Wednesday, August i, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. .. SUMPTER WINS GAME. Defeats Baker City by Score of 17 to 15. Captain "Casey" Cronin. at the head of Sumpter's aggregation of colls, lias won the local heart. He and they ex hiDited to the Baker City team Sunday .-ttternuon a new and original way of "rublilng it in." The story reads, Sump ter 17, Maker 15. Hut the tale de.ilN with items ot vital interest other than a mer score. Heavy hitting, one or two really lirilliaut plays, two tights, comical coach ing, an ,-ucldeut to a player, dust, heat, heer and betling all these elements con spired to make the name one grand eent in tile history ot Siimpter. 'I lie home learn was nrst at I1.1t, and gave tile lsitorsn foretaste ly stacking up four tallies, haker drew a blank in Iter half, while Siimpter added two more in tile second. Then the visitors drew hreath and bv dint of two hits, two errois and daring base running, stored four. In the third Siimpter added one. It was a cinch ior the home boys it seemed, and bets were two to one, with no lakers. Then the aspect changed. Raker tied the score. I wti bases on balls, one hit and lour errors caused it all. I'lie dark ness ol doubt spread over the Sumpler hnrrion. hveu Manager Lelhenstelu cultivated cold feet and vowed it was "all off." Captain "Casey" Cronin, how ever, and liis eight scared coyotes, took a new hitch in their trousers and spat anew upon their hands. They strode in turn to tlie bat and touched otf lireworks. They sent Baker's fielders to the tall timber. They inaugurated a speedy procession around the base lines. They made Pitcher Uyche a monkey, amid pandemonium from the Siimpter rooters and a silence almost awful Horn the visiting fans. After the smoke cleared away the touut was made. Siimpter stood eight scores to the good. There alter the game was never in doubt. Tlie home boys hit like fields. Two and three baggers were frequent. "Trilby" Hall smote out a homer, but was called out because he cut second by six inches. The star play was Charley Warren's double unassisted. A twisting pop tly was hit behind second. The field ap peared deserted. A Baker boy was sprinting homeward like the wind. Long, lank Warren got his eye on that ball. He dug his toes in the dust and hurl led. He stretched his six feet of lithe body and three feet of strong arms. Like a Siwash spearing salmon he speared that sphere, and the granJ stand spoke. He strode majestically to second and com pleted the double. The side was retired amid a chaos ot yells. Pitcher Hauswirth was wild, but ef fective at critical points. Hobson caught like a leager. The big error list was caused by the bad grounds. Following is THK SCORK. SUMPTER A.lll H.I II. I'.OJ A. I i:. Ilautwlith, Vfl Marl, il (.runln, t Wrrn, b.. . C Motion, ct. I . Hobson, 1 Sun, v HAKKR CITY A.H! H. Hum, t Orrlzin, f ( ChanJlrr. t.aiion. tt Mill, il Kaliti. c. Uyche, p, Miller. It Murra), it 4 4 i 4. 1 'I ' Ol 1 , I 5! I 4 I " H.'l'.O A.' E. SCORK BY INNINGS TIAM Sumpler. Hakrr Cllv IL 5i" 8 7' 8 SUMMARY Earned runs Baker City 3, Siimpter 4- Two-base hits Carrigan, Westl-erg, Hauswirth (2), C. Hobson. Hall. Three-base hit Warren, Carson. Home run Hall. Struck out by Hauswirth, S; by Dvche, 4; by Ross, j. Kissed balls Hobson 2: Kaier . Wild pitclies-Hauswirtli, 1; Uyche, 2: ! Ross, I. I Double plays Warren unassisted: Hall to Warren. I Bases on balls oil Hauswirth, n: oil Dvche, 5; otf Ross, 1. Hit by pitcher-Start, Hall, Canigan. ! 'Time ol game Two hours 50 minutes. Umpire C. Y. Hurr. Scorer L. Bush l.iverniore. 