The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 25, 1900, Page 15, Image 15

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It. V. Meal. )iU McCnv.all ol AUUtn, On-con.
WpHnpcrliv, lii'v """, tOOO.
Anv an J all potions claiming adversel) the above
desirlbed linds are requested tnlile their iltimsln
tills othie on or before said ith div nf August,
Ham. I.. W. ItMmiTT. Neglster.
T" the Honor ille ( ounl (.ourt of Hiker Count),
' )regon
We. Hie undersigned, pi-tltlon nur hniwriblc bndv
to jranta Utilise to(. W. Wlegnn.1 to sell spirit
nil, malt and vinous ll.uors In less oumtliles ill in
oif gallon at llnurne , Hiker Counts, Oregon.
W H Srencer. J C. Post. I 1 Husk. J L Hums. V
H ttatesty, CO lncli. VJ ttobertson. H l Wirn
vjk.UiisCHill. las Lrsurord. S I. Straub. Pan
r irrv. p W (.hrli.obher. I H Mustt. I'd Gmlon.
rnnk.Muriav.W M Coekiell. (i P Bilrd. (1 W
K,rn. C I- kar. Wm lllalr lien C. Mall. J (. White.
.lickMathKlu.C, N Tailor. C H Hums. S Husk.
M W HerkMlth. Owen Harris. Tom Cilvirl. O Mil
rg, J II Ludkc. I d mlth, A .1 Jackson. . lien
Sticks. ri'Oikes. Wpi Wlegmd. V ( lohnson. A
M Hamilton. C L Huntington, U Hommeil, P Mc
rvmalJ, W M Irancl., J ! llnvllle. Christopher It
U"v. I. II latv.l. II Oiok. lohnk'lnn-r. A I) Van-
(walker, duties Lngle.
Notice Is herein given that the said fi W. Wle
r ind svlll applv to the said Countv Court ol Haker
ounty. Ote)-on, tor the granting o( slid license on
September, . Hi. to"o. or as soon therealler as lilt pe
t'on can be lie-trJ-
0. W. WHUIsND.
f-i the llonorible Count) Coutt of HaVer Count),
Male of Oregon
We. the undersigned, nur petitioners, respe, Itullv
epresent thit e ireeich anj all residents and legil
m u rs of Hourne precinct. In sild cnunt anJ state,
rd we ask that a license be grinted M I . I. Ilmsen
ird J. L-Williams tn sell and dispose of tplrltous,
fnous and malt lluors In the town ot llnurne, In
Iviutne preclnit, llaker count). In less o,uinilt!e
tiin one gallon, tor the period nf sin months.
Cecil tie O S llo.eason, V.i Smith, W M I rands,
rdibtAndeison, IMirant. W W(iiene. I' II Davis,
.lai k Mattock, John Cosgrove, W S Ross. I-1' Oaken
I J McCarvel, IreJ Anlenilrth, (ieo (i Hall, Tlios
Vkfjuire, Con McCaulv.Jit Crawford, John k'uin
tiir. II I. Turner. I A .Mlkel. J I Mahonev. W Hovve.
.J .1 ttussel, AMallrerv.Cllnt Mnsnrth, Peter John
M, W II I'addnck, C (i Klnnlinn, Orln Hinls, Da
vnl l.velanJ, CD l.xncli. Joe KanUIn, I rank Kernlvk,
lien Kinser, Peter Knhhlance, A l Vandewalke, 1 S
Martin. John T Hush, K l Warnock, J V. McVlckir,
j P Halrd, I rank Murraj . (itiv Harris. A LnnMen
Msef, A M Himllinn, (ieo K (itint, ( W Kerns, t) in
arty. Pert Husk, C)W Newlrn, C.C Huntlnetnn, L
H lav, I. A Wren. I C Hums. Hi White. J C Post.
Ail,.! .1 T I'ramotL-r. (ills AnJerson. J II
'.'rk, W II Spence, (irant Aiketman, IJ Pelaney,
I) A Moore. John WarJ. M A MearJ. It J Watson,
I I. II snr. h'iwarJ HvJi-. I rank J Halt. C. I
iar. 7eb Has, Joseph I jnj, j (.laton, John Hurt
rran, Wm Hints, (ieo Penman, J C Clavtnn, T D
intlcv, J I) McDonilJ. I ee C I'arl, I: II Macpher-n-n,
John CSculle. I" A Smtt, W C RiKknooJ, N
A'tenhofrn. (i C Sims, J II James, Hi Huston. Tom
nKert. Chis lliuett. Patrick Htrklns, A O Brink
ouin, (.lint llaurt, Tlios iMcCormlck, v C Irhnson,
Wm VetKer. John (irlfltn, II I. CaJJ. V. O Nelson.
