Wednesday, August i, 1900. THE SUMPTER MINER. 1 COUNTY RECORDS. The following is the record of official business transacted at the county seat of Baker county for the week ending Tues day, July 31: REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Warranty Jee J June i, Pacific Coin Co. to John A Payton ei ot tiw(,' sec u t 8 r c. . no Warranty JeeJ July j, Dclben ShepherJ ft ux to H Wicks, 40 acres and roaj way In sec 6tSr)8e ICU Warranty JeeJ May 11, Geo P Wright el u toMFlscher, lots 1 too, blk 11 tiastSumpter 150 Warranty JeeJ July t, Drlhrrt ShepherJ tt uxtoll Wicks.roaJ way Insh ol ne( sec t6t8rt8e 35 Trustees' JeeJ-Jan it, Oliver W Mink trus tee to John A Leaman, lot 6 blk 4 Huntington Warranty JeeJ July sj, AtfreJ M Drown ft ux to Bert I'rescott, i6octr In sees a j b anj 17 1 11 r 4 r mu Warranty Jee J July 6, Bert I'rescott t ux to AM Brown, 80 acrts In sec 14 I n r 41 e.... iojo Trustee's Jee J-Jan , Oliver W Mink trus tee to P U Cropper, lot 4 Mk M, Huntington Trusltf'i JeeJ Jan it, Oliver W Mink trus tte to Chas Ron, lot to blk 99, Huntington 100 Warranty JeeJ July 16, W W Looney ft ux to AW Kills, 160 aues In sects tsr )6 e... is; Warranty JeeJ July to, J B RoJgers rt ux to Mri 0 C Stale y, lot blk E, Dettoo's aJJ. BakerClty too Warranty JeeJ July u, Maggie E SherJy ft vlr to Ina Brown, lot 1 blk 6 Parker's aJJ, BakerClty t Warranty Jee J June 1, Pacific Coast Co. to C COIton, s,lt ot nwi ot sec j 1 8r je 1 Quit claim JeeJ July 8, Jos At Masters to R 4k L M Stomhaugh, neX ol self sec at t 9 r jar -.. ....K., io Patent Dec , 46, Unite J States to Jos M Masters, ne !,' ol se ot sre i I o r we.. UeeJ June 16, I T Taylor et ux to James S Osborn, wji ne.'ol ne 1-4, sec 1 1 1 8 r 8 e. wo Warranty JerJ July )i, Jos Palmer tt ux to P R Riior tt al, 104x108 It Inne 1-4 sec so, tp onoe 100 Warranty JeeJ July so, Mary A Whtalen to Ma A Keating, ne i-4 see 16, tpSsr j8e.... to Warranty JeeJ-July )o. N C Haskell et al to Sellgman Sommer, lots 5 an J 6. blk 4, Hask ell's aJn Baker City Jo1 MININO MATTERS. Quitclaim JeeJ Junes, H E Mattel al to W C Coglll, Minnie Lee. Hoosler anj ilrlJget iti elms Quit claim JeeJ-July sj, W C Coglll to C10IJ Coast Co, 6-io In In same Quit claim JeeJ-July at, J E Birch to Nellie M Bergman, J. Int In Sunset anj Sunrise o,ti elms ... Quit claim Jee4-July,ti, CJw Larson to Nellie M Bergman, i Int In same Mining JeeJ-July 16, Robert Pobst to Elsie Cleln, placer claim In sec Ills) MS anj sec 4tior)8t Mining JeeJ Julvso, EJw Buhlman to Her man Sutbeck etal, 4-s int In "Swluerlanj LV'qtiClm Mining JeeJ July to, Max Surbeck to Herman Sutbeck et al, 4-s int In "SwItierlanJ II" o,ti dm ., Mining JeeJ July to, J llallweg to Herman Surbeck ttal, 4-s Int In "SwItierlanJ A" iti slui.. Mining JeeJ Jul) 10, I- L Sullivan 10 Herman Surbeck et al, 4-s Int In "Swltieilanj C" vU elm .... Mining JeeJ July ad, Human SurbecktoMax Surbeck et al, 4-s int in "SwItieilanJ'; t d Mining JeeJ-July ao. W (5 Booth to Mat Baroch, Oregon King u.ti elm ao Articles ot Incorporation July 18, tioljeti Stan JarJ Mining & Milling -Incorporators, II W Larly. tlforge Porter anj M Wright, capital Slock f 1, ouo.ouo, JivlJeJ Into loo.ouo shares at Is each . Lease July a), Move IV h et al to C II Thompson, ot Queen Bee anj Hunker Hill 0,11 elms, with privilege to purcase Jurlng lease, until July 1, i"i )" Mining JeeJ-July )o, (i W Lucke to Jennie Censor, Blue Bucket qti elm. . Warranty JeeJ July as. Jas Tlbbs to fclsle Cleln. )oo-lnch Miner Creek Water Right jou DeeJ Febas, 'u S Osborn ttal to Jas S Osborn, 1-4 Int in waler Jltch out ol Rock creel. ' MORIOAOLS. Release July 9. Manhattan Trust Co. to John A Paton, Mlg on ejj ot nw.'i" sec 14 1 8 r N e Chattel-July 4. O A McWIIIIam anJ (ieo Miller to Leo IMiuenbaum. lurnllure In Sa voy Music Hall, Baker City S Mortgage July it, Ina Brown tt sir to L M Whittakei, lot 1 Mk c, Parker's a J J. Baker City Rt least July 1, Manhattan Trust Co. to C C Olson, s! ol nw sec 1 I r V e Chattel July to, Henr)' Wears anj Herbery C Small to C J Stevtnson, chattels In St. Elmo rtstaurant, front St. , Baker City joo MISCEMANFOUS. JuJgment July t. Little- Giant GolJ Mining Co. lavor Kahler & Hawley 68a JuJgment June it, A A & L J Houston, lavor olW L Nichols as JuJgmrnt June 11, W L Nichols, lavor A A Houston et al 15 JuJgment June jo. Co-operative GolJ Mining Co., lavor E E Young 01 Bill ol Sale-July a), L Schwatti to I Sehwarli all stock In store In SwettlanJ bIJg east slJe Mill St., Sumpter i64 Private Board. I will furnish private board to a few tie siring such, at my residence on North street, near Center. Mrs. C. B. Duckworth. Go to Fenner & Worthlngton for all kinds of engineering. LINES OF THE Sumpter Transportation Co. CARRYING U. S. MAILS. SU.MPTER-CANVON ROUTE. 1 a: to p. m. I I v Sumpter Ar t:)o r. in. Ar... .CliftorJ Lv I.40 p. m. I Lv f.llflnrJ Ar v. to ji m. I Ar.. .Austin ... . . Lv im a a. m. 8:00 a. m. T,o a. m. S'.ai a. m. Connecting at Austin with stages lor Canyon City .in J Interior points. 1:40 p. m. I Lv.. . CliftorJ . ..Ar :yia. m. s:oo p.m. j Ar. . .Bonania. . ,.Lv fcjoa. m. Connecting at Bonania with stages lor Py". Roblnsonvlllr, Worley, Virginia, Don Juan anj Helcher mines. SUMPTER-GRANITE ROUTE. 1 a: to p. m. I Lv. . Sumpter Arl 10:00 j. m. 4jtoj. m I Ar , Granite . . .Lv a: a. m. LKcry at Granite to North Folk, ReJ Boy, Ban lette anJ aJJacent mines. SUMPTER-BOURNE ROUTE. ta:o p. m. I'.cki p. in. V.pi r. in. Lv Sumpter..,.. Ar Ar..,. Houtne Lv Ar Columbia... .Lv 4' to a. m. 8.u a. m. r. o a. m- Including North Pole, K. I:., Cll max, OhloandaJ jaernt mines. Rh"C RIO GRANDE WESTERN RAILWAY Mt OOM01IOM WI1M 1i OINVIR RIO ORANDE or COLORADO MIDLAND RAILROADS 0IIIK4 CWM Of . THRCC DISTINCT ROUTES AMI 1HI MOST MAINIFICENT SCENERY IN AMIRIOA. IT It INC OM.V fHACOtllNTl, ilM NMN CiMCmV 1tKJClH QUAINT ANO PtCYWMWiUC SALT LAKE CITY, LIADVIUI. COLORADO trRINCft neJ OINVIR. the nin nRANOf wsstihn raicwav op. math 1HRIE FAST TRAINS TO THE CAST DAILY, CARRriNO PuHrim PlMt ami PuHman Ordrnary SlMpar TO OMAHA AND CHICAGO flflTMnol CM, NOC, Reisllnlni Chair Cars. ParlMt Dlnlna-Car Sorvlo. Fra tr srtIMfiOH O aaMMt fT W.r Of J. D. Mansfield, M!,!a.,o,tfi, OIO. W. HIINTI, Oan'l PMt'r s4.,a La dry General Brass and Iron Founders and Machinists. Baker City Iron Works GEO. F. MCLYNN, Proprietor Special attention given to repairine and rebuilding all kinds ot machinery. Baker CitV. Telephone Red 161 The Literary Digest IssueJ Weekly )i Pages IllustrateJ "all Ids rsrlsJIcilt lit Oat" Til" LlTfRARV DullST has taken the highest rank as a weekly review ol current thought at home anj abroaj, in the realms ot literature, art, science, religion, politics, sociology, travel, Jls coverv business, etc, Dlsscusslon anJ Inhuma tion on all slJes ot important questions aie gisen. The contens each week cover a helJ so JlversiheJ sto make TlIP 1.111 IMRV Dltllst InJispensable to the busv man whu Jesires to keen up s lirs the thought ol the time, but who lacks me leisure tor auth a task. OPINIONS MOM AUTHORIMJ E. t. Powsll, 0. 