Wednesday, Julv 2!j, 1900. THE SUMPTER MINER. 1 1 JOHN ARMBRUSTER, President. Wm. STINSON, Vice-President. A. W. ELLIS, Secretary Columbia Brewing & Malting Company INCORPORATED. OPERATED under the management of John Armbruster, one of the most successful and experienced brewmasters in the West. Only the BEST OF MATERIALS used in connection with pure moun tajn water exactly adapted for the use. It is not surpassed even by any beer on the market. New Machinery, let Plant, Enlarged Stor age Facilities, Etc., Enables Us to Make a Beer Second to None and Constantly Improving .... Furnished in Barrels, Kegs or Bottles. USE A HOME PRODUCT.... racBoB Columbia Brewing & Malting Co., SUMPTER, OREGON. Fishy Game and Gamy Fbh StorUt. Professor Chester Robbius, who was out in the hills yesterday, encountered several deer, a band of elk and a lonesome bruin. The law's protection Mived the deer and elk from slaughter, but the poor bear, which by the way was not poor at all, but fat and sleek, had to suffer for the balance of animal creation and received a solid shot amldship. Prof. Robbins failed to ban him, but he is confi dent the bear received a severe shock to his nervous system. T. R. Needham came up from his North Fork mine Fri day and left Monday for Meadow creek in company with Wynn Stewart and Homer H.Davis on a fishing expedition. It is said the trout there are so numerous and voracious that it is really dangerous for a fisherman to appear on the banks of the stream without adequate means of defense. Rut the boys are well prepared to meet all emergencies arid wi probably return with numerous fish-scalps hanging to their girdles and several exciting stories about the big ones that got away. Lawton Standard. Rich Placers on Meadow Creek. What is believed to be the richest and most extensive placer strike made for a number of years in this Immediate sec tion is reported from Meadow creek, about -twenty miles in a northwesterly direction from Lawton. Messrs. Needham and Clayton were directed to the property by an old prospector, who stated that it had been located a great many years ago, but the party who did the location was now long since dead and there was no valid claimant to the ground. Thus far work on the ground has shown best results. The surface dirt and gravel was washed off a yard square of bedrock by the or dinary method of ground sluicing, and nuggets and coarse gold to the value of six or eight dollars were picked up by the men. The owners of the new find think they have a bonanza and will put on a force of men at once to work the property for all there Is in it. There is plenty of water In adjacent streams to work the ground either with sluices or giants. Lawton Standard. Encouraging Reports From the Hills. W. C. Calder and R. K. Casper have returned from an extensive trip through the mining districts to the west of Sump ter. They repeat the story brought In by every one who goes Into the hills on a tour of Inspection, that of great activity in mining, evidences of which are to be seen on every hand. They say, too, that as work progresses, as the shafts go down and tunnels are driven In, many good strikes are recorded; more in the past thirty days than during all of the prev ious time this season. ,' Through the Yellowstone. The new route via the Oregon Short Line Railroad and Moulda, Mont., enables you to make a delightful trip through the Yellowstone National Park, entering via Monida and coming out via Cinnabar, making it unnecessary to cover any por tion of the route twice. For beautiful descriptive booklet, write or call at Ore gon Short Line Ticket Office, 142 Third street, Portland, Oregon. "The Portland", conducted by Gus Woodward on Mill street, is fully a representation of its name. A visit will convince you of this. Go or send to the City Green house, Baker City, for choice carnations-, thirty five cents per dozen. Roses fifty cents per dozen. Quartz and placer location blanks of the most approved form for sale at THE MINER office. Keep your money in Sumpter and drink Columbia beer a home product. The Columbia beer, brewed In Sumpter, Is today as good as any made. The City Green house, at Baker City, furnishes choice cut flowers. POSSIBLY YOU ARE NOT AWARE OF THE FAST TIME AND SUPERB SERVICE NOW OFFERED BY THE A' O. '. 'j F We Have Dally. Fust Trains to the EAST If you cannot take the morning train, travel by the evening train. Both are fully equipped. OUR SPECIALTIES FASTTIME THROUGH SERVICE Through Palace and Tourist Sleepers. Dining Car and Buffett Library Cars. First-Class Free Reclining Chair Cars. Hours in time saved to Omaha. Chica go, Kansas City, New York, Boston and other Eastern Points. Tickets good via Salt Lake City and Denver. It Is to your interest to use THE OVERLAND ROUTE. Tickets and sleeping car berths can be secured from H. C. BOWERS, Agent O. R. & N. Co. Baker City, Ore. Or, J. H. I.ATHROP, Gen'l Agt. No. 135 Third St.,Portland,Ore. 0. R. a N. CO. Dbi-akt TIMl: SUII.DUI.KS I A8lllva ItomtlakerUty Chicago slt Lake. Denver, 1 1. a I'nrtlanJ Worth. Omaha. Kan Special iaa City. Si. louli, iu-4jpm Chicago an4 lUil. Atlantic Salt lake. Drnvcr, U. i-l p i.xpran Worth, Omaha, Kan- a:itpm ta City, St. Lnult, Chicago anj CaM. . 41 a m Walla Walla. lewltton. to af p n Spokane, Mlnneapullt St. Paul, Dututh. Mil waukee, Chicago anJ Cat. 8pm OCEAN STEAMSHIPS All Sailing datea lubtrct . . to change. T m I'nr San I ranclico Sail every 1 daya. Daily COLUMIIIA RIVLK Cx. SunJay STEAMERS 8pm Saturday To Aatorla anj Way ajpm io pm LanJIngi. Ex. SunJay 6am WIUMCTTI! RIVCR Cx. SunJay .,.. Oregon City. Newberg. 4: , r Salem. Independence tK, 'sinjay and Way-Landing. Tin WILLAMETTE. & YAM- nop Tun. Thur. HILL RIVI.RS Mon. Wed. anj Sal anj I rl. Oregon City, Da) ton, anj Wa)LanJlnK. 6am WILLAMETTE RIVLR Tue. Thur. Mon. WeJ. and Sal. pnrilind lo Corvallli anj hi. anj WaylanJIngi lve SNAKE RIVER Uiv. Rlparla Lewltloa l!A' ft ,n Rlpaila to Lewitlon ' Dally aam H. C. BOWERS, Agent, Baker City, Oregon