THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, August i. 1900 The Sumpter Miner Paper of the Town of Sumpter. WIMIMIIII I VI MIT VVIDSIMIAV MY C. II. MARSH AM) J. W. CONNI-LI.A SUIIvCPII'tlON MANX One Year Six Months ..St.' ft AIWAVS IN ADVASCI. InlirrJ l the ptnlnrttce In Sumpter, Oregon, fnl transmission through the null, ax teconj class mailer. POPULATION OF SUMPTER 4,500. 1 1ll: blowing In nl the Mueller here Inst week marks ;in irtiport.itit epoch in the inlnfiiK industry of eastern Oregon, .is j well its the development of Sumpter. ANOTIII-K building boom will he Inaugtl rated in Sumpter hy September. Instead of a lot of cheap frame houses as were erected here last fall and winter, tills time substantial brick and stone hhkks will he built. , IN iK4) congress passed a law requiring all railroads engaged in Interstate com merce to eipilp their trains with power ' breaks and automatic couplers. For seven ' years the big corporations have defied, congress miiJ sacrificed the lives ol em , ployes to their gie-d. Attet this long liKht the aw goes into effect today. I QUI: universal rule in newspaper offices , is that .in unsigned communication shall , never he published. I he reason for this cast iron regulation is so apparent that any one of average intelligence ought to ' recogule Its force .vilhout being told. And yet, during the past week Till: , MlNliK has received two such communl-1 latioiisthtnugh llf malls, l IT Is reported Horn Merlin that Lieu' tenant ( Von l.essel, commanding, the German forces in China, whom ! limperot William has just promoted to the rank ot general commanding an army ' col ps, has been selected as commander in-chief of the allied lorccs. Why this1 lepoit should ionic liom Helliu, Instead of the seat ol operations in China, is a little strange. I he ihaiues ale that the, lepoit is not altogether accuiale. IP rill: toreign missionaries In China are still alive and old l.i Hung Chang tan I demonstrate this in he a lad, his idea ol ' holding them .is hostages until satisfactory j temisof settlement with the powers can tere.iched is chir.iClerlstlc ol the Celestial mind aiulthe nations will sacillue liuull ot pride and desired lev enge and iiidemiiltv inouey to save the lives ol a lew ol their subjects and representatives, which the Chinese government knows to be ,i tact, ' hut cannot appieii.ite. It sikIi a trade is forced at this time, inav the Christian I .old and the heathen Cnnlucius have uieicy on the pigtails when the clviiled ' powers nnd another excuse lot making a killing. I'lll- anat lusts nine to Patterson, New leisey, lo get a "good man" to kill King liumhett, ol Italy, and he vertaliilv did do the job hi a workmanlike manner. One ot tlic names by vvhUh the assassin is know n is ( iaetuo Hressi, He winked In one ot the laUorles it Patteisou. He Is s-ild to have been an excellent operatise, industiioiis, peaceable and intelligent. He wis a member ol the "Inner circle" of the anarchist organization, by the edict ot which he was ordered to do the deed, and he never hesitated a mument. I heie is considerable lood tor thought in this incident. When an industiioiis, quiet man will calmly commit a ciitne tor uhkh lie will forfeit his lite, done in tile interest ol what he considers a sacred cause, there Is something heroic In the act; whatever may be said of the judgment and discretion of the hero. In this con nection, it is stated that Patterson is a hot bed of anarchy, as well as the breeding place of trusts. The two flourish to gether. May they exterminate each other when the final finish fight is pulled off, and may good, law abiding citizens not get mixed up in the scrap. I AN estimable lady of l.a Grande re ' cently contracted some disease at Baker I City, said to be small pox, from which she subsequently died. Now the La i Grande papers are publishing