The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 08, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, August 8. 1900
Capital $500,000
f(wn. Mur. Ilunkrr Hill O..IJ Mnj. Co.)
Grizzly Gold
Mining Company
In 100,000 shares of the
par value of Fifty Cents
Each. Treasury Stock
THE Grizzly group consists of the "Colorado" and the "Colorado Extension" quartz mineral claims, situated
I ' in the Sumpter District of Baker county, Oregon, six miles northwest of the town of Sumpter, forming pare
A of the rich mineral zone wherein are located producing mines of fabulous wealth, such as the "North Pole,"
"Columbia," "Golconda," "Bonanza" etc., etc. Development work on the Grizzly group has disclosed a gold bear
ing ledge of remarkably high value, a force of men are now at work and there is every reason to expect the prop
erty will become one of the greatest mines in Oregon.
Read Our Proposition Carefully
A limited amount of Treasury Stock is offered for sale at SIX CENTS PER SHARE, payable cash down or
in twelve monthly payments, the funds realized being used tor opening up the property and making a producing
mine of it. The purpose of the company is to have a steady inflow of cash to meet monthly pay roll.' This can
be realized by selling stock on monthly installments just as well as if selling for all cash, and at the same time
enabling investors to secure control of a larger block of stock than if paying all cash.
Two Thousand Shares at 5120.00, payable $10 down and $10 per month
until paid. Larger blocks of stock on pro rata scale. .
Fintf ( or BuM.tii, Out
For Prospectus and Further Information, address,
Grizzly Gold Mining Co., Sumpter, Ore.
After Much Doubt nd Anxiety Four Ft
of Good Ore it Uncovered.
Dlrrct from the mine :it Qiiartzburg
news Is received the Stnnd.ird people
have cut their ledge In the Copper Kind
and that tley have over four feet of the
ore, whlili has made that property so much
talked about of late, and from which the
Sumpter smelter last week produced a
matte running over I127 to the ton.
Thin o(e, consisting of ten tons, came
from Stringer. Those In charge of de
velopment work had concluded that the
ledge would he encountered at a point
much nearer the month of the tunnel, and
some who were aware of this fact, know,
lug that only a very narrow vein had been
found, feaied that there was no possibility
there of making a mine. This doubt is
removed now, however, and the Copper
King has passed theprospect stage.
The owners of the Standard group are
to be congratulated. They deserve the
success which Is apparently theirs, after
much work and the expendltuieof their
own funds.
Up-to-Dale Mine Salting Tricks.
"Mine salting nowadays has developed
Into a very nice art," said an engineer
and assayer, who lately returned to the
states from the Inspection of some prop
erties In old Mexico, to a New Orleans
"Times-Democrat" reporter. "In former
times it was done crudely. A rascal who
wanted to give fictitious values to a
worthless prospect hole generally bought
or stole a sack of high-grade ore and
simply scattered it about the excavation,
where the victim would be likely to pick
up a few pieces for sampling-. If an ex
posed ledge was to be dealt with he some
times filed up a io gold piece, loaded the
dust Into a shotgun and fired lt against
'the surface from which pecimens would
be taken. But at present Rreaterflneness
Is needed. The up-to-date purchaser In
sists upon having fresh ore blasted from
beneath the surface, where It could not,
possibly be tampered with and seals it tip
in a little canvas sack for the assayer
with his own hands. It is then .that the
latest development, the hypodermic
syringe, comes into play. The scientific
mine sailer has one of those handy little,
Implements hi his coat pooket charged
with a solution of chloride of gold. He
watches for an opportunity, and .when
one presents itself, quietly thrusts the
tip of the needle through the canvas sack
and gives the piston a gentle push. The
consequence Is that a few drops of the
liquid are discharged over the surface of
the ore. 1 he quantity of gold In the'
solution is almost infinitesimal, but it Is
enough to run i-p an assay of $5 a ton.
Meanwhile the Sucker' is tranquil in the
knowledge that he has selected the 1
samples himself and has them safely
sacked under his own personal seal.
Hypodermic mine silting is all the go in
Mexico at present. It beats the old
method to death."
Columbia Southern Telegraph Line.
'I he Columbia Southern telegraph line
Is now complete to a point nine miles
north of Shanlko, so we are informed by
Mr. Leon Dawson, who has charge of the
work. As we have before stated, the
work Is necessarily slow on account of
hardness of the surface, which Is a good
building basalt, but has little friendship
for posthole diggers. As If to Inconven
ience Mr. Dawson still more, three of his
gang quit on Saturday, and to show them
he was all there yet he "fired" two others
at the same time, and came up Sunday to
Shanlko to get a new gang. Mr. Dawson
stites that the Hue will not be completed
to this place In less than six weeks.
Shanlko Leader.
For Sale Saddle and brlddle, In good
condition.. Apply at THE MINER office..
Ninety-Nine Year Old Miner.
Douglas county can no doubt boast of
having the oldest active miner in the
world a man who in a few days will be
00 years old, blasting, drilling and wheel
ing rock in a 120 foot tunnel that he has
constructed by his own labor in the past
four years. A short distance above Days
creek, on the south Umpqua river, there
is a solitary miner's cabin close by the
county road, and near by is the cabin In
which William Kerr lives solitary and
alone, but industrious and perfectly con
tented. He was born in Pennsylvania on
August 7, 1801', and will celebrate his
09th birthday in a few days, although he
considers himself anything but an old
man. He appears more like a' well pre
served man of 60 or 70, and is stronger
and more active than most men at that
period of their lives. The fact that in I
the four years since he located a minim:
claim on the South Umpqua, lie has driven
with his own labor 120 feet of tunnel
through the rock Is sufficient evidence of
this fact. He expects soon to strike a '
ledge with a fortune, when he can retire
and enjoy life In his old age, free from
toll and care, but there are some who say
the old man's mining judgment Is far less
sound than his constitution and that he
is driving his tunnel through ordinary
country rock where there Is not a sign of
gold. Rossburg Review.
entire width of the vein. Messrs. J. H.
Parker and John Wilson, of this city, who
own a third interest each In the property,
are to be congratulated upon their good
luck. Other locations in the vicinity of
the Mammoth have been made and these,
too, show considerable merit. From
present indications a very lively camp
will soon spring up on Quartz gulch.
Bonanza Dbcovery .'a Quart Gulch.
The recent quartz find In the Virtue
district, on Quartz gulch, about one mile
east of the Virtue, Is without doubt a
bonanza. Scores of people have visited
the claim the past week and pronounce it
the best yet found in the district. The
ledge has.been stripped several hundred
feet, and nearly every piece of rock broken
off shows gold to the eye. A couple of
mlnhiK men sampled the ledge at the
bottom of .a prospect shaft a few days ago
and got returns of over Mo to the ton the
Drug Co.
Only exclusive whole
sale drug house in the
state. We sell only
to merchants. Make
the best prices on min
ers' and assayers' sup
plies. Freight no higher
than from Portland.
Write for quotations.
Spokane Drug Co.
Spokane, Wash.