4 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, August 1,1900 5 CENTS Per GLASS HENRY FINGER 5 BOTTLES FOR $1.00 THE CELEBRATED OLYMPIA BEER On Draught or in Bottles A full car load received. To be sold at 5 cents per glass or 5 bottles for one dollar. i 5 BOTTLES FOR $1.00 HENRY FINGER CENTER STREET Opposite Postoflice Sumptkr, Okegon 5 CENTS Per GLASS SUMI'TKK FRHK GOLD COMPANY. Offlcm M OuU and Two Annti.il Meetings (If Id the Same Day. for the meeting thrv are holding tonight." Mr. Stti:irt declared tills meeting was not legal and would not lr reiuguied and that lie would return to Colla today and endeavor In have another meeting later. Till f.lll.Ht illl' tlilf. Ilir. Vlttt .Il-i'lt-ll .lt TwomretingsoltheSumpterl-reefioM ,.M Iru,s II)rrtInK: Mt ,:, t tolleninre MIiiIiik iiimiMiiy weir tailed lor Wrdnes-1 .m, , w.lllRRlii-.tif Cnlfa.x.P. 15. Hayes, tl.iy. Al one -secrn.irv v.iianrs i . niii.ui w.i the solltaiv attt-iid.iut .itnl at the othel ((Mil members ol the Nurd o( trus tees wen piesent and condikted the legu l.ir huslness of the meeting. Why two meetings were tailed and what the liouMe is between Secielaiy Stuait and his o. leagues w.is not obtainable. Actnidiug to the statement ol Mt. Stuart he had riuiiU'.l) liolrs to have cniitiolled the lll.rllllli itl tilt iltllpr ttllslri-s hut III- did . .... . " . :. ' ; has clone considerable woriv since rot atteml. .Mr. Miiau as st-cretmy sued a tall lor the annual meeting at one place toi inoMo.K Wednesday morning. He was theie w ith the books ;uul records, hut no one appeared. The leal meeting took plate at another pl.itr in the even ing. Mr. Stuait made the lollow Inn state-limit: "J. W. Hlgglns ;md M. I:. ( iallemore, , of Colfax, hoth ineuiheis of the hoard, aie In town. I ashed them if tliev were com ing to the meeting and they s.iid no, that they had a meeting ol their nun In the l.imiesnu block. I could attend the meeting and block everything tliev at tempt to do tor I hold proxies tor about loo.ooo shares ol stock, which is urn re , of Spokane, l:. it. Rowlre ;uul II. J. Stalloid, ot Siimpter, Or. 'I he new hoard rlettt-tl the billowing oihcers tor the en- suing year: M. I:, (iallemore, ot Cnllax, president; I. I:. Mayes, of Spokane, vke president; .1. W. Ulgghis, of Colfax, i srvietarv; .1. V. Jesse, ot Dayton, tre.is- 1 liler. This comp.'iuy owns six claims on the Ibex road in Sumptt-r camp, Oregon, and icquir-1 ing tile propel ty about a year ago. A ! tunnel has been diiveu 16; teel on one ot ; the several leads on the property and there ate a number of open cuts. A 1 blacksmith shop, bunk house and other I buildings have been erected and a force of men is at work on the property. I'liei 1 ore is fre- gold. The company Is capital-1 ied at 1, soo.ooo shales of a par value ot ' live cents. Spokesman Review. Capital Hotel MRs.. ti. H. TlIDROWP, Proprietress Centrally Located Electric Lights w Newlv Refurnished Free Bus and Baggage Headquarters for Commercial and Milling Men. Passengers- Wayhilled To all Points on Stages. Sumpter 2 Oregon s& & Stuw Lumber Co. Will Resume Operations. S. II. Bloomer, one of the owners ot the A. C. Shaw Lumber company, whose mill is south of town, is here ar ranging to begin operations again. I he than they conttol, but I will not. About I"-"" :,s "'"V l,cc" " uow "" a mouth ago Mr. (iallemore asked me to time, and will likely be running again in siie the call lor this meeting. I did so, ' fw d 'Vs- 1 "'" "nfrc wil1 a KJ ....hi.... 11,. ...,.,.. ...fv...i .... 11.. M..H.-. demand for lumber heic this fall their Is I'llMIII lll 1IMI'MIIJ Mill f M'l I The next day Hlggh.s called and asked little doubt, as several buildings are con-1 toboriowthese.il. I askrd him why he lempiaieu anti 11 is certain mat consider wanted it and he said he wanted to issue , S,W' l,,mtr wl bc hauW in, ' nllls a call for the annual meeting. I asked rt l,"llJ comforlablr quarters for miners, l.lm when he had been elected rcretarys' wl,l present are living In tents, told him I had issued the call and that if J he would bring the papers down I would When you travel the Bourne road re look at them and perhaps put the seal member Barnard has all the latest remedies upon them. I suppose he Issued the call ' for dust In the throat. THE BKST APPOINTED.. & Pharmacy IN EASTERN OREGON. No prescription too difficult to till. (Service day or night.) A complete Hue of druggists sundries, stationery and toilet articles. dt g The Sumpter Drug Co. L. C. EDWARDS, MANAGER. SUMPTER, OREGON. : ' i