Vntlce Is hetebv ifUrn tint the silj I'. I Hansen
r J J I. Williams will applv tithe saij Cnuntv Omit
Raker cuntv, Oregon, lor the granting ol s.ilJ
license on August itt, ir, or as soon thereatter as
it eli petition can be heirJ. L. J. II Nsr.
J. I- Willi ms.
t I'nlteJ Stiles l-mj Oture.
I IjitiranJe, Oregon,. lunet, iO"".
' Notice Is berebi giien Ihit In cnmrllince with the
i provisions ol the ictol t.ongressof June t. tBiS. en-
title.) "An act for the sale nl timber linJ In the
States nt lUllloinli, Oregon, VeaJi, inj Wishing
ton Terrltorv," as extenJeJ to all tin. Public t-inj
Stites b .lit of August 4, i8,w.
sMll! Nil It VMIlsdN
ol Haines, countv ot Haker, Stite ol Oregon, his
this Ji tiled In thlsoltiCL- his sworn stitimenl No I
rj?4.tor the purchase of the e't se, su 'i se1 , sec- 6 .
nw'i ne'i ot seillon No. ?, In township No. 8 s.
i rmge No tR I.' W. M., anj will offer ptont to show I
tint the lanj sought Is more alu iblc tor Its timber or I
1 stone than for agricultural purposes, anJ to estibllsh I
his claim to saU lanj before the Hegistrr anj He- i
Celierot Li (iranje, Oregon, on We-t-neJa,the
ti Jav ol August ns
He names as Henri Sti-wut, C. I. '
J Richa-Jsnn, Prank Ketcliitm anj Due viemge, all of j
Haines, Oregon. (
An anJ all persons claiming ajierselv IheaNne
JescrlbeJ lands an- requesteJ to tile their claims In
this otlKe on or before saij J-nJ Ji of August, iw.
I". W. IIVWIUTt. Register. I
I I OR PtlllltCVIION. ,
I llnltej Slites I mJ Older,
i la (iranje, Oregon, June i. v.
I Notice is hereby given that In lompllmce wlih the
provisions ol the act ot Congress ot lune . i8j8,
i entitled "An acl lor the sale ot timber Imlslnthc
states ot dlltornla, Oregon, Ne 1 1 1. and Washing
ton Tetrlmrv ," as eslendrJ to all the Public Land
Stales by act of August 4. I)',
I of llaker Clti, county of Hiker, Stale ol Oregon, Ins
this Jav filed In this uflicotils sworn stitemmt No.
tl, tor the purchise of the sr'i l section No.
it in Township No. 11 snuth, range No
10 r. W. M., and will oiler proof to show
that the land sought Is more i aluable tot its timber or
stone than tor agricultural purposes, and to establish
tils ilalm to said lind helnre the Register md Re
ceiver ol this oltice at la lirandt, Oregon, on lliurs
da, the luth dav ol August, .
He names as wltnessi . lh tries .M. I oslir, O. I .
, Munn, S. H. Wart and Ljmin L. Aushoin, all ol
Haker On , Oregon.
Any anj all persons claiming adv erselv the abov e
desvribed linds ire requested to tile their claims In ,
this othce on or beloru said toth d iv ol August, io.
I-. W. Ilvitlirit. Register.
t , T1MBIIR LAND, ACT JUNI: ), 1878. ,
Agent for MnttliiK
Iv and Moore Whis
key a M-year-old
whiskey a hihkI as
HIKIr of Lite. All
whiskies are out nf
t'oiul and guaran
teed the genuine ar
ticle. Popular re
.sort for Commer
cial Travelers and
.MlMMS Al'I'IK sliov N( if
.suvu No. '
United Stales Land OMlcf,
la (iranje, Oregon, June u, tv. i
Notice Is hereby given that C. L. Preble, whose
l-stofi'ce address Is Sumpter, Hiker Count), Ore
iiii.liai made ipptlcallon lor a pilenl for hot 1
I near leeton the (iiav lagle lode bearing gold, vuor less Iret on each side ol slid lode, and
lending south 55 deg. s mln , west IM7 teet trom
r enter ill dlscnver post, and i.oitli tidei;- i mm..
