vVednedav, July 2, 1900 THE SUMPTER MINER. I ., W QUARTZBURG MINES. Interesting Facts Regarding This New Eldorado. The Prairie City Miner man lias been over In the Quartburg district, and gath ered these interesting facts regarding that new Eldorade: The first mine visited was the Willie Boy, owned by Ed. Mclntyre. This property has two ledges; one running north and south carrying gold and silver, the ore assaying from ten to sixty dollars. The width of the ledge is from one to live feet. It is developed by a seventy live foot crosscut and fifty feet of drift. The ore is lead, galena and iron and cop per sulphides. It lays in the diorite and granite formation. The other ledge runs northeast and southwest and carries copper, gold and silver. The copper will run from fifteen to twenty-five per cent, and the gold and silver will gn about fifteen dollars to the ton. The character of the ore is copper pyrites with a heavy cobalt stain. The width of the ledge will average about ten teet. Mr. Mclntyre has two other claims adjoining, the IX I. and Pearl, one on the northeast and the other on the southwest. These two claims both show good values in copper. This group lays north of the StauJard group and on the same copper belt.' Ore from the copper ledge is identi cal to that ot the Copper King. Courteous and attentive treatment was received at tiie Copper King by Albert Mendenhall, the foreman, by showing the visitors through the mine and willingly answering any questions ashed. A force ot men are at wnrU crosscutting northwest to catch the foot wall and are in about i.tv feet. They have ten or tifteen leet further to go. As soon as the thirty-ton experiment is made at the Sumpter smelter, and proves satisfactory to the owners, a stamp mill will be put up to handle the large quan tity of ore taken out of this mine. About live tons have been delivered to the smelter and about llfty tons is sacked and on the dump ready for shipment. Owing 'to haying, teams are scarce, but as soon as possible the remalnfng twenty-live tons will be shipped to the smelter. Dinner was taken at the camp of Frit, Dwyer and Uevnolds, and ton much can not be said in praise of the treatment re ceived at the hands of these gentlemen. The meal was (irst-class and Friu proved himself to be a genuine cook. Several months ago tiiese gentlemen secured a two-years bond on the l.one Star group ol claims, and Irom that time until re cently luvr been doing development work. The ore is base down twenty leet, where oid:tli(Mi takes p;ue and makes it tree. The ore pioper is sulphide. About seven tons of ore is on the dump and from aviys made goes ninety-live dollars to the ton. They recently secured a ninety days bond on the Clayton and ( juker group auos the gulch from the Lone Star, and have a day and night crew at work. This group consists of the Chipmonk, Daylight and hairview. The bond also takes in the water and placer rights. Drifting is being done on an ore shoot coming to surface thirty fret ahead. At the bottom of the shaft the ore assays sixteen dollars three and H per cent copper and the balance in gold. Eight hundred dollars was taken from the sur face of this property last year and milled at Quartzburg. The Willie Boy, Standard, l.one Star and Clayton and Guker groups are all situated on the east fork of Dixie creek. The Johnson arastra is running on cus tom work. The Present Need group, owned and operated by W. fc. Giftord, was visited in the afternoon. Everything about this property is conveniently arranged and neat as a pin. All Mr. Giftord lacks is a commission for postmaster and he would 1 have a little village of his own. j He has to; feet of crosscut and 240 feet , of tunnel on the lower level. Fifty tons I of ore that will go from twenty-live to 1 two hundred dollars is now on the dump. ' Tiie ore is gold, of a free milling nature , 011 the surface, but with depth becomes baser. Mr. (jiflord has an arastra under con- ' struction, of his own make and invention, I that will save seventy per cent and is equal to any live-stamp mill. This ar.is- ' tra is a great