The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 01, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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    Wednesday,, August i, 1990
R. E. Strahorn, of Spokane,,
th0 Plth4CAi '
,One day last week R. E. Strahorpij
bought the Sumpter water works from
W. L. Vinson. The price paid Is not
made public. It Is somewhere between!)
$50,000 and 570,000. This is the Invest''!
ment which THE MINER mentioned two.
weeks since as being negotiated by Mr.
Strahorn. !
The new owner controls a number of i
water plants in Oregon, Idaho and Wash-,
Ington, and he says this is undoubtedly!
the best gravity system on the list. He j
will begin at once to improve the plant. I
The first step in this direction will be to '
extend the water mains, so that everyone
In town who wishes to use the water can '
be accommodated with Its service. The '
mains will be extended through the en-.
tire built up portion of Columbia street at I
once, follqwed by extensions In the south- j
eastern portion of town.
1 It is estimated that more than 25 per ,
cent of the water supply finds Its way
into the reservoir. This will be remedied !
without del ty; first by going to bed rock i
at the sourer of supply,, and second tiy
Hunting the ditch its entire length. This
will necessitate the expenditure of a large
amount of money, and furnish work for
many men.
The organization stands about as for
merly, with the exception that V. L.
Vinson has resigned as president and
general manager, being succeeded by C.
A. Johns, as president. R. H Strahorn
has been elected vice-president and will
have the general management of the
company's affairs. Superintendent Corn
field will remain with the company. The
personnel of the office force has not been
decided definitely, though it w ill remain
unchanged for some days.
Mr. Strahorn is a good man for this
town. He is public spirited, liberal and
enterprising. He has already demon
strated this in one or two matters of
general public Importance.
Since the consummation of the sale W. ,
I.. Vinson, the original promoter ot the
enterprise, lias been in Sumpter and i
vicinity most of the time, and says em
phatically that this will he the scene of
Ids further operations. He has several I
large and Important deals pending, fori
the transfer of mining properties, which,.
he expects to close soon. His faith In
the district seems unbounded and he says
there Is no other place with a future to
compare with this, otherwise he would
certainly discover it and go there.
Going "Quartz Crazy" In Harney.
The widespread fever of the mining
Industry is gradually making its way into
Harney county. Prospectors, radiating i
from the great mining centers of eastern j
Oregon, are following the mountain
ranges in every direction, and the unex
plored resources of our county are be-,
ginning to receive active attention.
Without doubt the mountains adjacent to
Burns contain mineral wealth in abund
ance, and only thorough and intelligent
work is needed to develop it. Every
citizen of Hums and of Harney county
should lend every reasonable effort to the
encouragement of thorough investigation
of the mineral possibilities of the country
adjacent to our doors, for its successful
development would mean enhanced op-J
portunities for all. Harney County"
News. !
Grizzly Stock on the Exchange List.
R. C. Pentland returned Friday from
Portland, where he has been for several
days past on business connected with
the Grizzly Gold Mining company, of
' which he is secretary. He succeeded In
j placing some of the stock at private sale.
This company has been entered on the
Oregon Mining Stock Exchange, and a
few sales made at three cents. Speaking
of this, the Telegram says: Several
blocks of stock changed hands at the
morning call of the Oregon Mining Stock
exchange today. A feature was the list
ing of the Grizzly, which appeared upon
the stock board for the first time. Five
thousand shares sold at j cents. The
mine is located in the Sumpter district,
and has considerable development work
to show for itself. It Is In a good district
and believed to be a good proposition.
The officers are J. J. Penhale, president;
Albert Gelser, vice-president; R. C. Pent
land, secretary, and Eugene Sperry, treas
urer. Brokers upon the exchange are get
ting telegraphic orders from the eastern
cities in addition to the orders from Colo
rado. The influence of the exchange Is be
ginning to be felt, and is proving a valu
able advertising medium for the North
west. No Monty In This Mail Contract.
Messrs. Haight, Kelsay and Bolton, of
The Dalles, bondsmen of B. F. Miller,
sub-contractor of the Heponer-Canyon
City stage line, forfeited their bonds last
Monday and are now forever relieved of
responsibility in seeing that Uncle Sam's
mall matter Is carried from there Into the
interior. Mr. Miller became heavily In
volved and recently filed a petition in
bankruptcy, which means that his credit
ors, who are said to hold in the neighbor
hood of 5 5000 against him, will loose
perhaps 7$ per cent of their money. The
bondsmen, upon learning the condition of
affairs; hoped to be able to stay the In
evitable result, and they took charge of
the line themselves, running it about four
weeks. This brief experience cost them
over 5 1 000, and after worrying half their
lives away over the big elephant, they
concluded that the cheapest way out of
It would be to pay the amount the bonds
called for about Soooo and get out of it,
which they have done. Canyon City
Poor Service on Heppucr-Canyon Route.
Since the bondsmen of B. F. Miller
gave up the mall route between Heppner
and Canyon City, the most ot the towns
between those two places have been with
out mail facilities. This has been es
pecialy true between Monument and Can
yon Citv. But one mall has passed over
this route during the past week, and that
was paid for by the citizens and business
men of Long Creek. The Eagle Is in
formed that Postmaster Vaughan, of
Heppner, has contracted with H. A.
Thompson, ot that place, to carry the
mall through from mat point to Canyon
City until different arrangements are
made by the Kentucky contractor, or by
the government. Mr. Thompson has
been delivering the mail dally as far as
Monument and will, as soon as stock can
be put on the Hue, carry the mail through
to Canyon City daily, as previously
stated. Long Creek Eagle.
Good Ledge in the Halifax.
D. D. Hiuton and G. V. McHaley, of
Hamilton, are the fortunate owners of
what piomlses to be one of the best prop
erties in the Susinville country. This
propertv is known as the Halifax ledge,
located near the reservoir on the head of
Deep creek. They have a force of men
at work on the property and have sunk a
shaft to the depth of 60 feet. At this
depth they hive a well defined ledge five
feet in width and exceedingly rich in gold,
and so rich is some of the ore that the
metal Is plainly visible to the naked eye.
Mr. McHaley and Mr. Hintou will Inspect
their property while on an outing tour In
that country, and it is quite likely that
arrangements will be made for extensive
development work. The present appear
ance ot the ledge Is very encouraging to
them, and as a natural result, they are
highly elated over it. Long Creek Eagle.
Reserved for
A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladies ami Men's Furnishings, Boots,
Shoes, Mats and Clothing.
Parlor, Dining and Bed Room Furniture In sets or separate pieces.
Beautiful llueoi Carpets, I iiinlt-um mid Mattings. Come In and let
us explain why you can save mouev bv buying at home.
We .an positively do so.
Opera house Block - Sumpter, Oregon
'' . -. ,i
A. P. GOSS, President
A. J. (JOSS, Cashier
J3ank of Sumpter 3
Irmiicli 1 Cimol linking luilnm
Drafts drawn on all parts of the world. Special attention to collections.
Safety Deposit boxes tor rent.
Barber Shop
si Baths
A (i. Daviiixon, Managtr
ClAUli UULW, Oporatur
Operated in Connection
with Capital Hotel.
First-Class Work. Porce
lain Bath Tubs
Sumpter, Oregon