THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, July 25. 1 c, n Grizzly Gold Mining Co. CAPITAL $500,000 in 1,000,000 shares of the par value of Fifty Cents Each. Treasury Stock 400,000 shares. FULL RAID AND NON-ASSESSABLE. efficers: President, JNO. .1. PKNHAI.i:. (Ceil. Mgr. Bunker Hill ("JuM Mining Co., Sunipter, Oregon.) Vice-Pres., ALHKNT GEISKK, (President Citizens Bank, B.ikrr City.) Treasurer, BUOKNK SPKRWY Secretary, K. C. PliNTLAND The Grizzlv croup consists of the "Colorado" and the "Colorado Extension' quartz mineral claims, situated in the Sunipter District of Baker county, Oregon, six miles northwest of the town of Sunipter, form ing part of tiie rich mineral zone wherein are located producing mines of fabulous wealth, such as the "North Pole," "Columbia," "Golconda," "Bonanza" etc., etc. Development work on the Grizzly group has disclosed a gold bearing ledge of remarkably high value, development wojk has progressed and there is every reason to expect the property will become one of the greatest mines in Oregon. Read Our Proposition Carefully A limited amount of Treasury Stock is offered for sale at SIX CENTS Per share, payable cash down or in twelve monthly payments, the funds realized being used tor opening up the property and making a producing mine of ii. The purpose of the company is to have a steady inflow of cash to meet monthly pay roll and expenses incidental to acthe development work. This can" be realized by selling stock on monthly installments just as well as if selling for all cash. lifrL -Utl-v AnnM-I. ill. . Thl' ""wli'K "Htr ' "'J lnnlrtr lor the pwcli.ue nf Ttiusurv Svuk 2.000'SHARCS T ( GI I lfJlKtlDICv v yDDCJlIUnil V ftao.ooiTiuM. io pen month until paid, larqcr blocks or stock on pr I'porlunlH ill Kilning inncimun priihts in iituil cili n', II bring rnnslJereJ j tertilnlv tint lone brhnr llie rrmnililv p.i) merit sli.ill he iiuje, jolve development w iimii. en tnr ip,n iiuikiI, evri nines Hie value .it uliltli It It no being puuli.irJ; with slnini; piop.lrllin lint value iu pe .ill nne4. sjrcilpticii nir uu'k ni.iv llSK ii SUMI'llf, Suniptrr, ( In tlir Srrlv ul tin- (.'impinj Inr piupettus .tnj tuilhrr Inlninialliin, .iJJrrw Oc rCR SHART. PRO RATA SCALC rcrv amifjmi; im rill mike iIik vtcKk be ent Hi the IlKxr McrcMCNCca; rMt o. tuMita, Omi Cifiliw llntt BanlM Cirf Owiqom Grizzly Gold Mining Co., Sumpler, Ore. TAKHS TIIK BLACK VEIL. P.tticht'r of Mr. and Mr. John Ggtn Htnmmca the World. On I IiuImI.iv llip imivrnt t h.iprl nf St. Iiicil's At.idemv was Ihr Mcnr ol tlir solemn r c 1 1 1; i i 1 1 ol pinlrssloo, I vw ptrsous, wrailug thr while veil of the UnVUe, ptrM-lllt-d tllrillsrlvis brittle Itrv. Joseph Chi.iunlr, S. I., to m.ike binding thr mmpaii alreadv madr mi en trrillg religion, bvs.MllliK It with tlir vows I pnvtrtv, v'luMlty and nbrdleiue. Ilir o.iiKtn.iry ilrcoraiiDiis writ taste fully aiitl rllntlvelv amugrd. Numrrnus w,i I ipris burned around tlir tabernije. dioUr llowris wrir massr.l on tlir altar, and pi into tillc.l rvrrv available space, tlir sunlight gllinmrinig through thr windows llo.tdr.l thr illiprl with It- mrl In v aii.l vatird lints iiul rrsted mi tlir N'Wrd heads nl lr .i.lotrts. I hr friidltinii ul heautilnl s.urrd tputiriN bv thr iiirtnl'rrs nt St. M.irv's rtnii .iilJrJ nir.itlv In thr sulriiiiillvnt thr o. vision. I hr nov'.rs who ni.ulr thrii rrli)lniis prolrssi.m wnr Sllrt M l'iirilrs (Miss t.l.tli i mm. o! I'rn.llrtmi), .inJ Sistrr M. Bonus i Miss Miry AUri , of I'rniisyl. Vliill.ll. In onlrt to,' (licit Ijvrs t t thr srtvkr ol ( io,l ,in,l to c.itrv mil thrlr lilh tnj llulv vo. itloti, thrv ihosr t ir I'l.lrr ol St. I'i.