improvement over the old 1 Mexican arastra. The bed and walls are . solid rock and the drags are blocked out j to exactly tit the side walls, thus grinding 1 .is much against the outer wall as on the bottom. The position of the drags when ; In operation throws the pulp towards the 1 outside wall, and the waste pipe being in the direct center allows no values to e.s- 1 cape. I A forty-horse boiler is now on the way. 1 The boiler will be put on a solid founda tion near the arastra and the engine will I be installed in the mine, which can then I be used for hoisting purposes, besides run 1 nlng the arastra. The engine will be used during months of the year when there is not sufficient water. The roaster is of his own invention and ' make. The wood is put into the furnace ' by a hoist and any sle chunks can be used. Mr. Clifford Is truly a Yankee genius and the wagon sited, barns, house, sheds, dump-bin, and in fact everything about the place is built in his own original and convenient style. He is now contem plating a self-feeder for the new arastra that will drop the ore automatically and can be regulated to any speed. The hop per can be loaded and the feeder and anstra will do the rest for several hours at a time without an attendant. Every bolt and iron supporter used on his ditf-rent apparatuses was made from I the raw material in his own blacksmith shop by himself. Since taking possession of the Present Need Mr. Glfford has taken nut about 514,000, and up to the time of inventing h's own arastra only about fifty per cent was saved, thus making about 2H,ooo i of ore that has been taken out of (his , mine. D.&R.G.R.R. Scenic Line of the World The Favorite Transcontinental Houtr Between the Northwest and all Points East. Choice of Two Koines Through the Famous ROCKY MOUNTAIN SCENERY And Four Routes East of Pueblo and Denver. All passengers granted a day stop over in the Mormon Capitol or anywhere be tween Ogdeu and Denver. Personally conducted Tourist Excursions to 1 OMAHA, KANSAS CITV, ST. I.OUIS, CHICAGO AND THE EAST. For tickets and any information regard ing routes, etc., or for descriptive adver tising matter, call on agents of Oregon Railway and Navigation Co., Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific companies. S. K. HOOPER, R. C. NICHOL, G. P. & T. A. General Agent Denver, Col. Portland, Ore. WOLFF & ZWICKER IRON WORKS PORTLAND, OREGON. REPRESENTED BY F. M. WADE. Manufacturers of all classes of Machinery, in cluding Crushers, Stamp Mills, Hoists, Hollers, Pumps, Air Compressors, Water Wheels, Etc. Riveted Steel Water Pipe a Specialty. Cut, Punched and Rolled tor Riveting at Destination, or made up Complete J J PLANS AND ESTIMATES FURNISHED . ....Portland Mining Stock Exchange.... OnoANizco Fcbnuany 16, 1 BOO Cost of Mtmbmhip, JIOOi Dun Per Annum, J50 Charge for Luting Slocki, $50 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS TIIH Woomv.Mili. I'n-s.. II S Njlkin.il IIjiiI.. I'irslJrni I. II. ( n. I.i.. VI. I'-l'rrsMrnt J. I'WASk Waison. I'n-v Mi-fik.inK N.H. UaiiU. Iittiiiei. L Will .. v. S'irUiv i 'M'-Sl i; VlllM. I H",l I. mi.lVI ;, IU I 1' .! l HINT, .mill I UIM II. W II. lllflMIM M Security Stln. I Trvit Comp.n,, R.ltlri .1 Slocki mi lonii ltl Sift OlHi Placed li.and D..I.11 In this (icti.fit ' Application for Ikllng Miuks jiiJ innnlvrtlilp mini Iv m.i.lr In C. L I'akkkk, Mur., Portland, Ore. I', t). Ili 7H No. ic llwsr SlWIil .. ift" Cawston & Company . Hh Engines, Boilers flHBflHt Machinery QHFi Supplies.... 4 and jo lirst Street, Near Pine ' PORTLAND, ORE. I I r.''.- -x n fHV i m- ENGINES BOILERS RUSSELL High Grade Machinery SAW MILLS THRESHERS STICKERS lNr.ttS.T-l- .kmwffwy m iceci c- sr mi: - a . w aaw&. -v m m jr m "" " J a. J l . . M.. j Writ for Catalogue and Prices. PORTLAND, OREGON, Dixon, Borgeson & Co. U mill k lilli'ls ill I vi-iv ll'll'linll ill FRONT a. I ., COR. WASHINGTON Show Cases JHWIIPs ASH lll'ld lilMs" W.UI UMs ,V llNk llML'Kl.s, I'OUTI.AND, OKI.. '1 George W. Weigand... HIGH GRADE LIQUORS AND CIGARS JL Mining Men's Headquarters Next Door to Wonder Store T. ..nifuvr .-.,..,.,-,