Wednesday, August 8, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. i. COUNTY RECORDS. TKc following is the record of official business transacted at the county seat of Baker county for the week ending Tues day, Aug. 7: REAL ESTATE TPASSFFRS. Warranty dtJ-Junn6. W H Moller Jr. to Lulu Moclltr, lot itlki, McCrary 'i JJ, likrClty j Warranty JJ-July i, A G llempcl tt ux to W C Chasr, 100 by 14, Iff t In 1 vv cor. Mk II, McCrary'i J J. (laker City 640 Warranty JJ July 8. I A Mann el us to II WrlnharJ, ij lot 1 Mk 1, l-lther.s aJJ. ItakrrCity 15000 Warranty JrtJ-FVb t, Clms P llooth rl ui to II II ftlti. w .$ It lot t( Mk , HlvervlJf aJJ, Sumptrr ., jjj Warranty Jit J -July 11, Henry dough et ux to(ieoTontenJ, lots u, tj Mk jo, Llnlng lon jJJ, Baker City 00 Warranty JeeJ - I'eb ?. 07. Cleanor H Cos et u to Jas (i WooJenJ, im acres In sec 5 t 10 t 40 If ICXM Warranty JeeJ-Apr t. SeUen 13 Mars In et nl to Lulu P Currey, 110 akres In sec j 1 10 r 40 e w in 4w Quit claim JeeJ-Nov j. ,8, J N T Ooss et ux toSelJrn I: Martin, noacresln sec 1 1 to r 40 e 1 Quitclaim JerJ-Sep j, g8, J 0 WooJenJ et uk to SelJeo E Marvin, 110 acres In sec . t or tor 1 Warranty JeeJ-June iO.qt. Wm Moeller Jr. to Minnie Moeller, lot 1 Mk 1, McCrary aJJ, Raker City , Warranty JerJ-Aui 1. Lulu Moeller to Mat Karet Moeller, lot blk 1, McCrary aJJ. KakerClty a Warranty JeeJ-June ji, Sumptrr Tnwnslt Co to Mrs EL Cur, lot 15, blk i, l"lrst aJn Sumptrr 150 Warranty JeeJ-AuR 6, N C Haskell et al to Tim Qulxley, lull 1, , ), blk 7. AtwooJ's Third AJn Baker City ) Warranty JeeJ Aug 6, Mary E. WlsJom ct al hMar' I'. Malls, lots 1, 1. blk o,McCiary' aJn Baker City. ijo Quit claim JeiJ -July o, llaker Cltv I oiita No. n. I O O P to W J Patterson. ', Int In blks t to 40. 1'ortlanJ aJn llaker City ... 10 Quitclaim JeeJ -Auk ) W J Patterson et u to llaker City LoJt;e No. ij: I C) I, n, t t-4 nnj s!i nr t-j.srC 1, tpos, rioe... m Trustee's JeeJ Jan i, C W Mink, trustee. 10 AM fanning, lot t, :, 1, Mk 44. Hunting ton HIMVO MATIIKS. Mlnlnj JeeJ Apt to, A J Smith et ux to Si cutily M & Inv Co, the Blue Hill (t dm 1 Mining JeeJ Nov ?), no, S MkliaiJscm In North Ameilcan M (.", Bunker Hill, Alma anj Angelo qti elms . . iiuo Mining JeeJ - luty jt, S A MonJv rt nl to Chas llimrrs it al, List Chance I' elms fcoo Mining JeeJ-Auc 1, J S Parker AJmr. In S I. Cllmore," Two Toms ' Pliier il.ilm 1 Quitclaim J1-1-J Nov r, ijj. PA rt at in A L Livli'rsetal, ' Int In BinokKn ,mJ Oregon qt elms 1 MOklflMllS. Mnrlfc.ljr- Aug 1, Chas lloers et .it to S A MonJy, Last Chance Placer claim yi Mortgage July i, W Pletce el ux 111 Mary KlrliarJson, 54 by 100 fret aciois stirrt liom I Ik 1 1, BoyJ's aJJ, Baker City " Mortgage May )i. Belle Pickens el vlr to Atlke Holt, Smuggler Placer claim ijo Mortgage July 38, M A Whealrn anj I A Keating toC CPaiks.nwUolseCo t Br we luj Chatlle July jo. Stella MeaJe to M lloll, gooJs In house No. iqo llrst M, Baker Cllv 118 Chatlle Aug 3, J V. lilies" to J C Neeley, jooj hea J sheep tiro Challrl-Aug. Henry Miller to J II DonalJ, furniture anj fixtures In No. aoai I iiinl St, BakerClty ) Chattel-Aug t, II I: Hartley to J C Neeley, a4 heaj sheep jn" Mortgage July jo, Wm Tanner et ux to Utah Mtg Loan Curp. o acres in sees ) anj t6r )9 e m 15" Chattel Aug 1, C II Losesy et ux to M (ioU- Mat, certain chatties in Huntington, Oregon. ?u Mortgage Alk 6, Wm J Lachner el ux to A Drsvar, lots 5, 6, 7, blk iC, AtxooJ's SeconJ aJn Baker City " Mortgage Aug 6, Mar Malls et vlr to J II DonalJ, lots 1, 1. blk 10, McCrary's aJn llaker City . . t" Chattel Aug t, M S Barnes to P Basche, 16 horses anJ other chattels tss Chattel-Aug 0, !' S HearJ anj W K Moore to Buffalo Pitts Co,, 14 cows MISCEXUNLOUS. Bill ol Sale July jt.C J Stesenson to Harry Wear anj Herbert C. Small, chatties In St. Elmo restaurant Baker City .. I" Lit n-Aug. t , Shockley & McMurren vs J B anj Stella Messlck, on lot to, blk 11, Baker City, for material 75 Action-July 10, Hugh O'DonaU vs DavIJ anj Ella Holman, suit to enjoin JefenJant from using GolJ Fork staler of .Manning creek anj Jamages of , mi Sult-Aug 1, St. Francis, ThlrJ OrJer of Phlla vs Samuel MauJy, attachment for services renJereJ ii Suit June i, Emma Potter vs John Austin et al, for Jamages IncurteJ by Jefts retaining certain property of pills In Sumpter . 