Mil o.i leet from center ef said discover) post,
Mtuatedln no organleJ mining Jlstrlft. (irant Co.,
O-egon.and Jescilbedln the ottiilal plat and hitd
rotes on file In this office; as follows, to-wlt:
lleglnnlng at corner No. 1. whence the i- corner
in sections and 1 ! tp o s, r f e. W. M. bears n ,t
ih j, mln. e 41c leet.
it tnce n 01 deg ?i mln. w )i fvet to vomit No. 4.
Thenve n J 1 Ji g i inln. e, nitS.i teet to miner
H 5.
Thence n pi Jet'. 11 mm e, aji.ti leet to coimr
thence s( 1 deg, lit mln e u teet to corner No s.
thence s 11 Jeg i mln, w mi feet to inrner
" 's
Ihencesudeg 14 mln w liet to cor No. 1,
I flue ol is-glnnlng, c outlining 18.44 aires
the loc itlon ol this mine is reiorded In the ollice nf
1.1 Countv Cleik ot (irant ( jiuntv , ( )regon, on p ige
it, volume I ol Mining Locations. Anlolningclsjm
i.nisare (ngo lode, v . . S. 144 md I ranlon, NIc-
line, Attis, driv Ligle No. 7, War lagli, OJd
l-ellow, llobson ind ( oncorj lodes, all unsurveved.
Ml persons holding adverse ilaims thiietoare re-
rei to present the s ime belore Oils oihce within
ltv davs trom the lirst di) ol pullUatlon lienol, or
tt.iy will be barred b virtue of the provisions of the
t Unite.
I' W. HvHU.tT. Riglsnr.
Ilrst Usuc lun?f, 101.
lavl Issue Jsepl. 5. iouo
I'nlted States Lind (lime, j
la (irande.Oregon, Xij 10, ru.)
Jrtlce Is henbv given that In cnmpllince with the
I visions ol Hie ul ot (.nngiess ol lune 1. iUrf,
ti titled "An art for the sale ot llmbti Imd.lli the
stairs of Cilllornii, Oregon, S'evadi. and Washing
11 11 Terilturv, as istended to all the publlv lanj
.ies b ail ot August 4, iftd.
trfvvts C.AII-.ViXiIi,
ot McLwen, Countv ot Haker, Stite ot Oregon,
hus this da tiled In this omce tils sworn statement
V i- e?o, lor t'ie puivlnsr nl the 'i n , see J. s ' j
ne j ot sec N'o 11, In township No. m south, r inge
Mi, I. V M,. ind will oiler pro-il to show that the
1 1 1 d sought Is mote valualle lor Its ilmber or stone
Ih an tor agilculturat purposes, and In establish his
claim to said land brlme the Register and Receiver
ot Mils oltice at Udtinde. Oregoi, on I uesiiv the
7 tli da) of August, iijom ..,.,,
lie rnius as uliniss.s Anwll wl A.iliri Cook,
' ttnlled States Lind Omce. I
I Ij HranJe. Oregon, Miv is, ii)m. I
1 Notice Is hereb) given tint In compllince with the
provisions ol the ait ot (ingress ot June 1, 11)78,
I entitled "An act for the sale ol timber lands In the
I States nf California, Oregon, Nevada and Wishing
ton Tetritor) ," as extended to all the Pulllc Land
Stitesb) .11 lot August 4. iHuj,
ot Md.'wen, countv of Hiker, State nf Oregon, Ins
this da tiled in this ottue his sworn stili-ment No
6t. lor the puuhaseof then'j sw , ol sec 114, tp
I in South. Hange No. 18 '.. W. M, and will otter piihiI
, to show Hut the I ind sought Is more taluible tor Its
limber or stone than lor agrli ultural purposes, and to
estibllsh his claim to said lind before the Register
and Reciiver ol thlsoftiieat La (irinde, Oregon, on
Wednesdi),the 1st dav ol August, ioi.
He mmes as witnesses lohn (.alhoiin. InhnAti-
Henrv, Joseph Dels, Junes Woile),. ill ot Sumpter,
1 Any and all persons claiming adverselv the ibove
desirlbed linds ale reijuestid to tile their claims in
this oilice on or belore said 1st d iv ot August hm-
I i:. W. IIMMIITI. Register.