'I lie Baker team and nccompauving rootets i.une up lot strong on a spe,ial cattle car attached to the tegular Sumpler 1 Vallcv train, and returned home on the delayed speiial at ij::o. A return game will be played at Baker City, August 12. 1 Scenic Line of the World. I l;or an enjoyable trip east, take the ' Denver cv Rio (iraude railroad, Scenic Line of tin- world. Three daily tialns be- tween Denver, Colorado Springs, I'ueblo and all eastern points, and all points 011 the Pacilic coast. Most magnilicent si en ery on tliis couliiieut. The leading fea-1 ture in connection with tlie tiip is that the through trains pass through tlie scenic attractions ot the Rocky mountains in Colorado by daylight, thus affording pas sengers a cool, pleasant and enjoyable ride, tree from dust and the annoyances expet lenced via other lines. Supeib din ing car service on all through trains. Service a la carte, pay tor what yon order. 1 hrough standard and tourist sleepers. Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets i anywhere between Ogden and Denver.' Call on your nearest ticket agent lor ' tiskels, rates and all information, or ad dress, H. C. NICMOI., General Agent, Portland, Ore. A nice cool pitcher ot Weinhard's beer 25 tents, at Henry Finger's, Center street. ISS2j$rjJ WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS PORTLAND, OREGON. REPRESENTED BY F. M. WADE. Manufacturers of all classes of Machinery, in cluding Crushers, Stamp Mills, Hoists, Boilers, Pumps, ir Compressors, Water Wheels, l:tc. Riveted Sleel Watrr Pipe .1 Specialty. Cut, Punched and Rolled lor Riveting at Destination, or made up Complete c c PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED s c ....Portland ning Stock Exchange.... OnnMzcu FciinuARY 16, 1000 CoM til Mi-mbmhip, $100; Due Prr Annum, $50t Cliargf for Luting Stocks, $50 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS IWIM WtHiliu Mli. I'n-s I S Nilii'ini ILink. I'li-siJi'iit I II .i. I vi Mir t'irslJrilt .1 I Mk Wsiin, pirs. M, Nit llink. li'.iMint I' I . Willis. I , Snirl lit MH Sllll, ll'N s I. Ml KS Kl ITS MUIOh'. SOU II (.IIWIII, I1IIIMI1IIII Security Sawing 1 Tluit Comp.ny, Rejlltut ol Stock, and Bend. Eci Stle Pl4c.d Aiovnd Oe.lnt in Oil. icn.n .'llliMllniis lor IImIiiu suit l.s ,inj niiMiirihi iiiiiI I ' m in ni"."1iipsVmWii C. 1.. IMuw-u. M-r., Portland. Ore. if Cawston & 1 Company A Nil, til BHS Engines, Boilers flflflflB Machinery VfHFj Supplies.... 4K and 50 1 i.'.st btreit, Near Pine PORTLAND, ORE. ftBr s-rfcvS-i-vH JBCT l6- '&."'"r-inai y . .-"v.arsw ENGINES . BOILERS RUSSELL High Grade Machinery SAW MILLS THRESHERS STACKERS D.&R.G.R.R. Scenic Line of the World The Favorite Transcontinental Route Between tlie Northwest and all Points Hast. Choice of Two Routes Through the Famous ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY And Four Routes Hast of Pueblo and Denver. All passengers granted a day stop over hi the Mormon Capitol or anywhere be tween Ogden and Denver. Personally conducted I ourist fc.xcurslons to OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO AND THK KAST. For tickets and any Information regard ing routes, etc., or for descriptive adver tising matter, call on agents of Oregon Railway and Navigation Co., Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific companies. S. K. HOOPER, R. C. NlCHOL, G. P. & T. A. General Agent Denver, Col. Portland, Ore. RUSSELL & CO. Writ for Catalogue and Prices. PORTLAND, OREGON. Dixon, Borgeson & Co. T& ISSl Miniif.iituirr nf l.vriv lrill'llu ill FRONT a. 1.. COR. WASHINGTON Show Cases limiips isnliwri, iisit.' Vii .sis ft ' IMsk I IMUKIS. POIULANI), OKI:. George W. Weigand... HIGH GRADE LIQUORS AND CIGARS i a Mining Men's Headquarters Next Door to Wonder Store t ..4UHj jLt. 7i Unwunnr:, vJhcjsJ(1 4 Hall put out for cutting bases.