The Sumpter miner. (Sumpter, Or.) 1899-1905, July 25, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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    Wednesday, July 25, 1900
SAMPLES AND ASSAYS. be had ,0 Ke,,,"K ,he pfPer proportions of
I each.
1 Hand-picked samples are never reliable
land should always be avoided. Exper
lenced mining men frequently take hand
Some Practical SlKjeestionS on I mP- of particular classes of the ore In
J a mine, have these assayed, and from
These Points. these results they estimate what grade of
ore they are mining. This may be cor
I rectly done, and it Is wonderful how close
1 to correct assays experienced men can
guess"; nut it is uncertain ai me nesi,
In former nrticlrs I laid especial stress
on the necessity o( sampling. I will Pre'" i
ace iiiv xlmrl artlclr liv quoting trom tlie
highest iiuthnrltv 1111 same.
"Accurate s.iinpliug isiiiilras essential
as .irrmatr assaying, for if the sample
dues not trulv represent the Int. ur mass,
from whKh it was taken, the subsequent
assiys will br valueless. I he assaver i
urclieniist will usually reieive the samples
alrn.nlv prepared, hut as he will occasion i
ally be (.ill-.! upon to lake his own
sample, a knowledge of the art ol samp
ling is"
In the Notlhwrst the tnajoiitv of sun
pies brought to an assayer are lakrn bv
thr prospeitnr, or other hitrrrsird partv,
and as the assay renin. ales ,ire olten
used as dot-iiiiieularv evidence of the
value of the property, the assaver should
hrvrrv (..ireful to state on the f.i.e ol
such cerliiiialcs e:ntly trom wln-iiu- he,
olitaincd tlie sample on wlii.h thrassiy
was made. ,
II an assaver samples tlie ore himself,
lie owes it to hiscllenl i 10 slat-, as il
doubles the value ol the cerllfuatr. If he
did not take I lit simple himsell he should
place the icspouslbililv ol Hie sample.
where it belongs, by stating who did lake
and dangerous for inexperienced persons
to attempt to be guided by such estimates.
Assays cannot be averaged, unless one
knows the actual weight ol the material
represented by each assay, and only then
by a long calci'lalinn, too long to be de
crlbed here, except briefly. In nine cases
out of ten when tlie "average assay of a
mine" is spoken of, it is incorrect and is
usually obtained by adding up a number
ol separate assays and dividing the sum
bv the number of such assays. It is
quite correct to ta':e an average sample,
have that assayed, and call It the average
assav; but this is seldom done. The cor
red average assay may be obtained by
multiplying the weight of each lots of the
oie bv the assay of such lot, add the,
products of such multiplitatiou and divide!
Ibis sum by the sum of the weights of the
various Ints of the ore. The quotient of
such division will be "the only correct
average assay" obtainable. O. M.
Itusrndale in Cortland 'telegram.
Wright-Van Vltct Nuptials.
(). C. Wright, of Granite, and Miss I..
Mae Van Vleet, of La ( Jrande, were mar
ried at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. J. II.
e oil stocks
Invest in California Oil Stock, selling now at $1.00 g
per share; 10 per cent down and 10 per cent monthly, z
it. Without someone known vmu h iik ' "ononis, in nus iowu wsi i uursuay
tor the ore of the sample, assay letlili evening, Rev., James Hyers officiating,
rates should ,,urv no weight as dmu I'he (ercinnuy was entirely private, being
ments. Ibis can best be accomplished witnessed only by Mr. and Mrs. Nubbins
by the assaver seeing to it that his print "J family. Hie parlor was beautifully
ed ceitllisate blank is worded to uiver the , decorated w 1th evergreens and cut tlowers.
