The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, August 01, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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Wednesday, August i. ico
Grizzly Gold Mining Co.
CAPITAL $500,000
in 1,000,000 shares of the par value of Fifty Cents Each. Treasury Stock 400,000 shares.
President, JNO. .1. PENHALE,
(Gen. Mgr. hunker Hill Gold Mining Co.,
Sumpter, Oregon.)
(President Citizens Bank, Baker City.)
Secretary, R. C. PENTLAND
The Grizzly group consists of the "Colorado" and the "Colorado Extension" quartz mineral claims,
situated in the Sumpter District of Baker county, Oregon, six miles northwest of the town of Sumpter, form
ing pari of the rich mineral zone wherein are located producing mines of fabulous wealth, such as the
"North Pole," "Columbia," "Golconda," "Bonanza" etc., etc. Development work on the Grizzly group
has disclosed a gold bearing ledge of remarkably high value, development work has progressed and there is
every reason to expect the property will become one of the greatest mines in Oregon.
Read Our Proposition Carefully
A limited amount of Treasury Stock is offered for sale at SIX CENTS Per share, payable
cash down or in twelve monthly payments, the funds realized being used tor opening up the property and
making a producing mine of it. The purpose of the company is to have a steady inflow of cash to meet
monthly pay roll and expenses incidental to active development work. 'I his can be realized by selling stock
on monthly installments just as well as if selling for all cash.
fa sirvkrfl l-vl.-v AnnM-li ..-til. . 'I'"' lHnlni: nlfi r l mil,' Investor Inr the piirflme o( Tn? uurv SlncW: a. 000 CHARES AT Oo PER CHARE,
IvClTlCIl KaDIC l vDDOl lUnil V iao.eo: tchmo, io per month until paid, laroch ulocks of stock on pro rata scalc
vvi it.ii ixuiwfiu Xv-M VVII in. T y( j,,,,,,,k., m,(ll mulcts nx'Cmeumunl ill . i l.ilKrrW'K-knf pitlnc all r.ili Ihirebv nlffirjlng lh
nn'i'ilui.Hv ill K.ilnini: innnrmi rinfiu im .Mint utli oulhv il Mm; iiiiivUiti-.I ,i hmMIiiIv lone Mine Ihr List mnnihlv '.ij mml sli lit li- nnJe. time Jcvi'lnpinenl will mike the stuck
in, llh, mi It p fi mitikrt, sevrtnl llmr lln v.ilm .it l Ifh It Itmiv Mi( pimhiifj. lili .1 M mi prim -III y III II pu v.ilueulll he .r.llllU'J. SaKcilrliom lor itock nuy re vciit In the I HOT
llANk 111 Si .mci I . Suii.plu.Dii'oM, hi in II. i' Siciil.ii) nt Ha- Inr piotpccUu .111 1 tunlirr Inlnrm.iiliin, ,iJJri'.
Grizzly Gold Mining Co., Sumpter, Ore.
HCFCflCNCCS. Fitf Bain or Bumpim SuMfiin, Owe
Supplementary Articles of In
corporation Filed.
At .1 mt-t-tiiig of stockholders of the
Similiter V.illry road, held July 14, sup
iciiirnt.'iry .'iillt'lcs nl incorporation were
mloptrd Mini ordered tiled. Aitiile II ol
tliu original document was mi amended
Hint the ilur.ition ot tht ciiiKir:itioii shall
be peipelual.
Article III was so amended :is to read:
" I lie business 11I tills tomp.iny sh.ill le
'lo construct, cijulp, operate and
iiiiilat.iln ;i line ol railroad and a telegraph
1111 J tdephore line from Maker City, in
the state of Oiegon, to lliirns, in the
st .it c ot Oregon, following the present
railroad line of this coiiip.iuv from Haker
Oly, Oregon, to Sumpter Vallev, in
tinker county, Oregon; :itul from thence
to n point on Iturut liver In llakcr county,
Oiegon; and theiue liy the most practl-dibit-route
sikh as the hoard ot directors
uny liere.ifter select trom said point on
Ihifiil river to Hums or some suitable
.point in Harney county, state of Oregon;
together w ith all necessary and appur
tenant branches, spurs, switches and
sidings, deprt t.tcllltles and appurte
nancrs. " 1 0 carry freight and passengers over
said lines ot railroad, and to receive and
deliver messages over Slid telegraph and
telephone lines, and to receive tolls for
thecanlage of freight and passengers
mid for tile transmission of messages,
"To purchase or lease lands, whether
adjacent or contiguous to its railroads or
not; ami to hold, possess, improve, lease,
sell, mortgage or otherwise dispose of
such lauds in such manner as may he
deemed lit; to acquire, purchase, lease Game Law of Oregon,
and operate any other railroads and rnll- Deer, moose and mountain sheep may
.ay Hues and to sell, lease or otherwise' i,e Killed Horn July 15 to November 1.
dispose of any or all of the property ol r,lt lied for market entirelv. Spotted
this company. fawi, ll()t tl) bt. Mki .,t .,t neer 1UMl.
