Wednesday, August 8, 1900 12 THE SUMPTER MINER. PROFITS OF MINING. EXPENSE CUTTING ESSENTIAL TO SUCCESS OF THE INDUSTRY. Employment of Avtnarius Carbolincum Will Save Mine Owners Thousands of Dollars Annually Pinning Invention to the Limit. It Is a common siylng that more money Is expended lit delving lor gold is taken nut (if the earth. Whether this Is true or nut, it Is certain that mining Is not all profit, and that this pursuit de mands as close atlentinn hi the way f rxprnse cutting as other business ven tures do to insure success. This fact Is now lullv recognized, and ns a result, money siving miJiiurry has taken the pi ice ol h uid tools, and smelt hi'. Ins been reduced tn a sileiue, con serving almost every atom of valuable mineral, thus enabling very low grade base ore, formerly deemed worthless, to be worked ata profit. Invention is pushed to the limit in ilevitltit means whereby waste can be still fuijlur prevented, and profits proportionately enl irged. In this connection, the attention nf mining men might prolit.ibly be turned to the use of Avenarliis Carbnliiieum, the justly celebrated ( Serin.m wood preserva tive, now employed hi wood construction work all over the world, with excellent economic results. ShoreliiK timbers used in mines, often brought from distant points at consider able expense, are subject to rapid decay and replacement from contact with soli and suhettraneau dampness. This Is not only a source of annoyance to mine own ers, but frequently delays work and en tails loss of time and money. All this would be avoided, and the life of these timbers ureatly extended, if they were subjected to treatment with Avenarliis Cmbollnetim before being placed In posi tion. This compound penetrates wood from surface to center, and nut only renders timber Immune against decay, but also increases its tensile strength, thus adding to the safety of miners work ing under a propping so fortified. Cordu roy roads, frequently required for trans portation of ore from mines to railroad points, are also greatly strengthened, and their longevity Increased by applications of Avenarliis Carbolineiim. This prepara tion is not expensive, and is as easily applied as common house paints. In casting about for ways and means of cutting costs and Increasing prolits, the sagacious and far seeing mine owner will certainly give Avcnarius Carbolineiim a trial and, judging from results in other lines of wood construction, will have no cause to regret the experiment. NEW LIFE ON THE COMSTOCK. Great Hkcltle Power Plant at Virginia City Does the Business. It will be of great Interest to mining men the world over to leant that with the advent of the Installation of electric power and the placing ol the most extensive electrical machinery plant in the world, the future of Virginia City, Nevada, Is brighter than It has been for years pos sibly brighter than ever. The Mining and Engineering Review and Electrician, of San Francisco, is au thority for the statement that the electri cal machinery for the big po.ver plant at Florlsion, on the Truckee river but a shoit distance from Virginia City, is neatly completed, and that the current will be ready to be turned on about the middle of September. The power will be derived from the plant of the Truckee River General Electrl: company, the primary object being the furnishing of electric energy to the greit Comstock mines the mines that caused the whole world to marvel at their apparently in exhaustible capacity and richness. The original discovery was made In the Ophlr In June 1859, when, less than 40 tons ol ore having been hauled to San Francisco, it was settled for on the basis of J2047 per ton. Then followed the wildest excitement of modern tlmes,beslde which the Klondike and Cape Nome ctae pale Into insignificance. The Savage, Hale and Norcross, Chollar I'otosi, (iould and Curry, Yellow Jacket, Crown Point, Helcher, Imperial and other discoveries followed in quick succession, and the mines yielded, In the ten years following, 5120,000,000. In 187) the "big bonanza" in the Con solidated Virginia was struck, and the excitement grew in proportion. Capital was pouring Into the new camp and Vir ginia Cltv, a small camp among the sage brush and sand, began to assume the proportions of a great city, with a popu lation of 35,000 or more. The excitement reai lied its zenith when It became known thai millions in gold and silver were being extracted from this strike. It is a fact that between the years 1K7) and 18H2, ?i 11,075,761 were taken out from the bun, 111. 1. The strike made at the 1107-foot level. I hen came the question of draining the lower levels of the mines, and the time produced the genius. Adulpli Sutro pro jected tlie great tunnel known allerwards by his name. 1 he tunnel was started In the vallev of the Carson river, and ran for a distance of 20,018 leet in a north westerly direction, when It struck the Savage mine at a depth of 1,640 feet. Subsequently all of the mines on the lode were connected with the tunnel. Hut when it was completed the deepest shaft had reached a depth of only 3,000 feet, so that the tunnel was of little use at that time in draining the mines, but it will remain a great engineering feat. 'I he wonderful difference in the cost of steam power and electricity is so great that the concensus of opinion among the old timers is that the low grade ores in the upper levels can be worked to a tre mendous advantage and profit. That there is yet a great anfb'unt of ore In the old workings is well known, and that there Is ore to the value of hundreds of millions below the present workings Is the opinion nf practical mining men. As an instance it may be referred to, that at the time of the fire In the Consolidated Virginia, rich ore was being taken from the bonanza, but at that time the work ings were bulkheaded and closed, and have remained so up to the present. It Is estimated that the mines of the Comstock lode have produced, In gold and silver, nearly 1 400,000,000. Gold as Money Metal. The earliest coinage of gold that is au thenticated was about 800 years before the christian era, in the time of Miletus, and it Is well known that the Sicilians,, 400 years before the blrtll of Christ, used the metal for coinage purposes. Long before that period, however, It had been used in art and manufacture, and years before the time of King Solomon, as an cient chronicles will prove. In the ear lier centuries placer mining in south western Europe, and In the Ural moun tains, was well established, and there are statistics of gold mining in Asia Minor during all the earlier centuries. There is nothing, however, authentic In the way of figures previous to the discovery of North and South America, but since that time the world's production of gold per year is pretty well established. Exchange. Private Board. I will furnish private board to a few de siring such, at my residence on North street, near Center. Mrs. C. E. Duckworth. OIL. STOCKS 3 I FORTUNES MADE J IN A DAY 3 jj Invest in California Oil Stock, selling now at $1.00 Sst: per share; 10 per cent down and 10 per cent monthly. mZ One Hundred Shares of this stock will, in the course of a few months, pay dividends of from i $o to 300 monthly. This estimate is 3st based on results obtained by dividend paying Sst oil companies now operating adjacent properties. e Our company is "in oil," one well down gives 1 ijo barrels per clay and several more wells are Stn almost completed. The stock will shortly be withdrawn from the market. Men who were poor a year ago are million- aires today. Only in oil propositions are such J results possible. 5 Call at our office or address us and we will convince you by facts that the stock we offer z Z will give results claimed for it. g You Cannot Afford to Miss This Opportunity E O. C. McLEOD & CO. 3 5 Sumpter, Oregon 3 SUMPTER BOTTLING WORKS Minufacturrrt of nil kinds of Carbonated Drinks and CUrrs. . i' Or raw J In connection with the Kentucky Liquor Hou WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. GAGEN 4. SLOAN, PROPS., SUMPTER, ORE. W. S. BOWERS Real Estate, Loans and Insurance." Mining Patents Obtained Years of experience in Baker County Records. No. 2104 Court Street, Raker City; Oregon. loooooooooooooo Exclusive A cent for the Celebrated OI.YMPIA REBR On draught or by bottle. loooooooooooooo "The Olympus" H. FINGFR, Proprietor. High Grade Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Sumpter, Or. "Just around the Comer" NEBERGALL & MOORE PROPRIETORS. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Next to First Bank Sumpter SUMPTER, OREGON