710 JuJgment July it. J. T. Woojs, tutor uf Waterman & Schmlli JuJgment July 4, Kulus ( ll.ixwoo.t, las or of HE Butler Don't neglect your eyes, (ilasses and spectacles properly fitted to defective sight. I;. C. Brodle, Opera House Jew elry Store, Sumpter. mm LINES OF THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. SUMPTEH-CANYON HOUTF. . Numpter.. -At .CllflorJ Lv ..CllffoiJ Ar Austin . ... Lv in pi a. in. 8.tu a. m. ?.)u a. in. vo a. m u:o p. in. 1 l.v V.o p. in. Ar )Uo p, m. Lv 7: o p in. I Ar Connecting at Austin vtllh stages tor Can) on City an J Interior points. 1:40 p.m. Lv.. ..ClltforJ .. ..Arl 7:1 a.m. 5'oo p. m. I Ar. . ..Bonanra. . ..Lvj 0:on. m. Connecting at Bonania with stages lor Pyx, Robinsons life, Worley, Virginia, Don Juan anj lielcher mines. SUMPTER-URANITH ROUTE. Sumpter, .Ciranlte. Ar I inui a. m. I v I 7 no 11. m. i:o p. m. I Lv 4: 10 p. m I Ar Livery at Granite to North Fork, KeJ Boy, Han sette anj nJjacent mines. SUMPTER-BOURNF: ROUTE. 11,10 p. m. j l.v tij p. in. I Ar !o p. m. j Ar.... Columbia. ...Lv J 7 )o .1. m' IncluJIng Ninth Pole, C. A I:., Climax, OhltunJaJ Jacenl mines. Summer.. ..Sr I u 10 a. .Bourne.... Lv Rtua. m. T.D.Bellinger & Co. .OP SUMPTER. OREGON Dispensers of only the Choicest Brands 01 Liquors Including Old Overholt, Can adian Club, Ushers and James Watson Scotch, Imported iriHi Hrandy, Three Star Hennessey, and all the Leading Brands of WiiH-s and Cigars. New and Elegant Fixtures. Coinfor able quarters for gentlemen. No better service in Oregon. ..The Magnolia... T, 0, llllritr I Co., Prept. (Formerly Hotel Van Duyn Bid.) General Brass and Iron Founders and Machinists. Baker City Iron Works GEO. F. MCLYNN, Proprietor : Special attention given to repairing and rebuilding all kinds of machinery. Baker Citv. mm BoubbJhiskey IimilONAl MELLOW delicious Cocktail The Sumpter Miner I'S tLfuiAiiun puJ Is the recognized exponent of the mining and industrial interests of the EASTERN OREGON GOLD FIELDS. In the ViV r inn 11 toon tii or lomiio. ,4iiiJ'io u EVERY BOTTLE RECtSTCRED AND GUARANTEED CROWN DISTILLERIES COMPART raoirio coa.T .Tonisl 00.102 FRONT T.. SAN FRANCItM W. J. VAN 8CHUVVER 4 CO. tNiAni. aaiNT, PORTLAND. OR. iSumpter I iisiiiiiMisk-isiii District PIRST BANK OF SUMPTER IixommihdI Capital Stock 520,000 OIIICLRS. J. II. RnbMns IVrslJrnt J. W. Scrlbrr Vi.vl'rrslJmt J.imi- Nel.tnJs Caslilrr lillilinoici. J. W. Scrlhrr U. II. Miller J. V. MmJ CUrkSnyJe J. II. KoH-lns Transacts a General Banking and Ex change Business. 1 No Intnest I'.ilJ on DrrHislts. It is not only without an equal, but has no rival in quality and quantity of re liable information published every week. Its circulation is already the largest of any paper published in the dis trict, both locallv and in other communities and states, and is growing rap idly. As an advertising medium Thk Minim stands at the head of the list, as its columns demonstrate. Ad vertising, like everything else, is worth little or noth ing if it costs little or noth ing. Thk Minim's rates are reasonable. The POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THE EAST TIME AND . SUPERB SERVICE NOW OFFI:NI:l) BV Till: " PlCTO We Have Daily Fist Train-, to tile Job Department is equipped with the best material known to the trade. Its presses are modern, its type is artistic, varied and lip to date, and only the best workmen are employed Mining EAST Supplies Telephone Bed 161 1 If von cannot take the morning train, ! travel by the evening train. Both air , fully r-iiiipped. 1 OUK SPECIALTIES ! FAST TIME I IMOUUH SERVICE ' Through Pal.-ue and Tourist Sleepers. Dining Car and Btiffett Library Cars. First-Class Free Reclining Chair Cars. Hours in time saved to Omaha, Chica go, Kansas City, New York, Boston and other Eastern Points. Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It is to your interest to use Till: OVi-KLAND MOUTH. Tickets and sleeping car berths can be secured from H. C. MOW13KS. Agent O. M. & N. Co. Baker City, Ore. Or, J. H. LATHROI', Gen'l Agt. No. 135 Third St., Portlaud.Ore. Location blanks, handsome lithographed stock certifi cates, corporation seals, stock records and journals, flke stationery, all of the best workmanship, furnish ed on short notice. Ex clusive agent for the world's standard Hall-Marvin Safe