Wednesday, August i, 1900. THE SUMPTER MINER. 1 1 JOHN ARMBRUSTER, President. Wm. STINSON, Vice-President. A. W. ELLIS, Secretary Columbia Brewing & Malting Company m. j I INCORPORATED. OPERATED under the management of John Armbruster, one of the most successful and experienced brewmasters in the West. Only the BEST Of MATERIALS used in connection with pure moun tain water exactly adapted for the use. It is not surpassed even by any beer on the market. New Machinery, Ice Plant, Enlarged Stor age Facilities, Etc., Enables Us to. Make a Beer Second to None and Constantly Improving .... Furnished in Barrels, Kegs or Bottles. USE A HONE PRODUCT.... Columbia Brewing & Malting Co., feTrtQB SUMPTER, OREGON. DESPAIR AT CAPE NOME. Complete Expose of (bat Gigantic Confi dence Game. "It is the biggest fake on record and a grand confidence game perpetrated by the transportation companies," writes a gen tleman from Nome to his friend F. E. Goodall of this city, The letter was written June 21 and continues in part as follews: "The beach has been worked over sev eral times and miners can rock out about St.50 to $5,00 per day only; this from our friend Brown of Mountain Lion, whom I met a day or two since and who may buy creek claims. The tundra Is frozen 4$ feet to bedrock and Is wholly Impractica ble as a mining proposition on account of low values and excessive cost of fuel for thawing. "Only one hole has been sunk through the tundra to bedrock. It is down 45 feet, took three months and 4$ cords of wood, the latter at J60 per cord, or fooo for fuel alone, and the parties got only a fejv colors. Everything has been jumped, restaked and relocated. There Is an utter Absence of law and actual possession is the only thing that counts. By the time the courts have adjudicated matters the values will have been worked out of claims by those in possession. So you see things are as bad as they can be. Thousands of people have been dumped out on the dreary beach days in advance of their baggage and weeks In advance of their freight. "People are sleeping about on the wet sands or leaning up against the few wooden buildings in the city. The town is now about fight miles long, extended along the beach, and the tents are so close together it Is almost Impossible to cut your way through. Thirty days hence the sanitary conditions must be something frightful. "The steamship companies will carry back a comparatively full complement of passengers and you can buy the most complete and extensive machinery plants at your own prices, white outfits of gro ceries and supplies go at ridiculous figures. Ham and eggs at restaurants cost 51.50, though, and other things in proportion. No one ha undertaken to dredge under the sea, though there are some talking of at tempting it." Spokesman-Review. Tempest Shipping Ore to Tacoma. Four or five big freight teams are haul ing ore between the Tempest mine, sit uated in the Greenhorn mountains, and Sumpter. It Is understood that the ore will be shipped from that point by rail to the Tacoma smelter. The Tempest is owned by Bennett & Son, of this city. It has a large quantity of high grade ore on the dump and an unlimited amount ex posed in the mine. The mine is a silver lead proposition in the main, but carries some gold. The shipping of the ore is no experiment, as considerable ore has been shipped, and smelted with good results In the past. That it is rich is evidenced from the fact that It must needs be shipped over 30 miles by rail. Democrat. Lost Reward. We have been unable to locate the fol lowing articles, removed from our store room on the evening of the fire: One large plate glass mirror, gilt frame, and two gasoline lamps. We supposed they were deposited in some store room, barber shop or saloon, as a matter of safety. Any one knowing of the whereabouts of the same, please report to us and receive a reward. HOBSON MERCANTILE CO. "The Portland", conducted by Gus Woodward on Mill street, is fully a representation of its name. A visit will convince you of this. jyjyt HKMH b Fraser and Chalmers Chicago MILLING MACHINERY-Rolls, Stamps, Crushers. Perforated Metals, Jigs, I'rue Vnnners, Etc. MINING MACHINERY-Boilers, including Sederholm Boiler, Air Compressors, Keidler Pumps, Fur naces, Etc. Write to our Chicago office for Catalogue. Represented by MENNO UNZICKER, Hotel Warshauer, BAKER CITY, OREGON GOOD THINGS TO EAT AT E, P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. THE SUMPTER MEAT MARKET A. MANNS, Proprietor. J Butcher and Packer Fresh and Cured Meats and Sausage of all Kinds SUMPTER, OREGON