The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 08, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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    Wednesday, August 8, 1900
FOR $1.00
& On Draught or in Bottles oe
A full car load received. To be sold at 5 cents per
glass or 5 bottles for one dollar.
FOR $1.00
Opposite Postoflice Sumpthk, Oregon
Gold Nuggeti Give Liebrnttcln't Colli a
Ok of Cold fret.
The scheduled b ic b ill game Smul ly
iM-lwrrn Llrbei. stein's "Colls" anil
AVisbyN "Gold Nuggrts," fur thr local
championship, failed to he pulled off,
owing to the non-apprarancr of thr
"Colls," who, according to M.ijor Musbv,
got cold frrt at thr last moim-nt and took
to thr woods, in preferenir to RrtthiR
"skun" bv the "NiiRRrts." League
Umpire Hmr consequently awarded thr
defaulted game to the "Nuggets" by a
scute of i) to o.
Not In ills ippolnt thr crowded grand
stand, however, two picked nines, cap
t lined bv K.iudill and l.ivermote, were
plated In the held, and four rattlhiR Inn
Iiirs tesiilted In a stnrr of 12 to lo, in
livor of I ivrrinnte's "Hot I amales,"
I lie Mr return r line between Suniptrr
and Baker (.ity will be pined at the
litter place next Smut iy, and will be
made the onaMou tor .1 Rrand excursion
trom Sumpt'r on that da. A totind trip
rate of J1.J5 h is been -enied, and tkkets '
air n site at Meicer's drug store. A
big g-mg of looters will accompanv the
home team.
Rare Foullt From ohn Day.
A press dispatih from San 1'rancisio,
d ited August 4, sa s: I he paleoutnglcal
expedition of lite Unlvrrsllyol Calilornla,
whiili his just returned from the John
Day fossil tirlds in eastern OreRon, re
ports the dNiovery of a number of speil
mens of a number of extinct animals, 1
"We found fossil rem tins of a tapir,'"
said Professor Joseph C. Merrlam, head '
nfthe expldition, "an animal whosr pres
ence In the OreRon basin in ancient times
was never before suspeited. Among our
tinds were bones of the rhinoceros, pec
carry, extinct species or the horse, and
extinct cat and many other mammals,
1 modern relatives of which are today found
only in tropical countries. We found also
I fossil remains of the in istudon,hut these
date from a time far less ancient than most
of ourspeclmens." 1 he material gathered
I will be placed in tlie University of Call
I (ornla museum.
Rich Phcer on Meadow Creek.
( Edward Clanton, a resident of The
Dalles, who, with his partner, has been
nriimfilnitr nmtnitl Ihn nnrlli titt nf 111
1 John Day river, about seven miles from I
Law ton, the past two mouths, has inadei
I whit promises to be a bonanza strike in I
I placer, or what is known as south
Meadow creek, about live miles north-1
west from the old Monroe diRRhiRs, on,
the north tork. The Rold Is very nurse,
and looks as thoiiRh it was "lo,al Rold,"
as it is evident tint it has not traveled '
any distaiue. A 1 tit extruding about 12
feet in length bv 12 to 1$ inches in width, '
vielded between 55 and 5o. Old miners
siytlntitis the richest ground and thr '
cmrsest gold that his bren found fori
itiativ years in eastern Oregon. So much '
his been said about AI.isU.i placer told
and its great extent, tint it srrms like a
fairy tale wheii told that in eastern Ore
Ron, barring our nr two claim in the'
Klondike, tiie gold is as coarse and, as
I ir as prospected, as plenty as in that
niiich-t.ilked-of country. Mr. Clanton Is
now at I he I) illes, and arrangements '
will be made to put the ground in read)-,
ness for an eirlv start in the spring, and
It Is believed tint this section of country
will become .is famous as the Klondike
for rkh pi icers. Special to the Orego-11I.111.
The Columbh beer, brewed in Sumpter,
Is tod iy as good as any made.
The City Green house, at Baker City,
furnishes choice cut flowers.
Pelton Water Motor
Is so superior to alLothers as regards strenth, durability and economy of
water, in fact all that constitutes a HIGH CLASS WATER MOTOR,
as to admit of 110 comparison, adapted to every variety of service and
made of sizes varying from the fraction of 1 up to 100 M. P. Recent
scientific tests made at the Michigan University in connection with sev
eral other motors claimed to be the best on the market showed 45 per
cent higher elhciency in favor of favor of the PELTON, while the rela
tive cost per M. P. to buy was only one-third to one-half that of others.
Water companies desiring to make the best of their water supply should
discriminate in favor of the PELTON. Deliveries made from New York
or San Prancisco, as may afford the best freight rates. Circulars free.
One of these motors can be seen any time operating Tut- MlNblt presses.
14) Liberty Street,
New Yoik.
125-121) Main St.
San Prancisco, Calif.
Eureka Feed & Livery Company
J. L. SULLIVAN, Manager.
Horses Boarded by the day or Month. First
class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec
ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight
and passengers to any and all points.
Sumpter Forwarding Co.
General Storage, Commission and Forwarding.
Warehouse and office, S. V. Track SUMPTER, OREGON.