledto- tlon of the route twice. For beautiful'
ucllier. tThMWalns afewfcrvJrnwrn by-descriptive booklet, writc,uticalj,at ke.-
ill laige nuii'e's, and'eacli train ii'i'akes two gon Short Line Ticket CJtfi'e, 142 '
trlplfloMu.'TllrFflffHIRW I UIIIJ1IIU, UIUUII.
3' 'A
Yx 0
V-l QU.L)
II, you have real estate to seli
.eotf. urjurittwaifjuipeisrioaiio into i
If Vim h.'iv't ;i linu; tit rttt
O I f9V'i vVifffiM.iir reflts ijilljitejjjo; 1 .
II you want to engage help of any kind
11 you wain io PorrnwinniryapimiirMate
7 msj rii rnvjAT
H -Sq BEER..., H
, 3PCfffff q q q ggifyfyyf f.o o)
3 MO I
Brewery Saloon