-hms, thr hmhrst ,i(m . t win Ji is thr rthu.ition of vmith, to -'low torili t.i thr worM thr clory .iiul no-, l-ihtv ol riliuMttmi. Msirr . PrixeJrs is thr ulltcJ iltunli trt ot .)r. anj Mrs. J.tim ( i.ircii, fonnrtlv t IVmllrtoii. Mr. (iinrti, his wllr .iml s.-n, i.otiip,uiir by iii.iiiv trieiuN trntn H.iUn Ciij, Sninptrr, .m.l IViullrton, witnrssrj tlir irtriuony. I:;ist Oiroii im. M!ttjkfii Ideiiiiiy. t,l nir in .iiitusiiti! o,vurirtu-r that 'i sninr ol I . K islurJ's Inr.ijs last ' I liursdav. B. H. Williams, ot Palmisr, has brrn rnnaRrJ at Case Furniture Co' store for srveral weelts. Mr was about leaving mi a visit to thr great wheat v:il leys anil was ,'u'coiiipauleil by a verv pre pnsrssiin yuiiiiR lady mi the cars to Bakrr. On arriving there Mr. Manning stepped up ami shook hands with, as he thoiighl, Mr. Wlshard. Thr geutleiiian addressed said: "I am not Mr. Wishard, but it's nil right. II stand it, I can." Wlille they were talking up came Brother Ural, nl McKwrn, and said: "How do you doMr.Wlshard?" "Mynamr is Williams" said the double of Mr. Wishard, "This Is i the third time today I have been mistaken lor the handsome young inrrchaiit. Only this morning Mr. Sliutt addressed nir as Wishard, and now it has just brrn repeat' rd bv von two gentlemen. I begin to wonder who I am, anyway." I he dom inie rrspoudrd, "Well, either of you might (rel complimented at thr mistake." Promising CUims Near Town. Samples nl ipiart. trntn a very promis ing claim mi I ahe creek, tour miles from town, were shown at Mcl.eod " Com 's oilier a d.iv or two since, and the ownrrs think thrv havr thr nuking nf a niinr thririu, which is not improbable. I he il.itms, kn iwn as the Pride of Ore gon and i:tnisinii, werr loeatrd last fall ' and arr ownrd by P. 1). Uralrv, I.. Put in and Briuatd Plyiiu, all of Sunipter, and bv them air being devrloprd at this tlmr. A tiiuutl of forty frrt run on the vriu has inu'iiwrrd a good looking qu.iiU said tn run wrll up in ilurs. A large prucutagr ol lion also uiakrs it an at tr.utlvr proposition, bring neat a smelter,' wlirrr such ores ate valuable, whether thev carrv well in gold and other metals or not. One of tlir owners is authority lot the statement that over 5v values vetr hid at the grass roots, smcr when it has Improved. Ask tor the Columbia beer, brew eJ in Sunipter. SPOKANE Drug Co. 'V? Only exclusive whole sale drug house in the state. We sell only to merchants. Make the best prices on min ers' and assayers' sup plies. Freight no higher than from Portland. Write for quotations. Spokane Drug Co. Spokane, Wash. Sumpter j Bottling Works (iagen cv Sloan, Proprietors. .S - . . Manufacturers ol all kinds of car bonated drinks and ciders. Or ders fillrd and shipped on slunt notice. s? s5 4 4 4 SUMPTRR, - - - OREGON FIRST BANK OF SUMPTER (mCOHPOHATf o) Capital Stock 5:o,ooo f IIOI.S .1. II. kubhln, PrrslJenl .1. W. Sorlls-r Vid-1'ri.iiJvnl N.-jn.l. t.'ailrr iiki:nms. .1. W. Sc rltvr H. . .Miller J. W. .MeaJ Cljik.SnyJe .1. II. Hnbtbit Transacts a Ccneral Bnnltins and K. change Business. No lnlrret I'alJ .ti t)eikllk. GOOD THINGS TO EAT ll AT E. P. Bergman & Compa'y GROCERS Mill Street, Wood's Building. x t I -v , t