revengeful editorials about "two eastern Oregon towns" that are secretly harboring con tagious diseases. The names of these 1 towns are not mentioned, but Baker and : Sumpter are as clearly meant as If the names appeared in every sentence. There Is no contagious diseases in Sumpter. ' Last week there was discovered one case, fioni another camp. The man was promptly placed in the pest house and no oilier cases have since developed. The town authorities, health officer and city physician have handled the situation here in an admirable manner, and for months past there have been no sickness here remotely resembling any form of con tagious disease. Last winter and early spring this town was greatly injured by false reports regarding its sanitary con dition and the health of Its residents, started hy the Knocker, official organ of the bears. Till: MlNI-H makes tills ex plicit denial now for the purpose of coun teracting the evil effects of this report being again maliciously circulated. B. L. McLAIN MILL WRIGHT I W.CTION Ol- QUART MIILS A SI'l.(.IAI.rV SlJMI'TKK J OKIKiON CAI'IIAI. 11(111 1. I. O. R. M. pOAN 1RIIII: No. ... Iirpnnrj OrJu K.J Mm. - nu'i'l in regular imim II at I Ills ll.m .it the fill tun on llu irj sleep ol every seven suns ol each miHin Ml UeJ .Mrn visiting our hunting grnunJt ale minimi- I. S. Allium, W W I MIX, (.. ol R. Sachem. , A. CI L.M A CO. MININCi INVI:S1.I:N1S Pioptitlti (uminid ind Rtperted en. Memetr Ore 0 Mlni Slock (chine, 14(1 I HIRI) ST. PORTLAND, OKI-. 17 a I- si ARM, AttorneyatLaw (.rlilrr. tor. High St. Sumpter, Oiegon i: U KI R & IIAKI'R MtlMSIVS vi I vv. I'rittUe In all the Count of the Stale. If. S. lanJOitur anj Mining llllgolon Specialties Rooms c anj o Donphey-liiyan tlulljlng W CRANDC. ORi:. L T. BROCK, M. I)., Physician and Surgeon. Sumpter, Oregon. , i Special Attention (liven to Surqerv anj to DIs. ' . eases ol Women. OKice, Sclll Ulock; ReslJence, . (iranltc Street near Mill J ohn Temple Grayson Mining Expert and... Engineer The Highest Reference Given When Require J . ... BAKER CITY. ORG. Cable AJJrest Templegray, linker, Ore ------- -- pBNNKK & WORTHINGTON Civil and Mining Engineers. I). S. Deputy .Mineral Surveyors lor Oregon, Wash ington, Uaho anj Montana. Engineers for the Sumpter Townslte Company, Limited. Underiouftd intf Ntinl Surveys, nl Drivhlln. la Printing H. T. HENDHYX & CO., Mines Bought, Sold and Developed. Ilargalns In Sumpter District Ouarti Claims. SUMPTKK, . OKEGON W. A. SAMMS, ARCHITECT, rMKCH CITY, : OUCOOS Reliable plans, specifications an J estimates turnlsheJ K. Wlltl-LCR, P. O. Don . Phone Main i. Office; it South Center Street Notary Public. Mining and Civil Engineer. U. S. Deputy Mineral Surveor Mapping nnj Hlue Printing. Mine examinations nnj report maJe. Special at- tintlon given to ryanlje process. ARTHUR PHILBRICK Civil and Mining Engineer. II. S. Deputy Mineral Surveyor lor Oregon anj Uaho. (.laminations anj reports on mining proper ties. Ornce ttlili Utile lilant Mining Co. AtlU. STHLCT. SUMIMFP. OBfOON. E. C STUfPLN. Justice of the Peace, Sumpter District. (ieneral Conveyancing SM'MASCI.. UfAl CSTATI EL. MANNING, City RecorJer anj Noiarv Public. Collection Abstlacts Agent lor I jrlclJe I Ire Extinguisher. Sumptrr. Si OTT & SHELTON, y " lie. tJi I tnv I Attorneys at Law. IsUMI'TER, ORMION CHAS. E. ROBLIN, attorni:y-at-law Notary Public Room v I Irst Hank ot Sumpter SUMI'TI R. OR , W. M. W. HAMILTON. Mining anJ Consulting Engineer. Mining Properiirs ExainlneJ anj RefOileJ On. Moielnc anj Neal CoJe. Ilox tiS. SUMPTER, ORUCION fJRS. TAPE vSc PEARCE, Physicians and Surgeons c. M. rCAfCt, m. u o. w. TAi't, .. a. Telephone Main j. SUMHIU, OklOOS Basche Hardware Co. . . . Sumpter . . . GENERAL DEALERS IN Shelf and Heavy Hardware Iron and Steel Pipe Mining and Mill Machinery Agents for " HERCULES " Powder Fuse and Caps C.C. Basche MANAGER