i6 THE SUMPTER MINER. Wednesday, July 2?, 1900 TALK OF THE TOWN. Mr. Killein leaves today on .in ex tended trip e.iit. Dr. Greenlee, dentist, is located over the Sumpter Drue company store. V. I. Hopkins and I:. J. Baker, of Hums, passed through Sumpter yesterday. I'rivate hoard $4.20 a week, No, 422 Mill Street, brick building south of depot. Mr. and Mrs. 1. W. McKiney, of Prairie City, were in town Monday, guests ;it the Capitol. Dr. Hrock expects to leave in n day or two for I'rairieCity and the Hot Springs, to be absent several days. Joe Iteed, of the Raid Mountain, is now taking his vacation and, very sen sllily. is spending it on I'uget Sound. H. II. I'fil., who has retained his ineicanllle interests nt Republic, expeits to return to that northern camp at an early t.iy. Miss KMiauis, who lias a class In H. VV. Hamilton returned to Sump ter Sunday morning, having been re called by wire to examine a properly here. He will start east again when his work Is finished, to negotiate the sale of the (jipsey King properly, recently located and opened in Cable Cove. It is said that Prank Ashley has closed a deal uilh Colorado people for a bond on his properly at the mouth of Ruby creek. There are three claims in the group, uliicli are situated .1 short distance from the Red Hoy. The work done so far has been mostly of a prospecting nature and the ledges show up well. The new men have started work and will push matters with a good force of miners. Deimiuat. Scenic Line of the World. Fur an enjoyable trip east, take the Denver ' Rio ( irande railroad, Scenic Line of the world. Three daily trains be tween Denver, Colorado Springs, Pueblo and all eastern points, and all points on the Pacilic coast. Most mauulliceut seen- drawing at Maker City, has been spend-'ery on this continent. The leading tea- inn ' few days with the family of her I lure in connection with the trip i that the brother here. I through trains pass through the scenic J. II. Wllhey is running a .oo-foot tun- ;""" ' '' '' n'nuiilal.i!. in ..-I I.. thr I ro ,.r,,nii. I,ie.-.ll n-.-.r Al.-mi. -"" "' "K". '"- ."uimj; ,..!-, ... . ... .... ...w ft ,-, ...,.., . ,........, mi the Little Heaver creek. 'I lure are 1 three claims in the group. j Large quantities of concentrates are, being hauled in flom the mines fur ship incut to the vaiions distant smelters. The lepot yards are covered with piles of the sacked trr.iMire. sengers a Cool, pleasant and enjoyable ride, Iree from dust and the annoyances esperieuced via other lines. Superb din lug car service 011 all through trains. Service a la carte, pay for what you order. I hrough standard anil tourist sleepers. Stopovers allowed on all classes of tickets anywhere between Ogdeu and Denver. ..vi.rif il.iv Hi,- slim li.-r.li-r.. u-lni Ii.ivh liill " y"r nearest ttcKet agent lor their Hoiks hi (lie surrounding near by Ikkels, rales and all Information, or ad hills, come into cauin with two or three 'J'""'! It. C. NICIIOI., or a doeu or more pack ponies alter salt for the sheep. It is learned that Simon I:. Lane will ii'tmu to Sumpter from eastern Oregon in a frit days and begin development work 011 some properties he has bought in the Canto Cove district. Under brush I ires hive been burning south ol town for several days past, hverythiug being so dry, it Is a wonder that the forest trees have not caught lire and much damage done. Pied Stolt, of the Hem, and Miss Kate Wthli, uf the John Day valley, were umiried at Maket City Thursday. After a vMl In Plod's old home at La t irande, they will return to Sumpter to reside. A lire alarm was turned in Monday jiltrriioiiu Itoui the Capital hotel block. 'I hodi'parluirut re-ponded with gratifying promptness and put out the lusipient blare, which was In the laundry of that hotel. Iliultleheriv picnics have been occu piug the time ot iIiom- bent on pleasure tin- past few days. The uop Is veiy short this season. I hole are said to be .1 bountiful supply ol goose berries, how ever, on the reeks. (ienernl Agent, Portland, Ore. Through the Yellowstone. The new route via the Oregon Short Line Railroad and Mnuida, Mont., enables you to make a delightful trip through the Yellowstone National Park, entering via Monida and coming out via Cinnabar, making it unnecessary to cover any por tion of the route twice. For beautiful descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore gon Short Line Ticket Oltice, 142 Third street, Portland, Oregon. " The Portland", conducted by Gus Woodward on Mill street, is fully a representation ol its name. A visit will convince you of this. When you travel the Rourne road re member liamard has all the latest remedies for dust in the throat. A nice cool pitcher of Weinhard's beer 25 cents, at Henry Finger's, Center street. WeihhardV. beer on draught at Henry Flngei's; 10 cents per glass. For Sale Saddle and briddle, in good condition. Apply at Till: MINER oll'icc. UONTKICk "Old age brings experience, and some kinds of experience brings old age. JUST MARRIED FOLKS Some others, too, no doubt, will need furniture for theli new homes. We are ready to serve them. We have already supplied satisfactory furniture for hundreds of new homes; we can do as well for hundreds more. Our stock allows easy selection at all times. There Is always plenty here for every room in the house. All our Roods ate priced on a cash basis and it will pay you to gis e us a call. Hed Room Suits, $15.00 Red Room Suits, better ones, Eastern Hardwood, 17.00 Wall Paper, per double roll, (umpir tin-), 15c to 1.00 Queen City Furniture Co. Patterson & finger Phone Red jfii. HAKER CITY, ORIiGON GROCERIES Crockery, Glassware, Tobac co, Cigars, Oranges, Candy and Nuts. Everything carried in a first-class grocery store At The SUMPTER GROCERY COMPANY ELLIS BLOCK, SUMPTER, OREGON. $) JUST RECEIVED A NEW LINE OF TELESCOPES AND GRIPS . j j j Neill Mercantile Co. SOLE AGENTS FOR CARSON'S CELEBRA TED GLOVES j M .2jfsr ?Xf W. II, CAtJE. ProMrnt T. O. IIARRISON,Vlc-l,re.anJTrMi. TIIOS. McnWCN. fifttrral Mincer Sumpter Transportation Co most conplute livery equipment in Eastern Oregon. teams al ways READY TO GO ANYWHERE Daily Stages to Canyon City, Prairie City, Bourne, Granite, Hed Boy, Bonan za and Golconda Mines. Hauling Heavv Machinery a Specialty. Freight For warded to all Points in the Interior. GOLDEN EAGLE HOTEL RE-OPEiNED UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT To Be Conducted on the III First-Class Restaurant European Plan 'n Connection T. T. DANILSON, PROPRIETOR Sample Rooms for Commercial Men. SUAPTER, OREGON Elite Steam Laundry White Labor Popukar Prices Prompt Delivery Satisfaction Guaranteed.... PhoneMainjij S. W. SHERRARD, Mgr. South Mill St., Sumpter, Ortcon m ..