" lo borrow money on bonds, iinlesnrlMR prohibited between one hour after
otherwise, lor tile purpose of instruction ' M1sel ;lllj h.,f ., 10lir refortf Mmt.,c.
and lor the general purposes of UU com- lNo j().s ,,imcd. Grouse, prairie chick
pany; and to mortgage Us railroads, tele" CI1S( pheasants, Chinese pheasants,
graph lines, telephone lines, franchises, ! ,,.,,) ;lMll partridges, may be killed from
rolling stock, tight of way and any and , A,IS1 , ,0 i)e.r,iwr ,. Market hunt-
all other property to secure the payment hlR prohibited in Chinese pheasants for )
thereorjtodo any and all other tlifiiK I three yo.s from spring of 1809, other
necessary or proper for the 1irjs. ir0m November 15 to October 15.
limit ol the objects above specilied." ral llrUin. ;,nd MK1,IIR 0f birds pro-1
And amending ArtUe V of said arlUes ( u,iWi, Jack snipe m;iy he ed I
of liuorporaiion so as to lead as follews: 1 rr.)m September 1 to Pebruarv 1. Onlv I
" The capital stock of tills corporation
shall iiiiislst ol 15,000 shares of the par
value of $100.00 each; zsoo shares of
w I1UI1 have already been issued, covering
the road from Maker City to AUliwen,
15 upland birds may be killed in a day.
No shooting from public highways, nor '
on farms without permission. Front ;
nnv be caught from April 1 to November 1
1, but never under live Inches In length, 1
aiut the rematmler ol saut stock Is to be amJ only with hook and line. Eastern I
issued at the rate of one hundred shares . luortK ltmit introduced prohibited for three I
for each mile ol road mm-or hereafter to ycars from .spring of 99.-Exchangc. I
be constructed trom .McEwen to Hums,
and one hundred shares thereof to bet Manager of Portland Exchange littt.
Issued lor e.Kh mile of said road when! C. I.. I'arker, manager of the Portland
constructed and not otherwise." MnR s,0l., d.ange, arrived hi Sump-
n ... .. .".. . l l:iidav, and will spend a week or'
Owned the Bonanza, Now a Pocket Hunter. imortin ,hs j,,,,,.,. The ,,oraMj has ,
Mr. Inunnilll and son, of the Green- not opened (or business yet, but expects
horn country, have recently ceased pros-1 to within thirty days. Manager Parker'
peeling in the mountains about Canyon Is here to examine some properties, re-'
City, where they had been for several . garding which he has had some corres-'
weeks searching for pockets. During , pondence, and arrange for other stocks
their search for pockets in that locality, for his call list. The Portland exchange
they disclosed a pocket of $ 180 on the , is very strict In Its rules and regulations
Comstock, owned by Walter Drown, Dr. governing the listing of Mocks, seeming
J. W. Ashford and Prank Sels. What to have a deadly fear of wildcats; hence
other success they met with the Eagle the manager's trip here to make a per- j
reporter did not learn. Mr. Inuamill at examination. He has been out to
one time owned the famous Houatua j the Concord with J. H. Robbins, and it!
mine, and disposed of the property years 1 Is reported that this splendid property!
ago to the Geisers, the owners prior to ' will be one of the first to be placed on the
the present management, who disposed of call. Late reports state that this property 1
the property about a year ago for several ' Is about to emerge from the prospect class
millions. Long Creek Eagle. 1 into that of a mine. I
O. S. L. Ry.
Tim iijkcct kouir. to
Montana, Utah
Colorado and all
Eastern Points...
CilVMCholcr of tn f.lnitf rotittj, vli thp ItMON
l'.u:illC liUI.Mjl! Line, or the KlO (iW.MU S.cnlc
No Change of Cars
On the IVrlhnJ-CMc.ico SrnlaV'Tlie Tlncit In
the West, liiulpprJttiih
Elegant Standard Sleepers
Pine New Ordinary ( I ourlst) Sleepers
Superb Library-Duff et Cars
Splendid Diners tmealsa la carte)
l-'ree Ueclliiiug Chair Cars
Comfortable Coaches and Smokers
Entire Train Completely Vestlbuled
I or Itirllicr Ihloinutlnn apply to
Trav. Pass. Agt. Gen'l Agent
142 Third St., Portland, Ore.
Constructor of Mills,
Concentrators, Smelt
ers, Cyanide Plants, etc.
West Granite