I A TMF si'MFTER MINER. Wpdnesday, August 8. iqco TALK oh 'THti 1UWN. Jr. Utach was called to the Red Hoy mine todav on professional business. J. I:. Reed, of the Maid Mountain, re turned Monday from a trip to I'uget Sound. W. C Caldei expects to leave S.itur lsy far Cortland and I'uget Sound, tu be loiie two weeks. Miss Kkhardson will close her millinery store during her absence to purchase fall and, u Inter stock. Clark Snyde and Jo? Mlkel hive Roire to the Warm Springs near Pralre City for a several days outing. Marion Turner, a Burns attorney, and lii family, passed through town Monday on their way to I'endletou. The Suinpter Light k Power company has put hose throughout the plant and painted the inside with fire proof paint. A wire was received yesterday from General Warren stating th.it he would leave Unite for Sumpter Saturday. There was no quorum Saturday even ing, and consequently no meeting of the ity council. One is called for this even log. Frank Davy, a mining man of large experience, is visiting the district for oi'l side p.ielies, for whom he will make a re port on a property. I. M. Murphey relumed a day or two since Irom Hingham Springs. Mrs. .Mur-i phey and Mrs. W.irr'cn are still there, and j will remain for some weeks. , I Jr. 'I inker, ;i leading physician of Cort land, nassi-J through Sumpter a few days , since on his way to I'ralrie City, lor what , puspose is not known. In ten minutes today, about noon, the ground was completely covered with hail, and almost before it had stopped tailing, , Hie Mm was shining brightly. Mrs. W. II. Cade, wife of one of the Sumpter 1r.iuspoiiatloucomp.iny stock-1 nuiuco, n ill icivc o.ni I i.iuusui mi me eleventh for Sumpter, where her residence will be hereafter. Seymour II. Hell ha received .1 letter from BJ Cannon, dated at Boston, saying thut thmigh no deal has yet been con summated, everything looks favorable for the success of his clforts. A. I.. McKwen returned Sunday from British Columbia, where hs has been for several weeks on business. He has gone to I'rnlrle. Cltv to exxmlne a property in that Icc-illty for eastern parties. In the August Review of Reviews is an interesting and instructive article on the lava beds of the west, written by Robert I:. Strahnru, the gentleman who recently bought the Sumpter water works. T. 1). Bellinger and John Cupid left for a two weeks trip to the Warm springs,' nr.tr Prairie City, last Saturday. Both these ulJ iltlens have been ailing for some liii.e anil their many trieuOs hope to see them return here much benefitted by their outing. There Is no better method of giiaging the Increase in business than by that transacted in the postoffice. Postmaster Jevvett reports that the number of money orders Issued during the last half of July j was 70 per cent gieater than the number issueu miring me nrsi nan 01 we monniu. Friday evening of this week the ladies of the Methodist church will give a social at Hills hall, at which will be served ice cream, cake, coffee, etc., and the patrons will be entertained with vocal musical selections. The admission is free and the general public Is cordially invited to come and enjoy a pleasant evening. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a lawn party tomorrow evening, beginning at 7 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. J, B. Stoddard, 011 South Mill street. The ladles are requested to bring baskets of refiesnments, which will be sold for l thirty-five cents, coffee free, berries and cream ten cents. Everybody invited. Colonel Uonan writes In a private 1 letter, dated August 0: I have this afternoon, put "Phils" to .1 revised edition of my biggest O. R. Hi N. book, on Oregon, Washington, and Idaho. It will be nearly a loo-pager, and brings the book up to 1000. The company and I together already have applications for it from every part of the United States and liurope. LOW RATE VIA UNION PACIFIC To G. A. R. Encampment, Chicago, III., Augutt 27 to September 1, 1900. For the above occasion, the Union Pa cific Rallroid will make a special rate of 7i.5oto Chicago and return. Tickets 011 sale August 21st and 22nd. For further details concerning this cheap rate, call on H. C. ROWERS, Agent O. R. St N. Co., Baker City, Or. Or address, J. H. I.OTHROP, Gen'l Agent, 1)5 Third St. Portland, Or. Mlocrs Wanted. I will employ six thorough miners and pay 3.jo per day to practical men. Ap ply to me at the stamp mill, Quartsburg district, Comer postoffice, Oregon. Sam H. Hays. Removal Notice. My office has been removed from the Goss bank building to the Gleason building, corner Granite and Center streets. DR. J. J. FISHER. "The Portland", conducted by Gus Woodward on Mill street, is fully a representation of its name. A visit will convince you of this. Columbia beer, brewed in Sumpter, is second to none. MNTKICK "Old age brings experience, and some kinds of experience brings old age. JUST MARRIED FOLKS Some others, too, no doubt, wl lor their new homes, we are I need furniture ready to serve them. We have already supplied satisfactory furniture for hundreds of new homes; we can do as well for hundreds more. Our stock allows easy selection at all times. There is always plenty here for every room in the house. All our goods are priced on a cash basis and it will pay you to give us a call. Bed Room Suits, ft 5.00 Bed Room Suits, better ones, Eastern Hardwood, 17.00 Wall Paper, per double roll, (Mmpiek tic), 15c to 1.00 Queen City Furniture Co. person &EPPiger Phone Red )6t. BAKER CITY, OREGON GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, Tobac co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store At The SUMPTER GROCERY COMPANY ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. 5 JUST RECEIVED A NEW LINE OP TELESCOPES AND GRIPS j j j If Neill Mercantile Co. SOLE AGENTS FOR CARSON'S CELEBRA TED GLOVES j iiiifs W. It, CADI:. I'rrtlJtnt T. G. HARRISON. VIcr-PrM-'ana Trrw TIIOS. McEWEN. Gtntnl M.n.str Sumpter Transportation Co. MOST CONPLETE LIVERY EQUIPMENT IN EASTERN OREGON. TEAMS AL WAYS READY TO GO ANYWHERE Daily Stages to Canyon City, Prairie City, Bourne, Granite, Red Boy, Bonan za and Golconda Mines. Hauling Heavv Machinery a Specialty. Freight For warded to all Points in the Interior. GOLDEN EAGLEHOTEL RE-OPENED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT t First-Class Restaurant in Connection To Be Conducted on the European Plan T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUMPTER, OREGON Elite Steam Laundry White Labor Popurar Prices Prompt Delivery Satisfaction Guaranteed.... !&&. PhoneMainjij S. W. SHERRARD, Mgr. - 0