United SLites jnd Oltice,
Li (iranje, Otegon, S if, inm. (
I Notice is herebv given tint in cnmpllince with the I
I provisions nf the act of Congress ot June 1, 1878,
I entltteJ "An act for the sile of tlmbet lands n the
states nlCalllotnla, On gon, N'evadi, and washing- '
ton Territlior)," as estmdid to all the pulllc land
states b) .11 tot August 4, itW, ,
of Alicil. Countv ot Union, Stite of Oregon, has
this div tiled in this nfllce his sworn statement No
Oi,lor the puriliaseol these', ne'i.e'j sel, ses jo i
and ne1, lie1, nl section .No. in tnwnstiip rsn.
in south, range No. it I. W M,. ind will nllirprnol
to show that the land sought is mote valuillelnr Its
1 timber or stone than for agricultural purpose., and
10 II vh his i,laim to slid lind bi lore the Regis
ter and Receiver of this ofliieat La (irinde. On
gon, on Thursda) , the aotli dx ot Julv. iui.i.
. He names as witnesses. A. S. Ifalt IVter, llngen
sen. Henrv StoJdard. (ieore Stoddard, ail ot ump
ter.Oregon. I An) and all persons cl liming adversely the ibove
, described linds are ie)uesteJ lo till thilr clilmsin
this oil Ice nil or belore slid 2MI1 div ot Julv , i'm
I. W llvwiliu, Reglstir.
j DniteJ Slates Lind Ofilce,
I ladrande. Oregon, lune t, imn
I Notice Is hereb) given that in coinpll ince with the
provisions of the ait ot Congress ot June 1, ih7U,
I entitled "An ail tor the silenl timber I in Is In the
Si lies nl Cilllornii, Oiegon, Ntsadt.anJ Wishing
ion Teirltor)," as estenJed to all Hie I'ulllc land
1 Stales b) act ot August 4, 1U14,
Jisl-iu wiiKIIV.
ot Mel wen, ( nuntv ol Hikir, State of Orevron, his
this div tiled in ihls oltice his sworn statement No
on, tor the pure! ae ol the lot . SW ', M ','. W1,
St.', ol Seiuon No. 0 In lownship No. 11 s, Hinge
So if, L. W At . and will oiler prof I to show that
Hie land sought is mete vilialle lor Its timber or
stone than lor agricultural and to estab
lish tils ilaimtnsild lanllelnre ihe Riglsiir an I
Receiver nt this nnice .11 litirande, Ou.'on on
Siluidiv. the 1st d iv ol Sepii inl-er, ig.i.
He mines as wltnetsrs- (nant Stubiick, William
lockhari. Wllilnn, viiaham, Peter lloison all of
Mr I wen Oregon.
Anv and ill persons claiming advtrselv the above
descnied lind. ate requested 10 tile their chins in
this orhce on or beloie siid isl Jav nt S pumtu
I llMIUTI, R.g .lit
Pelton Water Motor
Is su Miprrior to all others as regards sttenth, diirahilitv and economy of
water, lul.KtalltlMtctMistilules.i MKili CLASS WAI'KH MOIOK.
as to admit nf no comparison, ad tpted to every variety of service and
made ol bles v.irving from tile fraction nf I up to 100 II. P. Recent
Mieulilic trNt made at the Michigan University in connection with sev
eral other motors claimed tn he the best on the market showed 45 per
cent higher elluiency in lavorof tavor ol the PULTON, while the rela
tive cost per II. P. to huv was only one-third to one-hall that ot others.
Water companies desiring to make (he best of their water supply should
disaiminate in favor nt the Plil. TON. Deliveries made from New York
tor San Prancisco, as niav .illnrd Ihe best Height rates. Circulars tree.
One ol theMJ motors can be seen ,tuv time operating 'I IIP MINI l presses.
Uj I ibertv Street,
New Yolk.
I3VI2" Main St.
San Praucisco, C.itif.
Mork Room Mori- Goods
Since the remnval nl the Post
Ollice, giving us the entire usr
ol the stole room, I have mater
ially added In the stokk a New
and Presh line of t .4 j
' Dry Goods, Fancy Goods,
j Clothing, Hats, Shoes, Etc.
A better opporiuulty is .iltorded
us tn h indie Ihe trade, and mir
CASH PRICI-S hive proven a
drawing cird since the CASH
SYSI'liM was luanguialed
KahTH'iil'e, W. K. HAWLEY.
Eureka Feed & Livery Company
J. L. SULLIVAN, Manager.
Horses Boarded by the day or Month. Hrst
class turn-outs and saddle horses. Our spec
ialty is the quick and safe delivery of freight
and passengers to any and all points.
Sumpter Forwarding Co.
General Storage, Commission and Forwarding.
Warehouse and office, S. V. '1 rack
SUMP I hit, OKI:. .ON.