0., In l'nll. Chicage: "Till LlTCUARV Dlili.M is an absolule necessity hi those who ssuuM keep In line iih the plogiess ol thought unj achievement. I Jo not see lion anv thinking man can get along without it." Edwin Mitthim, Author ot " The Man With the Hoe": " I Mil I III wary Dull sT Is one ot the two or thtee most saluabte Joutnals that .nine to my table." Ei'Ssnalsr JsKn J. Ittgalla: "run Iiiihawv Dl.ILM enlarges the bounjailes ol Intelligence." Sanitor William . rrjra: "It will aflorj Im mense asslsttnce to the siholais ot ttie lountiv." Gov. John P. lttld, ol Illineis: "Till! Link AHY 1)1(11 ST is oneot the vety best publicilloiis in America. To a stuJent ol current llteialuteit Is Invaluable. 10 Cints it' Copy. tl.OO osr Tsar Sinl far Dtserlttit Clrcslsr. rUNX I WsCIUUI, P.slliKtil. NIW TORX. T.D.Bellinger & Co. .OF SUMPTEH. OHHGON Dispensers of only the Choicest Brands Liquors Ol- IncltiditiK Old Ovciholt, C.iu adlan Club, Ushers and J.iinrs Watson Scotch, Imported 1KH1 Brandy, Three Star Hennessey, and all the l.eadhiK Hrands of ' Wines and Cigars. New and rilei;aiit l:lxtures. Comfort able siiiarters fur Kentlemeii. No better service in Oregon. ...The Magnolia... T. D. Iilllar I C... Pitts. (Formerly Hotel Van Duyn Hid.) IThe i mmmmm 1 Sumpter Miner , Is the recognized exponent 1 of the mining and industrial interests of the EASTERN , OREGON GOLD FIELDS. ! In the Sumpter District It is not only without an equal, but has no rival in quality and quantity of re liable information published every week. Its circulation is already the largest of any paper published in the dis trict, both locally and in other communities and states, and' is growing rap idly. As an advertising medium Till: Minhu stands at the head of the list, as its columns demonstrate. Ad vertising, like everything else, is worth little or noth ing if it costs little or noth ing. Thk MlNliK's rates are reasonable. The Job O. S. L Ry. Tllf IIJKICI KH'II 111 i Montana, Utah j Colorado and all i Eastern Points... (ilvescholce ot two lavorite loules, via the I'mon ( I'AI.IIK. last Mall line, or the ll() liUANIHI S.eiiU Lines. No Change of Cars On the I'ortlanJ-Chlcago Special,'" I he I litest in I the West, LqulppeJ nn , Hlegant Standard Sleepers Fine New Ordinary ( 'tourist) Sleeper , Superb l.lbrary-Htiffet Cars Splendid Diners (mealsa la carte) ; Free KeclinlniChair Cars Comfortable Loaches and Smolers Entire Train Completely Vestitniled m lor lurlher Ihtormation apply to J. R. NAGBL W. E. COMAN I Trav. Pass, Agt. Gen'l Agent I 142 Third St., Portland, Ore. Department is equipped with the best material known to the trade. Us presses are modern, its type is artistic, varied and lip to date, and only the best workmen are employed Mining Supplies Location blanks, handsome lithographed stock certifi cates, corporation seals, stock records and juurnals, 1'lice stationery, all of the best workmanship, furnish ed on short notice. Ex clusive agent for the world's standard Hall Marvin Safe