desired points, (tiling the whole storv and The large fireplace, before which the
protecting him from any after talk. ' couple stood, was banked with smilax,
I must pmtest, also, against the habit , while everywhere were tastefully arrang
of (ertain assayers in filling in the value -J I" profusion white and pink carnations,
of the ore on the assay certificate, as they The bride was attractively gowned in
do, at Hie price of the metal In marketable while organdie, holding a bouquet of
shape delivered hi New York. It shows bride roses. After the ceremony was per
.1 gross ignorance on the part of the as , formed an Informal reception was held,
saycr as to thr value of the ore here, and at tended by a few Intimate friends. The
often misleads the prospector Irightfiilly, I'rtJe has for many years made her home
at the saint-time lurth.rlng and opening with Mr. and Mrs. Robblns, is a lady of
the door lor fraudulent practice. I have, hiihmi.iI culture, of rare accomplishments
sren, this summer, assay certificates upon ' -Hid is loved as a daughter by these good
which Hie copper ol s per vent ore was people. Mr. Wiight Is one of the rising IS (ruts, equal to MS per voung men of eastern Oregon, is a sue
ton, whcteasno smelter could afford to cessful merchant, Is of pleasing person
pay mote lliau about one-third that price. ' allly, ol much more than ordinary intelll
A good, practical rule to use in tigutiug tt,n' -"'d Is dlstined to play an important
out approximate values of a sulphide ore, Prt in the development ol this Inland
at nirsrut mitkrt quotations, is as lol Empire. Mr. and Mrs. Wright left for
ONI Hundred Shares of this stock will, in
the course of a few months, pay dividends of
from so to $300 monthly. This estimate is 5
based on results obtained by di idend paying
oil companies now operating adjacent properties.
Our company is "in oil," one well down gives
i tjo barrels per" day and several more wells are
almost completed. The stock will shortly be
withdrawn from the market. "
- Men who were poor a year ago arc million-
aires today. Only in oil propositions are such
results possible.
Call at our office or address us and we will
convince you by facts that the stock we offer
will give results claimed for it. z2
j You Cannot Afford to Miss This Opportunity ..
O. C. McLEOD & CO.
SB Sumpthr, Oregon
Allow ti. h (or everv pet cent of cop
prr the ore toutaius.
Allow 40 (ents toi rvery per tent ol
lead the Olr lOlltaills,
Allow sen ents for evetv mime ol sil
ver the oie (ontaiiis.
Allow o.(0 lot rvvty ounce of gold
the oie kimtains.
I liese values ate for ore delivered
tlie line ol l.lilwav.
I'he prospei tor has to sample his own
claim and wishes to know the truth. Nat
urally, I ask how he Is to do it, and tin
following rrinarks air lor his brnelit, not
for the professienal:
In sampling a lead, il the vein is so
that it will all have to go lor treatment, a
seitlou of unitorm thUkiiess right auoss
the whole face of the lead should be taken
lot ote samples.
Another, and quite as satisfactorv a
mrthod, is to sample all the rock that
inines out ol tlie piospect, or sample the
dump, it there is auv, bv Hitting chau
nels through It, on the same principle as
in sampling a ledge.
It must always be borne in mind in
sampling lliat thete is liable to be a great
difference brtwren thr dump and the tine
ore, and consequently a due regard must
their home In Granite
their marriage.
the day following
A complete stock of Dry Goods, Ladies and Men's Furnishings, Hoots,
Shoes, Mats and Clothing.
Portland' Prmarint Or Exhibit.
More than 750 mines of Oregon are now
leptesented in the. display of samples at
the permanent e liibtt of Oregon's re
sources, 246 Washington street. There
aie tour large cases of specimens, which
on 1 Include every district hi Oregon. Most of
the samples ate taken from working ore,
and show investors and those interested
in mines and mining actual values. That
the excellent collection is appreciated is
evidenced bv the number 01 people who
visit tlie place and examine the samples
daily. Mine owners themselves never 1
visit tlie city without "having a look
aiound." Every day new samples ol ore
are being received and placed in the per
maueiit exhibit. I'hey are labelled and
accredited to the proper district, mine and
owner. It is now the best mineral dis
play hi the Northwest, and serves as a
valuable object lesson in convincing
strangers ol Oregon's mineral resources.
Mote than one prospector and man of
means on his way to Alaska, after seeing
the display, has decided to cast his for
tunes with Oregon. Portland Mining
Parlor, Dining and Bed Room l:urniture in sets or separate piec
Beautiful line of Carpets, Linoleum and Mattings. Come in an
us explain why you can save inonev bv buying at home.
'We can positively do so.
Opera house Block - Sumpter, Oregon
nd let
' -
A. P. CJOSS, President
A. J. GOSS, Cashier
s Bank of Sumpter
trinitctt Cincral linking Itiilnm
Drafts drawn on all parts of tlie world. Special attention to collections.
Safety Deposit boxes for rent.