The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 25, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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Wednesday, July 2?. 1900
desert act, tlir contention made by the de
fense being that the ground was not min-
CRUEL CRIME. I eral hearing and therefore not subject to
j location as such. The local office, how
'ever, decided that guano Is a mineral, and
this decision has been sustained hv the
general ollice. I lie culmination of this
fight in favor ol the (iuano company will
doubtless result in extensive operations
on the Island and the establishment in
Utah ol a large guano manufacturing es
tablishment, as the island is said to con
tain vast deposits of this min-ral which is
ol superior quality. Iieavv capitalists
Enticing Thousands to go to
Barren Cape Nome.
In Seattle, last winter, it was well un
derstood among the knowing ones that
the beach diggings at Nome were e.v
haustrd. Lxpeflenied placer miners came ;,re interested in tile enterprise and it is
down from that camp with tepotls that
could not he doubted. Among these was
Peter I.. Trout, an experienced ami re
liable miner, ulio, prior to going to Nome,
had served as United States customs in
spector at Circle CUv. He prospected
the beach with much thoroughness, and
found many ru It spots, but In every in
stance, as in the case ol every other man
working there, the p.iv streaks weie
row and shallow, and gave out u ith a lew
Jiours or a few days working.
Mr. Trout then gave up working on Ilic
lieach, and took a trip back into the Mills
in prospect a oeeli. He found the stream
more than likely that a sale will soon be
recorded. I:dvin W. Senior, the well
known laud attorney, conducted the case
lor the ( maun company. Salt Lake .Min
ing Review.
Granltc-Hilgard Road Survey.
P.iigiueer W. T. Chalk, who has charge
of the survey ol the Hilgard-firanite rail
road, is at the laud ollice today complet
ing a map of the proposed route. This
will be totwarded to the Interior depart
ment at Washington, iu accordance with
regulations lor the securing of the right of
way ovel government lauds. Mr. Chalk
Maked for Its entite length, and also its !" ' " ll;,s '" V1 completed his
side culchrs. In brief, tramn where lie ' estimate of the cost of construction, but Is
would, he found the whole country slak- satisfied with the main proposition and
ed. Returning tn Anvil City. Trout told ' " ' l;' ' 's ' practical and
the business men there, "as he had often
told others, that next summer the beach
would not pay to be worked with rock
ers." liven then the gold was prac
tically cleaned nut. He returned to
feasible route as indicated by the prelim
inary survey, and that the road can be
built without excessive cost of construc
tion, and furthermore that (lie road will
be built. The distance from Hllgard to
Seattle and embodied his experiences and Granite is fii.j miles, according to the pre
views in an Interesting pamphlet. Other lliiiituiry survey. The most expensive
authorities brought out simlllar reports, portion of the ro.i J is the first thirty miles,
but the transportation companies, the although there is one mile of Iieavv work
Seattle newspapers and the outfitting ton-, Js v "'c summit. It Is probable that
terns of that city weie in no mood to one short tunnel will be required, although
dessemlnale the facts. I hey were all
primed for a stampede, and It had to come
off, regardless of the consequences.
All reports agree that conditions at
Nome are alarming. More than .'0,000
men are huddled on the desolate shore.
this may be thrown out on a revised sur
vey. The prospective tonnage will justify
the construction of the road; there are two ,
or three of the big mines near Granite '
each one of which Is ready at any time tn
contract lor the shipment of ten cars of .
The beach diggings are e.xhausted, the " W '"' V and for a lenger:
rieeks ate all staked, and there is no em
ployment. Typhoid lever and smallpox
are raging, and lawlessness t rampant.
Suicides are frequent, and a spirit ol cold
selfihuess has seized the despondent pop
ulation. 'I he work of exciting these thousands,
luring them to certain failure, and dump-
term If necessary. 'There is other traffic I
1 which shows that the road will be a pay
ing Investment. The actual work of con
struction will be commenced as soon as
! the necessary arrangements for the same
arc completed. I. a irande Chronicle.
