The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 25, 1900, Page 14, Image 14

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Wednesdav. July 25, 1900
This is the Only Industry Ex
empt From That Curse.
All thinkers have arrived at the conclu
sion trusts are a dangerous menace,
not only to thr small trader and middle
man, hut the investor and capitalist. The
Immense combinations of wealth, leading
to ultimate concentration, can now, at one
stroke, crush the manufacturer and des
troy any one or all of the industries, witli
single exception. John Hrlsbeu Walk
er, In an article on trusts in the Cosmo
politan says:
"A man whose father was one of the
great operators ol Wall street, who con
trolled so many millions that he was able
to wreck or make great enterprises, said
to the writer recently .it a dinner, that all
investment was becoming doubtful; he
did not know where to put a dollar. All
Classes ol enterprise w ere so largely at tile
disposal of manipulation in the "street,"
one day depressed far below par and the
next raised far above, always with a like
purpose, the one of serving individual in
terests, that investment in secuiities
quoted on the street had become a lottery.
It was In the power of lour or live men by
manipulation of the. slock, or by starting a
paralel enterprise, or by any other of the
numerous methods so well known, to
make or bleak anything or .mybodv.
Here were the methods of tin- father be
ing applied to the son's disadvantage.
I ireater wli lies had appeared in the seas,
which were capable of swallowing the '
sharks; the sharks were in jeopardy."
As to the remedy; will be a ques
lion of mine import to the nation than
any which has yet eugiossed the attention
o its Solons. hut as stated before, there
is one ami only one industry exempt from
the tentacles of a trust. It is the mining
industry. Were the gold mines of the
world to be under the control of a single
trust, and one miner to control a single '
gold mine, his product would be at all
times as marketable at a lixed ligure as
that of the great trust. No combination, ,
no matter how strong, can dictate to (lie I
individual miner ol preJnus metals.
Mining and lingineering Iteview.
Town Council Proceedings
At the meeting of the council Saturday)
evening, the recorder's report was sub-i
milted and approved. That re- J
guested that the council have his books
experted. I he health ollicer was in-1
structed to investigate and report on the
feasibily of constructing a sewer in the
alley of block 11, where the opera house
stands, There is much liouble witli the
pieseut drain there. The health ollicer
repotted tliat theie is one had case in the
pest house of the undetermined eruptive
disease which prevailed here last winter,
that came in from some outside district,
and suggested tliat steps be taken tnquar
aiitiue against similar iases. Some dis
cussion wis slatted rel itive to the short
water supptv. Alderman Stlnsou staled
that the supply would be ample in a tew
days; that the ditch is now being thor
oughly repaired.
Through the Yellowtlone.
1 he new route via the Oregon Short
Line Railroad and Monida, Mont., enables '
you to mike a delightful trip through the
Yellowstone National Park, entering via
Monlvl.i and coming out via Cinnabar,
making It unnecessaiy to cover any por
tion ol the route twice. For beautilul
descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore-'
gun Short Line Ticket Oil'ice, 142 Third
street, Portland, Oregon.
Callforn'a Mutual Oil Stocks.
The California Mutual Oil company,
owning )ooo aires of the best oil land in 1
the state of California, has its first well
! down, which yields 200 barrels per day,
. with three other wells almost completed.
1 he Southern Pacific company's track
I will positively be completed to the wells
iby August r, when the company will
1 begin shipping. The stock of the com
pany is sure to advance at that time and
' continue to advance as more wells are
i drilled. The stock will soon be with
I drawn from the market. This is a guar
anteed investment. Call or write for
I prospectus. O. C. Mcl.eod Co.,
iSumpler, Oregon.
I Will Start Up August I, And be Operated
' By Water Power.
I W. H. Shoemaker, one of the owners
of the new Hour mill on Rock creek, was
jin the city yesterday. He says the
I machinery is all in place and that the mill
, w III he ready tor operation by the tirst of
I August. .
1 I he machinery was purchased of the!
Case Maiiut icturlug Co., ol Columbus. I
Ohio, and was placed in position by s. I). 1
Kcene, a millwright, of Port
laud. 'I he machinery Is the very latest
improved, being the full roller and sitter'
1 process. It has no superior in Kasteru
! Oregon. Mr. Shoemaker has spared no
expense in putting in as complete a little
' mill in every way as can be found in the
1 west.
'The mill will he run bv water power,
which is supplied in abuudiuce from
Riiik ireek, recognized as one ol the best
streams for that purpose In tills section of
the state. I'll capacity ot the mill can be
iucie.ised to 100 bariels at ;i very slight
1 cost.
II. C Hastings, of Cortland, an ex
perienced miller, has accepted the. position
ol head miller.
Mr. Shoemaker figures that he makes
a saving to the farmers of about 4 '1 cents
per bushel bv returning the sacks.
I he wheat crop in that section will be
good this season. Pine creek, Rock creek,
Muddy and North Powder sections will
produce in the neighborhood of 100,000
bushels ot wheat, which will make ,000
barrels of tlour. Mr. Shoemaker alone
will raise 7000 bushels this year.
The mill owners contemplate putting
in an electrk light plant ue.xt season to
light the mill and also Haines, live miles
I he mill is located about 16 miles from
this city and is the only mill in Haker
county. H.iker City democrat.
t ... THE . .
A. MANNS, Rroprietor.
j Butcher and Packer
J FlYSll and Cured
Meats and
I Sausage of all Kinds
1 .
General Htass and Iron Pounders
and Machinists.
Baker City
Iron Works
CtVQ. P. MCI.VNN, Proprietor ::::::
Special attention given to 1
repairing and rebuilding all 1
kinds ot machinery. ,
BakW C.itV. Telephone Red ibi
Capital Hotel
MRS. Ct. B. TfcDKOWfi, Proprietress
Centrally Located
Newlv Refurnished
Electric Lights
Free Bus and Baggage
Headquarters for Commercial and Mining Men.
Passengers Waybilled To all Points on Stages.
. Operated in Connection
Barber Shop with CaPital Hotel-
First-Class Work. Porce-
Baths lain Bath Tubs
A. (i ixviiisus, Mar..iK,r Sumpter, Oregon
(.LAUD IlklW.Ofvl.Olir
During the next jo days every
new subscriber to Thk MlNr-K who
pays 52.00 for one year's subscrip
tion in advance will be given one
assay for gold of any rock he mav
bring in. Kwi-k op Chargi-
Sumpter Miner
Sumpter, Ore.