Telegraph Poles Set In Solid Rock
The Columbia Southern telegraph Hue'
ing them on one of the most desolate js completed to a point a little south of I
spots on eailli, is one ol the stupendous Wilco.x, say nine miles .south of Shanlko. :
runes of the cenutury. At no time had Some people have expressed themselves j
these victims a "chance for their money." , !ls surprised at the slowness with which I
Long before they took passage it was ,1P P is i.,, iul,, A lin(v ;lt ,he
known, quite beyond question, that the '
bottom had fallen out ol the beach dig
gings, and it was also known that the
ground in which the poles are set, how
ever, will go a long ways towards prov
ng that the line Is being strung with coin-
limited creek placers there would not em- parative rapidity, livery hole has to be
ploy a tenth of the men whu took pas- Masted out of the solid rock. This takes
,"Kf a great deal nl patient labor, and a lot ol
In the end. Seattle will gain nothing time in consequence. One good feature
from this u.-im-ii. To out lit the thousands l this is that the poles from Wilco.x to 1
who joined tlie stampede, business was Slianikn will never blow down till they rot,
and that will not occurr for many years. I
It is conlidenlly expected that by the 1st
of August the Hue will be completed and
in working order. When this is done we 1
will have all the advantages of the most
strewed to an abnormal pitch. It was
ti.insleut tiade, gone as quickly as the
thin seams of gold on the Nome beaches.
'The level will cool iu Seattle almost as
qulililv as it has cooled at Cape Nome,
;ind some pait ol the northern depression t.ivored cities. Shanlko l.eider.
will react on the Puget Sound city.
Seattle ought to I above such will ol the
wisp projects. Its future greatness will
not be questioned, but this soit of bus
iness will add nothing to It. Spokesman-Hevlew.
Legally, Guano U Metal.
In the case of the Utah Guano coin-
Growing Magnitude of Our Mining.
K. It. Kasper, the regular coirespond
ent of the Mining and Engineering He
view for Oregon, will remain iu Sumpter
all summer, and keep the readers of the
Review we'l informed regarding the mines
of that section. His reports will be en
tirely a truthful retlex of mining develop
jany vs. the State of Utah and Alfred mrnts in Baker county, as he sees them
Lambournr, the general land department from a view point of a man of large ex
has sustalnd the office in its decision 1 perience, as he is a careful and consclen-
tendered in 1800 In favor ol the Guano
company, whose locations embrace the
neuter portion of Gunnison island in the
Great Salt lake. The Guano company
made Its locations under the placer min
im law, while Lambourne and his asso
late claimed the same ground under the view.
tluus reporter. He will also contribute
special articles to several dally papers.
The growing magnitude of Baker county's
mining industries, warrants the establish
ment of a permanent news bureau in that
section. Mining and Engineering Re-
Union Smelter Mfg. Co.
Our Sumpter. Oregon. Plant of From
K to 40 Tons Daily Capacity is Now
Ready For Operation.
A spur of the Sumpter Valley Railway Company and easy wagon roads
facilitate the deliverv of ores right at the Smelter. Owners or controllers
of Sulphide, Carbonate and Oxide ores, who can contract for their delivery
in lots of 10 tons at least, are requested to forward to us from too to 150
pound8 representing the average character and values of the ores. Such
samples will be analyzed and assayed by our analytical chemist free of
charge, for the purpose of establishing the value of the corresponding ores
to us. and for the guidance of their owners. Our treatment charge, com
paratively moderate, will be goverened by the special adaptability or de
sirableness of the respective ores for our purposes. The product of our
Smelter will be handled by the Plrst Bank of Sumpter and payments for
ores accepted by us will be madi through the same channel. Special rates
ot treatment charges will be made to parties in position to contract for a
steady and large supply of desirable ores.
The Union Smelter Mfg. Co.
Lock Box P
-Sec'y. C
Bousum & Spalding
Pree deliverv of Pure Ice. Leave orders at office of Columbia Brewing and
Malting Co., next door tn MINKR office.
,M.inut4clnter nf ail klnjc nl Qut-nrutoJ Drlnkt jnj CUm.
OpTjliJ In connection with the
Kentucky Liquor House
w. s.
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Mining Patents Obtained
Years of experience in Maker County Records.
No. 2104 Court Street, Maker City; Oregon.
the Celebrated
On draught or
by bottle.
"The Olympus
H. PINGFR, Proprietor.
High Grade Wines.
Liquors and Cigars.
Sumpter, Or.
'Just around the Corner"
Fine Wines, Liquors and Ggars.